b IVhols jXo. 151. Tavborongh, Edgecombe County, JV. 0. Suto'oV,;,, Aig,M 4, Wj. JYo. 50. TIIK "FREL PRESS," 7?y C.Y. JIo:vaily Ijv.:Mishcd weekly, (every Saturday,) at TWO DGl. f..lRX per year, (or 52 mini i:rs) it paid within one month after Sub- H-rilKrs commence 1 eiA-ivin their papers y:-3 Dollars Fifty Cfnts, it' paid within .months and Thrrr Dollars at thcexpi uvxn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to jiicontinuc at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will v inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, ami y? cents each continuance. Lonrer ones at t- it rate i'or every 16 tines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be ..c ... -"James Simmons, Esq. postmaster a iLiliuNtH our general agent for that viohdt v Notice. . tnc lotirm .Monday ot Auirust next, will be sold for Cash, at the Court-IIouse in Tarborough, One Tract or parcci of Land lying on Tar River, four miles above Tarborough, adjoining the lands of Richard Harrison and Chas. V. Knighl, Esquires containing three hundred and forty acres, belonjnnsr to the heirs of Doct. Jeremiah Battle, de ceased to satisfy sundry writs of Pi Yd, in my bauds. AUo, on the same day and place, will Le sold fur Cash, One other Tract, tin; property of James Pender, adjoining the hnds of "Bernard Co well and others, to satisfy sundry writs of Vend. E:ps. in my hands. Also, on the same dry and place, will hr. sold for Cash, One. other Tract, the property of I 'd ward Waller, adjoining .'lie lands of Josiah Freeman and the heirs of Sterling Waller, deceaed to satisfy sundry writs of Vend. Hxps. &c. And, on the same day and place, will he sold, One other Tract, the property of Thomas Speight, containing 200 acres more or less adjoining the lands of T. Eason, the heirs of Levi Rogers h cM. j Asa D.miel. ami others to satisfy a writ of Vend, l'.xps. in my hands. S. L. II. HI T, Shji'. .Tunc HO, H'1. Price adv S l:",o. 200 Barrels (of superior) Cut Herrings, A QUANTITY OF BACON CORN, At Sparta, near Tarhorough, For Sale, by eijns, . indue jfs co. June l.r)th, 1827. 44.3 S ho ceo Springs, Nine mites South of Harrenton9N.C. r9HIS well-known, hcalthv and de- $20 Reward. RAN AWAY, from our mills at Wilmington, four or five weeks since, a dark mulatto man named CHARLES, 20 or 27 years of acre, about .r. fpt 7 inches in height, and stoutly built. We purchased Charles in January 1S2G; he has wrought with our carpenters most of the time since, lie war, formerly own ed by Mr. Louis Readie, of Melville's Cteek, Beaufort county, 15 miles below North Washington, on Pamlico. We have some cause to suspect that he may have joined some runaways be longing either to Sampson cr Wake county. We will crive 520 for his annrehnn- sion and delivery to us, or SlO on his delightful Watering Place is again being safely lodged in any Jail in the oIjCH 101 mo rpppn inn c nmri,MT where my friends and the public are re spectfully assured that every exertion will bo tried to render their situation, during the season, as agreeable as that of visitors heretofore has been; having used all precaution to provide every depart ment of the establishment with all requi sites, each of which w ill be superintend ed by well qualified attendants and ser vants. The accommodations are exten sive and afford a number of private In it rooms, which will be particularly attend ed to: The charges for Board will be for Ladic? and Gentlemen, per day, $1 00 Children and Servants, do. O 50 Horses, - - - 0 75 .7 AW JOHNSON. June t, 1827. 17-5 State. C. P. MALLETT. FayettcvillcN.C. ,n May 17, 1S27. S BACON r Mineral Springs. T is with much pleasure the Proprie- tors of the Brunswick Mineral Springs inform the public, that they are now U'.idy lor the ieception of company. Considerable additions have been made -r the comfortable accommodation of yKitors. The Stage from Petersburg, ' 1. and Raleigh N. C. will convey psscngers to our doors. Three lare 'r.n airy rooms will be exclusively at lie disposal of our guests. Guns, Mu- ;d Instruments, Chess-men, a selection i'i Hooks, Baths, (warm and cold) an ''sortment of wines, fcc. and every de- table article for the table, are provid ed. Sj that iiiese Springs will be as de 'inbie a retreat for the invalid, and for :-Cht; who desire to escape disease, and h) enjoy pleasuie, as can be founil in our v,t:sle. The Mineral qualities of the v- 'ers have not been analysed ; but their J'! "' -li'dal elTe:ts on those who have used ; in, in restoring lost health and in giv- liveliness and bloom to the eom dexioii, are not doubted; and speak ,;ivre than any analysis could possibly l'fj, in their favor. Grateful for the en Unnageinent received the past season, 'ben they labored under all the disad vantages incident to new undertakings; ajul convinced by experiment that they fcJii come up to what they promise, the ioj;r:etors will continue to exert them Ives to secure the confidence of their tjiep.ds, and to give satisfaction in every i(-paitment of their establishment. Hoard, per day, Si; Children and scr- u:t , 50 cents; Horse 75 cents per day. POWELL CO. '-Uif If), 1 8? 7 . 4 1-7 Cop 11, Tier rings , fHK Subscriber has fnr sale low for Cash, Bacon. Corn, Herrings, Clour, and Laid J or 1 boxes of Hats Notice. pi IE Subscriber respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that in his absence the Cabinet-Making, Turning, &c. Will be carried on at his shop as usual by competent hands. Anv person desi- t ons of having, work done in his line, I will please apply to J S. Marshall, I who will have the sole management of jmy affairs during my absence. Mr. I Marshall is also my agent in this State j for the disposal of Patent Rights for my Cotton 7Vty.?, which is recommended jto the public with increased confidence. 