Communications. FOR THE FREE TRESS. When I see the Town Creek Reviewer corne out so plainly, and with so much (sense they call it,) but which every liberal man would call non-sense, against poor Tim, I am surprised, and so is every one who rightly judges of things as they should be. Should, Gen tlemen Town Creek Itecicwcrs, the poetry of poor Tim discom pose your poetical brains, why not appeal to him in person, and not vent your rage and angry feelings in so public a manner a method which has drawn down on you a merited, and I may say with truth, a deserved reproach a stigma which has cast upon you its bane ful poison, instead of the unassu ming, unpretending, inoffensive person you wish to put to shame by your nonsensical, brainless, and by what other name of con tempt shall I call it -envy and malice you have incurred the just and merited detestation of every person. Now, Gentlemen Reviewers, let me put a simple interrogatory to 30 r Has your united force suffi cient matter to compose a vale dictory! If so, exert it in a circle which will be more congenial to your vanity; mount the largest stump or tree in Town Creek, and harangue the fro'rs and raccoons. they appear from circumstances at present lately raise up against the Govern ment l 1 he struggle will be a se vere one; and whichever party triumphs ultimately, will probably result in important consequences. Nothing new from the Greeks but it is rumored that King Fer dinand still persists in his mad projects against the South Ame rican States which now can be viewed merely as "the dream of a distempered imagination." No later intelligence from Portugal. The Markets for our Produce, a shade better. Persia. A London paper men tions that the King of Persia had demanded of the British Govern ment the fulfilment of the Treaty engagements between the two na tions, by which it was stipulated, that if either of the contracting Parties should be engaged in a defensive war, that the other should afford her certain succors; and the British ministers had in stituted an inquiry to ascertain whether Russia or. Persia was the aggressor in the existing war. to him by his conquerors. In ad-jcorded, and the marriage dissolve .J .1 . 1 10 relute this.- sr-vpnl fr;.i..:. . L anion to tins signal ueiuat, inu , T; uluuavis h Brazilians have sustained another loss, not less mortifying to their pride and humbling to their am bition. The licet which was blockaded by Admiral Brown in the river Uragua, wa? all captur ed, consisting of 18 sail, the whole of whieh h;id arrived in safety at - Buenos Ayres, and was rapidly r 1 .1 II a. luting out to am tneir ganani conqueror in .his future efforts against his enemy. Xarljorougl), SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1827. South America. We learn by an arrival at New-York from San Juan de Nicaragua, that the dif ferent provinces of Central Ame rica were in a state of anarchy and civil war. The ritin nf I.n.: Reni. Shame. on and Grenada had made war Hard Flowers, upon Nicaragua and Mcnagua, and the latter city was surrounded 1 1 'or by the Ixrcinidiuiis and Leonians, Candidates. Wc understand that the following gentlemen are 'candidates to represent this district in Congress, and this County in the next General As sembly of this State. JULY ELECTION. For Coyigrcss. Richard Ilincs, Esq. and Dr. T. H. Hall. Edge co mbe County Senate. Louis I). Wilson. House of Conunons. Renj. Wilkinson, Moses Baker. The Greensboro' Patriot says: "We are informed that Archibald I) -Mnr- iev 1-1. f r- Mlw 11 A , 7 pnev, ivn. is a candidate lor Uonsrcss and was hourly exneeter tn nr. L i-,-. ... , ' 1 ,m - . , . m uu: lan-u uismci, in opposition to tn ho vnni- linnet 1 CllUCr. J ie f 1 1 V l A I iwssi n li I. iw 1 P..,, i 1 7 -" iuiiii,ci -j - iiun v. li . jjaiiiu;:i;i. iriends; and it report says true,! uccn plundered by the contend- your only auditors to the sublime ino Parties. Anions other rca- Political. Since the commencement and enchanting addresses that is-1 250118 which were stated as the r lhc Presidential campaign, we have cause oi tJie dilhculties, was one enll' Dec" at a l0SS 10 determine that the President wished to wheth" 4X wer? ,nost sicd or tl.. n c u amused at the various manoeuvres, cal- ciianire the exitinr form nt ttu . - 0 yvi..uui0 luuu 01 me eolations, assertions, and speculations of lovernment; but most plausible the advocates and opponents of the dif was the fact, that great animosity feren! candidates; and have often been was entertained bv thn mlmon .tempted to exclaim with ihe rood Mpp. - - O J .WV, X.V J O will find yourselves like a bird .wghtlis of the population) against' Tl ilasc on both your houses'." me whites, who held the re us of t - Mipposeu, (f(,,,,llnn' T, that in the previous campaign all that goveinment. I he numerous lo- could have been said with prop, ietv, for reigners who had entered into or against the individuals who are at mining speculations, found no present before the people foi their suifra prospect of realizing their golden SeS ,lad been advanced and enquired in dreains, and many who came to l0' aild in adllitlon t0 former services it the country in affluence, were re-. w?uId nly hA ncccssa,T to d-cide on J,.o,l i , "iuunue, ueie ie subsequent claims but, .charges Ion duced to penury and want. In ,ince refuted and passed to oblfvion are consequence of the revolutionized a-ain arrayed; and assertions, as impu state ot the country, hides which 'dent as they are fallacious, are made had hitherto formed an important witl1 aSveand imposing air, as if they item of exnort. wer hprnnnnrri cre as firm as lhe foundations of trulh. vorv sif-npno liN3y7 even the sanctuary of the fireside - 7 uvmivii I 1 m . , : - ....uVu, uuu ujc Jiueinperaie zeal ol ncuieu paruzans, nas dragged before the eyes of an astonished and'indignant people the character of a femalew ho bas been for thirty years a member of the Methodist Church, and have produ ced charges against implicating her conduct some forly years since. We have not thought proper to present to cur readers the details of this base and unmanly attack, nor. the refutation; con- sue from your seducing and fairy like strains, of never-ending non- sense. You have, by provoking the en counter with Tim, found your selves