i jrio? JN. 133, Tarborough, Edgecomhe County, JV. C. Saturday, March 10, 182 7. Vol 111. No. 29. - j THK "FREE PRESS," j ?y Geo. Howard, j is published weekly, (every Saturday,) at j Tll'0 DOLLARS per year, (or 52 "num BcrSt) if paid within one month after Sub -cfvibers commence receiving their papers y'::-o Dollars if Fifty Cents, if paid within I sis months and Three Dollars at the cxpi j r-iticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to continue at any time on paying arrears, j Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will fcC inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and j 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at I that rate for every 16 lines. J Letters addressed to the Editor must be j 0st paid. j' ijy3 James Simmons, Esq. postmaster at j Halifax, is our general agent for that vicinity. Domestic. house be startled at the name ofiof truth and justice! Yes, it mat ters not, though a scoundrel may have robbed his mother, his fa ther, his brother, his friend, or his country, if he has done it in a way to screen himself from prosecu tion, and save his ears, though he may basely have put into his pock et ten thousand dollars of the mo ney of the people, for which he REMARKS OF MR. POTTER. (continued from our last.) Let it not be supposed, that be cause I thus allude to the charac ters of mean men, who hold high stations in the country, that I am the less regardful of the honor of my country. I love my country, and would die for her. Yes, sir, if the olfering of my poor life could in aught advance her inter ests, or her honor, heaven knows 1 would lay it down, as promptly and as cheerfully, as ever gallant entered the bower of consent ing maiden; but though "with all her faults I love her still," I will nut Hatter those faults I will not flatter her rank vices and follies 1 will not "bend to her idolatries a patient knee, nor cry aloud, in -worship of an echo;" but rather hold a mirror up to her, which, by retlecting her moral deformities full in her face, shall teach, her, if possible, to turn away, in shame and terror from them. It is right it is necessary, she should sec how she is gulled and dishonored, ihe does not know it she does not feel it and all the ills she the institution nothing extrava gant, nothing grand in the com mon sense of the word, is intend ed. It is not proposed to instruct! our young men how to decorate their bodies, to shine in drawing rooms, and prattle about literature and the sciences, but to instil into their hearts the chastest and se verest principles of virtue and phi losophy to teach them, as the cardinal principle of education, that the first and most sacred ob ligation of a citizen is his duty to his country, and qualify them, at the same time, efficiently to per form it. All is to be conducted service, yet having secured it, he may furnish feasts, and honest men will condescend to share them. Nay, more, he may obtain a place in the Legislature of his State, and there procure the pas sage of an act, for his own private on the most rigid principles of and especial benefit an act, bear- economy a farm is to be estab- mg upon its very face a lie, and hshod,and plain wooden buildings having tor its object nothing more constructed, as the only outward! nor less than the securing a legal signs of the college; and, as a Ice m his dishonest and "itching is the military professorship. It is admitted to be incompatible with the spirit of our government to keep on foot a body of merce naries; and hence it has been laid down as one of the cardinal prin ciples of our republican policy, that to the militia should be . left the defence of our liberties. Is it not greatly important them that never rendered a single act of they should be efficiently disci- fundamental rule of discipline, the palm;" and yet not only escape young men are to be divided into'the vengeance due to crime, but five classes, and in turn to be con- continue to legislate for the very stantlv engaged in agricultural Ia- Thc .-5 O O bors on the college farm. influence of an institution, found ed and conducted on these prin ciples, would not be limited to its plined and instructed! Who that has attended the arrays- of our militia, and witnessed their clum sy and ungraceful evolutions, but must laugh to scorn the idea of their offering effectual resistance to a disciplined foe! I am sure I do not err, when I say that ten thousand men, who had seen ser vice ten thousand courageous and disciplined troops, thrown up on the coast of North-Carolina, might overrun the State with fire and sword. Let not my senti ments be misunderstood. The people he has betrayed and dis- light of heaven no where shines honored. I call upon you, the upon a braver or a hardier race guardians of the morality, as welljthan that of North-Carolina. I as the rights of the people, to put! do not believe there is on earth a your faces against these abomina-!pcoplc, with bolder hearts, or own members. It would have anitions; and bv adopting the system stouter hands, than those we rep- exalting effect on the morality of of education before you, prepare! resent; but the history of all time the whole community, and strong- the way for exterminating these ly tend to create an enlightenedievils. The people should be in tone of sentiment, and a just sense! slructed to respect nothing but of excellence, u ho can say, that virtue; to despise and tread uponiwc would be wise, therefore, and such a sense now exists amongi a villain, though his limbs be ar- act upon the lessons ot the past. j has shewn, that, in the field, the best and noblest efforts of valor arc vain without discipline. If . . . . us! I affirm