life S " 1 1 " " ' ' ' ' Whole No, 1S4. TrZ;orou5 fccom;e County, X. C. Friday, February 29, 182 8. Vol IF. Ao. 28. THE "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at flVO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num- cts,) " lrlK wt1"1 one month after Siib ibcrs commence receiving their papers 7 Dollars & Fifty Cents, if paid within months and Three Dollars at the expi ation of the year. Subscribers at liberty to continue at any time on paying arrears. Subscribers residing at a distance must variably pay in advance, or give a respon se reference in this vicinity. No subscrip tion discontinued unless a notification to that e'jfec: is given. "vilvcrtisements not exceeding 16 lines wiil inserted at 50 cents the fir3t insertion, and '-.5 cents each continuance. Longer ones at thu rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be Notice. fpHE Subscriber respectfully informs her customers, that she is iti great want of money therefore, she earnest ly requests all who owe her on ac counts that have been Ion; standing, will jive her a call as she is anxious to have them closed. She will leave for the north as soon as her collections will enable her. D. JVOMBLE. Halifax, Jan. 15, 1828. 22 (X 10 Reward. RAX A WAY from the Sub scriber, on the 27th day of No vember last, a brijrht mulatto tj boy by the name of r in i." i" t rrrrn ttt? r r Between 19 ami 20 years of age. I ex pect iie lias steered his course toward Jhlifix. I am told he has a brother by the name of Lewis, in the town of Hali fax, learning the blacksmith trade. The abov reward will he given if delivered to the Subscriber near Tarborough, or FIFE DOLLARS, if secured in any Jail in this Slate so that I get him again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring cr employing said boy, under the penal ly of the law. S. L. HART. Dec. 21, 1S27. 10 Stoj: i) tiic Runaways! ($yL RAN OFF from Beaufort, .Voith-Carolina, where they Jjjjfo were employed on the Fortifi catioiiS at that phce, seven Negro Vclhnvs, To wit: IIILLIARD. HENRY, LEVV J. ANTHONY, ROY, ISAAC, and FRANK. The three first-named Ne Rroes were apprehended at Hicks Ford, Greensville county, Vn. Anthony and Ivoy were at the lime in company with those apprehended, but effected their es eape. Frank was left by the party some 20 or 30 miles beyond Halifax, N. C. 2nd Ioc some 5 or 10 miles on this side 01 Halifax, both complaining of sickness jad unable to travel. Frank is a small tapk fellow, and about 22 years of age -oc is a stout young fellow, about years of age, complexion rather yel hvrlloy is a slender black fellow, a ut20 years of asse -and Anlh'ny is s slout built black fellow, about 23 years f ie no particular marks recollected. f he above Negroes were making their v,'3y to Norfolk for the purpose of join g me. A liberal REWARD will he given the apprehension of Frank, Isaac, and Anthony, and should they be levered to Mr. Niblo of Petersburg, will pay for their apprehension and necessary expenses. J. P. TAYLOR, C'!'pl. 3d Reg't Art. stationed at Old Point Comfort, near Norfolk. Scv. 9, 1S27. 1." Notice. J WILL SELL, LEASE, or RENT, my Lot and'houses at Enfield. The stand for a Store is equal to any country stand in the State.. ..and not inferior to many country stands for a house of en tertainment. The building consists of a convenient two story dwelling-houe, well-finished, with four fire-places, store-house, ware house, gin-house (and gin,) and other out-houscs.... possession given immedi ately... .terms accommodating. J II. SIMMONS. nth Feb. 182S. ok Notice. 4 LL Persons are hereby cautioned a " gainst purchasing from Isaac I). Gui on, the land of Thos. Guion, deceased the Subscriber having a lien on said land, under authority of l lie will of said deceased., for the sum of I500, which must be paid before the said Isaac D. Guion is entitled to the land. IVM. R. I) UP REE. Jan. 21, 1S2S. 23 Notice. 4 LL those who have unsettled ac counts with the Subscriber, are re quested to come forward and settle them either by cash or note, as further indul gence cannot be given. FRANCES CAMPBELL. Cist January, 1S2S. 23 Just received and for Sale, Dr. Chambers' CELEBRATED REMEDY FOR intemperance, Accompanied with a volume of evidence sufficient to insure the confidence of the most incredulous, of the happy and al most universal, cure of habitual intem- neraiice and its beneficial effects in in vigorating &. restoring the Constitution. J ALSO, Dr. Swaim's Panacea, S justly celebrated for the cure of scro fula or kimi's-evil, ulcers, rheumatism, syphilitic, mercurial, and liver com-j plaints, and most diseases arising m tie bilitated constitutions, or from an im pure state of blood, &.c. &c. This medi cine is also accompanied with a volume of evidence of its happy effects in resto ring to perfect health thousands that had tried all other remedies, and given up in despair. The Subscribers having, be come agents for the original inventors and proprietors of those valuable medi cines, now oiler them pure and genuine to the Public, assuring them that a con stant supply equal to" the demand, will be regularly kept on hand at their store in Tarborough. R. & S. D. GOTTEN. January 24, 1S2S. Far mw ell Grove 3tca&em? f jM-IK Exercises of this Institution (em bracing a common course of Eng lish, with Classical studies so arranged as to render theni preparatory to the University) will commence on Monday, 25ih of this instant, under the care of Mr. J. II. Strain,' who comes with sa tisfactory testimonials of his qualifica tions and moral character. From the well known healthy situation, and cheapness of board, &c. it is hoped that this Institution will meet with liberal encouragement. The house formerly occupied by the Rev. C. H. Ilines, is