c 1 ;.alJ Whole Xo. 103 Tarhoroiighj-Mgecomhe County, X. G. Saturday, October 0. 1827. Vol IK Xo. 7. E riSiii'iin- I THF. "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, Isrmblishcd wecklv, (evcryS:iturdd j ,) at TWO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid -within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers " Two Dollars if l'ty Cent, if paid within six months and Three Dollar at the expi ration of tlie year. Subscribers at liberty to . discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. T Letters addressed to the Editor must be tfiosffiaiif. ' ;t James Simmons, Esq. postmaster at .Halifax, and S. M. Nickels, Esq. at Scotland Js'eck, are agents for this office. patent $25 Reward, npIIE Subscriber informs his friends ', and the public in general, that lie 'has invented a new and useful Jluchinc for Fucking Collnn ; j IN SQUARE BALES, )My I he power of a lever acting on a v fulcum, which drives the follower that presses the Cotton into the bale. The power of this Machine is such, jthat from 300 to 350 lbs. of Cotton can he pressed into two breadths of 42 inch iBagginj;, 4 feet G inches lonp;, with con siderable ea?e and in a veiy short time: and 500 lbs. can be pressed into less th m 5 yards of tin? same hind of ha- ;gin, by observing the proper process. 'The superior advantages are clearly ma- ; -fnifest, for in addition to the small quan- Hity of ba'in required, which certain- ly is an object, two hands can with case .pack from 10 to 12 bales in one dav. The 5 iniulie.il v of this mnrliiiuv ?iit it;! ?, .. . "... .1 I , i ! llinmnll,,,;., Cr., AT.. T.,l. fM..(T . aupeiior power, are sjreaiiy aumireu oy j 1 m.. , n-.u mi. nuiuw wuui, 1 nif.pliiii!n.l hiIl!.- ...wl ;. i ii'fif Xn!olk. n whieh nl.iro tn wic ni-. Jiiiviitliiiv..ni Hi UJIO, .Hill III t)) ill 1 7 - " j-v- . ( who have seen it. By a mechanical de-C( ,),jt ns frequently been toKlizabcth ) j ministration, it is proven that the power j .V m tn' Stale, and the hoy said that 1 of the Lever and its concomitants ai c i nc M:u' l)0cn several times at sea. lex- 1 tations, and also that of arty invention I have ever seen cr heard of, in the act of nice performance of packing Cotton, that I feel it my duty to recommend to the public for their advantage, the above de scribed presses. Witness my hand, the 22l June, 1S27. A. COIEL. (QThe public arc informed that the Subscriber has constituted Mr. F. S. Marshall, of the town of Halifax, N. C. his aent for the states of Virginia and North-Carolina and Mr. John JTorkman, of Camden, S. C. his agent for the districts of Lancaster, Fairfield, Darlington, Chester, Chesterfield and York, in South-Carolina, from whom Ri ghts may be obtained. " LEWIS LAYSSARD. Extract from an advertisement of Mr. Workman. "He deems it unnecessary for him to bestow any encomiums upon this im provement in the art of compressing Cotton. Suffice it to say, ihat the ease ami cheapness with which it can be erected, and the small force required to work it, are sufficient to recommend it: saying nothing of its superior power and durability." BACON, Corn, Herrings, jrc. rjMIE Subscriber has for sale low for Cash, liacon, Corn, Herrings, Flour, and Lard 3 or 4 boxes of Hats ALSO, A GOOD Assortment of coarse Shoes. The above articles being or. consign ment, and sold entirely Yor Cash, per sons wishing to purchase would proba bly be able to buy them cheaper than at any other house in this place. They are therefore respectfully soli cited to call upon JAS. SIMMONS. Halifax-, 12th July, 1827. Cotton gam. TTlIIE Proprietor of the Factory now in operation at the Falls of Tar Riv er, respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has now on hand a large quantity of COTTON W2RN, Of all the numbers from 4 to 20, hut principally of the coarser numbers; which he is disposed to sell low for Cash, or in exchange for good Cotton. His machinery is in part new, and all in thorough repair, and superintended by . . i . i i , . . gro boy named GEORGE; ', ski.iui manager; and is about 17 or IS years of h? l,,,nks h,sar nia' he recommend. foot r. r 7 :ntun. e(I as equal to any in the United States. JOEL BATTLE. R ANA WAY from the Sub scriber, on the 23d of Julv last, a ne he -tr. -!