K2&i& bftii Lkisit j t,.Vik J ' M lL fWlfe-S t', fn .., - L ' Whole No. 1(5 1 Tarborough, Edgecombe County,. C. Saturday, October 13, 1827, Fbl IV. No. 8. - THK "FREE PRESS," Ry Gro, Howard, I published weekly, (evcrvSaturd.iy,) at . TWO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bcrs,) if paid within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers 2'rjo Dollars Is? Fifty Cents, if paid within six months and Three Dollars at theexpi Taticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. -Letters addressed to the Editor must be post fidd. : jtJames Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, and S. M. Nickels, Esq. at Scotland ISc ck, are agents for this office. patent COTTON PRESS rnHE Subscriber informs his friends and the public in general, that lie has invented a new and useful ; Jlachine far I'uckius: Cotton . IN SQUARE BALES, ' y the power of a lever acting on a fulcum, which drives the follower that presses the Cotton into the bale. The power of this Machine is such, .that from 300 to 350 lbs. of Cotton can bc pressed into two breadths of 42 inch 'liauging, 4 feet G inches long, with con 'siderable ease and in a very short time: ami 500 lbs. can be pressed into less than 5 yard's of the same kind of bag ging, by oberving the proper process. ,Thc superior advantages are clearly ma nifest, for in addition to the small quau- tity of bagging required, which certain ly is an object, two hands can with ease mck.irom 10 to 12 hales in one day. jf.lhnn; nnn nlcr fJrt rf nn.. C , : T i. ui any WJVUIlllUll J have ever seen or heard of, in the act of nice performance of packing Cotton, that I feel it my duty to recommend to the public for their advantage, the above de scribed presses. Witness my hand, the 22d June, 1S27. A. COIEL. ftpThc public are informed that the Subscriber has constituted Mr. F. S. Marshall, of the town of Halifax, N. C. his aent for the states of Virginia and North-Carolina and Mr. John JVorkman, of Camden, S. C. his agent for the districts of Lancaster, Fairfield, Partington, Chester, Chesterfield and York, in South-Carolina, from whom Kights may he obtained. LEWIS LAYSSARD. Extract from an advertisement of Mr. Workman. "He deems it unnecessary for him io bestow any encomiums upon this im provement in the art of compressing Cotton. Suffice it to say, that the ease, and cheapness with which it can be erected, and the small force required to work it, are sufficient to recommend it; saying nothing of its superior power and durability. " For Rent. HPHE ensuins year, the STORE ' HOUSE AND LOT, opposite the Court-House, now occupied by Mr. Join; Alatthewson. Possession" given iu Oc tober. Apply to Joseph J. Pippen, neax Tarborough,, or to ELI PORTER. Tarborough, Sepi. 2.9, 1827. 7-4 $.") Reward. Pt ANA WAY from the Sub scriber, living in .the county of Edgecombe, N. C. about eight miles north of Tai borough, on a- the 2 1th of AL'irust last, a ne gro fellow named WASHINGTON, a bout 21 years of ;ige, 5 feet S or 10 in ches high, dark complexion, stout built, anil an excellent field hand no particu lar marks about him recollected. The said fellow was formerly owned ly Mr, . ' .OTic simplicity of this machine, and itsjsrnm l10 w:,s 'overly owned by iMr. , .superior power, arc greatly admired bv Ja laylor, ot Martin county, and J ;; mechanical artists, and in fact, by ail lhl"k it more than probable that he is ! ' vho have seen it. 1JV a mechanical dc- I 1,1 neighborhood o I- 'mnntr:.i;nn it k nr.n tl,t . ay lor. s tvrfy. 