Whole No. 143; TarioroiigA, Edgecombe County, N. 0. Saturday, May 19, 1827. :f; Vol 111. No. 39. TIIF, "FREE PRESS," ty Geo: Howard, rpulli1ic(l weekly, (every Saturday.) at j H 1 j c;u, or 02 num :;rrs,) it within one month after Sub bribers commence receiving their papers y-.j 7A;r If 7i CYtf, if paid within H-x months and Three Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty to continue at any time on paving arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will bC inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 2j cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must hi jyjst fwid. J7Jiiiucs Sjmmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax.isour general agent for that vicinity. New Establishment. William F. Clarke, TNTORMS the citizens of Halifax and its vicinity, that he has established a branch of his business in the Town of Halifax, Next door to the Post-OJicc, Where he intends keeping for sale, a general and complete assortment of evc ?y article in the SADDLING And Harness Jinking Line. And also will keep constantly on hand, at the same place a supply of FASHIONABLE 5iQ$ ant) mllicps, Manufactured under his own immediate inspection, and of the best materials All of which he will sellon the most moderate terms for Cash, or on a short Credit. QIYork of every description, in the Saddling and Harness making business, will be made and repaired at the above establishment to order, at the shortest notice. April 27, 1827. 36-9 The celebrated Hace Horse, SIIAWANEE, WILL STAND the I2tu ensuing season at my house, in the county of Halifax, 7 miles from the town of Halifax, G miles from Enfield Court-Housc, and 3 from Cro well's Cross Roads, and will be let to mares at the moderate price of SEVEN DOL LARS the single leap, to be paid when the mare is covered; TEN Dollars the season, payable M the expiration of the season; and FIFTEEN Dollars to in sure a mare to he in foal, to be paid as soon as the mare is ascertained to be in foal; with 50 Cents to the Groom in ev ery instance. The season will com mence the 1st day of March, and end the 1st day of August. Particular at tention will be paid to mares sent to re main with the horse. Separate lots are provided for mares with young colts, and they will be fed as required. Eve ry attention will be paid to prevent ac cidents or escapes, but will not be lia ble for either. Is a beautiful Chesnut Sorrel, 5 feet 1 inch high, 9 years old this spring. He was gotten by the celebrated horse Te cumsch, his dam by old Citizen, his grandam by Alderman, his great gran dam by Roebuck, his great great gran dam by Herod, his great great great grandam by Partner. JQHX CnOW ELL. January 7th, 1S27. 2S Notice. 150 barrclsCoi-n tor Sale, low for Cash, by CRANE $ KINGSBURY. Tarboro', 27 March, 1827. 32 Conslables Blanks, i Warrants, Casa?s, Bail Bonds, forthcoming Bonds, &c. For Sale at this Ofllc?. II. Johnston, YTSHES to inform his Friends and Customers, that he has Just received from New-York, A SMALL SUPPLY OF SPUING GOODS, such as Superfine blue and black Cloths, Black Circassian and Eastings, for thin Coats, Black Nankeen, Cross, white, and drab Drillings, Russia Nankeen, for thin coats and pan taloons, (a new and very handsome article,) Black figured silk Vcstings, Valencias, white Marseilles do. &c. &c. Tarboro', May 10, 1827. 38-4 Notice. flMIE Subscriber respectfully informs his Friends and' the Public, that in his absence the Cabinet-Making, Turning, yc. Will be carried on at his shop as usual by competent hands. Any person desi rous of having work done in his line, will please apply to F. S. Marshall, who will have the sole management of my affairs during my absence. Mr. Marshall is also mv a;rent in this State for the disposal of Patent Rights for my Cotton Press, which is recommended to the public with increased confidence. -LEivrs LAYSSARD. Halifax, Feb. 1827. 28 THE CELEBRATED HORSE General Marion, WILL STAND the pre sent season at my Stable, half a mile from Halifax town, and will be let to marcs nt TEN DOLLARS, (Cash.) the single leap; THIRTY Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season; and FIFTY Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal, to be paid as soon as the marc is ascertained to be in foal; with One Dol lar to the Groom in every instance. The season commenced the 1st day of March, and will end on the 10th of Ju ly. Particular attention will be paid to mares sent to remain with the horse. Separate lots arc provided for marcs with young colts, and they will be fed, if required, at 25 Cents per day. 'Eve ry attention will be paid to prevent ac cidents or escapes, but will not be liable for cither. General arion, IS A BEAUTIFUL DARK BAY, black mane and legs, full 5 feet 2 and three-quarter inches high, now 7 years old, in good order, &.c. He was got by Old Sir Archie; his dam by Citizen; bis grandam by Alderman; his g. g. dam Tiy-t Roebuck; his g. g. g. dam by Herod; his g. g. g. g. dam by Partner, &.c. GENERAL MARION was run at Lawrenccville "against Sir He-iry, and won the Jockey Club witli case then travelled to New-Market, and there won the Jockey Club, heating Betsey Rich ards and others, &.c. LemH Long. March, 1827. 31-9 il7Thc Editors of the Warrcnton Repor ter, Raleigh Itegister, and Petersburg Re puhlican are requested to insert the above advertisement three weeks, in their respec tive papers, and forward their accounts to Halifax. Notice. npllE Subscriber has about 500 bar rels of CORN, for sale low for Cash. He also continues to keep a ge neral supply of Prizes, in the different Lotteries. JAS. SIMMONS, N6. 