that it docs not. Wei raved in gold and fine linen. are magnanimous enough in pro fessions. A Ye saywc are repub licans, and profess to live for vir- let us now, when it is in our pow- TcmcYGContemolationosucicvy lne foundation of a general military education for our people. If it be desirable that they should be disciplined at all. and our noli- . x r 1 m hears, are to be traced to her pro-! livery man's experience must have i i i i ... .1 l!. 1 I 1 J.1 T 1 an institution as the one propos ed, would strongly tend to accom- tue and for liberty; but when wei plish this result. It would be a come to act when we are called; sublime and noble spectacle tojcy s. mainly founded upon that upon for that true touchstone of see a body of young men, associ-(principle, then it is obvious they the heart, we show at once thclated togethcr'undcr the sanction should be iccll disciplined; so that, emptiness of these professions, j and patronage of their country, m tunc f need, they may stand found insensibility to her political character and political rights. I affirm, that such a sentiment, as an enlightened regard to the dig mtv and the interests of their country, does not exist among the mass of the people of North-Carolina; and, in the name of Cod, I would ask you who are assembled here, under the sacred and re sponsible obligation to guard their rights; and to provide for their welfare, if you will continue to sit quietly here, with your arms fold ed, and wait for heaven to inspire them with it! The days of inspi ration arc no more, and it will be vain and idle in us, to expect our people to become wise and virtu ous, until ice give an impulse to their slumbering energies. To impart that impulse, is the object (f the measure I now tender you. It is founded on the admission of our inability, at this time, to ex tend the benefits of education to dl our people, and proposes, therefore, to select from the seve ral sections of the State such a portion of our youths as we can conveniently educate, and assem ble them in a common college, that we may qualify them to in struct the others. Let not the plain and prudent men of the satisfied him of this. I have my self had striking exemplifications of the fact. I have met with those, who were all magnanimity in professions, but real meanness in conduct who, under an ap pearance of simplicity approach ing to childishness, and generosi ty bordering upon enthusiasm, concealed a degree of guile and of selfishness, that would have augmented the address of the pri meval seducer. Yes, sir, the groat Don .Juan of Eden himself, who triumphed over the virtue of our first mother, was not more wily and more artful, and, like him, it is their greatest luxury, with insi dious creepings, to wind their way into the unsuspecting heart, only to deposit their poison there, and leave it blackened, if not blasted by the contagion. I call upon you all to look around you in the world, and sec if its dignities de pend on virtue. Do you not eve ry where behold villains, insensi ble to all the obligations of moral ity and patriotism, whose wealth alone secures to them the smiles and honors of the world, when, too, in the very acquisition of it they have violated not only the kindly feelings of nature and hu- ' manitv, but the sternest principles the direct and exclusive object ofifortn tl,c guardians of our liber ties, our women, our cluiuren, and our firesides. Among other inte resting results, this important one would inevitably attend the adop tion of the system before you. It does not propose to make enlight ened citizens of those merely, who shall be immediately educated un der it; but, through them, to reach and instruct the great body of our people. It is to be remembered, as the condition on which their country is to undertake to educate them, that she is to have a para mount and indefeasible title to their services, for six years from the day on which their education commences; and that, after they shall have been supported and in structed forthrce years at the Po litical College, they are to be dis tributed through the State, at such stations as the Rector and Visit ors of the college shall think pro per to assign them, and there serve the other three years in dis seminating among their country men the benefits of that education and that discipline, which their country shall have conferred upon them. We shall thus have crea ted for ourselves a body of in structors eminently and efficiently qualified to superintend the mo- whose education, should be the attainment of excellence. It would relieve them, too, from the degra ding consciousness of dependence, to know that while they were qua lifying themselves to serve their country, they could, in. the course of healthful exercise, produce what was necessary to sustain and support themselves. It would dignify labor, and make it respec table, not only in their eyes, but those of the community; and would thus furnish a powerful in centive to general industry. It is impossible to detail, or even to anticipate, the many advantages w hich might result to the country, from the agricultural department of the college. Agriculture, the most important interest of North Carolina, for we arc essentially a body of farmers, would there be systcmatised &reduced to science: the professor of agriculture would be chosen for his knowledge of the elementary principles, as well as the practical details of the sci ence; and, in the conduct and go vernment of the college farm, might throw a body of new light on the subject, which would be eminently serviceable to the whole community. Next in importance to the department of agriculture, rality and intellect of the State,