age, ami win from heaven a par don for its frailties and its follies. Like a proud tower of other davs, time-worn, bat unyielding, that lifts its brow to heaven, itself the image of eternity, standing amidst desolation, ho stands, in all the grandeur of intellectual solitude, upon a soulless waste, over whose dreary and cheerless bosom the eye of the mind searches else where in vain for shelter and a resting place. If there should prevail every where else a dearth of feeling and of thought, to him would I repair, as did the way farers of Israel to the moral foun tain, so sublimely typified in the rock of the desert. To him would I repair, to renovate, refresh, and sustain my spirit, as to an exhaust less source of truth, of virtue and of wisdom. But though we have such men of might among us, they continue here in the backwoods of North-Carolina, drifting quiet ly along the stream of life, their noble energies lost to their coun try, and expended, chielly, on mere private professional pursuits. Such is the deplorable absence of high feeling and patriotic pride among our people such their proiound ignorance, not only ol wnat concerns their honor and their rights, but their interests merely, that instead of arming and sending forth their strong men to the battle, they seem content to entrust the conduct of their politi cal ranks to the merest pigmies of the community. It is a fact, just ly mortifying to the pride of eve ry enlightened lover of his coun try, that though among the dele gation to the National Legisla ture, there be several worthy gen tlemen, yet many districts of our people have selected, as the guar dians of their political interests, and the champions of their noliti- al honor, men who are known to scd from honest, laborious, and self-devoted North-Carolina, is expended in other States. It is transferred to those States, wIkj do themselves the justice, to send to the national legislature, not to pers, and fools, and vagabonds, but men men whose characters and talents command for the inte rest of their people, a decided preponderance there. North-Carolina, the sixth state in the Union in numbers and intrinsic resources, is yet the very last in political dignity. She exercises less in llucnce and control over the mea sures of the national government, than the little state of Delaware, with a single representative. In the appropriate and emphatic lan guage of one of the few men in our national delegation, of whom we may be justly nroud. North-Caro lina is the Ireland of the Union. "In the sweat of our faces do we earn our bread," and pay to our masters what thev demand of us: and the only benefit which wc de rive irom it, with some honorable exceptions be it spoken, is the nri- vilege of sending a few cattle to Washington, to be stalled and fat tened there during the winter, on a part of the proceeds of our own labor. If ever we disturb the si lence of the hall of Odin, and min gle in the din of its gladiators, our "voice, is like that of one from the wilderness, whom no one hear cth." The expression of our wish es is met with bitter scorn, or calm contempt, and cold neglect, from the national legislature, and the national government. Why! lie cause the organs, throuirh which. in a great measure, we choose to communicate with them, are not entitled to respect themselves, and cannot, therefore, command it for us. but it, 111 "these pipinir times of peace," they are utterly inade quate to the great trust confided .1 her national council, as Daniel Barringer, Willis Alston, and Lemuel Sawyer? Will they pro tect us! am they protect us! 'Tis notorious, they neither have the sagacity nor the energy to do it. They have not the soul to stand up in the presence of the mighty men with whom they are absurdly classed, and in their faces calmly, but boldly, assert our rights, and advocate our interests. Pardon me, sir, I do not regai'd this as a place to bandy vulgar epithets. I have too much respect for the gentlemen with whom I am asso ciated, and before whom I now stand I have too much respect for myself, wantonly to . indulge here, in expressions of personal hostility. I cherish none towards either of those unfortunate men; but 1 feel indignant and disgusted at the degradation of my country, and it is under a sense of public duty that I speak, when I say that one of them, is not onlv without talents and without character, but not only a slave to mean and lowi lathe House of Representative propensities nf hiss mvn hut n Mr. Saunders's Rpsnlntmn the name of the person wl0 thorised the publication U ?fi" no doubt it originated hi sest motives, to injure an lemale there being no f0lUuat tor such a publication. J j, that your sense of justice the same time, see the propriety promptly contradicting the at statement. R READU We learn from the last Ralejfri Star, that Mr. Stanly's health hi improved beyond expectation. I! has been able, for several day to converse freely and agreealk with his friends, and it isnow ped he will be well enough to turn home in two or three week. Congress. The Woolen bill has gone to rest, in the Senate being made to give way to the Co lonial Trade bill, the discussion of which, it is supposed, will c0n. sume so much time, as to render the passage of the Woolen impracticable, 'at least during this L J . pimp and a caterer to the selfish and the sordid passions of a ma- lignant villain, and a vile slander- "I. r Mr. Saunders's Resolution, rnln' tive to selection of newspapers br the Secretary of State, tonrnim,!. gate the Laws of the Union, is er. Yes, he is governed by a fel- r still, for an hour each day, the fr irlw, ic, l.;,.;.,.ir . 