Whole No. ISO. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, N. C. Saturday, August 18, (827. Vol 111 No. 02. THE "FREE PIIESS." By Geo. Howard, published weekly, (every Saturday,) at TlVO DOLLJRS per ye;tt (or 52 nuin ,.,-s.) if paid within one month after Sub ..ibers commence receiving their papers j-...0 Dollars if Fifty Cents, if paid within k' months and Three Dollars at theexpi- ,t ii Ti of the year. Subscribers at liberty to sc.intinue at any time on paying arrears. tlvc-rtisemcnts not exceeding 16 lines will ' 'inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and cents each continuance. Longer ones at Vit rate for every 16 lines. letters addressed to the Editor must be ' v' ."-CM- j r'Ja'aies Simmons, Ks-. postmaster at ?j .ifil'.iv.is our general agciU tor that io.mity. Notice. X the fourth Monday of August next, will be sold for Cash, at the Com 1-IIwm? in Tarborough, One Tract cr parcel of Land, lying on '1'ar Kiver, four miles above Tarborough, adjoining hinN of Richard Harrison and Chas. V. vnj;bt. Inquires containing; three lura-lred ami forty acres, belonging to the lirrs o Doct. Jeremiah battle. do -e:ii-l lo satisfy sundry writs of Fi Y?., i:: :ny hands. .k on the same day and place, will fce.-oMf-i Cash, One other Tract, t he property of James Fender, adjoining the hnd- of Ternard Cowcll and others, to :.ii:tV sundry writs of Vend. Exps. in r.iy bands. A lo, on the same (by and place, will !; sold for Cash, One other Tract, the -lopertv of Edward Waller, adjoining lands of Josiah Freeman ana the .'.rirs of Sterling; Waller, deceased to itisfy sundry wiits of Vend. Exps. And, on the same day and place, will o sold. One other Tract, the properly i Thomas Speight, containing -00 acres r.iore er less at! joining the lands of T. J.ion. the heirs of Levi Rogers dc-e'd. A: Dniel, and others to satisfy a writ . in my hands. s. l. u.iirr, S7,jj Notice. ALL those that are indebted to the x Subscriber for last year's account, will please come forward and settle the same, as I intend to go on to the North by the last of August next. PEANCIS CAMPBELL. Tarboro', 26th July, 1S27. 50 0: Notice, X Thursday, the 17th inst. an affray took place in Iredell county, be tween Thomas Harvey ami Isaac IV. Lawrence, during which Harvey in flicted a wound on Lawrence which soon caused his death. Several persons were present, but Harvey was suffered to es cape. He is upwards of 40 years of age, 6 feet high, slender made, black hair, dark eyes, is giver, to intoxication, when drinking is talkative and quarrelsome; but when sober, his appearanccis decent and gentlemanly: can neither read nor write; had on a blue cloth coat, much worn and patched; white vest, panta loons and hat; has a scar, made by a knife, leading back from one eye to wards his ear. The good people ol this, and any of the adjoining States, would do well to apprehend ihe said Thomas Harvey, that he may he bro't to justice. P. CALDWELL, ShffofIre.de 1. Julv 2.?, 1S27. T c l n er.a. i,p ri:nc 70, 1?J7. Ii ice adv :r0. BRUNSWICK Mineral Springs. fl T is with much pleasure the Fropric tors of the Brunswick Mineral Springs inform tSie public, tliat they are now K'j-ly fur the reception of company. I i I l i iijle additions have been made f r the- comfortable accommodation of .iters. The St.ige from Fetersburg, i. and Kaloigh, N. C. will convey rven;;crs to jiir doors. Three large -'id ;t;jy rooms will be exclusively at 'ii: di-mosal of our guests. duns, Mu "al Instruments, Chess-men, a selection r' Ho'.dis, li.iths, (warm and eold) an i-oi tir.ont of wines, Uc. and every de--nb!e article for the table, are provid "1. So that these Springs will be as dc nMe a retreat for the invalid, and for ''"ose who desire to escape disease, and cnj' pleasure, as can be found in our -tate. The .Mineral qualities of the ;"aters liavc not been analysed; but their '"''aicl'.cial ettects on those who haveuscu "aein, ia restoring lot health and in giv--pg freshness and bloom to the com I'lexion, are not doubted; and speak more ih;in any analysis could possibly in their favor. Grateful for the cn-'W'-'raement received the past season, V;hcu they labored under all the disad vantages incident to new nndei takings; :-n convinced by experiment that they '"a come up to what they promise, the 'opiictors will continue to exert them H'c s to secure the confidence of their fiends, and to give satisftction in every department of their establishment. Hoard, per day, Si ; Children and ser vants 50 cents; Horse 75 cents per day. .1. POWELL CO. T,i!.p 10, IS27. 41-7 Notice. HK Subscriber respectfully informs his Friends and the 1 ublic. that in his absence the Cabinet-Making. Turning, Src. Will be carried on at his shop as usual bv competent hands. Any person desi rous of having work done in his line, will please- apply to S. Marsha, who will have the sole management of niv affairs during my alienee. Mr. .Marshall is also my agent in this State for the dNposai of Patent Rights for my Cotton Press, which is recommended io the public with increased confidence. LEfVIS L.lYSS.lllI). Halifax, Feb. 1S27. 