If Whole No. 201. Tavborough, Edgecombe County, A". C. Friday, June 27, 1828. Vol IV. Xo. 45. THE "FREE PRESS,' By Geo. Howard, I; published fcekty, (every Friday,) at Tll'O DOLLJRS per year, (or .52 niim icr.) if IKl'11 with'n one month after Sub STiborsfoinmcnce receiving their papers Dollars if Fifty Cents, if paid within j-x months and Three Dollars at thecxpi-j-iicn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Xfs Subscribers residing at a distance must variably pay in advance, or give a respon se reference in this vicinity. No subscrip ; i discontinued unless a notification to that effect is given. Ailvti tm-ments not exceeding 16 lines will ;K-inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and scents each continuance. Longer ones at liit rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be :s! j:aid. St( i) the Runaways! KAN OFF from Beaufort, North-Carolina, where they were employed on the Fortifi cations at that place, Seven Xegro Fellows, To wit: MILLIARD, HENRY, LEW IS, ANTHONY, HOY, ISAAC, and FRANK. The three first-named Ne ; ocs were apprehended at Hicks Ford, (irecnsville county, Va. Anthony and Hoy were at the time in company with ihoic apprehended, but effected their es cape. Frank was left by the party some 20 or 30 miles beyond Halifax, N. C. sr.il Isaac some 5 or 10 miles on this side o:II;ilifax, both complaining of sickness sill unable to travel. Frank is a small ciak fellow, and about 22 years of age -Isaac is a stout young fellow, about 21 years of age, complexion rather yel low Roy is a slender black fellow, a tout 20 years of age and Anthony is a stout built black fellow, about 23 years efae no particular marks recollected. Tho above Negroes were making their way to Norfolk for the purpose of join icj; me. A liberal REWARD will be given 'or the apprehension of Frank, Isaac, Ru'j and Anthony, and should they be delivered to Mr. Xiblo of Petersburg, c will pay for their apprehension and 'I necessary expenses. J. P. TAYLOR, btpt. 3d Rez't Art. stationed at Old Point Comfort, near Norfolk. nov. J), 1327. 13 THE CELEBRATED HORSE vreneral Marion, WILL STANn lhr present Season at mv Sta- LI. I ! .. - "le, nan a mile from Ha- lifiiv i : . u win oe et to mares at TEN DOLLARS, Cash, the single leap TWENTY Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season-and THIRTY Dollars to in sure the marc to be in foal, to be paid as soon as the marc is ascertained to be in foal with Fifty Cents to the Groom in every instance. The season will commence the 1st day of March next, and end on the 10th of July. Particu lar attention will be paid to marcs sent to remain with the horse; separate lots are provided for marcs with young colts, and they will be fed if required at twenty-five cents per day. Every attention will be paid to prevent accidents or es capes, but no liability for cither. General g&axion, Is a beautiful dark bay, black mane and legs, full 5 feet 2 inches high, now eight years old, in good order, &c. He was got by old Sir Archie his dam by Citizen, his grandam by Alderman, his g. grandam by Roebuck, his g. g. g. dam by Herod, his g. g. g. g. dam by Partner, &c. PEN'L MARION was run at Lawrenceville against Sir Henry, and won the Jockey Club with case; he travelled to New-Market, and there won the Jockey Club, beating Bet sey Richards and others. LEM. LONG. Feb. 19, 1552S. . 27 ;I7The Raleigh Star, Warrcnton Repor ter, and Washington Herald will please iivc the above three insertions, and forward their i accounts to the Postmaster at Halifax. Just received and for Sale, Dr. Ch ambers' Serrated remedy for intemperance, Accompanied with a volume of evidence efficient to insure the confidence of the ttost incredulous, of the happy and al universal, cure of habitual intern ,'trarice and its beneficial effects in in ' prating & restoring the Constitution. ALSO, Dr. Swaim's Panacea, .j'lstly celebrated for the cure of scro ta or king's-cvil, ulcers, rheumatism, ypliilitic, mercurial, and liver com faiiUs, and most diseases arising in de '"taled constitutions, or from an i in testate of blood, &c. &c. This medi ae is also accompanied with a volume l evidence of its hippy effects in resto J''o perfect health thousands that had all other remedies, and given up in '-piir. The Subscribers havinir hc- 'e agents for the original inventors proprietors of those valuable medi now offer them pure and em-..: in . the Public, assuring them that a ceri ! 111 supply equal to the demand. v 1! ".re?ularlv kept on hand at their sr. re rborough. T R. 6r S. D. COTT:; January 24, 152S. Notice. rpiIE Co-partnership heretofore exist ing between the Subscribers, under the firm of CRANE KINGSBURY, Is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. Persons indebted to them by note or account, are requested to call on Jos. U. Lloyd, Esq. who is duly autho rized to settle the same. ABRAHAM CRANE, Jr. RUSSELL KINGSBURY. Tarboro', 13 June, 1S2S. 44-3 Trust Sale. JJY virtue of a Deed in Trust, execu ted to the Subscriber by Pitman Worsley, for the purposes therein con tained, I will expose to public sale, for cash, on Friday, 4th July next, before the Court-house in the town of Tarbo rough, two valuable Young Negroes, a boy and a girl. clemons Harden. June 2, 1S2S. 43-3 Herrings! Herrings!! JUST RECEIVED, and for sale at Sparta, 200 barrels Cut Herrings, Which will be sold low for Cash or produce. E. PRICE $ CO. May 13, 1S2S. 39 Sylvester Smith, TAILOR, YlTSHES to inform the Public that he has commenced the Tailoring Business, IN THE TOWN OF HALIFAX, Two doors above the Bank, Where he intends to execute his work in the most neat and fashionable style, and at the shortest notice. Halifax, May 18, 1828. 