1 he aoove reward oi A list of Lcttt i s, Remaining in the Pust-Oip.ce at Ha lifax, N. C. on the 1st of October 1827, which if not taken out before the 1st of January next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters:. Amis John D Jovner Andrew Col Jirown M II Miss Johnson E W Esq iioswell Sarah Mrs Jinkings JanfieM 13ass JackIin2 Long Lem'l Esq 2 Jirinkley Kobt Lay&saru l wisUev Iiurgcs Thomas Lavesty Henry J 2 Urownlow T S Land John Hell Nancy Mrs Long Elizabeth Mrs icri; aup'r Court Mason Hcnrv Esq 2 Crowell A M Miss .Morris David Daniel J U J Esq Marshall U L Esq Drake Henry H Matthews Ish Esq Du:erry Eliz Miss Norfieet E A Miss DavisWinifred Mv Pettway Mil Esq G D'ivis Pcnj W Esq Parkcr lVuny Miss Draper Eli Phillips Hilliard Daniel . I udy Mrs Proodiit WnvEsq Daniel Jaria Miss Pierce Nath Esq IatOM l C 2 Piilier Ant'vEsq 2 Cotton fDarn. fpHE Proprietor of the Factory now - in operation at the Falls of Tar Riv r, respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has now on hand a large quantity of COTTON VdRJV, Of all the numbers from 4 to 20, but principally of the coarser numbers; which he is disposed to sell low fnr Cash, or in exchange for good Cotton. ins machinery is in part new, and all in thorough repair, and superintended bv an experienced and skilful manager; and he thinks ins larn may be recommend ed as equal to any in the United States". JOEL BATTLE. Falls of Tar River, .Aug. ju, tax; . 3-12 Pullin Etton Esq Shine W) E Esq SchoolfieidVVMEsq Turner Jas II Esq Taylor A W Esq Tin bi iile Ciias Esq I uruer ilana Ji jrionstration, it is proven that the power ,ol the Lever ami its concomitants are ,cpial if not superior to any, even :o the 'Wedge, if properly aj)plicd. From the v higli and frequent encomiums which "have been past on the invention, the .Subscriber is induced to offer it to tbe p'Julic as something worthv of their no itice. Any persoa that may want, can ?pj)ly to the Subscriber at Ilalifax, N. C. Patent letters having been obtained fiorii liie proper authorities, all persons i i ..... . ? ,K:r.e nronioiteu Irom making or using the I fjapic, without legal right. AH iufringc i '' j?,inents will meet with the rigor of the ;iaw; made and provided in such cases. Any mechanic wishing to be benefitted Chy tbe invention, may by paying a mo ? derate sum, secure individual District v.or State rights; tiie same are oflbred to i farmers and all others. It is hoped tha? rjthe ccrtilicates annexed, relative to tin jh '.performance of the press, will be satis i .'factory, without enumerating otliers. f I LEWIS LJ1YSSJIRD, I .y i Halifax, N. C. Aug. 25, 1827. 2-9 f .. : SOUTH-CAROLINA, f i l Citu of Columbia .. (. Jr f i I do certify that the Rev. Lewis Lays !; v'r ard has erected a Cotton Press, agrcea- fliie to his Patent, at my plantation, fif f teen miles alove Columbia, and that it " ;:i' is been put in operation as far as paek j '.J'tig two bales, and from the report of ; 4,r,y overseer, it will pack 100 lbs. of Cot i ton into a yard of Ragging; that it has ibcen examined by Mr. James lioat ; fif;;vright and Mr. Nathans, two experien i . (ctl mechanics, who think highly of the K .Jitode of packing Cotton. 4 . MMUEL GREEN, P. M. ; tA Columbia, S. C. April 6, 1827. f iS0UTH CAROLINA, 7 ( Lancaster District. J j I do hereby certify that Lewis Lays- isard, of Halifax county, North-Carolina, Jhas built for me a new invented Cotton ".. . .' ess' tne performance of which Press - v,on a fair trral so far surpasses my expec- E'flt Dollars will be given to any per son who will apprehend said negro and deliver him to me, or lodge him in jail so that I got him again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or employ ing taid fellow under penalty of the law. JOHN LAWRENCE. Oct. 1, 1S27. 7-3 Mr $25 Reward R ANA WAY from the Sub scriber, on the 23d of July last, a negro hoy named GEORGE; lie h about 17 or 18 years of as. age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches in height, dark color, a pert lively look, and in speaking is apt. to stutter a little; he has lost most cf his fore teeth, and has two or three distinct scars on his throat, occasioned by a rising some time since. Said boy was purchased about H months since, from Mr. Mathew Clutf, of Norfolk, at which place he was rais ed, but has frequently been lo Elizabeth City, in this State, and the boy said that he had been several times at sea. I ex pect that he will attempt to get either to Elizabeth-City or Norfolk. A reward of Twenty-Five Dollars will be given to any person who will apprehend said boy and lodge him in any jv.il, so that I can get him again. Masters of vessels and all other persons are hereby forbid harboring, employing, or carrying off said boy, under the penalty of the law. SAMUEL FARMER. Edgecombe County, N. C. Septem. 