1 I M J LmiiiiJ V.,, L , ,1 feSSWj VjA I ""I "J I "311 J L f f " C" F"HI P"V I J. rarWou, Edgecombe County, JV. C. F,,, ,ecemjcr M. THR "FIIEF, IKESV By Ceo. Howard, published week!-, (even- Fridav,) at ril'O DOLLARS per year, "(or 52 mini '. ts) P:i'd within one month after Suh .,, . ;'.):! commence receiving their papers rryj ihUars & Fifty Cents, if paid within Kiv months :ir.d Three Dollars at theexpi , iticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to ui.contiiiue at any time on paying arrears. Xf-v Subscribers residing at a distance must nvariiilily pay in advan?e, or give a respon se reference in this vicinity. No subscrip Cim:i discontinued unless a notification to that cftc: is given. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cei.ts each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be fist fi-iid. ;J7"J:uiies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, and S. M. Niekftls, Esq. at Scotland Neck, are agents fur thivoffice. WARRENTON M7. roi.ir.jvb. i9. JJL J'LUNKETT proposes taking re of this Institution the ensu- insjyear. Dr. DONNELLAN, whose character as a gentleman, and whose qualifications as a Teacher are well known wherever he is, has consented to become one of the instructors. The branches taught, will he Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Gram mar, Parsing, Geography with the use of the Globes, History, Mythology. Rhetoric, Natural Philosophy, Astrono my, Chnmistrv and French. Plain and Ornamental Needle-work, Music, and should parents wish and the number of pupils justify it, a teacher of Drawing and Dancing will he procured. The Scholastic year of ten months will commence on the 1st Monday in January, and terminate the last, of Oc tober no vacation beinir ziven in the ! Summer. I Terms ner Session. n.iv.iMf in id. vance. Tor hoard, including washing, U. SjO. Tuition In all or any of tho English branches. Si 5. French, $20. Music, (which will he Miss PlunketF.s apartment) $25. Needle-work, Sl2 50. No extra charges will he made, ex cept Si each to day-scholars, for fire wood; 50 cents to each pupil for pens ijik, and the necessary charges for dispensable books, which will he fur hecl at the Petersburg nda.il prir c. Ao lounir Ladies will hp nil J U..-'VI t w cut, except such as have rrand- parcnts in town. n account of forming the classes, it iS (.curable that parents who intend r.cnhn-. should do so as earlv in .ianu ary as possible. H. F.ach Voting Lady to he fur- r"SllCd With 1 rIr- P -l Llt. . vcrlct and towels. Sov. 22, 1S27. 13-5 King fy Gatlin, TAILORS, ESPECTFULLY inform their cus- I'uuui generally, inai they have just returned from New-York with a complete assortment nf tho ana most Fashionable Trimmings That could possibly he nrornrpd n ti city, which will enable them to execute their work in the most faithful, fashiona me and neatest manner. They likewise nave a variety oi Fancy Festings, eye. such as White Valencia, (silk striped) Figured and plain Silk Velvets, Buffs, black Florentines of a superior quality, and various other dark color ed patterns too tedious to describe. Patent Suspenders, thread Gloves, White cravat siiffeners, &c. &c. Which they will sell uncommonly low for cash or on a short credit to punc tual customers. They will at all times bs found at their very recent stand, Opposite the Jirick Store, And one door above the store of Messrs. Crane & King-dairy: where they will thankfully receive all orders in their line of business, and pledge themselves that nothing shall be lacking on their part to render satisfaction to all those who may favor them with their patronage. Tarboro', Nov. 6, 127. 12 Nolicc. COMMITTED io the Jail of fioan EuVe- combe countv, N. C. on the lfiih of November, 1827, a negro fellow, who says his name is HENRY, that he is the property of Mr. James Okrcv or Akrey, and that he was purchased by Mr. Okrey from Mr. Amos RawN, of Nansemond county, Va. Henry is a bout 30 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 in- cues in Height, spare built, no marks perceivable. The owner is requested to come lorward, prove his property, pay 'Miarges aiut take lum away, or he wil be dealt with as the law directs. FRED. BELL, Jailor. TVT . Y WIFE ELIZABETH Ins de serted my bed and board vi (limit y jusi cause I do hereby caution all manner of persons from trading with beron my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract. WILLIAM JONES. Dec. 12, 1827. is-3 Noti I HiVLL OPFRR FOR SALE, at Lnfield. on tho on, 1 . . the highest hiddor 0 ; 6 or 8 Likely young Ncvoe$ On a credit nf iwolm mnnii,. r v. bearing interest from the dnP vx-iit, doubted security, will be required by THO. MASON. Dec. dlh, 1S27. is.o jflHuanltv tcaDemv. TTS late Examination closed, with an Exhibition, on the 21th instant. 'J'lIE Subscriber proposes to teach a f" bcho1 at FIGURES PHILIPS' the ensuing year. The term will con: sist of eleven months, of twenty school wT be bta,ned at the Phcc for no r " ars P m?nth-t0 commence on the first Monday in January next. He would willingly lake a few stu dents lo instruct in the art of Surveying, and flatters himself that from his loS practice in the art, he will be able to rentier them ample justice. FRED 'K PHILIPS. Dec. 9th, 1S27. 17.4 SKKarrentott MALE ACADEMY. TTAVING engaged Mr. JOHN KEN " DRICK to take eh tution the ensuing year, we feel a plea sure in recommending him to public patronage, feeling from an acquaintance From Iheiicpoil read 011 the morninWnfW,UI,hIm or. -lhe t year, the fullest that day, in the presence of a numerous Z !? A cha .v.w.,.... "chu mai unaer nis su pcriptendence the Academy will be con ducted to general satisfaction. The School will open on the first Monday in January next. Tuition as heretofore. Board may be had on reasonablciterms in highly respectable families. All pre paratory branches requisite for admis sion into a University, will be taught in this Seminary. John Hall, Stephen Davis, Caswell Drake, Thomas Bragg, James Somerupll. Nov. 22, 1S27. 