Whole No. 139. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, N. C. Saturday, April 2 i, 1827. PoL UL No. 25. . i THE "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Saturday,) at fll'O DOLLJRS per year, (or 52 nnm bers,) it' paid within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers Tivo Dollars fcf ZV3rr Cents, if paid within six months and Three Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty to jiscontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. betters addressed to the Editor must be post fiaid. JT'Jamcs Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, is our general agent for that vicinity. Jfotice. rVUE Subscriber very respectfully takes the liberty to inform the in habitants of Edgecombe, and the adja cent counties, that he lias commenced the GIG-MA KING BUSINESS, IN TARBOROUGH, On the Street leading from Main-Sircet to the Academy. He pledges himself to pay every attention to his business, and to have his work executed in a man ner in point of elegance and utility infe rior to none in the State. He has it in contemplation shortly to obtain his ma terials direct from the Northern cities, which will enable him to sell his work lower than it has been latterly sold for in this place. Repairing of every description, in wood or iron work, Will be attended to with the utmost punctuality and despatch. ALLEN I. KNIGHT. (jIIe would likewise inform the Public, that the Blacksmith he has got has been regularly bred to the Ilorse-Shncing Business, And is supposed to be a first-rate hand at that worklikewise at plantation work. . A. Tarborough, Feb. G, 1S27. 25 Notice. 150 barrels Coi n for Sale, low for Cash, by CRANE $ KINGSBURY. Tarboro', 27 March, 1827. 32 .1. A. IVillcox, TTAS located himself at the residence 11 of his father, (L. Willcox.) in Hali fax County, and will attend to the duties of his profession, viz: The Practice of Medicine, &c. The utmost attention will be paid to professional calls, which with moderate charges, he trusts will insure a portion of public patronage. Halifax County, Feb. G, 1S27. "Who steals my purse steals trash tis something nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and. has been slave to thousands; But lie that niches from me mv good name, Hob sine of that which not enriches him, And makes mc poor indeed." Shaksfieare. When a person's character is assailed, an apology for intruding upon the Pub lic would be deemed superfluous. On my return from Petersburg, a few days ago, I was surprised and mortified "to learn, that a report was in circulation that I had run away, in consequence of ilcbt, which report I view as a vile as persion; I have however returned, and can give my creditors every assurance of speedy liquidation if not entire dis charge. It is easy to propagate false hood, but requires some ingenuity and foresight to become an adept for were 1 despicable enough to indulge a wish to defraud my creditors, there would be no necessity (if I understand the Act of Assembly) for absconding. As a de scendant of respectable ancestry, I trust 1 have inherited their principles of hon and hope to die as 1 have lived, an honest man, in despite of the rancour and malignity of those vile traducers of ny character. M. A. IV I LLC OX. Com for Sale. N Tuesday, the 21th of the nresent month, the Subscriber will offer for Sale, at his farm on Fishinjr Creek, near Sessums's Bridge, 11 miles from Tarbo rough, 25 from Nashville, and equi-dis- tant lrom rialilax, 150 barrels of Corn, On a credit of Nins Months. Bond with indisputable security will be reoui- red, uciore the article is delivered. FRANCIS L. DANCY. April 5lh, 1S27. NOTICE. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, living about 15 miles a bove the town of Halifax. A bright .Mulatto Girl About 15 3'cars of age, very well grown, thick lips, large nostrils, has a scar un der, (I believe her risrhteye,) occasion ed by a whip, very curly hair her hair will condemn heron examination as soon as any thing. She had when she left home, a large tuck comb of horn; shq only carried one dress with her from home, and that homespun white warp striped in the filling with copperas, and filled in with white copperas and blue. I will give a generous reward for said girl delivered to me, or secured in any jail so that I get her again and I do hereby forwarri all manner of persons from harboring or concealing the above negro in any way, under the penally of the law. 1 understand that said negro is trying to get to Tarborough, N. C. I also understand that she has altered her name to LIZA SCOTT, and will at tempt to pass by that name as a free person. Wm. E. Shine. April 2, 1S27. 33-4 The celebrated Race Horse, SHAWANEE, WILL ensuing STAND the season at my house, in the county of Halifax, 7 miles from the town of Halifax, G miles from Enfield Court-House, and 3 from Crowell's Cross Roads, and will be let to mares at the moderate price of SEVEN DOL LARS the single leap, to be paid when the mare is covered; TEN Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season; and FIFTEEN Dollars to in sure a marc to be in foal, to be paid as soon as the marc is ascertained to be in foal; with 50 Cents to the Groom in ev ery instance. The season will com mence the 1st day of March, and end the 1st day of August. Particular at tention will be paid to mares sent to re main with the horse. Separate lots are provided for mares with young colts, and they will be fed as required. Eve ry" attention will be paid to prevent ac cidents or escapes, but will not be lia ble for cither. Is a beautiful Chcsnut Sorrel, 5 feet 1 inch high, 9 years old this spring. He was gotten by the celebrated horse Te cumsch. his dam bv old Citizen, his grand am by Alderman, his great gran- dam by Roebuck, his great great gran- dam by Herod, his great great great grandam by Partner. John JST. Philips, AVING purchased. the entire Stock of Goods, hitherto thp Exum Leiois, now ofTers them for sale at the same Store, on the Stage-Road from Tarborough to Halifax. They consist of a general assortment of DRY GOODS, WITH A PEW GROCERIES. All of which, having been obtained on very low terms, will assuredly be sold for as small a profit as they can be af forded for Cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. (EPCOTTON will be received at the Fall in payment, at the Tarborough market price. Mount Prospect, April 9, 1S27. 