Franklin Meeting. At a nicet injrol'a largo number of the citi es of this county, assembled at jK; Court-house in the town of l.oinbnrir, on the 19th day of jVfay, JVJ, lor the purpose ot ta J;iu into consideration the sub ject of the ensuing Presidential flection, and to concert such measures as may be necessary to oppose, successfully, the re-election of JOHN QUfNCY ADAMS to the Presidency of the United States, and to adopt such a course in fivor of Gen. ANDREW JACKSON as President, as will insure him the voice of this county: On motion of Willinm 11 liV.. fl 7. t jjij. vui. l 1 1 lit mi i .1 err y was appointed Chairman, and Smith Patterson, Esq. was appointed Secretary to the meeting. John D. JLnckins, Esq. ex plained the object of the meeting, and moved that a committee be appointed to draft resolutions to be submitted for their considera tion; whereupon the Chairman ap pointed John D. Hawkins, Willie Perry, William Moore, Solomon Williams, Phil. Hawkins, Milo Lattimer, Benjamin F. Hawkins, Archibald H. Davis, William T. Williams and Nat. Hunt, as that committee, who retired for some time; and, upon their return, made mans, and our fellow citizens on;the use of the needle, and finds it ine doi tiers ot the Lakes, we shall .difficult to b rino- hor far linn rls to- be nearly cut off even from the meagre profits of the indirect, cir cuitous supply of the British West Indies. A still further induce ment, we should hope, to our po liticians at Washington, to mend their hand at Diplomacy. Jtichmond Enq. llfMct-y.A trunk was cut from the Camden stage near this town, (says the Fayetteville Observer,) on Tuesday night last, contain ing, we understand, checks or drafts to the amount of $13,000, besides other valuable papers and clothing. The trunk, robbed of the checks and clothing, but con taining the other papers, was found yesterday morning in a field about a mile from town, by seve ral gentlemen who promptly turn ed out for that purpose. A young man named Skipper has been ta ken up and committed to jail un der strong circumstancial testimony. measures just four feet in circum ference around the waist, and two feet immediately above the knee joint. The youngest daughter is nine months old, and weighs 45 pounds, and bids fair to overtake her sister. A female dwarf, Miss A. M' Dowell, was recently exhibited in the same city. She was born in Cecil county, Md. was in her 31st year, weighed 40 pounds, and was only 30 inches high. Intemperance. A man named Burr, with his wife and child liv ing at Hempstead, Long-Island, went to bed on the night of the 24th ult. in a state of intoxica tion. The father was nwnknnrwl a report, accompanied by severally something on fire, when he a i i-i . . i ..... - resolutions, which were adopted rose and extinguished it. On n by an unanimous voice, save one.isinsr in the morning, he found his Our limits will not permit us to wile lying in the fire place burnt insert the report, which is irivcn to death, her head, one arm. mul at length in the Raleigh Star: log entirely burnt olf! When they The fust resolution is as follows: retired to bed, some liquor was is resolved. That the members of leit in a bottle; in the mornm" it this meeting will, at the next Presidcn-1 was Climtv. and it. is simnnsorl V11: woman drank what re- Ju" Ior r,,clll a 1 l maincd, sat down by the fire, and will support, no man to represent us ci- r J ' r., .... r n i . n-n m u. Assembly, who is not unequivocally in lavor ot uen. Andrew Jackson for President. Execution. Scott, the slave of bimeoil Cnr.lirrm. fsnrs tlioH'ilL. The second resolution adds the1 boro' Recorder,) convicted at our names of Wood T. Johnson, W. last Superior Court of the murder Harrison and Williamson Gate- of William M. Marshall, was ex wood to the fore"oiii" committee, ecuted on Saturdav last nursnnnt as a committee of correspondence, to sentence, amid a concourse of three or lour thousand persons. "der. We understand that At the gallows he related the cir a man by the name of Smith, mur- cumstances of the murder in a dered William White, Esq. of tale corresponding with that which Randolph county, on the 16th in- has been lor some time in circu stant. (May.) The murderer lation. Himself and Peter coin made his escape and is now go-imittcd the murder; but two or nig at large. Vc have not as yet j three white persons are nnphca- lieanl the particulars. Greensboro' Pat. Co m m c rein I p r aspects. T h e London Courier of the 7th April, copies from the AUgemeine Zei tung an article under the head of Mentz, March 22(1, which among other speculations on the com mercial system of England, the change in her Colonial policy, and ;the course taken with respect to the United States," makes a cal culation that the North of Ger many "can supply almost all the articles which till now the British colonies have been in the habit of taking from the Americans, a mouming annually to $12,000,000. ft is added, that the "west and south of Germany would partici pate in these benefits, were the navigation of the Rhine free." But another source of supply is ftlso opened to the British West halies. A very encouraging pros pect this, for us of the Southern sates! What, with the Ger- tcd as far more guilty in the busi ness. It is unnecessary to men tion their names. Though pro tected by the policy of the laws from merited punishment, the ex ecrations of the public will forever rest upon them. If he who mur ders a fellow being merits igno miny and death; what adequate punishment can be awarded to him who, instead of leading