9S,corner of King $ Shop street, Halifax, lGth Jan. 1S27. 22 NOTICE. rfkN the fourth Monday of May next, KJ will be sold before the Court-House door in Tarborough, the following Tracts of Land, Or so much thereof as will be sufficient To satisfy the Taxes due thereon, For the years 1S24 and 1S25, and cost of advertising: In Capt. Barnes- District, No. 4: 262 acres, given in by Martha Simms, for the year 1825 328 acres, given in by Stenhen Tomber- lin, for 1S24 and 1825. In Capt. Eason's District, No. 6: 610 acres, given in by Jonathan T. Ea son, for 1825. 107 acres, given in- by Stephen Felton, adjoining the lands of Thomas Ama son and others, for 1825. 54 acres, given in by John Johnston, adjoining the lands of Richard Gay, Jr. and others, for 1825. C 10 acres, given in by Martha Scarbo rough, adjoining the lands of Jonathan T. Eason and others, for 1825. S. L. HART, Sheriff, by JT. D. PET IV AY. April 1G, 1827. Price adv $3:50 To the .Members of the Metho dist Episcopal Church in N. Carolina: TVTIEREAS our Itinerant Preachers, exclusive privilege of making rules for the government of our Church, and in the exercise of that authority, have in various instances, encroached upon our religious and civil rights; and have (by their general conduct) evinced to us, the necessity of a general representation of the Local Preachers and Lay-members of our Church as a security for those rights some of us, actuated by the purest principles, have formed our selves into Union Societies and passed resolutions; among which are the lol lowing, passed at VVhitaker's Chapel, in Halifax county, March 3d, 1S27 viz: Resolved, 1st, That in the estimation of this Society, the friends of Reforma tion in the Methodist Episcopal Church in this State, ought to be represented at the Convention to be held in Baltimore, on the 15th of November, 1827. 2nd, That the members of our Church in this State favorable to Reform, be re quested to meet at some convenient place in each County, on the second Monday in June next, and elect two Delegates for each County, to meet at Bradford's Chapel, in Halifax County, on the second Monday in September, for the purpose of choosing Delegates for the General Convention to be held in Baltimore as aforesaid. 3rd, That these resolutions be signed by the President and Secretary of this Society, and that they be published in the Mutual Rights in Baltimore, .the Tarborough Free Press, and Raleigh Star anil in the two last, six weeks successively. JAMES HUNTER. Pres. pro tern. IVM. E. BELLAMY, Secy. ly'Thc Raleigh Star will insert the above or six weeks, and forward the account to tiii Office. Mrs. D. Sneader, Milliner and Muntna-Mahtr, HALIFAX, N. C. AS just received, direct from Pe tersburg and New- York, her Spring Supply of Moods, Comprising ageneral assortment of arti cles in her line consisting of Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Open Straw Cottage Bonnets, A great variety of Silk Bonnets, Caps and Turbans, Bobinett Veils, Plain and figured Gros de Naples, do. do. Silks and Satins, Corsetts, (Mrs. ThornhilPs patent,) Light colored Curls and Frizetts, Arafene Crape, Foundation Muslin, White and black Crape, Black Mode, Pink Gause, Florences,' Liece, Lace, Thule Lace, Millinett, ; A great variety of bunch and wreath Flowers, Brazillian Shell Combs, dolls, toys, Sur. ALSO, A FEW pattern Bonnets The latest New-York Spring fashion a superb article, which the Ladies are par ticularly invited to call and examine. She has also received the latest Fash ions for Ladies' Dresses, &c. Mrs. S. intends to remove from Halifax in a short time. and consenuentlv is desirnim to have her accounts closed all persons indebted to her will, therefore, please call and settle their accounts by note or otherwise. Halifax, May 1, 1827. The American Farmer. TrE wish that every friend of this Journal should understand, and that they would have the kindness to make it known, that to any one who will procure four subscribers and remit on their account $20, we will send a fifth copy of tne American Farmer with out charge or, any one who will pro cure five subscribers, will be allowed to retain $5, on his remitting the remain ing 20. We beg also to repeat, that all which is necessary to be done by anv one, wishing to subscribe, is to inclose a five dollar note by mail, at the risk of, and addressed to ilthe Editor of the. American Farmer, Baltimore" and, whether the money be received or not, tbe pap;r will be forwarded immediate ly, and the actual receipt of each num ber of the volume will be guaranteed by the Editor. The American Farmer is published weekly by J. S. Skinner, Postmaster of Baltimore, p?inted on fine paper the size of ordinary newspapers, fold ed so as to make eight pages; about one half, or four pages, devoted to practical Agriculture; the remainder to Internal Improvements, Rural and Domestic Economy, and Natural History and Rural Sports. A m inute index and title page to the ivhole vol ume is published, arid forwarded with the last number of each volume.' A single number will be sc?it to any one icho may desire to see a epecifntn of the publication. The American Farmer is circulated through every State and Territory, and is written for by many of the most dis tinguished practical farmers in the U nion. To all editors who will give the above one or . two insertions, we shall feel, much indebted, and will glad ly recipro cate their kindness. J. S. SKINNER. Baltimore, Feb. 23, 1827. (Q23 Subscriptions to the above vain ante Paper, received at this Office. A l -3H