-..- i r23Ms. ae. ier.i r nr mchp in height, dark color, a pert lively look, and in speaking is apt to stutter a little; he has lost mot of his fore teeth, and has two or three distinct scars on his throat, occasioned by a rising some time since. Said bov was nurehased about j i - Falls of Tar River, ? 0 T - Aug. 30, 1S27. 3 equal if not superior to any, even to the Wedge, if properly applied. From the high and frequent encomiums which have been past on the invention, the Subscriber is induced to offer it to the public as something worthy of their no tice. Any person that may want, can apply 1o the Subscriber at Halifax, N. C. Patent letters having been obtained from the proper authorities, all persons ure prohibited from making or usin the ., same, without legal right. All infringe ments will meet with t he rigor of the law, made and provided in such cass. jt Any mechanic wishing to he benefilled ' I tV the invention, may hj pyinx a mo ' S derate sum, secure individual District 4f or State rights; I he same are offered to ! farmers and all others. It is hoped that " j the certificates annexed, relative to the '(' lonnance of the press, will be satis . lactOl'V. without pnnmpntiivr MtJwi- I LEWIS LAYSS.1RD. Halifax, N. C.Aug. 25, 1827. 2-9 M SOUTH-CAROLINA, - j City of Colombia. . I do certify that the Rev. Lewis Lays ! I sard has erected a Cotton Press, agrcea- I hie to his Patent, at mv nlantation. fif- teen miles above Columbia, and that it ! has been put in operation as far as pack- . ,-. i 1.1 i r .i . my overseer, it will pack 100 lbs. of Cot- ten into a yard of iiagging; that it has been examined by Air. James Boat- wngbt and Mr. Nathans, two experien- ccd mc-hanics, who think highly of the Jiioue ot packing Cotton. i S. JMUEL GREEK P. M. I Columbia, S. C. April b', IS27. V j SOUTH CAROLINA, J Lancaster District. j I do hereby certify that Lewis Lavs- t 'J sard, of Halifax county, North-Carolina, ,1 has budt for me a new invented Cotton 4 Ires, the performance of which Press ' 'n a trial so far surpasses my expec- pert th:t he will altemj)t to get either to Llizabeth-Lit y or JNorlolk. A reward of Twenty-Fiv. Dollars will be given to any person who will apprehend said Jlunounccmtiit of the Drawing. COHEN'S OFFICE 1 11, Market-st. Baltimore, iu,;uHt 6tli, 1827. tjWe have the pleasure to announce i ? . i i-. i uiai ine drawing oi me GRAND Uttcvaturc lottery. u any pui on woo win apprenenu said j bov and lod-e him in an v j dl, so that I j 0f thc Stale of Maryland, will take place can jrot him again. Masters of vessels m ,I,G Cil.Vof lialtimore, on Wednesday and all other persons are hereby forbid 1,1(1 I7lh of 0l'tober, and will be com harboring t-mnloviri-.r. or earrvirnr njr! pitted on that -lay This Lottery is the harborinc, emulovinir, or carrying oil said boy, under the penalty of the law. SAMUEL FARMER. Edrrrcomhe Count v, N. C. . " Septcm. 4, LS27. 5 fCThc Xorfolk Herald a:,d Elisabeth- j City Star will please in sot thc above until j otherwise directed. : most brilliant in the United States; con taining, besides the Capitals of 20,000 uui.iD. aim iu,uuu uuiuL,. no less than TEN prizes of TWO THOUS 10 Reward. j w fp RAN A WAY from the Sub-1 r..x I'llKllll 1 XV. J. till lilt' ?f) lmh A.K'iist last, npp-m LITTC n 7 - r about 50 years old, G feet hih. and dark complexion. It is deemed un necessary to give a further description of him, as he is well known in Halifax and Edgecombe counties, as a house carpenter and millwright. Luke is sup- AND DOLLARS each! . 