Whole No. 148. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, JV. C. Saturday, June 23, 1827, Vol 111. No. 44. THF. "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, fspuM'ishcd weekly, (every Saturday,) a1 TWO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num Hers,) if P;lul within one month after Suh cribcrs commence receiving their papers yv.5 Dollars cf Fifty Cents, if paid within .;x months and Three Dollars at theexpi j itiim of the year. Subscribers at liberty to continue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will yc inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and ;j cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the. Editor must be fjst ful id. jy'Janies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, is our general agent for that vicinity. New Establishment. William V. Clarke, INFORMS the citizens of Halifax and its vicinit v, that he has established a tranch of his business in the Town of Halifax, Next door to the Post -Office, Where he intends keeping for sale, a general and complete aortment of eve ry article in the SADDLING And Harness .Mah'ing Line. And also will keep constantly on hand, at the same place a supply of FASHIONABLE 5iQ$ anfc Smlftcps, Manufactured under his own immediate inspection, and of the best materials All of which he will sell on the most moderate terms for Cash, or on a short Credit. (3JVork of fiery description, in the Saddling and Harness making business, will be made and repaired, at the above establishment to order, at the shortest notice. April 27, 1S27. 3G-0- Druga $r Medicines. R. S. & II. F. Stubbs, OF HALIFAX, Have recently received a fresh supply of Medicines, Paints, &c. Which, in addition to their former Stock, renders their assortment very ge neral. Phv sicians and Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, may be sup plied at very reduced prices. Just received, a supply of SWAIM'S 1 AiNALhiA, warranted genuine. Halifax, N.C. May 17, 1S27. 41-4 NOTICE. rpHE Subscribers intend leaving this place lor JNew- ork, by the tenth of next Month all those indebted to ..i i mem by note or account, are requested to settle the same on or before that time. J hey now offer the balance of their Stock on hand at reduced prices, con sisting; of... DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery, &c. Mso, 150 Barrels Corn, Which will be sold low for Cash. D. RICHARDS $ CO. Tarboro', 17th May, 1827. 39 The celebrated Knee Horse, C!fT 4 W IX.L WILL 4' Li STAND the season at my house, in the county ot Halifax, 7 miles from the town of Halifax, G miles from Enfield Court-House, and 3 from CrowclPs Cross Uoads, and will be let to mares at the moderate price of SEVEN DOL LARS the single leap, to he paid when the marc is covered; TEN Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the reason; and FIFTEEN Dollars to in sure a mare to be in foal, to be paid as won as the mare is ascertained to be in foal; with 50 Cents to the Groom in ev ery instance. The season will com mence the 1st day of March, and end the 1st day of August. Particular at tention will be paid to mares sent to re main with the horse. Separate lots are provided for mares with young colts, and they will be fed as required. Eve ry attention will be paid to prevent ac cidents or escapes, but will not be lia Ij'e for either. T)atoancc, Is a beautiful Chesnut Sorrel, 5 feet 1 inch high, 9 years old this spring. He was gotten by the celebrated horse Te cumseh, his dam by old Citizen, his Rrandam by Alderman, his great gran lani by Roebuck, his great great gran dam by Herod, his great great great grandam by Partner. JOHN CROWELL. January 7th, 1827. 2S Constables' Blanks, viz. Warrants, Casa's, Bail Bonds, Forthcoming Bonds. &c. 1 r Sale at this Office.- Notice. HBMIE Subscriber has about 500 bar rels of CORN, for sale low for Cash. He also continues to keep a jrc neral supply of Prizes, in the different Lotteries. JAS. SIMMONS, No. QS,corncr of King Shop street, Halifax, 16th Jan. 1S27. 22 Mrs. D. Sneader, Milliner and Muntuu-Mahcr, HALIFAX, N. C. AS just received, direct from Pe lersburg and Niiv- York, her Spring Supply of Goods, Comprising a general assortment of arti clcs in her line consisting of Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Open Straw Cottage Bonnets, A great variety of Silk Bonnets, Caps and Turbans, Bobinett Veils, Plain and figured Gros de Naples, do. do. Silks and Satins, Corctts, (Mrs. ThornhilFs patent,) Light colored Curls and Frizetts, Arafene Crape, Foundation Muslin, While and black Crape, Black Mode, Pink Gause, Florences, Liece, Lace, Thulc Lace, Millinett, A great variety of bunch and wreath Flowers, Paste Buckles, Beads, Brazilian Shell Combs, dolls, toys, &c ALSO, A FEW pattern Bennett The latest New-York Spring fashion a superb article, which the Ladies are par ticularly invited to call and examine. She has also received the latest Fash ions for Ladies' Dresses, &c. ry-v-- Mrs. S. intends to remove IT CT 'from Halifax in a short time, "-- and consequently is desirous to have her accounts closed all persons indebted to her will, therefore, please call and settle their accounts by note or otherwise. Halifax, May 1, 1S27. Notice. fpHE Subscriber respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that in his absence the Cabinet-Making, Turning, $c. Will be carried on at his shop as usual by competent hands. Any person desi rous of having work done in his line, will please apply to F. S. Marshall, who will have the sole management of my affairs during my absence. Mr. Marshall is also my agent in this State for the disposal of Patent Rights for my Cotton Press, which is recommended to the public with increased confidence. LEWIS LAYSSARD. Halifax, Feb. 1S27. 