2S The celebrated ilaee Horse. NTE'K O!! I TIT 1 WILL MAAIJ the ensuing season at my house, in tlu count' of Halifax, 7 miles from the town of Halifax, 0 miles from Knlield Court-House, and T from Crowell's Cross Foads,and will be let to mares at the moderate price of SF FX DOL LARS the single leap, to be paid when the mare is covered; TEX Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season: and FIFTEEN Dollars to in sure a marc to be in foal, to be paid as soon as the marc is ascertained to be in foal; with 50 Cents to the Groom in ev ery instance. The season will com mence; the 1st day of March, and end the 1st day of August. Particular at tention will be paid to mares sent to re main with the horse. Separate lots are provided for marcs with young colts, and they will be fed as required. Eve ry attention will be paid to pi event in cidents or escapes, but will not be lia ble for either. Is a beautiful Chesnut Sorrel, 5 feet 1 inch high, 9 years old this spring. He tho celebrated horse 1 c- cumsoh, his dam by old Citizen, his randam by Alderman, nis greai gum dam by Roebuck, his great great gran dam by Herod, his great great great rrandam by Partner. JO UK C HO WELL. January tn, lbj. BACON, Corn, Hcrringsrc. rjMIE Subscriber has for sale low for Cash, Bacon, Corn, Herrings, Flour, and Lard 3 or 4 boxes of Hats ALSO, A GOOD Assortment of coarse Shoes. The above articles being or. consign ment, and sold entirely for Cash, per sons wishing to purchase would nrob bly be able to buy them cheaper than at any other house in Urn place. They are therefore respectfully soli cited to call upon JAS. SIMMONS. Halifax, 12th July, IS27. 4S Notice. AS the Subscriber is anxious to reV xv move to the West, he offers his LAND, Exceedingly low for Cash OR GOOD BONDS, Situate within one mile and a half of the Shocco Springs, Warren County, N. C. Shocco Swings :Yi)ie ?nics South of JTarrejilon, A. C. 'plIIS well-known, htallhy and de- delightful Watering Pacc is again open for Ihe reception cf company, where my friends and the public are re spectfully assured tliat every exertion will be tried render their situation, during the season, as agreeable as that of visitors heretofore has been; having used all precaution to provide every depart ment of the establishment with all requi sites, each of which will be superintend ed by well qualified attendants and ser vants. he accommodations areexten- contaming eight hundred acres. The purchaser may suit himself as to the quantity. 1 will sell all on the north side of the road leading to AVilkins's . I Ferry, on which my improvements principally lie, containing about one halt of the whole, convenient buildings, good apple and peach orchards, excellent wa ter, a fine high healthy situation, and fifty acres of flat land, most of which is in a high state of cultivation. HILL JONES. July 25th, 1S27. 51-3 Domestic, limits of Intemperance. An untbrtnnatc occurrence took place on the evening of Thursday, 26th tilt, near Brown's mill in this coun ty, (says the Hillsborough Recor der.) A tax-gathering had beea held thcro, and in the evening two neighbors, John Cheek and David ive and afford a number of private Wiohbs, much iutOXlCated, in COITl- ;vo;;?v, which will be particulai ly attend- pany with several others set out eu to: 1 lie charges for board will be lor i on their return home. Thev had i ml Ladies and Gentlemen, per day, $1 00 ! not proceeded far, however, be fore a quarrel arose between Cheek and Hobbs, in which the former received a stab which al most instantly deprived hini of life. Ilobbs has been committed to jail to answer for the offence. (.nndren and Servants, do. 0 50 Horses, - - 0 75 ANN JOHNSON. June 21, 1S27. d7-5 820 Reward. Iv AN AW AY, from our mills at Wilminulon, four or five weeks since, a dark mulatto man named CHARLES, 20 or 27 years of aire, about 5 feet 7 inches in height, and stoutlv built. We A good beginning. In Batavia, New-York, a loving couple wrere linked together in the bands of matrimony last week, who had no more than made a clear way from purchased Ubar.es in .January lb-'O; no . til0 Squire's, than thev fell tOO, has wrought with our carpenters most oi i n ,i i i n VO! i . v muotr ir the time since. He was formerly own ed by Mr. Louis Ueadie, of Melville's ('reek, IJcaufort'ccunty, 15 miles below North Washington, on Pamlico. Wc have some cause to suspect that he may have joined some runaways be longing either to Sampson or akc county. We will give $20 sion and delivery to being safely lodged State. C. & P Favetieville, NX. ? for his apprehen us, or S10 on his in any Jail in the May 17, IS 27. MALLETT. 49-S Notice. Y virtue of a Deed of Trust, execut ed to the Subscriber by Zachariah Ambrose, bearing date the 2d of Janua ry 1627, and duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of Edgecombe County Court, I shall, for certain purposes there in mentioned, expose to public sale, for ready money, before the door of the Court-house in Tarborough, on Tues day the 2Sth August, (being Court week,) a valuable Young Negro Jlaiu The title to said negro is indisputable, but as Trustee, I shall only convey such a right as is vested in me by the terms of the deed. SOLOMON PENDER, Tr. Tarboro July 01. I S3 7. 50 and had a real box. Thev, how- ever, parted very lovingly, whh no other injury than that of having their faces tolerably scratched. The tables turned. A Mobile paper contains the cautionary no tice of Joseph Ramsay, which commences thus: Notice to the Public. Where as my lawful wife, M ary Ann Ram say, has turned me out of doors wit hout any just cause of provoca tion, I hereby caution the pub lic, &c. Forcible Arguments. An affair took place at a Justice Court, in Rochester, N.Y. a few days since. equally singular, ludicrous and disgraceful. Two limbs of the law, who had vainly endeavored to convince each other of the jus tice of their cause by words, un dertook to enforce their argument by blows; and a splendid specimen of pugilism was exhibited to the astonished gaze of the Justice. He recovered speedily, however, and soon brought them back to their briefs, if not to their senses, by threatning to commit them to pVi?on for contempt of Court.