34 Notice. npiIE Subscriber respectfully informs A his Friends and the Public, that in his absence the Cabinct-Maldng, Turning, $c. Will be carried on at his shop as usual by competent hands. Any person desi rous of having, work done in his line, will please apply to & F. Marshall, who will have the sole management of my affairs during my absence. Mr. Marshall is also my agent in this State for the disposal of Patent Rights formv ioiion rrcss, which is recommended to the public with increased confidence. LEIVIS LAYSSARD. Halifax, Feb. 1S27. 28 THE CELEBRATED HORSE General Marion, WILL STAND the pre sent season at my Stable, half a mile from Halifax town, and will be let to mares at TEN DOLLARS, (Cash.) the single lean: THIRTY Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season; and FIFTY Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal, to be paid as soon as the mare is ascertained to be in foal; with One Dol lar to the Groom in everv instance. The season commencetj Ihe 1st dav of .March, and will end on the 10th of Ju ly. Particular attention will be paid to mares sent to remain with the horse. Separate lots are provided for mares with young colts, and they will be fed, if required, at 25 Cents per day. Eve ry attention will be paid to prevent ac cidents or escapes, but will not be liable lor either. General Marion, IS A BEAUTIFUL DARK BAY, black mane and legs, full 5 feet 2 and three-quarter inches high, now 7 years old, in good order, &c. He was got by Old Sir Archie; his dam by Citizen; his grandam by Alderman; his g. g. dam by iiocnucK; nis g. g. g. clam bv Herod; his g. g. g. g. dam by Partner, &c. GENERAL MARION was run at Lawrenceville against Sir Henry, and won the Jockey Club with ease then travelled to New-Market, and there won the Jockey Club, beating Betsey Rich ards and others, &c. LeirVl Long. March, 1827. 31-9 d-The Editors of the Warrcnton Repor ter, Raleigh Register, and Petersburg Re publican are requested to insert the above advertisement three weeks, in their respec tive papers, and forward their accounts to Hahtax. Constables' Blanks, viz. Warrants, Casa's, Bail Bonds, Forthcoming Bonds. &c. For Sale at this Office. : Notice. HHHE Subscriber has about 500 bar A rels of CORN, for sale low for Cash. He also continues to keep a ge neral supply of Prizes, in the different Lotteries. JAS. SIMMONS, No. 9S,corncr of King $ Shop street, Halifax, 16th Jan. 1S27. 22 A List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Office at Tarbo rough, N. C. the 1st day of April, 1827, which if not called for and taken out be fore the 1st day of July next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters. Austin Henry Hyman William Anderson William Howard Hardy AmasonDelanaMrs Killebrew GeoW Bowers Barthol'vv Knight Jesse C Bynom Turner Killey Joseph BraddySoPnT Knight Willis BosemanSarahMiss King Coffield Bullock Edwin Lawrence Josh Rev Bryan Mary Little Cullen Bradley James JM 'Daniel John Bell Richard Dr Mayo Kinchen Carr Allen Mayo 3artha Mrs CarrCecilia 2 Mann Daniel 3 Carr Jonas Pearce Bryan Cobb Edward Pittman Zelpha Mrs Cr umply Eli Pender James Collins Alley Miss Parker Lem L Carney William . Robrick Releigh Drake Henry RuffinJacqAnnMiss Dancy Mary B Mrs Reigner Allen Darden Elisha Ruffin Samuel Downing James Sec M't M'h Lodge Dixon Coffield Sharp Benjamin Freeman John Sessums Nathan Garrett John Sory Robert Griffin James StallingsNancyMiss Griffiths Sarah Trason Richard Hines Peter Thomas William Hunter B B Dr2 Thomas Richard Hoffman Jacob Worrell Josiah 2 Haywood Sherrod Wimbley George Haynie Jesse Williams M 69 J. R. LLOYD. P.M. A List of Lelters, Remaining in the Post-Office at Halifax, K. C. on the 1st April, 1827, which if net taken out before the 1st of July next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters. Armstrong John Jailer of Halifax Alston Gideon Esq John L David Alsbrook J SAID Johnston Henry Burt John Kenedy Han Miss 2 Bell Lucy Mrs Keen Sally Berry Reuben 3 Long Lem'l Bishop Aman Miss Liverty J Henry Copeland Cato ilorgan Peter Carstarphen O D JlMitchell& While Deford W MEsq ilathews Isham 2 Drake G S iloss Polly Daniel R E Miss AcCleland A Duffie Harriett Miss Moore Thos Dabnev E M Mrs Manlv iloses Drew Wm Esq 3 Manly Hardy urcw juna r I'oweii Warren Dawson Sally Mrs Powell Geo Edmiston Sam'l Powers E W Eaton B C Esq Pullen Eaton Ellis Lucy Mrs Price James Freear E Esq Pettwav M H Esn f, Faulcon P M Miss Roan Willis Godwin Thos Rasrsdale B F Hilliard R C Rhymes Jesse R Hill'd J Esq Simmons Jnn W Humphreys E ilrs Sprujll Geo E Esq HillmanSam'l Esq Tyre Cvrus2 Hawkins Isham Tobin J fr MMpssr Harton Thos 2 Wilcox M AM D 2 Hamlin W J Esq Wilkes Henry HcptinstaJl J L Wyche A A Esq Hawkins Wyat Wilcox Littleberrc Joiner A Esq Yarboro Washing'n James Wiley Zolicofer James 1; ft JOHN CROIVELL. January 7th, 1S27. 2S 1 cb. G, 1827. 81 JAS. SIMMONS. P. M.

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