o Whole Xo. i52, Tarbovough, Edgecombe County, X. C. Saturday, July 21, 1827. Vol ULXo. 48, Till-: "FREE PRESS," Jhj Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Saturday,) at DOLLARS )or year, (or52num ,;;,) it paid within one month after Suh- . -ribcrs commence receiving their papers Dollars cf Fifty Cents, if paid within .;x months and Three Dollars at theexpi , - ti, ii of the year. Subscribers at liberty to jj.,-ontiiuic at any time on paving arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will i inserted at JO cents the first insertion, and cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 10 lines. Utters addressed to the Editor must be ;:.,'.. j;-James Simmon, Esq. postmaster a U..Sit.tx,is our general agent for that vicinity. Notice. N the fourth Monday of August r.ext, will be sold for Cash, at the Court-House in Tarborougli, One Tract ;i.:rcd of Ljnd lying on 'I'ar River, iVur miles a?Mve Tarborougli, adjoining i.u? 1 eu!s of Richard Harrison and Chas. W. Knight. Esquires containing three ! i;um!red aiM tortv acres, belonging to the belts ol DjzI. Jeremiah Rattle, de- Judge .Murpheifs Ovation. riMIE Editor of the Observer, antici- paling the public anxiety to possess uns interesting Address in a more per manent form than can be given to it by the newspapers, proposes to publish it in pamphlet form, on good type and pa- pei, ami win supply orders irom Book sellers and Country Merchants at a ve ry reasonable rate. Should the copy be icemen as early as expected, it will probably be published in all next week. lhe price for single copies, 25 cents, wiui a very considerable deduction to those who purchase a number of copies Fayetteville, July 5. 1?uuu lur tyo, Was obtained last week from the Lucky Lottery Office IN TARBO HOUGH, N. C. Where is kept a constant supply of PRIZES, For Sale, in all of the Lotteries for which Yates & Mclntyre are managers, by THOS. B. MARKS. 07th June. 1S27. 45.3 Education. I rustecs of the utNfy sundry writs of Fi lsd. Also, on the same day and place, will ceased to lr'a. in ::iv ENFIELD ACADEMY take pleasure in infor ming the Public, that they have engaged the services of Mr. Thomas L. Rags dale, a gentleman of high literary at tainments, in behalf of this Institution. All branches of education, necessary for admission into any of the classes of the University of our own State, will be taught in this Seminary. The Terms of Tuition are, for all ho soil f.r Ca.h, One other Tract, the kranclics of lhc lisll So0 HJ'nnPrf I" fit .I'imp I'iMw nr 'ii Utininrrthn . . . - 7 .mils of Poniard Cowell and others, the to in fairly sundry writs ot Vend. Exps. my hands. Also, on the same day and place, will be sold for Cash, One other Tract, the property of Edward Waller, adjoining the lands of Josiah Freeman and the per annum other brunches of learning, $25 jer annum, payable quarterly in advance. Board can be obtained in respectable houses, convenient to the Academy, at from five to seven dollars per month. This School is now in operation a vacation will take place on the first of August, and continue until the first of iieirs of Sterling Waller, deceased to satisfy sundry writs of Vend. Exps. &.c. Arid, on the same day and place, w ill he sold, On 'j other Tract, the property of Thomas Speight, containing 200 acres more or less adjoining the lands of T. j morals ot Easoti, the heirs of Levi Rogers dee'd, j flatter themselves, that from the locality Asa Daniel, and others to satisfy a writ "f this Institution, from the character of ci v end. Exps. in my hands. October by which tim i the Academy will be removed from the place where iit now stands, to a situation highly de sirable, hoth as regards the health and morals of the Students. The Trustees s. l. hart, Shjf. June 30, 1S27. Price adv UPtUNSUTCK Mineral Springs, T is with much pleasure lhe Propria trs of lhe Brunswick Mineral Springs j mhirm t lie public, that they are now ' ):... !y for the reception of company, j Considerable addition have been made; far the comfortable accommodation of victors. The Stage from Petersbutg, Y.i. and Raleigh, N. C. will convey plungers to our doors. Three large L:d airy rooms will be exclusive! v at the disposal of our guests. Guns, Mu ;,:d Instruments, Chess-men, a selection c: iiooks, Baths, (warm and cold) an 3ssor:ment of wines, &c. and every dc :Mrd:;h: article for the table, are provid ed. So that these Springs will be as de :ra!de a retreat for the invalid, and for those who desire to escape disease, and to e.'ijoy pleasure, as can be found in our Slate. The Mineral qualities of the waters have not been analysed; but their '-aufirdal e Heels on those who have used thi'iu, in restoring lest health and in giv ing treshness anu bloom to the plexion j the inhabitants near it, and from the qua jlilicalions of its Principal, it is entitled to a jib.'ial share of patronage. By orilcr of the Board of Trustees, S. WIIlTAKER.Sec. Enfield, II difax count, June H;, 1827. 43-0 anu oioom to the com are not doubted: and sneak wore than any analysis could possibly ''J, in their favor. Grateful for the en couragement received the past season, vvhen they labored under all the disad vantages incident to new undertakings; and convinced by experiment that they can come up to what they promise, the Proprietors will continue to exert them selves to secure the confidence of their fnends, and to give satisfaction in every department of their establishment. Hoard, per day, Si ; Children and ser vant 50 cents; Horse 75 cents per day. A. POWELL 8c CO. June I 9, 1S27. 