41 Notice. T OST, or stolen from the Subscriber, about two or three weeks since, A Pocket Booh, Containing SlO or $15 -also, several Notes, one of which was given by F. Bell to G. Toole, amounting to near five hundred dollars, which has been due for several years and has one payment on it. Any mlormation concerning: the above Pocket Book will be thankful- received. iVM. ROBARDS. June 10, 1S28. 43-3 ft 1 SI The thorough-bred and cclehratcdi HJWE mi USE, SilAWANEE, WILL STAND the ensu ing season at my stable, in the county of Halifax, North Carolina, seven miles from the town of Halifax, five from Enfield Court-house, and three from Crowell's Cross-roads, and will be let to mares at TEN DOLLARS the sincle leap, paya ble at the time the mare is covered; TWENTY Dollars the season, payable at the expiration ol the season; anu THIRTY Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal, payable as soon as the mare is ascertained to be in foal; with Fifty Cents to the Groom in every instance. The season to commence on the 1st day of March, and end the 20th day of Julv. Particular attention will be paid to rriares sent to remain with the horse, and can be fed if required with corn and fodder at twenty cents per day. Good and extensive pasturage gratis. Sepa rate fields of small grain arc sown for mares with young colts. Every atten tion will be paid to prevent accidents or escapes, but will not be liable for either. g3)attanee, IS A BEAUTIFUL CHESXUT SORREL, five feet one inch and a half high, ten years old this spring. PEDIGREE. SHAWANEE was got by the cele brated horse Tccumseh, he by Archie out of Thomas B. Hill's imported mare. His dam by old Citizen, his grandam by Alderman, his g. grandam by Roebuck, his g. g- grandam by Herod, his g. g. g. .-ran -ni by Partner, &c. JOHN CROWE LL. i-Vb. 25, 1828. 2S i t -Mip. Washington Herald. Warrenton .'ci.'"ncr, and Raleigh Star will please give ' ove four insertions, and forward their i7-:-;s to the Postmaster at Halifax for 1 imp for Cash!! riORN, Fodder, Bacon, Tur, Lime, Castor Oil, Gentlemen's best Fur Hats and Caps, Mackarel, (in whole and half barrels,) Flour, 1st and 2d quality. Some prime New Herrings and Shad. ALSO, some superior Scuppernong Wine together with many other arti cles, which will be sold very low for Cash only, by JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax, N.C. March 10, 1828. 0! would lake this opportunity of saying to the public, that my intention is'to do a GENERAL Commission Business: Therefore, persons who may favor me with any article on consignment, may rely on the strictest attention and punc tuality. J. L. S. Notice. WILL SELL, LEASE, or RENT, mv Lot and houses at Enfield. The stand for a Store is equal to any country stand in the State.. ..and not inferior to many country stands for a house of entertainment. The building consists of a convenient two story dwelling-house, well-finished, with four fire-places, store-house, ware house, gin-house (and gin,) and other out-houses.. ..possession given immedi ately... .terms accommodating. J. II. SIMMONS. Glh Feb. 1S2S. 25 Notice. 'PHE Subscribers having located them selves in the town of Halifax, for the purpose ot carrying on the Coach-making Business, In all its various branches, Inform their friends and the public gene rally? that they will work on the most moderate terms, and that their work shall be done in the most fashionable and durable manner, and solicit a portion of public patronage. JVM. A. TAYLOR $ CO. Halifax, May 6, 1S28. 38 Land for Sale. WISH TO SELL the Land where on I now reside, in Warren countv North-Carolina, which for health and si tuation is surpassed by few if any in the State there is on it, a large arid com modious dwelling-house 52 by 34 feet. I wish to sell 1000 or 2000 Mrcb of Land. The distance from the town of Halifax is 24 miles from Warrenton 12 and from Shocco Springs 16 miles. The terms will be accommodating, and made known whenever any person will call to view the premises. BLAKE BAKER: June 3, 1S28. 42-4 i7"Thfc Edenton Gazette will please insert the above for four successive weeks. B. B. Shocco Springs, Nine miles South of Warrenton, and within three miles of the main Stage Road leading from Warren ton to Raleigh, where the Stage passes every day. fTjMHS well-knorn, healthy and de- lightful Watering Place, will again be open by the 10th of June next, for the reception of Visiters, where every attention will be devoted to make them comfortable. The Subscriber tenders her grateful acknowledgments to former patrons, and flatters herself with a hope of future encouragement, as every exer tion will be used to retain their good will and the good opinion of all who may visit the Springs. There will be instru mental Music, Dancing Parties, &c. for those who are fond of such amusements. Owing to the scarcity of money the pri ces of board will be less than heretofore Gentlemen and Ladies each per month $522-50; for less time than a month $1 per day; Children and Ser vants half price. Horses by the month $15; for a less time GO cents per day. ANN JOHNSON. Shocco Springs, Warren County, May, 14, 1828. 40-S Notice. i LL Persons are hereby cautioned a- gainst purchasing from Isaac D. Gui on, the land of Thos. Guion, deceased the Subscriber having a lien on said land, under authority of the will of said deceased, for the sum of Si 500, which must be paid before the said Isaac D. Guion is entitled to the land. WM. R. D UP REE, Jan. 24, 1828. it! i w 'ft: it Mi m i l:. I.' 5 i i5P i a 5 AY: til. i I If

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