1 I Cllltinrtt sC az. : tl.,1 r.wlr 1 7 1 111 I Ml xnu appropriation Dills, tor the current year, are also progressing in both houses of Congress to morrow is the time fixed by law for the termination of this session. liavc no honor of their own, and to them, it is dreadful, it is horri- no ability to defend it, if they had Lie to reilect, what our people man it. Well mav it ho said nf tlmm ''The ass knoweth his owner, and the ox its master's crib; but Israel doth not know, my people do not consider." The people do not indeed know, or consider what they do. I hey do not consider, that the national government, ha ving from the time of its organi zation, been invested with a strong control over most of the import ant objects of legislation, is now fast attracting, and drawing with in the verge of its power, every essential interest of the people; nd, consequently, that the thir teen men, deputed by them to the national legislature, are probably every day called upon to decide questions bearing more decisive ly and vitally upon their rights and welfare, than do the whole body of measures, which we here at home have to act upon, in a six weeks' course of legislation. It is not less appalling than disgus ting, to reilect on the inairnitude suiter from their imtintfnrv it. ,.V,1VJ j ill great and dangerous emergencies. And can we be so infatuated as to indulge the hope, that we are to be left forever to the calm and mi. disturbed enjoyment of our rights rights, to establish which, the wealth ot our lathers was exhaust ed, and their best blood poured j i"i i . . lorui like water: Jieheve me, no? Liberty is a divinity, whose favor, as it is not to be won. so nmihnr can it be kept, by the olfcrimrs 0f in ii o uuiincss ana luxury. Wisdom and virtue alone can propitiate her smiles; and never does her vo tary appear so lovely in her eyes, as when his glove of mail is dyed in gore. Sir, the time will come nay the time is coming, when. wiuiout the most Jieroical mild ness, magnanimity, and forbear ance, not this State only, but this mighty Union, is to be shaken and convulsed to its very centre; and it is in these halls it is in the halls of legislation, rather than the federal government, who holds a siliectire lllldnr tllf rrnr. v-.v eminent, and in the last three years has pocketed ten thousand dollars from the treasury of the Uni on, without having rendered a single act of service for it; but has continued here at home, lounincr about the courts of the country, and slandering our most virtuous and useful citizens, only because they were hon -ster men than him self, and because, here at home by their country, who knew them l.i.i .. ooth, they had been more honora- II i. Virginia Legislature The II. of Delegates have aain reiertnH Mr. Billuvs. whom tl Mathews had re-elected after the hrst vote of exclusion, (for being a Minister of the Gospel.) Conference. The Vircrimn Con ference of the Methodist Episco- j - " " " r , v 11U1IUIU I 1 1 1 1 I uiy noueeu and advanced. Une!PiU nurch, tor closed its might have expected better things sittings in Petersburg, a few days from his age: but the whiteness of since. From the Minntos wp. his hair, bleached by the frosts of iuty winters, lorms a singular and a sad contrast to the darkness of the thoughts that roll below. But I forbear. It is a sullicient pun ishment to him, to be what he is. conclusion in our next.) Xarljorougl), SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1827. uii mu niagniuiue nans oi legislation, rather than ot the trust and the imbecility of; "the tented field," that questions the trustors Ir,,. k,v .i. i i i the trustees. While wc sit here listening to petitions for gates, pctitionsfor divorces, and petitions to legiti mate bastards, they arc carrying on stupendous operations, and ex pending millions of money, drawn irom the pockets of the people: :n-l l.A... ! . 1 S ' iiuw expending u: Aye, iiow are to be decided, involving tional liberty, or national slavery national existence, or national death. In such an event, when that crisis shall arrive, when the storm that is now silently collectin o- ,.i.n , ii , ii hi am, snail actually burst up on us, what will be our attitmh.? Aye, what will be the bearing of pending ,tl why, the money rai-lNorth-CuroIina, with such tnen h! A Mistake. We freely insert the following communication, as request edbut must at Uic same time ac quit the person alluded to, whose name can be ascertained on application at this olhce, Irom any improper motives. The fact was announced in this place bv the apparently happy bridegroom, who was subsequently here for several days, re ceiving the congratulations of his formei friends and associates. Halifax County. Feb. 25. 1S27 Mr. Howard: I discover in the lreo l'rcss of the 17th instant, notice of a lnarriacc betwpnn Ron. jamin Johnson, Tailor, and Miss retina ueail -being the brother and protector of Miss Mu T in sider it my dutv to call on vou for learn, that the Societv nn mho rod year, whites 21,724 colored 7,847. Present year, white 22,801 colored 3,5G7. The in crease of members this year lias been 1,795 11 persons were re gularly recommended and admit ted on trial to the Ministry 8 or dained Deacons, and 3 Elders. Among other resolutions the Con ference passed the following: That every Preacher in this Conference be requested to make a collection on the 4th of July next, in aid of the American Colonization Soci ety. The time of the next Con- lerence wTas iixm nti WnrhmsilnV. the 27th February 1828, to be held in Raleigh, N. C. Important decision. The lT. States Supreme Court have at last decided the important ques tion that has been lon pending before it, namely, whether the State insolvent laws were or were not constitutional, and determin ed, four to throe, that they were so, as to all contracts entered into betWOOn mf irons rfthn enmn &f,lte wu J M. tllL r subsequent to the passage of such aws. Libel Suit. The cause of Har ris vs. Lewis, for a lihol in accu sing" Mr. Harris of misconduct in the dischnivro nf his Jntinc n Coll- Jsul at St. Petersburg, which ha.9