pt5 I Whole Xo. 170. TurWoiiSi, Edgecombe County, JV. f. Saturday, November 31, 1837. FoZ. IV. Xo. t k TIIF. "FREE PRESS," ?; Geo. Howard, fv.iVii died weekly, (every Saturday,) at 7'!'0 DOLLARS per year, (or jC'mim Th i ;,) it paid witliiii one month after Sub crribi. ts commence receiving; their papers 7 wo Dollars if Fifty Cents, it" paid within six months and Three. Dollars at thecxpi Kitii n of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Xr;v Subscribers residing a. a distance must invariably nay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in ibis vicinity. No subscrip tion discontinued unless a notification to that eiVeot is given. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will he inserted at 50 cents the tirt insertion, and :5 cents each continuance. Longer ones at t!ut rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be j.W fiahi. l'Jauies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, and S. M. Nickels, Esq. at Scotland Neck, are agents for this office. lottery XtcUets, Second Class of the GRAND Literature Lottery. 3. I. COHEN, Jr. & BROTHERS, Of Baltimore, Have 1 1 10 pleasure to announce the Sec end (."lass of Ihis Lottery, authorised by the Genera! Assembly of Maryland, for the pronioi ion of Science and Literature. The number of Tickets (only Ten Thou sand) is considerably less than any Lot tery. hV many years, and gives u .he Adventurer an encreased chance for the Capita! Prizes. THE DRAWING win take place in ihe City of Baltimore ou Wednesday, the 9lh December. A- HIGHEST PRIZES, $10,000, $5,000, &c. SCHEME. 7 prize of $10,000 is 510,000 1 prize of 5,000 is 5.000 1 prize of 3.000 is 3,000 1 prize of 2.000 is 2.000 1 prize of 1,000 is 1.000 3 prizes of 500 is 1.500 10 prizes of 100 is 1.000 20 prizes of 50 is 1.000 50 prizes of 20 is 1,000 1C0 prizes of 5 is 500 3000 prizes of 4 is 12.000 31 SS Prizes', amounting to S3-S0U0 Only 10,000 Tickets in the Scheme! FOR SALE, At I j ell Jo liner's Store, In all the Lotteries wherein Yates & M'lntyie are concerned. All orders addressed to the Subscriber, inclosing Prize Tickets or Cash, post paid, will be promptly attended to. LEVI WILKINSON. Tarboro', Oct. 17, 1827. 9 rpiIF! Subscribers inform their friends and Ihe public, lhat they have remo ved their Store to the one lately occu pied by II. L. Kirlland & Co. and di rectly opposite Henry Austin, Esq.'s store, where they would be glad to wait on those who may favor ihem with their custom. Ail those who are indebted to them are requested to make payment by the first dy of January next. They are in want of a quantity of good Live Geese Feathers. Also, a few bar rels of good tipple Brandy, (in new barrels) for which the cash will be paid on delivery, by JOHN II MATIIEWSON $ Co. Tarboro', 17th Nov. 1S27. 13-3 King Jr Gatlin TAILORS, ESPECTF LILLY inform their cus tomers and the public. generally, that they have just returned from New-York with a complete assortment of the best and most Fashionable Trimmings, That could possibly be procured in that city, winch will enable them 10 execute liicir work in ihe most faithful, fashiona ble and neatest manner. They likewise have a variety of Fancy Ve.stings, eye. such as White Valencias, (silk striped) Figured and plain Silk Velvets, Bulls, black Florentines of a superior qual'i y, and various other dark color ed patterns loo tedious Co describe. PalcnL Suspenders, thread Gloves, While cravat siiHencrs, :c. &:c. Which they will sell uncommonly low for cash o- on a short credit to punc tual cusLomers. They will at all time be fou ml al iheir very recent stand, Opposite the Brick Store, And one door above the store of Messrs. Crane &. Kingsbury; where they will thankfu'ly receive all orders in their linejboui 20 years of ajje and Anthony i of .business, and pledge themselves that a stout built black fellow, about 23 years nothing snail be lacking on their part to'01 3gc no particular marks recollected Stop the Runaways! RAN OFF from Beaufort, North-Carolina, where they were employed on the Fortifi cations at that place, Seven J'egro Fellovs, To wit: HILLIARD, HENRY, LEW IS, ANTHONY, ROY, ISAAC, and FRANK. The three iirst-named Ne groes were apprehended at Hicks Ford, Greensville county, Ya. Anthony and Roy were at the time in company with those apprehended, but effected their es cape. Frank was left by the parly some JO or 30 miles beyond Halifax N. C. and Isaac some 5 or 10 miles on this side of Halifax, both complaining of sickness and unable (o travel. Frank is a small black fellow, and about 22 years of age Isaac is a stout young fellow, about 21 years of age, complexion rather yel low Ron is a slender black fidlnu- n. Scotland Neck R T17TLL commence on Thursday, the 29th of November npyi. md n tinue THREE DAYS: First Bay A Sweepstake for two year olds, one mile heats, three enter ed and closed. Second Bay The Jockey Club Purse for S300, three mile heats. Third Day The. Proprietor's Purse for SI 00, with the entrances for the Jockey Club Purse added, after pay in expences mile heats, best 3 in 5. " & pStables and litter will be fu rnish cd Race Horses gratis, by THE PROPRIETOR. Halifax County, Oct. 1S27. 12-3 render satisfaction to all those who may lavor them with iueir patronage. Tarboro', Nov. 6, 1S27. 