1 LEWIS LAYSS.UID. Halifax, Feb. 1827. 2S 2DomesUc Strange Decision. An action was lately brought, in a 3Iagis trates' Court at Charleston, by a tailor, to recover dollars for making a coat for defendant. 1 he plaintiff produced his books, and proved his account. The de fendant proved that the coat wag made too small, and was, on that account, useless to him. The presiding Justice then gave the following decree: "The plaintiff having proved that the work was done, and as no man is to work tor nothing, I decree that the de fendant shall pay the plaintiff the amount; and the coat being too small, it is ordered that the plain tiff make a pair of breeches for defendant's son. Two young women, daughters of Mr. Stafford, of Alachuahender, Florida, were recently burned to death by the explosion of a cask of whiskey from which they were drawing the fire was communi cated from a candle. The celebrated Race Horse. 1 ALSO. A COO ) , r TtV WILL STAND the 'ftioiW inMil iit ifui iw V.(u)0n I . t v i&mtre&ti ... u.m , ..! jot, iuti. s yjrjM $HviJ ensuing season at my The above articles being 01: consign- ! )2iISLXho,J-e? in the coun of mcnt, and sold rn in 1 vTor Cash, per- ; , Hahiax, 7 miles irom the suns wishing to purchase XVould pr)!n- ! l?wn r.' t miles Irom f.nheld bly be able to buy them cheaper than at j ;0,,rt"J;0'J:u T lrom CrowelPs ..11 1 ;t,ross lioads. and wi he ot to nvivpc nt the moderate price of SEVEN BOL- my other house in this place. They are therefore respectfully soli cited to call upon J. S. SIMMONS. Halifax, r:th July, 1827. -IS I LARS the single Icnp, to be paid when the mare is covered; TEN Dollars the ocason, payable at the expiration of the j season; and FIFTEEN Dollars to in- 850 Howard, :::iY2 a marc to he in foal, to be paid as j soon as the rr.are is ascertained to be in !lo:d: with ."if) f!f?.tj tn tim ninm i t- R ANA WAV from the Sub-j cry instance. The season will com- mencc the 1st day of March, and end the 1st day of August. Particular at tention will be paid to mares sent to re main with the horse. Separate lots are provided for mares with young colts, and they will be fed as required. Eve ry attention will be paid to prevent ac cidents or escapes, but will not be lia ble for either. JCy.-,...;iw,r 1T.U,, nil, T.,l.; 3V OllUUl, Ull LMUUIhl j , .. 111 II III y . a negro man named PETER, about 22 years old, feet 4 or 5 inches hiirh. well set. dark com- plected, hroad face, front teeth large and white, rather slow spoken, and a few scars on his back occasioned by the whip, and perhaps a few on his breast short thick kidney feet. As he has already made the attempt, it is highly probable be will endeavor to make his escape with some white person. Twenty five Dollars will be given to any person who will apprehend the said negro, and confine him in any Jail in this State so that I get him again or, Fifty Dollars if taken and confined in any Jail without this State. It would do well for people to be on their guard, as he did on the day of his elopement stab a man in attempting to lake him. No advantage of the law will be taken by me of any person, who may kill the said negro in taking or confin ing him. CQUDJIL HUNTER. Rocky Mount, N. C. 3 July 13, 1S27. 5 .r7Tli Kditors of the Ralciih Star will j v - il. - ..Us-...s kirk incftVtl.'.nC find IilV ive in the ace Is a beautiful Chesnut Sorrel, 5 feet 1 inch high, 0 years old this spring. He was gotten by tiie celebrated horse Te curnseh, his dam by old Citizen, his grandam by Alderman, his great gran dam by Roebuck, his great great gran dam by Herod, his great great great grandam by Partner. JOHN CR0WELL. January 7th, 1827. 2S An Irishman, standing on the pier at Newburg, (N. Y.) was ask ed by a person present where he was from. "Och," said he, "I am from every place but this; and when the boat comes along, I shall A learned dog is in exhibition at New-York. He spells, plays cards, answers questions, under stands arithmetic, geography and astronomy. We have seen a great many puppies that could play cards; but verv few nf tlipm I knew much about geography, as- Vinegar and Pickles. A cor respondent of the American Far mer, says: "I gathered the cu cumbers from the vines, and with out any other preparation than waning mem clean, dropped them into a stand containing a mixture of whiskey and water, one part of the former to three of the latter. I secured them against gnats, flies and external air, tying a ilannel close over the top, and laying over this aboard and stone, and neither moved nor examined them until Christmas, when I found them not merely equal, but decidedly superior to any pickles I had ever tasted. They were hard and of a fine flavor, and what has been particularly admired in them, they retained the original color of the cucumber, not exhib iting the green poisonous appear ance of pickles that had been salt ed and scalded in copper. My whiskey and water (no salt having been used nor heat employed,) was now excellent vinerar for trm table. To preserve vines from tlu: bugs, c The Brunswick Her 11 . aia says, tliat 1 ounce of glauber salts, dissolved in about a quart of water, and snrinkled unon thr plants or vines, has been found ef- . i . . . . lectuai against destructive insects. z in, ""-o" j wnen me uoac corr 2 the above three insertions, ana torwara r , . arro-ipt to Horkv M-Tin Post-Oflkr. be from this t00.' Maxim. Truth and candour possess a powerful charm: thev I bespeak universal favor,

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