"':"""if . - -n Whole JS"o. 134. rarioj-ou,, Edg-ecomJe Comt.a Saturday; JLivch 17, 1827. To?. IllNo. 30. THE "FREE PRESS," V Geo. Howard. v Is published weekly (every Saturday,) at J It Kf ' j-i JV.O.I, Ul vJ I1UII1 if mid within nnp month nffoi. C,",K un-i w uuv.1 ouy scribers commence receiving their papers six montlis and Three Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will pe ni5 v tcius uie nrsi insertion, and j cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate tor every 16 lines.- . Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. JyMames Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifiix,is our general agent for that vicinity. Notice. rrllE Subscriber . very respectfully A takes the liberty to inform the- in habitants of Edgecombe, and the adja cent courities,.that he has commenced the GIG-MAKING BUSINESS, IN TAR BOROUGH, On the Street leading from Main-Street to the Academy, lie pledges himself to pay every attention to his business, and to have his work executed in a man ner in point of elegance and utility infe rior to none in the State. . He has it in contemplation shortly to obtain his ma terials direct from the Northern cities, which will enable him to sell his work lower than it has been latterly sold for in this place. Repairing of every description, in wood or iro7i work, Will be attended to with the utmost punctuality and despatch. ALLEN I. KNIGHT. (t7lle would likewise inform the Public, that the Blacksmith he has got lias been regularly bred to the Horse-Shoeing Business, And is supposed to be a first-rate hand at that work likewise at plantation work. A. I. K. Tarborough, Feb. C, 1S27. 25 Dr. M. A Willcox, XT AS located himself at the residence 11 of his father, (L. Willcox,) in Hali fax County, and will attend to the duties of his profession, yiz: The Practice of Medicine, S-c. The utmost attention will be paid to professional emails, which with moderate charges, he trusts will insure a portion of public patronage. Halifax County, Feb. 6, 1S27. "Who steals my purse steals trash tis something nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name, Hobs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me poor indeed." Shaksfieare. Wh en a person's character is assailed, an apology for intruding upon the Pub lic would be deemed superfluous. ' On my return from Petersburg, a few days ago, I was surprised and mortified to learn, that a report was in circulation that I had run away, in consequence of lebt, which report I view as a vile as persion; I have however returned, and tan give my creditors every assurance of speedy liquidation if not entire dis charge. It is easy to propagate false hood, but requires some ingenuity and foresight to become an adept for were I despicable enough to indulge a wish to defraud my creditors, there would be o necessity (if I understand the Act of Assembly) for absconding. As a de scendant of respectable ancestry, I trust I have inherited their principles of hon esty, and hope to die as I have lived, an honest man, in despite of the rancour and malignity of those vile traducers of "iy character. M. A. WILLCOX. Feb. 6 1827. 25 F ittv JJollars Hpttfnvil S . ' - W. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, ten miles east of Tarhn. rough, sometime in October last, Negro TIM he is well set, his comnlexion a dirt ml. low. I will give the above reward-if saia leilow is delivered to me, or secu red in any jail in this State or Twenty Five Dollars H secured in anv iail out of the State, so (hat I get him again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring, employing, or carrying off said nefrro. under the penalty of the law. BYTHAL STATON Jr. Edgecombe County, Feb. 6, 1827. 25 Notice. THE Subscriber respectfully informs nia J.'iicuu3 uuu me 1 uuuc, mat ne has just received a large and elegant Assortment of Materials of THE COACH AND GIG-MAKING BUSINESS, And pledges himself to finish his work, in point of elegance and fidelity, not in ferior to any in the State. He also war rants his work for the term of three years, and his prices will be lower than can be purchased in this market. He has also received A large assortment of Harness, That will go with his work, lower than can be purchased in this market. He returns his sincere thanks to his Friends, 'and the Public for their liberal encouragement. He has just received a regular bred journeyman from the Aorth. GEO. MACWILLIAMS. Tarboro', N. C. 24th Feb. 1827. 27 SANCI10. WILL STAND at my stable in Tar borough, the present season, com mencing he 1st dav of March, and end ing the 15th dav of July, at SIX DOL LARS the season, and TWELVE DOLLARS to insure a mare to be in foal. THEO. PARKER. Tarboro', 26 Feb. 1827. 2S-4 The celebrated Knee Horse, SIIAWANEE, WILL STAND the ensuing season at my house, in the county of Halifax, 7 miles from the town of Halifax, 6 miles from Enfield Court-House, and 3 from Crowell's Cross Roads, and wiil be let to mares at the moderate price of SEVEN DOL LARS the single leap, to be paid when the mare is covered; TEN Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season; and FIFTEEN Dollars to in sure a mare to be in foal, to be paid as soon as the mare is ascertained to be in foal; with 50 Cents to the Groom in ev ery instance. The season will com mence the 1st day of March, and end the 1st day of August. . Particular at tention will be paid to mares sent to re main with the horse. Separate lots are provided for. mares with young colts, and they will -be fed as required. Eve ry attention will be paid to prevent ac: cidents or escapes, but will not be lia ble for either. Is a beautiful Chesnut Sorrel, 5 feet 1 inch high, 9 years old this spring. He was gotten bv the celebrated horse le- cumseh, his dam by old Citizen, his srrandam bv Alderman, his great gran- dam by Roebuck, his great great gran- dam by Herod, his great great great grandam by Partner. JOHN CROWEL,. January 7th, 1827. . 