2S ; Frinlhig neatly credited. 80,000 Acres of Land, In Market JOHN G. BLOUNT, of North-Caro- iiw.t, iius uuuui ou,uuu acres oi land in the Western District of Tennessee, which he is anxious to sell, and of course will give good bargains. Persons wish ing to purchase land in this country can be suited in almost any part of it, and in tracts of any size of from 50 to 5,000 acres. The undersigned is the agent of .John u. lilount, and can generally be found in Jackson, or at his own house two miles north thereof. JAMES CAR UTIIERS. March 24, 1S27. 42-3 NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the Subscri hers by note or account, are renupef. ed to call and settle the same, on or be fore the 20th of June next, as further muuigence cannot be sriven. CRANE KINGSBURY. Tarboro', 24th May, 1S27. 40 Notice. IT MAY TERM, 1S27, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Pitt county, the subscribers qualified as Executors of PE TER RITES, dee'd. All those holding claims against said estate, are requested to bring them for ward properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to said estate will consult their interest by calling and set tling the same. RICHARD E RIFES, BENASIILE Y A TKINSON, 9th May, 1S27. 39-S Exec'rs. ANNIVERSARY OF St. John the Baptist, N SUNDAY, the 24th instant, being the Anniversary of St. John the Baptist, the members of Royal White Hart Lodge No. 2, will unite in com memoration of the day. $votz$$ion Will bs formed at their Hall, at 11 o' clock, A. M. and proceed from thence to the Church, where AN ADDRESS, Appropriate to the occasion, will be de livered by Brother Doctor A. S. II. BURGES. Transient Brethren, and the Officers and Members of the various adjacent Lodges, are respectfully invited to join in the Celebration. By Order. ROB'T LOUDON,) Com' tee AND ' W HARRIS, of TIPS II. CARSON,) Arr'g't. Test, S. M. JOHNSTON, Sec'y. T-r VP IT fy T t rt i pn" itaiiiax. ' .nine . io--. ( Important Auction. HP HE SALE of the nerishablennrl npr. u , I suuai uuperiy oi me iate UUD'T R. JOHNSON, to the highest bidder, consisting of d large slock of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep::::household furniture, plantation utensils, And a variety of other articles, will commence at the plantation on Deep Creek, on Friday, the 22d June, inst. At the same time and place, will be HIRED OUT for the remainder of the year, from 10 to 20 rsegroes, ON MONDAY, the 25th instant, on the Plantation on Fishing Creek, and at the dwelling-house near Warrenton, WILL BE SOLD, an extensive slock of Horses. Cattle, Sheep and Hogs two Wagons and Gear Plantation U- icnsils, together with the Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, Comprising a great variety amongst which are Sideboards,Tables, Chairs, Bed89 Bedsteads and Furniture, And a rich and elegant Collection of CUT GLASS. ON THURSDAY, the 2Sth instant, at the Shocco Springs,WILL BE SOLD between Seventy and Eighty Valuable Negroes, Consisting of Men, Women, Boys and Girls, which are as likely as any in the State, and amongst whom are some to lerable Carpenters, an excellent Black smith and Striker, good Ostlers, Seam stresses, House servants, Cooks and Field hands also, A new Carriage and Harness:::: a Razee and Harntss::::a SuU key and Harness.:::u pair of elegant Carriage Horses:::: Stock of Cattle and Hogs likewise, From 60 to 90 Beds, Bedsteads and Furniture complete. Together with all the residue of the Household and Kitchen Furniture, con sisting of Dining, Tea and Dressing Tables a Piano Forte Chairs Ta ble and Tea China, and a variety of other articles too tedious to enumerate, the whole of which are of the best kind. This property will be sold on a credit of Six months. The sale will positive ly take place at the specified times, and will continue from day to day until completed. The crops, as they now stand grow ing, on the different plantations, will be sold at the respective times of the sale of the other property. Bonds with undoubted security will be required before the property is deli vered, and should any purchaser fail to comply with the conditions, the articles will be re-sold, and such purchaser held responsible for the deficiency. RICHARD DAVISON, GORDON CAWTIIORN, Warren County, Adm'r?. N C. 7th June. 1827.5 H n I I ' h