roughly handled; and ere stripped of itss leathers, unable to retreat or defend itself. . Such will be your fate unless you drop this untimely and ungentlemanly attack on one who never injured you, either in thought, word, or deed. MANOSKI. been procured from respcctaMi sons noxo living, who :avc ted with the parties and the crrcum V" ces, who testify that" the lady awn" sustained an "unblemished and irJS proachable character, and was consi" ed one among the first of our voun- h dies, her father, Col. Donalson, h9 l man of the most respectable standinS- that the disagreement between Mr p. berts and his wife took place cm l count of 'iminoral conduct on his pan- that "he ordered his wife to clear her self, and never show her face in v' house;" that "her brother came to Ke tucky and carried her off to her frier in Tennesseej'Mhat "Gen. Jackson v er saw her until after hef separation from Roberts;" and that after the separa tion Roberts admitted "that his aJ cions were tin just" ihe Clerk of Court also testifies, that "upon an exj mination of the papers of the suit for ihe divorce as aforesaid, I find nothing shot?, ing that the defendant had any kind of notice of lhe. existence or progress of that suit." We recollect -that during the last ses. sion of the General Assembly of thi3 State, (as stated in the Raleigh Hegister) a husband applied for a divorce, and pro. duced an eye-witness to testify against his wife "tor the grossest violations of her marriage vow;" and would probably have. succeeded, but for the interposition of a Member who knew the lady's bro ther on enquiry, there were "immedi ately produced eleven affidavits from re spectable persons, proving that the will, was as modest and virtuous a woman as any in the country, and that the caused' unhappiness in the family had arisen from lhe improper conduct of the hus band, and that the wife was blameless' If such things occur at the present day, in the Legislature of North-Carolins, what allowance ought there to he mads for the proceedings of a Court, in the early settlements of the West, whentta parties resided in different Slates? f7YVe have inserted the "Wishes' sent us by "Warren" from Warrcnton, out could not give them as original the simple reason that they appeared as a selection a few weeks since in the Mil ton Gazette. If "Warren" thinks pro. per again to address us, wc ivish lhathft will bear in mind the French landlady's advice lo the Officer "If you write, pray pay the post." We extremely regret that we are so fre quently compelled to remind our cor respondents of their omission in this par ticular, in which we are so deeply interested. From England. By an arri val at New-York, news from Eng land one day later has been recei ved. The latest London date is the lGth of April, up to which time nothing was certainly known of any appointments to form the new Cabinet under the auspices of Mr. Canning; while some addi tional resignations had taken place. It is apparent that the King felt himself personally ag grieved by the conduct of those who were so hasty in deserting him; and therefore it is not pro bable that any of the late Minis ters will be permitted to resume their places with his free consent, even should they themselves offer to return. But, the question is, will the Sovereign, though the most cordially disposed towards the Premier, be able to sustain him for any length of time again vt the powerful opposition, which the Aristocracy, united with the Total defeat of the Brazilians... An arrival at Philadelphia from Montevideo, brings intelligence that the great battle fought be tween the Jiucnos Ayreans under Gen. Alvear, and the Brazilians. at the Rio Grande, on the 20th of February, terminated in the total overthrow of the Emperor's army 1200 Brazilians were left dead upon the field of battle, a great portion of the oflicers made pri soners, and nine standards taken. Notwithstanding this signal tri umph, the Buenos Ayreans re newed their oiler to the Emperor, of making peace upon the terms formerly rejected, and despatches to this effect were forwarded by the English ship Ganges 74, to Rio, and it is now fairlv to be nro- sumed that the Emperor will make it VI lf 1 1 1 nf noffwoifir .-.. .. Hierarchy, will doubtless itnmedi-lthe terms so generously held out PPHMimr tlx...-. I... iV .. M...j, V.JLIH iu uu mrei;n 10 the sub ject, mid at once indelicate and improp eras they have become matters of no toriety, however, we give the substance: The charge is, that in the "summer of I1i)0, (?on. Jackson, prevailed upon the wife of Lewis Roberts, (now Mrs. Jack son,) of Mercer county, Ky. to desert her husband and live with him in the character of a wife;" to substantiate which, the proceedings in the trial for a divorce, instituted by Roberts, are pro duced, in which the Jury found a ver dict ,n these words: "We, the Jury,do hod that the defendant, Rachel Roberts, Math deserted the plaintilf, Lewis Rob ots, and hath, and doth stili live in a- "uuei y wim another man. Jno. Light hot, foreman' This verdict wasrc- Newspapers . The last Raleigh Star made its appearance in an enlarged form this is the second newspaper in this State printed on an imperial sheet, the Fayetteville Journal having been in creased to that size about a twelvemonth since. The Greensborough Patriot and the Edenton Gazette have also recently been enlarged we hail these as auspi cious omens, indicating the progress the citizens of this State are making in in tellectual acquirements, and an increased patronage to our profession. (COMMUNICATED.) Preachinn-. The Rev. WAT. BEL LAMY will preach at Ellis' Mf-tS" House, on the first Sundav in Jvn' ' J J next at which time and place it i ie quested that the members of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, as many as can make it convenient, will atteru.; -5 something of importance will be com municated. jShnj) 1S27. (jyThe Rev. Mr. Armstrong preach in the Baptist Church in Tarbo rough, on Sunday the 27th instant? af. 11 o'clock. Communicated. The Spring Races over the Broad Rock Course commenced on Tuesday, loth inst. A Sweepstakes, 81200, was won at two heats by W. 11. Johnsons b. e. by Contention, beating iff ! others time. im.50s.& lm.

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