into paths of rectitude a poor ignorant wretch dependant upon him, shall, by persuasion and bribes and threats, urge him on to the shed ding of blood and the gallows! Surely there is an hereafter! Brobdinagians. There are now exhibiting in the city of Ne w York, two female children, born in Dutchess county; the eldest ot which is three years and nine months old, fine complexion, with a beautiful head of hair, and ma nifests all the playfulness and elas ticity of a healthy child at that tender acre She is just learning Drugs $r Medicines. U.S. &R. F. Stubbs, OF HALIFAX, Have recently received a fresh supply of Medicines, Paints, &c. Which, in addition to their former Stock, renders their assortment very ge neral. Physicians and Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, may be sup plied at very reduced prices. Just received, a supply of SWAIM'S PANACEA, warranted genuine. Halifax, N.C. May 17, 1827. 41-4 . , FOR THE Promotion of Science and Literature. BOARD OP trustees: His Excellency JOS. KENT, Governor ol the Mate, President ex officio. Roger B. Taney, Esq. lion. Jb. Jr. Chambers. Hon. Ste'nson Archer, Hon. Thos. B. Dorsey , Hon. John C. Herbert. Hon. Jas. Thomas. Rev.GeorgeRoberts. Rev.J.P.K.Henshaw. Solomon Etting.Esq. Nat'l Williams,Esq. VVm. Frick, Esq. Isaac McKim, Esq. Dr. James Steuart. Dr. B. J. Semmes. Dr. Dennis Claude. and Duelling. The Grand Jury of Simpson county, ivy. have found true bills against C. M. Smith, of lennesscc, for murder, in the killing of Mr. Brank in a duel; and against Samuel Houston, a Kepresentativc in Congress from Tenn. for shootinir with intent to kill, likewise in a duel: crimes commuted within their jurisdic- in tlOIl. Ihc Executive of Ken-jHon.Wm.H.Marriott tllf lev lino i tl AmAA Hon.ReverdvJohnson I -4V j .mi;uiion,nsq ana . w i . . v . llai.v vji a. n- . vui. juiiu xj. jr. xienry VVilKins. nessee, that they may be brought tO trial, v.uiir. uru;ii 114, Market-st.? Baltimore, May 7th, 1827. S (QUnder authority of the Act of the General Assembly (Dec. session, 1826,) we herewith present to the public, the First Class of the Maryland ittxUxxz omtf, The whole to be drawn in ONE DAY, in the City of Baltimore, and under the superintendence of the Commis sioners appointed by the Governor and Council. Sleeping Beauty. X young lady at Aike, (England) "lately slept profoundly for eighteen days. She would never make her for tune as editor of a morning paper. urn ll 'fin 1 1 limn mi married; In this county, on Monday evening last, by the Rev. Joshua Lawrence, Mr. Gco7gc IFimberly, of Johnston county, to Mrs. Catharine Hart. DIED, In New-York, on Sunday, the Glh ul timo, Mr. James A. Patterson, prin ter, former publisher of the North-Carolina (Fayetteville) Journal, aged 29 years, a native of Easton, Pa. At Rowley, Mass. on the 7th ult. af ter many months of extreme suffering, Mr. llobert S. Coffin, the "Boston Hard." ilH m wwm i mmama f Vricc Current. MAY 25. per Petrrs'g. JV. York. Hacon, - lb 7 & 8 10 lirandy, - - - gal. 75 100 Corn, - - bu'h 55 60 60 Cotton, - - - lb 8 9j 8 10 Coffee, - -16 IS) 13 18 Flour, family, - bbi 600 750 525 600 Iron, - ton 105 112 $90 100 Molasses, - - gal 35 40 27 35 Hum, New-Eng. - 42 4.5 35 36 ougar, brown, - lb Si 12f 7 15 loaf, - - 18 25 17 19 Tea, Young Hyson, - 100 112 75 100 Imperial, - - 150 175 110 133 Wheat, - - bu'l 90 100 92 9." Whiskey, - - gal. 40 45 33 37 North-Carolina Bank Notes. At Petersburg, 4 to 4 discount. At New -York, 5 discount. Grand Chapter of N. C. rnilE ANNUAL CONVOCATION - of the Grand Chapter of North-Ca rolina will be neld m fayetteville on the 23d day of June next; and at.the same time and place a CONVENTION is called to meet, for the purpose of tak ing into consideration the propriety of altering and amending the Grand Royal Arch Constitution. By order of the M.RG. High Priest. Mav 1527. HIGHEST PRIZE, c 20,000 Dollars! BRILLIANT SCHEME: I prize of &20,000 is 620,000 1 prize of 10,000 is 10,000 10 prizes of 2,000 is 20,000 10 prizes of 1.000 is 10,000 10 prizes of 500 is 5,000 20 prizes of 200 is 4,000 20 prizes of 100 is 2,000 40 prizes of 50 is 2,000 100 prizes of 20 is 2,000 150 prizes of 10 is 1,500 300 prizes of 5 is 1,500 9000 prizes of 4 is 36,000 9G62 prizes amountrg to Si 14,000 20338 only 30,000 Tickets. gThe CASH for the whole of the Prizes can he had, as usual at Cohen's Office, the moment they are drawn. Mode of Drawing.... The numbers will be put into one wheel as usual, and in the other will be put the prizes above the denomination of Five Dollars, anal the drawing to progress in the usual manner. The 9000 prizes of Four Dol lars to be awarded to the tickets, the numbers of which end with the termina ting fisrure of either of the three first drawn numbers of different termina tions. The Five Dollar prizes to be a warded to the, tickets having the two last figures corresponding with the two last figures of such number of the next drawn of different termination. This mode will permit the whole lottery to be completed in one drawing, and a tick et drawing a superior prize will not be restricted from drawing an inferior one also. Tickets, S5,00 I Quarters, Si, 25 Halves, 2,50 Eighths, - 0,62 (jy Orders from any part of the Uni ted States, either by mail (post paid) or private conveyance, enclosing the Cash or Prize Tickets in any of the Lotteries, will meet the same prompt and punctu al attention as if on personal application. jFddress to J. I. COHEN, Jr. Brothers, Bait. Baltimore. May 7,1627. 30-7

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