15-eo-3 Nov. 1527. 1 0 Important Sale. Monday, the 7th of January next, W T t ,1,e resi(1nce of STARLING sil 1 KR' ,,CcM' wil1 be oirore(1 for c-to t,e highest bidder, on a credit of months, Ttvcnly-five likely Negroes, r a rnrnv thmvr r,o 1 m: .'t'ischare hn dohic ti, :iKinu n'i Witlj undoidilorl cnnniMlfT .;il lw. l'Jl(;tJ ovorrf ;ncinno lQr,xrt ii (jiioi-i.. : . 1 . . r-'j ia cnanged, by the ADMINISTRA TOR. tliisTl rh')S Wll-l)urcha5iei1 property at list 1 miesiaie in December j . also those who were indebted to Hr!,lT,,0US l ,,is dealh' are earnestly as h t0 makc immediate pavment, ne sdUatlQn of vvil,-no( ad JoNongcr indulgence. December 3d, 1R27. 16 I Stoj) the Runaways! J n am rn?i? r. i r ... North-Carolina, where thev were employed on tiie rortifi cations at that place, Seven Negro Fello7V8, To wit: IIILLIAKD, HENRY, LEW IS, ANTHONY, ROY, ISAAC, and FRANK. The three first-named Ne 2tocs were apprehended at Hicks' Ford, Greensville count', Va. Anthony and Roy were at the time in company with those apprehended, but effected their es cape. Frank was left by the party some 20 or SO miles beyond Halifax, N. C. and Isaac some 5 or 10 miles on this side of Halifax, both complaining of sickness and unable to travel, trank is a small black fellow, and about 22 years of age Isaac is a stout young fellow, about 21 years of age. complexion rather yel lowRoy is a slender black fellow, a bout 20 years of age and Anthony is a stout built black lellow, about 23 years of age no particular marks recollected. The above Negroes were making their way lo Norfolk for the purpose of join ing me. A liberal REWARD will be given for the apprehension of Frank, Isaac, Roy and Anthony, and should they be delivered to Mr. Niblo of Petersburg, he will pay for their apprehension - and all necessary expense. Capt. 3d Reg't Art. stationed at Old Point Comfort, near Norfolk. Nov. 9, 1827- - and respectable congregation; the Trus tees take great pleasure in saying; the conduct, and progress of the Scholars (generally) has jriven entire satisfaoiion they would mention that, their new and commodious buildin.' will I )leted before their School onens .Tin. They think, if healthiness of situation. ood morals of the neighborhood, and the well irmmmonfifwl in,i ii.;o,i - ...... V. V. V VI UIIU II ItU qualifications of their IVincinal. the Rev. S. V ELLER, A. M. (who is to resume tbe charge ot their Institution the suc ceeding year) warrant the hone of their continued success, then, they can confi dently recommend iheir Seminary to the further liberal patronage of the public. Terms of Hoard and Tuition, the same as the preceding year. Seminary to open again on the third Monday, or 2 1st of January next. JAMES BISHOP, RICE R. PIERCE, JOHN P URN ELL. Halifax County, N C. Nov. 26, 1S27. 1 Tarboro' Academy. Trustees. 1G-4 Enfield Academy. nnilE EXERCISES of the Enfield Academy will be resumed the first Monday in January next, under the con tinued superintendence of THO. L. RA USD ALE. T 'he course of studies will be preparatory to the Classes of the University. Believing that a School too numerous retards the progress of the Scholars indi vidually, we have limited the number to be received to twenty. This regulation renders it necessary to increase the price 01 tuition; yet the alteration will be more than compensated by the accelerated im provement of the Students. Tuition tee, S25 per annum, and in ever? in stance, half payable in advance. No student will be admitted for less timp than two sessions. Board can be had in genteel families convenient to the Aca demy, at S5 per month. The strictest attention will be paid to impressing up on the Students the necessity of a gentle manly deportment, both in and out of School. This Institution offers sunerior advan tages to those who intend their children and wards to pursue a Colleiriate ccurse. The number o.Students being prescri bed; the Academy occupying a high and healthful site, remote from scenes of dis sipation; together with the skill and ex perience ol the leacher, lead us to ex- 1 1 . pcci a snare 01 patronage. JOHN BRANCH, PresU of the Board of Ti -ustccs. Dec. Jt. 1827. 1S-4 . ; npHE Trustees of this Institution wish to engage a gentleman to superin tend the Male department of this School, the ensuing year. It is presumed none will apply, but those who are well nul lified, and can produce the most satisfac tory evidences of moral character. The School to commence on the first of Jan uary next. Letters addressed to the Se cretary, post paid, will be attended to. By order of the Board, ROBfT JOYNER, Scc'y. Tarboro', 21st Nov. 1S27. 14-G Notice. A S the Subscriber intends leaving thfs A Tract of Laud, Lying two miles north of Tarborouch- containing four hundred and sixty-one acres, with a very good dwelling and other necessary out-houses. Anv ner- son wishing to purchase, may do well to come and view the premises. JVM. B. COLLINS. Dec. 4th, 1827. 16 Notice. JOHN LOWB respectfully informs the citizens of Halifax, and the public generally, that he still continues to manufacture Boots and Shoes, To order he has removed his stand opposite the Farmer's Hotel, and is now ready to supply his customers with work not inferior to any of the northern ma nufacture. N. B. Boots and Shoes repaired at short notice and on reasonable terms. Tull tight the stitch, for there the sub stance lies." OldJarc, Halifax. Nov. 27th, 1S27. K

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