4 $' h "ii 1 1 Tarhorongh, Edgecombe County, JV1 ft Saturday, September 15. 1827. Toi. IF.JVo. jrftoc jvo. 100. THE "FREE PRESS Bv Geo. Howard, lations, and also that of any invention I have ever seen or heard nf. in ihr. not rf , - . rt - - ...v, vi ( ispu.Misnea wcekty, (everybaturaay,; at nice pertormancc ot packing Cotton, that ,77rd DOLLARS per year, (or 52num 1.. 1 1 -. . I . I " 1 JV C" 1 n-;i,,r,, .nnn.o,;,.;,,,.!,.!,- ..nnr.rc- public lor their advantage, the above tie- Dollars & Fiftxj Cents, if paid within bribed presses. Witness my hand, the six months and JYu ce Dollars at theexni- 22d June, 1S27. A. CO I EL. paticn of the vear. Subscribers at libevtv to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 1G lines will be inserted at 30 cents the fu st insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be it post fxzuL ' I li JJanies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, and S. M. Nickels, Esq. atScotland js cck, are agents for this office. I patent K, TjPlIE Subscriber informs his friends 'f 4 and the public in general, that he , ;Jas invented a new and useful ' .Machine fur. Packing Cotton IN SQUARE BALES, Zy the power of a lever acting an a ; Julcum, wluci dnves the follower i that presses the Cotton into the bale. 1 The power of this Machine is such, f that from 300 to 350 lbs. of Cotton can , be pressed into two breadths of 42 inch 'Hanging, 4 feet 6 inches long, with con siderable ease and in a very short time: and 500 lbs. can be pressed into less I than 5 yards of the same kind of bag- .sing, by observing the proper process. V The superior advantages are clearly ma nifest, for in addition to the small quan ; tity of bagging required, which certain ) ly is an object, two hands can wi!h ease ; mck 1mm 10 t.- 1. I)llnc in rro il.n- A J - v ""l. ' W4V. VI.. J . ,. The simplicity of this machine, and its superior power, are greatly admired by mechanical artists, and in fact, by all who have seen it. By a mechanical de ' ' monstration, it is proven that the power of the Lever and its concomitants are J equal if not superior to any, ev m to the , "Wedge, if properly ajspliecl. From the high and frequent encomiums which j have been past on the invention, the I Subscriber is induced to oiler it to the I public as something worthy of their no I tice. Any person that may want, can apply to the Subscriber at Halifax, N. C. v; Patent letters having been obtained y) irom the proper authorities, all persons arc prohibited from making or using the sjme, without legal right. All infringe ments will meet with the rigor of the law, made and provided in such cases. Any mechanic wishing to be benefitted hy the invention, may by paying a mo derate sum, secure individual District J or Slate rights; the same are o Acred to farmers and all others. It is Imped that "t the certificates annexed, relative to the - performance of the press, will be satis ' iactory, without enumerating others. LEIVIS U1XSS.1RD. Halifax, N. C. Aug. 25, 1S27. 2-9 SOUTH-CAROLINA, ? City of C lumbia. j I do certify that the Rev. Lewis Lays- 2 'an! has erected a Cotton Press, agreea- f hb to his Patent, at my plantation, fif- Ken miles above Columbia, and that it ; lias been put in operation as fir as nack- i i:ig twt) bales, and from the report of mv m-i.iMi,ip ii. ;u i . inn li. . , r . i ton into a yard of Bagging: that it has been examined by Mr. James Boat- .w right and Mr. Nathans, two experien SAMUEL GREEK. P. M Columbians. C. April 0, 1327. SOUTH CAROLINA, Lancaster District. I do hereby certify that Lewis Lavs -ard. (if fLTliTT v ennnli- t...i o i:" lias built for me a new invented Cotton U011 of the rogue. r rcss, me perlormance of which Press on a fair trial so far surpasses my expec- I feel it my duty to recommend to the (TPThe public are informed that the Subscriber has constituted Mr. F. S. Marshall, of the town of Halifax, N. C. his agent for the states of Virginia and North-Carolina and Mr. John Workman, of Camden, S. C. his agent for the districts of Lancaster, Fairfield, Darlington, Chester, Chesterfield and York, in South-Carolina, from whom Rights may be obtained. LEWIS LA YSSARD. Extract from an advertisement of Mr. Vorhman. "He deems it unnecessary for him lo bestow any encomiums upon this im provement in the art of compressing Cotton. Suffice it to say, that the ease and cheapness with which it can be erected, and the small force required to work it, arc sufficient to recommend it; saying nothing of its superior power and durability." Lost. 4 JUDGMENT obtained by foi -mer judgment against L. B. Whitehead in favor of R. B. Pender, for sixteen dollars interest from 22d Aug. lS'iS. All persons are forbid trading for said claim. LEM. L. PARKER. 23d Aug. 1S27. 1-1 Corn, Herrings, lJc. npHE Subscriber has for sale low for Cash, Bacon, Corn, Herrings, Flour, and Lard 3 or 4 boxes of Hats ALSO, A GOOD Assortment of coarse Shoes. Cotton gam- THE Proprietor of the Factory now iii ujjciiuiuu iii me rans oi lar utv cr, respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has now on hand a large quantity of COTTON YARN, Of all Ihe numbers from 1 to 50, but principally of the coarser numbers; which he is disposed to sell low for Cash, or in exchange for good Cotton. His machinery is in part new, and all in thorough repair, and superintended by an experienced and skilful manager; and he thinks his Yarn may be recommend ed as equal to any in the United Slates. JOEL BATTLE. Falls of Tar River, Aug. 30, 1827 12 $25 Reward RAN AW AY from the Sub scriber, on the 23d of July last, a negro boy named GEORGE; he is about 17 or 18 years of leet G been established, and can be fur ther proved, that, before I left this state the preceding fall, I commu nicated to several gentlemen of the highest respectability, my fix ed determination not to vote Gen. Jackson. The friends of Mr! Crawford asserted to the last, that the condition of his health was such as to enable him to adminis ter the duties of the office. I thought otherwise after I reached Washington City, and visited him to satisly myself, and thought that physical impediment, if there were no other objections, ought to prevent his election. Altho' the delegations from four states voted for him, and his pretensions were zealously pressed to the very last moment, it has been of late as serted, and 1 believe by some of the very persons who then warm ly espoused his cause, that his in competency was so palpable as saess. age, 5 leet G or 7 inches inp-""'P" was sso pajpaDIG as height, dark color, a pert lively look, clearly to limit that choice to two .'inri Ml cnoil.