12 o 50 25 02 The whole of them payable in Cash, v-i.ich, as usual at. COHEN'S OFFICE, can be had the momeM. they are drawn. Whole Tickets, : : : IW do : : : Quarter do : : : : 1 Eighth do : : : : JCPOrders from any part of the TTni cJ States, cither by mail (post paid) or, private conveyance, enclosing the Cash tor Prize Tickets in any of the Lotteries vill meet the same prompt and punctual attention as if on personal application. $TAdJrrss to J-1. COHEN, Jr. BROTHERS, Baltimore. ICf Bi the first class of the Liter a hre Lottery, drawn on the 17 th ullo. "07 'II the Great Capitals of 20.000 nd 10,000 DOLLS, besides no less f nan SIXTEEN of 2,000 and 1,000 ""Us. were all sold al Cotjen's: Office, -V:. Il l, Market-street, Baltimore, here more Capital Prizes have been lu than at any other office in America. txiltimore, Nov. 1, 1827. Constables' Blanks for sale At this Offwi Land ami Negroes FOR SALE. TPY virtue of three Deeds in Trust, executed to us by Anthony A. Wyche, and duly recorded in Halifax couniy, we shall proceed to sell on the premises, on the 8th day of January next, that j Valuable Fan:?, Known by the name of the Great Creek Plantation, owned by said Wyche, con taining fi35 acres. is one of the most valuable farms in Ihe county , lying in the upper end of the county of Halifax, N. C. about 1.3 miles above the village of the same name. ALSO, at the same time and place, wc shall Sd'l between 30 and 40 Likely Negroes, 7Ien, Women, and Boys. ALSO, Ihe Mules, and Stock of every description; together with the Crop made on the farm this year. Terms for the Land will be one, two, and three years credit, the purchaser giving bond with approved security for all other property, six months credit will be given on all sums over Ten Dol lars under that sum, Cash. R. M. CUNNINGHAM, JVM. B. LOCK HART, Trustees. (fT'Thc undersigned intending to re move to the south, earnestly requests his creditors, as well as others, to come for ward and bid for the above property; as it is to pay them principally that the sale takes place at his request. A. A. WYCHE. Halifax County, Nov. 1827. 13 The above Negroes were making their way to Norfolk for the purpose of join ing me. A liberal REWARD will be given for the apprehension of Frank, Isaac, Roy and Anthony, and should they be delivered to Mr. Niblo of Petersburg:, he will pay for their apprehension and all necessary expenses. J P. TAYLOR, Capf. Cd Reg' I Art. stationed at Old Point. Comfort, near Norfolk. Nov. 9, 1827. 13 Mrs. O'Brien's School, jTfOR the present Session terminates on - Tuesday, the 13th of November, and will be resumed on the 3rd Mon day iii January next. Terms as heretofore, (to wit,) SCO per Session for Hoard and Tuition, includ ing every branch of Literary and Scien tific Education, usually taught in Fe male Seminaries. Music, $25 Drawing qnd Painting, Si 5 Each young lady must be provided with a coverlet, blanket, pair of sheets and two towels; otherwise a separate charge for those articles will be made. (tpWe wish to employ some Lady (one without a family) well qualified to take charge of the Drawing and Paint ing Department. Early application by letter or otherwise, to Mrs. 0'13. or the subscriber, will be promptly attended to. SPENCER O'BRIEN. Williamsborough, N. C. Oct. 25, 1S27. 12-3 Notice. IN APPRENTICE to the Printing Business will be taken at thrsOHlcc. if application is soon made. Tarborough, Oct. 1827. Cotton gam. rpHE Proprietor of the Factory now A in operation at the Falls of Tar Riv er,' respectfully informs his friends and the publiq, that he has now on hand a large quantity of COTTON YARN, Of all the numbers from 4 to 20, but principally of the coarser numbers-; which he is disposed to sell low for ft 1 1 i -v. uasn, or in exenange tor good Loltonr His machinery is in part new, and all in thorough repair, and superintended by an experienced anJskilful manager; and he thinks his Yarn may be recommend ed as equal to any in the United Slates. JOEL BATTLE. Falls of Tar R lver, ? Aug. 30, 1S27. 5 Dr. CHAMBERS' Remedy for Intemperance. rjMIE Editor has received some of this invaluable medicine from Messrs. Hart Fanning, (successors to Doctor Chambers) accompanied with a request to administer it to some person who is habitually addicted to intemperance and willing to test its efficacy. "The astonishing success which this remedy has obtained in restoring habitu al inebriates to sobriety, has established its virtues beyond all contradiction, and supercedes the necessity of any further comment. The remedy is as innocent as it is effectual; so much so, that it is often given to children in febrile com plaints, and frequently used as a family medicine for dyspepsia, c. AH that is required to ensure its specific effect, is to abide strictly by the directions." The strictest secrecy will be observ ed, and the medicine with the necessary directions furnished, on application at THIS OFFICE. The Cotton Trade. The Na tional Intelligencer states that the Cotton Trade exhibits the con ncxion and dependence of Agri culture, Manufactures, and Com mercc. There is produced in tho United States, about 1,200,000 bales of Cotton, of which Eng land manufactures about 700,000 bales, and the United States about 150,000. The amount manufac tured in other countries in Eu rope is not known. There is im ported into England about 15,000 bales a week, which is there ma- ; nurtured, sent to the several i ports of the kingdom, and then hipped to all parts of the world'

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