4- . -r SCHEME: 1 prie of 20,000 is 20,000 1 prize of 10,000 is 10,000 10 prizes of 2.000 is 20,000 10 prizes of 1.000 is 10.000 10 prizes of oQ0 is 5,000 20 prizes of 200 is 2,000 20 prizes of 100 is , 2,000 40 prizes of 50 is .2,000 100 prizes of 20 is 2,000 150 prises of 10 is 1,500 300 prizes of 5 is 1,500 0000 prizes of 4 is 36,000 Coo2 prizes, amounting to Si 14,000 IDomestic. in Halifax county, where he has a wife, j or, in thc neighborhood oi Airs. Eliza beth Porter, in this county, where he formerly lived. I have also understood that he has been in the habit of visiting the upper part of Halifax county, near Iilake Baker's. He has recently been seen in this county, with a broad ax, and then said he was in search of work. The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver said negro to me, or confine him in any jail so that I Uet him again. EDWIN L. MOORE. Sept. 13,1S27. 4-3 Frintivg ntalhi executed. ject to the usual deduction of fif teen per cent. pThe Cash for the whole of the Prizes can be had at COHEN'S OF FICE, the moment they are drawn. Whole Tickets, - $5 00 Halves, - - - - 2 50 Quarters, - - - 1 25 Eighths, - - - 0 62 (7 Orders from any part of the Uni ted States, either by mail (post paid) or private conveyance, enclosing the Cash or Prize Tickets in any of the Lotteries, will meet the same prompt and punctual attention os if on personal application. 03d Address to J. I. CO HEN Jr. $ BROTHERS, Ati. 6, 1S27. Baltimore. Was ever such a talc told. The celebration of the 4th of July at Milton vs. the dinner to II. Clay at Pittsburg: J' We read in the States' Advo cate of Thursday last, that the first toast given at the Clay meeting in Pittsburg "seemed of no decisive stamp;" but the second, "The President of the United States- the tree is known by its fruit," was met by a burst of joy, three or four thundering peals of cheering that shook the great building (the An chor Factory) to its foundations, and even astonished those who had participated in it," and all the meeting "gazed," "wondered" and plainly spoke, "s it possible that every one in this vast assemblage feels as I do!" ! ! ! Now reader prepare yourself for something more than all this. At the celebration on Vincent's Island, when the toast "The Pre sident of thc United Stales," was given, the island shock and reel ed, and tost to and fro, sun-fish were seen darting from their beds, thc chubs jumped, cat-fish in en deavoring to clear out hastily were drowned, owing to not keeping their large mouths shut; eels skin ned themselves by the rapidity of their motion through the water, minnies were seen dancing horn pipes, dead shad floating down the river came to life and tackled off at a frenzied rate; torcles took to to their scrapers, terrapins gaped, snakes dumb trees, tad-poles leaped out of their skins, old toads died, one bull-frog leaped 24 feet, the tree-toads quirrcd, the rain descended in water-spouts, ca noes and flats passed to and fro, hens whistled, dogs laughed, cows danced, the old six pounder went off tree times at once, a huge button-wood tree that had stood for ages, jumped out of the ground and cleared out for life; the river rose three feet, corn grew an inch a minute, grass stopped growing, wheat stalks walked about with out heads on, rye stood erect, young men turned grey-headed, old men grew young, the cranes, fly-up-the-creeks, quaughky's, and birds of all descriptions cut thro' the air, too quick for human eye to ken; and thc world was just a bout taking a comet flight, when lo and behold! a voice vociferated General Andrcic Jackson the island stood firm again, all nature smiled, nobody gazed, nobody wondered; but all plainly spoke that Jackson was the man of their choice even the hull dog roared thunder at the mention of his name. Did your uncle Toby ever hear the like of yon from Pitts- b u r ?l Mil ton ian . A man should never be asham ed to own that he has been in the wrong; which is but saying, in other words, that he is iciscr to day than he was yesterday,

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