2S Notice. - HpHE 'Subscriber has . about 500 : bar rels of CORN, 'for sale low for bash. He also continues to keep a ge neral supply of Prizes, in the different lotteries. ' JAS. SIMMONS. No $S,corncr of King 8? Shop street, Halifax, 16th Jan. 1827 22 . Noticed fXN the night of the 26th of Februan last, the door of my Blacksmith nnop ivas orofce oncn and a nuantitv nf steel and iron taken out also, the shafts 01 a Gig, which was left therfi-to h rp- paired, were sawed nearlv in twn ni th front bar. Any person who will give me such information as will lead tn th discovery of the villain, shall be liberal ly rewarded. . ALLEN I., KNIGHT. Tarboro', March 1, 1827. 23-3 Notice. THE Subscriber respectfully informs .11 i iiwiuj auu.uiu jruuiic, mai in his absence the Cabinet-Making. Turning, &-c. Will be carried on at his shon as usual by competent hands." Any person desi rous of having work done in his line, will please applv to S. F. Marshall. wno will have the sole management of my affairs durinsr mv, absence. Mr. Marshall is also my agent in this State for the disposal of Patent Rights for my Cotton Press, which is recommended to the pubuc with increased confidence. LE TVIS LA YSSARD. Halifax, Feb. 1S27. 28 Cabinet-Making. 7T1HE Subscriber having nearly com- pleted his supply of materials for the above business, offers his services to his friends and the public in general, and pledges himself to execute his work faithfully, of good materials, and in the New- York or English JStyle, Having obtafned the means to do so. Those whoifeel disposed to encourage Cabinet-making in their own State, will please calf and examine for themselves; and those who doubt of fashionable fur niture being made in this State, by a na tive citizen, will also please call and have their doubts removed. He will make Mahogany Sideboards, Secretaries, Book-cases, China-presses, plain Bureaus, fancy dressing do. dining Tables, dressing do. pern broke, pillar and claiv do. xoork Ta bles, Wardrobes, Cabinets, candle Stands, wash Stands, Bedsteads, carved or plain curl and plain maple Bedsteads, and walnut or cherry ' j FURNITURE Cabinet work in general made plain, or ornamented with carving. Also, he will keep on hand a few dozen RUSH-BOTTOM & STOOL CHAIRS, LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, Assorted sizes, from 12 by 9 inches, to 22 by 13 also, large Window Glass, 10 by 12 12 by 1613 by 22. Sacking and Cot bottoms, best Copal Varnish, and sundry articles of Hard ware in his line. Any articles in his line he will selL at fair prices. Refer ence may be had to respectable citizens of this town, or different parts of the country, as to the faithful execution of my work, wders for furniture will be thankfully received and punctually at tended to. LEWIS BOND. Tarborouyi, March. 1827. 28 Musick Painting. pARENTS and Guardians are respect- fully informed, that the above will be taught the-present year, in the ?' Female School of Farmwell Grove, By an approved and experienced in structress. The latter will include the various branches pertaining to thr sci ence, on paper, velvet, &c. :, Th crf- est variety of specimens or models, is ready for the inspection of those wno would patronize the institution. Halifax County, Feb. 26, 1827. 29-5 Notice. J A FOUR HORSE WAGON for sale: a wu, iigqi pair oi mill Stones,' oi upenor grit. H. SIMMONS 4. CO. Enfieldj 24th Feb. 1827 28-3 Look at this A LL persons indebted to the Subscri ber, are requested to come" forward and settle their accounts, either by cash or. note, cic. EPHRAIM DIC KEN. Tarboro', Feb. 19, 1827. - 30 . . NOTICE. N Friday, the 23d of this month, will be sold at the late resident nf Thomas Marks dee'd, Several likely Negroes. Belonging to the estate of said deceased. on a credit of six months. Bond and security will be required. JOHN COFFIELD, Adm9r. 2d March. 1827.- NOTICE T February Term of the Court of L Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Edsre- combe County, the subscriber obtained letters of administration on the estate of the late Doctor DAVID DANCY. All persons having claims against, said es tate, are hereby noticed, to present them, duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery and all those indebted to said estate, are requested to come forward and settle the same. WILL BE. SOLD, on Tuesday, the 07(1. inofnnt - K' 1 ?J ' C ma ia ui, in me iaie i tsiueiice 01 said deceased, all' his Household Kitchen Furniture, A handsome Library of Medical and Miscellaneous BOOKS, fA catalogue of which will be nublish- ed in the Free Press, previous to the day .of sale,) witfynany other articles too numerous for Insertion on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving noie with approyed security, to the Subscri ber, before the property is removed. ROB'T JOYNER,Adm'rofthe late Doctor D. Dancy. Tarborough, 1st March, 1827. 29 Notice. ' npiIE Subscriber earnestly requests all persons having in their possession Borroived Books, Belonging to the late Dr. David Dancy, to return them immediately, as it is de sirable they should all be mentioned in the Catalogue, which will be prepared previous to the day of sale. ROB'T JOYNER;Adm'rof the late Doctor D. Dancy. Tarborough, March 8, 1827. Blank Warrants for sale.