-iiKr k int in tfn .. I .' 4 1 1 . I r f tlir til vrtr i-nti A 1 ' 1 x above articles being or. consign- The ment, and sold entirely fur Cash, nei sons wishing to purchase would proba bly be able to buy them cheaper than at any other house in this place. Tl icy are therefore respectfully soli cited to call upon JAS. SIMMONS. Halifax, 12th July, 1S27. Notice. ILL BE SOLD, at Mount Pros pect, on the 22d September next, .1 likely young .Xtgro Girl, Belonging to the estate of Zachariah Manor, cice'd. An indulgence of six months will be given the purchaser, on his executing a bond with responsible security for the purchase money. J. J. PHILLIPS, Adm'r. Aug. 30, 1S27. 2-4 Stolen, "ROM the Subscriber, on the night of - the 2d instant, mv STILL CAP. made of copper, with a pewter goose neck opposite the neck were marked E E, in small letters, and dated 1S19; probably the knave may cut out the let and in speaking is apt to stutter a little: he has lost most of his fore teeth, and has two or three distinct scars on his throat, occasioned by a rising some time since. Said boy v.-as purchased about 18 months since, from Mr. jMathcw CIufT, ol Norfolk, at which place he was rais ed, but has frequently been lo Elizabeth City, in this State, and the boy said that he had been several limes at sea. 1 ex pect that he will attempt to get either to Elizabeth-City or Norfolk. A reward of Tivcntu-Five Dollars will be eiven j to any person who will apprehend said boy and lodge him in any jail, so that I can get him again. Masters of vessels and all other persons are herebv forbid harboring, employing, or carrying off said boy, under the penalty of the law. SAMUEL FARMER. Edgecombe County, N. C. 0 Septcm. 4, 1827. 5 OCThe Norfolk Herald and Klizabcth City Star -will please give the above three insertion?-, and forward the account to this office for collection. SDomesttc. ecu mechanic. w n n,;,,!- i,:.,m.. f r v ... rm1.nf,M.;Lp:,r w Iters before it is carried to a workman. r..,IMH pultun. r nm , f . t. n ... , , Sen. of this county, is knowing- to the theft committed, for many reasons I could render, but this will sufiice for the present. I will give Two Dollar, v and AF'fly Ccnt$ for the delivery of the Cap 10 me, ana rive uoilars lor the detec- J. ELLIS. Mr. Cla?.We thought it probable, after the several statements respectin the alleged overture to Gen. Jackson had been made, that Mr. Clay would have presented to the public some re marks on them in lolo; particularly after his spirited defence at Lexington, on the 12th July last, before Gen. Jackson's statement appeared. We declined at that lime publishing Mr. Clay's speech, viewing it merely as an attempt to in fluence the elections, which were at hand, in Kentucky and also, as some what irregular, for an accused person to enter on his defence before the witnesses for the prosecution had been examined. As the investigation will probably rest here for the present, we have concluded to present the outlines of Mr. Clay's speech to our readers, that they may ful ly understand what has been said on the subject. We have omitted that part of his speech which refers to the specific terms of the proposition, since Mr. Bu chanan has stated that it was unautho rised and also such parts of it as were merely local, or, in our opinion, not bearing directly on the subject under consideration: "In February, 1825, it was my duty as the representative of this district, to vote lor some one of the three candidates for the Pre sidency, who were returned to the Edgecombe County, Aug. u, i s?7, fr House of Representatives-, It has of the three returned candidates. In my view of my duty, there was no alternative but that which I embraced. That I had some ob jections to Mr. Adams, I am rea dy freely to admit; but these did not weigh a feather in comparison with the greater and insurmount able objections, long and delibe rately entertained against his competitor. Had 1 voted for Gen. Jackson, in opposition to the well-known opinions which I en tertained of him, one-tenth part the ingenuity and zeal which have been employed to excite prejudi ces against me would have held me up to universal contempt; and what would have been worse, I should have felt that I really de served it. During two years and a half which has now intervened, a por tion of the press, devoted to the cause of Gen. Jackson, has been teeming with the vilest calumnies against me, and the charge under every carneleon form, has been a thousand times repeated. Up to this time, I have invited investiga tion, and demanded evidence. None, not a particle has been ad duced. It must have been a conviction that the justice of the public re quired a definite charge, by a re sponsible accuser, that has at last extorted from Gen. Jackson his letter of the Gth of June, lately published. I approach that letter with great reluctance, not on my own account, for on that I do most heartily and sincerely re joice that it has made its appear ance. But it is a reluctance ex cited by the feelings of respect which I would anxiously have cul tivated towards its author. He has, however, by that letter, crea ted such relations between us, that, in any language which I may employ, in examining its contents, I feel myself bound by no other obligations than those which be long to truth, to public decorum, and to myself. (continue on the 4th page)