IElro) qrd I I Vt- J Whale No. 173. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, JV. C. Saturday, December 15, '8V Tol. lF.Jo. 17. 1 cp THE "FREE PRESS," 2ty Gro. IIoivardy Tarboro Jlcademu. jpuMished weekly, (evervSaturdav,) at mHF Trudge T -i rO per year. (or52nm- 1 , 1 rUstecs of U Institution wish 1 -.zS ' " . in Pnonorp front nm.. 4 ".-j'c?w " fjv-uuLuiaii iv superin tend the Male department of this School, the ensuing year. It is presumed none will apply, but those who are well qua lifted, and can produce the most satisfac tory evidences of moral character. The School to commence on the first of Jan uary next. Letters addressed to the Se cretary, post paid, ivill be attended to. By order of the Board, liOD'T JOYNER,Scc'y. Tarboro 21st Nov. 1S27. 14-6 cV if paid within one month after Sub s-ribcrs commence receiving their papers 'f-i'o Dollars If Fifty Cents, if paid within sis months and Three Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Xcvj Subscribers residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in tiiis vicinity. No subscrip tion discontinued unless a notification to that cftc: is given. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and Lb" cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be ps'fiaid. J'Janies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, and S. M. Nickels, Esq. atScotland Neck, are agents for this office. jfemale Xuttiom m!IK MISS JENKINS'S will re commence teaching the 7th of Janu ary nest. Terms for boaid and the first rudiments of the English language, Thirty Dollars per session additional studies of arithmetic, grammar, geogra phy, or needlework, plain and ornamen tal, Thirty-two Dollars, half of the first lo be paid on entrance. . The fust session will end on the 21st of June the second commences the 1st of July and ends the 13th of December. Day Scholars Six or Eight Dollars per session, according to their ditl'erent stu dies. Parents and Guardians of chil dren may rely on every attention being paid to their comfort and improvement. jpMr. Drury Bryan, who lives a bout one-fourth of a mile from the school-houe, can take boarders terms same as above, to wit) Twenty four Dollars per session. Cedar-Hill, one mile from Ses- 1,1827. sum's Bridge Dec. 15-3 WARRENTON ifemale 2(cat)emp AIRS. PLUNKETT proposes takin charge of this Institution the ensi ensu ing year. Dr. DONNELLAN. whose cliancter as a gentleman, and whose qualifications as a Teacher are well known wherever he is, has consented to become one of the instructors. 'Ii-c branches taught, will bo Sncllinjr T . i .... O ' I o iuauing, Wming, Arithmetic, Gram war, Parsing, Geography with the use the Globes, History, Mythology, Rhetoric, Natural Philosophy, Astrono my, Chemistry and French. Plain and Ornamental Needle-work, Music, and should parents wish and the number of pupils justify it, a teacher of Drawing 'td Dancing will be procured. 'he Scholastic year of ten months ;vi'i commence on the 1st Monday in Jamuiy, and terminate the last of Oc tojer no vacation being given in the u aimer. Tortus per Session, payable in ad l30' or orK,r(U including washing, c S50. Tuition In all or anv of the hsh branches, Si. 5. French, S20. -lusic, (which will bo Miss Ptunketl's partmcnl) $25. Needle-work, $12 ' - No extra charges will be made, ex u'pt Si each to day-scholars, for firc 50ccnls io each pupil for pens 'ink, and the nccessarv charges for Wupcnsabfc books, which will be fur " ;d at the Petersburg retail prices. Young Ladies will be allowed to ( 0a'dout, except such as have Rraud-i--rents in town. On account of forming the classes, it desirable that parents who intend filing, should do so a early in Janu arT as possible. V-J. Each Young Lady to be fur- -situ with a pair of sheets, blanket, Cjcrlet and towels. Private Academy. N the first Monday in January next, the Subscriber nurnosns ntw.nlrnr o SCHOOL, at Town Creek Academy, where may be taught, Spelling, Heading, W nting, common Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, Rhetoric. Natu ral and Moral Philosophy, Chemistry, History also, the Latin language, and Greek Grammar and Testament. Board may be had convenient to the Academy, for twelve or fifteen students. Terms of Hoard and Tuition will be ve ry moderate. . MARK II. BENNETT. Nov. 1S27. 15-3 CKHaiTcnton MALE ACADEMY. FT AVI NO r engaged Mr. JOHN REN DU ICK to take charge of this Insti tution the ensuing year, we feel a plea sure in recommending him to public patronage, feeling from an acquaintance with him for the last year, the fullest confidence in his qualifications and cha racter, and believing that under his su perintendence the Academy will be con ducted to general satisfaction. The School will open on the first Monday in January next. Tuition as heretofore. Hoard may be had on reasonable terms in highly respectable families. All pre paratory branches requisite for admis sion into a University, will be taught in this Seminary. John Hall j Stephen Davis, Caswell Drake, Thomas Bragir, James Somervell. Nov. 22, 1S27. la-eo-3 . Tarboro Academy. 'JMIE ANNUAL EXAMINATION of the Students of this Institution, will commence on Tuesday, the ISth mst. Parents, Guardians, and all those who feel an interest in literature are re quested to attend. The students of this Institution will resume their studies on the first of Jan uary next. The Treasurer will require payment in advance (or Tuition. ROIPT ' JOYNER,Sec'y. larboro7, Dec. 3, 1S27. !V- 2, 1827. 