now in readiness for the reception of boarders on very reasonable terms. Pri ces of tuition English, per session, $S; Latin and Greek," 5512. The present session will end about the first of June, and after a vacation of two weeks the second session will commence. James B. Yellow ley. Pres't. Alfred IV. Moure'Scc'y. Halifax County, Feb. 13, 1S2S. Five Cents Reward. & RAN A WAY from the Sub- v5?scriber. in the besrinninsr of De- 74, A ' O cember last, an indented negro girl named 7? i?'nQT?r TTiniiT zr aJJJLlJXJ. A. VJKJ 1 J. J Is I) Aged about 17 years, and has a very black complexion. The above reward will be given for the apprehension and delivery to me of said girl. All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or employing her under the penalty of the law. ANN PARKER. Edgecombe County, Feb. 1S2S WILL BE SOLD, by virtue of two separate Deeds in Trust, for cer tain purposes therein contained, on Fri day, ihe 29th day of February, inst. at the house of Thomas Busting on Roc ky Swamp, all the property of said Bus tin, consisting of A Tract of Land, Known by the Parham Tract....Stock of every kind.... One Negro Man, By name Harry, and sundry other arti cles too tedious to mention. The terms will be accommodating and made known the day of sale. ELI B. IVIIITAKER, Trustee. 7th Feb. 1828. 25-4 3xi$$ potatoes TUST RECEIVED, and for sale by the Subscribers, 500 bushels Irish Potatoes, Which they offer low for Cash. D. RICHARDS CO. Tarboro', Feb. 21, 1828. 27-4 Notice. COMMITTED io the Jail of Edge J combe county, N. C. on the 16th of November, 1827, a negro fellow, who says his name is HENRY, that he is the property of Mr. James Okrey or Akrey, and 'that he was purchased by Mr. Okrey from Mr. Amos Rawls, of Nansemord county, Va. Henry is a bout 30 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 in ches in height, spare rbuilt, no marks perceivable. The owner is requested to come forward, prove his property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. FRED. BELL, Jailor. Nov. 1SS7. 15 THE CELEBRATED HORSE General .Marion, WILL STAND the present Season at my Sta ble, half a mile from Ha lifax town, and will be let to mares at TEN DOLLARS, Cash, the single leap TWENTY Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season and THIRTY Dollars to in sure the mare to be in foal, to be paid as soon as the mare is ascertained to be in foal with Fifty Cents to the Groom in every instance. The season will ommence the 1st day of March next, and end on the 10th of July. Particu lar attention will be paid to mares sent to remain with the horse; separate lots are provided fur marcs with young colts, and they will be fed if required at twenty-five cents per day. Every attention will be paid to prevent accidents or es capes, but no liability for either. General Marion, Is a beautiful dark bay, black mane and legs, full 5 feet 2i inches high, now eight years old, in good order, &c. He was got by old Sir Archie his dam by Citizen, his grandam by Alderman his g. grandam by Roebuck, his g. g. g. dam by Herod, his g. g. g. g. dam by Partner, &c. GEN'L MARION was run at Lawrenceville against Sir Henry, and won the Jockey Club with ease; he travelled to New-Market, and there won the Jockey Club, beating Bet sey Richards and others. LEM. LONG. Feb. 19, 1S2S. 27 jy-The Raleigh Star, Warrenton Repor ter, and Washington Herald will please give the above three insertions, and forward their accounts to the Postmaster at Halifax. Constables1 Blanks for sale, At this Office. Notice, N order to relieve our endorsers at Bank from their responsibility, lo pay our other debts, and close the partner diip between us, we hereby offer for sale the Office and Establishment of the In telligencer and Petersburg Commer cial Advertiser. It is needless to ex patiate on the value of this property, to a gentleman of talent and capital, capa ble of conducting the business to advan tage. The office is complete and well supplied in every kind of Type and Press that can be required; and the list of Subscribers, and Advertising custom for many years extended to the estab lishment, will speak for themselves. The Newspaper has at no period been more liberally patronized than at pre sent.. has about 900 good subscribers, the amount of advertising has been fully $4000 per annum heretofore, with very considerable job-work. that we may s y without exaggeration that the gross income of the establishment has avera ged about $8000 per annum for the last eight years; while the annual expences of the Printing-Office amount to little more" than S3000. Such being facts (and that we state nothing but the truth, any gentleman by calling upon us can be satisfied,) scarcely any consideration, but the imperious obligations above mentioned, could induce us to part with property so valuable. It will be offered at private sale until the first day of April next; on which day, should it not be disposed of (and due notice will be giv en of a transfer,) it will be sold publicly ( on the premises occupied by us on Bank Street, to the highest bidder. The terms will be made known on applica tion; but there is no doubt, should a re sponsible purchaser present himself, that on paying down a small amount in cash, a reasonable credit for the greater par t of the purchase money might be ob tained. Gentlemen disposed to avail themselves of this offer, can receive any further information they desire, by ad dressing Dr. Richard Fetid, of Bruns wick, Mr. Miles Jordan of Lunenburg, Mr. James B. Kendall of Petersburg, or the Subscribers. YANCEY Sr BURTON. February 19, 1S2S. An Irish counsellor being ques tioned, by a Judge, to know for whom lie was concerned, replied: "I am concerned for the plaintiff, but employed by the defendant."