41-7 The c tie. bra ted llttcc Horse, SUA WAN EE, WILL STAND the ensuing season at my house, in the count' of Halifax, 7 miles from the town of Halifax, G miles from Enfield Court-I louse, and 3 from Cro well's Cross Roads, and will be let to mares at the moderate price of SEVEN DOL LARS the single leap, to be paid when the mare is covered; TEN Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season; and FIFTEEN Dollars to in sure a mare to be in foal, to be paid as soon as the mare is ascertained to be in foal; with 50 Cents to the Groom in ev ery instance. The season will com mence the 1st day of March, and end the 1st day of August. Particular at tention will be paid to rnarcs sent to re main with the horse. Separate lots are provided for mares with yc'u'ng colts, and they will be fed as required. Eve ry attention will be paid to prevent ac cidents or escapes, but will not be lia ble for either. Is a beautiful Chesnut Sorrel, 5 feet 1 inch high, 9 years old this spring. He was gotten by the celebrated horse Te cumseh, his dam by old Citizen, his grandam by Alderman, his great gran dam by Roebuck, his great great gran dam by Herod, his great great great grandam by Partner. jo fix c no WELL. January 7th. 1827 231 XTOTICE Public EXAMINATION, in the .... ' vuanky Academy is to commence on the 23d nf Jutu next, and to I )r rnntinn. ed that day and the two following, dur ing me usual school hours and that A Rhetorical Jiivhibhion, fs to take place on Thursday the 2Glh. to begin at 9 o'clock, A. M. Un Monday the lower, and on Tues day the higher branches of English edu cation are to undergo examination and, on Wednesday, malhematicks, phi losophy, and the languages. Previous to the Exhibition, or on Thursday morn ing, will be read the respective merits or demerits of the scholars, as evinced from the Examination; also, a renort of conduct and progress during the whole of the preceding session, or the result of weekly notices on the School Register, of each individuals standing. Honors and Premiums, then, to he conferred on scholars who have especially distin guished themselves. To the above Exercises the Trustees' and Principal solicit the attendance of the Parents and Guardians of the youth committed to their care, and of other gentlemen and ladies friendly to the pro motion ot literature. Our Institution fi.st went into opera lion in January last with about twenty scholars, and has since increased its number to upwards of forty. Previous experience on the plan ot Mutual In struction, or that of the Monitorial and Lancasleiiari combined as circumstances required, connected with the facilities afforded by having a uniformity of the most approved school books, have ena bled the Principal, the Rev. Sidney IVeUcr.A.M. to conduct the School himself, with no assistance except that of his scholars. Should any, not ac quainted with the above plan, doubt the facility which it affords an individual for teaching a large number advantageously, let them not hastily decide against (what is thought by many whose opinions are entitled to deference) an improvement in education; but as one means of get ting light on the subject, lef them attend the coming Examination and judge for themselves from the effect of the plan. The next term (to continue about four months) is to open after a recess of a few days, or on Monday, the 5th of Au gust. RICE B. PIERCE, JAMES BISHOP. JOHN P URN ELL. N. B. As there is a prospect of a further accession to the School next ses sion, therefore, in order to lighten the task of the Principal, a suitable compen sation would be made to some young man, coming well recommended as to morals, who might be qualified as JIN ASSISTANT, And who might wish to improve him self in sludy, and as a teacher on the above named plan of Mutual Instruc tion. THE TRUSTEES. June, 1827. 44 200 Barrels (of superior) Cut Herrings, A QUANTITY OF BACON CORN, M Sparta, near Tarborougb For Sale, by EVANS, ANDREWS $ CO. June 15th, 1S27. 44.3 Notice. rpHE Subscriber has rented the corner house adjoining Mr. Frederick BelPs c 1 11, un main-street, where he pledg es himself to keep a good assortment of Leather, for the purpose of carrying on THE SADDLING" And Harness-Malting Business. His work will bo executed in thp hpf manner, and he will spII if nn ?i ronn. able terms as the times will admit. WILLIAM WEBB. Tarboro, July 6, 1827. 47 HEALTHFUL dttmmer Wittvtat rPHE Subscriber begs leave to apprize his friends and the public that he will, during the approaching season, keep A Private Boarding House, AT IIUNTERSVILLE, In the immediate neighbourhood of the Shocco Springs Situated 8 miles south of Warrenton. His accommodations will hp snoh a he flatters himself will please visitors generally, and his charges will be as follows: Board per day, - - - . $ 0O Children and Servants do. -0 50 Horse per do. ----- 0 75 (J To those who board by the week, a reasonable deduction will be made. WM. K. KEARNEY. June 21. 45.4 Notice. THE Subscriber qualified as Adminis trator of William J. Ruffin, dee'd a the County Court for the county of Edgecombe, November term, 1826, and requests all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to bring them forward properly authenticated within the time limited by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery all in debted, to make immediate payment, as the situation of the estate will not admit of indulgence. MOSES BAKER, Adm'r. July 2, 1827. 46-3 T Notice. HE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the Public, that in his absence the Cabinet-Making, Turning, fyc. Will be carried on at his shon as usual by competent hands. Any person desi rous of having work done in his line, will please apply to F. S. Marshall, who will have the sole management of my affairs during my absence. Mr. Marshall is also m v nornnt in th?! 9tnle for the disposal of Patent Rights for my motion rress, which is recommended to the public with increased confidence. LEWIS LAYS SARD. Halifax, Feb. 1827, 2 1 1 IS ! Vim' 1 I