15-5 jgRuanltp 3(ca&emp TTS late Examination closed, with an -- Exhibition, on the 24th instant. From the Report read on the morning of that day, in the presence of a numerous and respectable congregation; the Trus tees take great pleasure in saying; the conduct, and progress of the Scholars (generally) has given entire, satisfaction they would mention that, their new and commodious building will be com pleted before their School opens again. They think, if healthiness of situation, the good morals of the neighborhood, and the well recommended and tried qualifications of their Principal, the Rev. S. WELLER, A.I. (who is to resume the charge of their Institution the suc ceeding year) warrant the hope of their continued success, then, they can confi dently recommend their Seminary to the further liberal patronage of the public. Terms of Hoard and Tuition, the same as the preceding year. Seminary to open again on the third Monday, orSlsl of January next. JAMES BfSHOP, BICE ?. PIERCE, JOHN PURNELL, Halifax County, NC.) Trusttts. Nov. 2G, 1S27. b 3 6-4 Enfield Academy. rpiIE EXERCISES of the Enfield Academy will be resumed the first Monday in January next, under the con tinued superintendence of THO. L. RAGSDALE. The course of studies will be preparatory to the Classes of the University. Helieving that a School too numerous retards the progress of the Scholars indi vidually, we have limited the number to be received to twenty. This regulation renders it necessary to increase the price of tuition; vet the alteration will be more than compensated by the accelerated im provement ot the students. Tuition fee, S25 per annum, and in even in stance, half payable in advance. No student will be admitted for less time than two sessions. Hoard can be had in genteel families convenient to the Aca demy, at $5 per month. The strictest attention will be paid to impressing up on the Students the necessity of a gentle manly deportment, bolh in and out of School. This Institution offers superior advan tages to those who intend their children and wards to pursue a Collegiate course. The number of Students being prescri bed; the Academy occupying a high and healthful site, remote from scenes of dis sipation; together with the skill and ex perience of the Teacher, lead us to ex pect a share of patronage. JOIN BRANCH, PresU of the Board of T?-iistecs. Dec. 1st, 1S27. 16-4 King Gatlin, TAILORS, RESPECTFULLY inform their cus. tomers and the public generally that they have just returned from New-York with a complete assortment of the best and most Fashionable Trimmings, That could possibly be procured in that city, which will enable them to execute their work in the most faithful, fashiona ble and neatest manner. Th . . J tiuv,!!! nave a variety of Fancy Nestings, c. such as-- White VaJencias. fsilk strmrvh Figured and plain Silk Vfdrpt Huffs, black Florentines of a superior ijuajuv, aim various otner dark color ed patterns too tedious to dprlho Patent Suspenders, thread Gloves, White cravat stiffeners, &c. &c. Which they will sell uncommonly low for cash or on a short credit to punc tual customers. They will at all times be found at their very recent stand, Opposite the Brick Store, And one door above the store of Messrs. Crane & Kingsbury; where they will thankfully receive all orders in their line of business, and pledge themselves that nothing shall be lacking on their part to render satisfaction to all those who may favor them with their patronage. iarboro', Nov. 6, 1S27. 1 o Taylqring Business. nnilE Subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of Tarborough and vicinity, that he has returned to this place for the purpose of re-commencing his business. He can be found at all times at the tavern of Mr. Fred. Bell, where he hopes to obtain a share of pub lic patronage, as he is determined to use his utmost exertions to deserve it. JVM. II. IIOELL. Tarboro', Nov. 2S, 1527. 15 Notice. "JOHN LOWH respectfully informs the citizens of Halifax, and the public generally, that he still continues to ma nufacture Hoots and Shoes, To orderlie has removed his stand opposite the Farmer's Hotel, and is now ready to supply his customers with work not inferior to any of the northern ma nufacture. N. H. Hoots and Shoes renaired at short notice and on reasonable terms. "Pull tight the stitch, for there the sub stance lies." old Hare. Halifax, Nov. 27th, 1827. 16 Notice. HPIIE Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens of Tarborough and its vicinity, that he has iust commenced a manufactory of BOOTS AND SHOES, . Of every description, at the late stand of Mr. barn7! btillman,dec7d, where he in tends keeping a constant supply of the best materials, and workmen of the best quality and where all orders will be punctually attended to, and executed with neatness and despatch. lie has a small assortment of shoes on hand, and daily expects a supply from the North, which will be sold on good terms for Cash. JAS. II. HARTMUS. ! Tarboro'. Nov. 20, 1357. 11-4 Stop the Runaways! RAN OFF from Beaufort, North-Carolina, where they were employed on the Fortifi cations at that place, Seven Xegro Felloxvs, To wit: HILLIARD, HENRY, LEW IS, ANTHONY, ROY, ISAAC, and FRANK.' The three first-named Ne groes were apprehended at Hicks' Ford, Greensville county, Va. Anthony and Roy were at the time in company with those apprehended, but effected their es cape, b rank was left by the party some 29 or 30 miles beyond Halifax, N. C. and Isaac some 5 or 10 miles on this side of Halifax, both complaining of sickness and unable to travel. Frank is a small black fellow, and about 22 years of ae Isaac is a stout young: fellow, about 21 years of age, complexion rather yel low Hoy is a slender black fellow, a bout 20 years of ae and Anthonv is a stout built black fellow, about 23 years of age no particular marks recollected. 1 he above INegroes were making their way to Norfolk for the purpose of join- lmr me. A liberal REWARD will be sriven for the apprehension of Frank, Isaac, Rou and Anlho?iv. and should thev be " 7 J delivered to Mr. Niblo of Petersburg, he will pay for their'prehension and all necessary expensest1 J. P. TAYLOR, Capt. 3d Reg't Art. stationed at Old Point Comfort, nca No? folk. Nov. 9, 1S27. 13 Constables' Blanks for sale At this Offixi,