4, 1827. 07"The Norfolk Herald and Elizabeth City Star will please insert the above until otherwise directed. Elam T II Falcon Mwy Miss Good Daniel C Gee Charles ilaj Green Tnos Hardy M.ivy Mis Hardv Mary Miss Hardy Eliz'th Mrs Willeox Litll'y M:j Harris Aark Williams Turner Hooks Curtis Rev Wilkins Edmd Harris Joseph Walk-r Wm P Hawkins Howell WiiitaKcr M G Harvey Ilohici. C Williams Eliz Mrs 77 JAS. SIMMONS, P V. A Lioi of Letters. Remaining in the Post-Office at Tar- Octo- for and ' ' unary J -literal inn JVrs Praise the fineness of the day when it is ended; praise a woman when you have known her, the ice when once you have crossed it, and the liquor after it is drunk. boron ir Jt, N. C. tha 1st d berh'7, which if nut ca: taken out by the 1st d- s next, ?' be s-:it ' , Post-Office a: dv;:d ' - Hulloek Edwin F -n ;:: Halts Lucy Mrs i',.'. Bryan P A E Hva'-y . Drvan J nines Hs Causey Greenberry K;!l ; i.w Geo W Clerk of Superior C Lewis; Frederick Col)!) Thomas Luster Jeremiah 2 (oIlins Grissy Mrs Lnwicnce Silas iCarr William Little Jane Miss Collin Patrick Larkiu John Clark Scth I) Lloyd Eiiz'h Mrs Cobb Edward Morgan He my Drake Marg't Mrs Manning Deuben DancyMaryxMrsD3 Price Elijah Esq 7 Fillpot Charles Pender Solomon Foxhall Robert Pender Drury Edmunds M A Mrs Pender James 2 Edmunds S J Miss Perkins Josiah Edmunds C ilMiss Robbins Frederick Evans Geo W Sasnutt Joshua Evans JnoR Ward Doctor Grimes Lewellen Webb William 2 Griffin John Worseley Wrilliam Gatlin CharPp Mrs Wealherly Jas Rey Hawkins Thos y Williamson Henry HughanJohn Williams Richey Hardy James Wall William A Harrell Elisha Williams David 2 Hooks Curtis Rev Young Bridges Hammond Edw G 71 J R. LLOYD. P.M. Printing neatly executed At this Office Land for Sale. fgM-IE Subscriber has a piece or trac 11 of PINEY WOODS LAND for sale, containing Eight hundred Acres. More or less lying in the county of Edgecombe, eleven miles east of Tarbo rough, and ten miles south of Hill's Ferry. The Land is beautifully situa ted, with a good dwelling-house and other out-houses; there is open land enough to make three or four hundred barrels of corn, with an excellent apple Orchard good for thirty barrels of bran dy, and an excellent range for hogs cattle, and sheep. The Land can be bought low and on a credit. Any per son wishing to purchase may do well, by making application to the"Suhcrilr, and the price and credit will be made known. FRANCIS IIATTON. September 25th, 1827. 7 0xmn ConsoltDateD TERY, For Internal Improvement, Literature and Charities, in the City of Washing ton; and m the btates of horth-Caroli na, and Louisiana. First ClasS) To be drawn in Washington City, or; Wednesday, the 31st October, 1827. SCHEME. 1 prize of $20,000 is. $20,000 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 5 prizes of 5 prizes of 5 prizes of 5 prizes of 10 prizes of 20 prizes of 46 prizes of 46 prizes of 46 prizes of 46 prizes of 92 prizes of 92 prizes of 920 prizes of 8280 prizes of 5,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,080 1,000 600 500 400 200 100 70 60 50 40 30 20 12 is is is 13 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is 5,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,080 5,000 3,000, 2,500 2,000 2,(00 2,000 3,220 2,760 2,300 1,840 2,760 1,840 11,040 49.6S0 9624 Prizes, 15,180 Bl'ks 124,020 PRICE OF TICKETS. Packages of IS Tickets embracing the 54 numbers, which must draw at "least 48, ($40 80 nett.) Shares in propor tion, with so many chances for Capital?; may be had at the following rales: Whole Packages, : : : SI OS Half dp : : : : 54 Quarter do : : : : 27 Whole Tickets, : : : : 6 Half do : : : : 3 Quarter do : : : : 1$ ftVOrders from any part of the Country, enclosing: the Cash or Prize Tickets, (post paidjwill be very prompt ly attended to, it addressed to FATES MUNTYRE, 7-4 Raleigh or Fayettevil!e-

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