jQ - " ' '"' " frtuZe JTo, 207. THE "FREE PRESS," Bu Geo. Howard, U published we?kk, (every Friday,') a o , vcvumue Lonnttjj js. L. Znday, August 8, 1828. To. Zr.JVb. 51. yl'O DOLLARS per year, (or 52 'nunr m' political principles were first bcrs,) if paid within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers Tvjo Dollars i. Fifty Cents, if paid within six monthsand Three Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty tn discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Xew Subscribers residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. No subscrip tion discontinued unless a notification to that ciToct is given. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will r; inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be fiost JiciJ. lyr!! ? ra'l extricate us from our.difficl- crisis 01 vii, tics. Let US Wit. nnr slinl,M,. I " - . vuvuiiiVl O I J the wheel, and resolve this day, "to do or die:" not my neighbors, by assuming a hostile attitude; not with arms in our hands; but by a vigorous use of such means, as the Constitution and laws will nnrtnif Ac t i .1 i , : r""""" -f iu luu uaiiKs, me Z IT!'?' s Pnciplcs Avhich vil must soon correct itself, or else djclo de sc w ill be the inevi- logibly inscribed on the tablet of my niintl, as some of you may doubtless recollect. By those landmarks I have moved on since, "in the even tenor of mv wav " sustaining thro1 good, and thVo' we have this day convened to ce lebratc. The war of 1312, and the diffi culties preceding it, involved us, as individuals, and as a nation, in heavy debts. The constant drain on the South, and the liberal, not to say prodigal expenditure of the public monies, in other parts more exposed, .produced a oecuniarv i 1 j Celebration of the 4th Jul,, nfA":T 'ul ,a.li "ul u"s 'pi "r ii -iouuuiM. mo ucffislnturc was Communications. FOR THE FREE PRESS. Sltaenmn- M .t0 arrest 1 P""" J brdc... imposed , '.r u.. r. J" 7''u iu suspend ineexccu- lemarks elicited bv tliem from Messrs. Branch and Alston, at the recent Anniversary Dinner in Halifax. By J. y:w:n, Esq. Our cstr.em rc! guest and distinguished fellow citi zen, the Hon. John Branch: wc most highly appreciate the devotion of his time and talents in the service of his country. Xinc Cheers. Mr. Branch arose and addressed the company as follows: Gektlemex: The generous sen timent which you have just ex pressed, the day, the place, and the manner, all combine to over whelm me with a deep conviction of my inability to make you an adequate return; and 1 can assure you, that nothing but a thorough conviction of having served you with fidelity, connected with a well founded belief that you do me the justice to think' so, could for a moment sustain me. The approbation of the virtuous and the enlightened, has ever been considered the richest reward that a public servant can receive; and coming as yours does, from those who have known me in all the re lations of life; who, with more than parental or filial indulgence, have thrown the mantle of obli vion over my many errors, it fills me with indescribable sensations. Under such circumstances, how ever, it is very natural, and may not be without its use to take a retrospect, to see what errors may, and should be corrected; and what remains that is worthy of approval. With your permission, then, I will briefly pass in review before you, some of the leading measures, in which it has been my lot to act a very humble part, in doing this, 1 cannot forget, nor can I fail to recur to some of the early inci dents of my first political connex ion with the citizens of Halifax county, the land of my ancestors, the place of my nativity. When first called into the public service by their suffrages, in 1811, I felt deeply the responsibility of my station, and I never have for a mo ment lost sight of the weighty ob ligations imposed on me by their tion of the law; and although mv heart bled for my countrymen, I! dance. Wc have the corrective table consequence. Let us nlcdo-e to each other "our. lives, our for tunes, and our sacred honors," not to buy the manufactures which it is the object of the manufactu rers 'to compel us to buy of them at enhanced prices. Let . us ma nufacture for ourselves. We have water power sufficient, and to spare; we have a population a property which is rendered un on agriculture; we have the raw material in the .7rontsit nhim. felt bound to obey the paramount obligations of the Constitution. I thought then as 1 think now Fiat justitia, mat calam. Having thus firmly, and at some risk maintained this fundamental prin ciple, when severely operating on my friends, my neighbors, and my fellow-citizens literally bleed ing at every pore, could 1 do less, than to insist on an impartial ap plication of the same stern prin ciples of justice, in a different form, when operating on an asso ciation of individuals clothed with corporate powers, who, to all in tents and purposes, had set your laws at defiance, and who were laying the ground work of incal in our own hands, let us, then. "smile at the drawn dagger, and defy its point." As my votes on this subject, (in connexion with the votes of my venerable col league,) in the 'Senate of the U. States, have recently been ar raigned l)V a Snnntnr frnm Mno. vyards (as I was informed by a Senator) that he should have vo ted against the bill at last, if we had not made him mad! How dreadful ! how horrid to incur his displeasure ! ! .What think you now, my fellow-citizens, of a man exalted as Mr. Webster is, yet capable of acting so disingenuously? Does it appear, while acting in the cha racter of an informer, that he was disposed to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? There surely can be but one opinion. This he has done, too, after having assured me icith apparent sincerity that he did not intend to publish ami vari of Ms speech bearing on my votes. By mis assurance l was induced to withhold from the press, the re marks I made in answer to him. ana to suppress some others which I intended to make. Has it how ever come to this, that public men are to be censured for refusing tn aid their oppressors in polishing the chains to be riveted on them? Are they to be upbraided for re- iusing io kiss the rod uplifted to chastise them! and are thev tn be answerable for any incidental evil incurred in making what they , - I & " "v i.i.jr sacnusetts, 1 hope, gentlemen, vou; believed to be the mnt offim ... . - , ' I -"Vwfc VylllUlUUb will pardon me for trespassing on J resistance? I cannot, I will not your patience while 1 make a-believe that this miserable stuff brief explanation. Mr. Webster j will be for a moment heeded, by says that but for the vote of North an enlightened community. Thus Carolina, or in other words, but, far 1 have acted on the defensive, for the votes of Mr. Macon andjl might justifiably carry the war iiijauii, me ue cenis additional . into the enemy's countrv hnf T 1 . . I. r 3 v. jk duty on the gallon of molasses j forbear. It is not my purpose to might have been avoided: and that j become the assailant. My only consequently wc are iustlv an- object is. to vindinntP mvcif a. culable woe? No, gentlemen, swerable to our constituents, for unmerited asnnrsinn. with the best feelings personally , having imposed on them anannu- 'you, and to the world that I havr for those who ruled and directed the operations of the Banks, I proclaimed, when your chief ma gistrate, ten years ago, the mad dening truths to the world, and exerted every nerve to stay them in their wild and destructive ca reer; but all to no purpose. They contemned your authority, and rode rough-shod over your laws and their charters. To this cause, in connexion with the ini quitous policy pursued by the Ge neral Government, may be justly attributed the misery, ruin and desolation hat pervade our once happy land. In these our difficul ties, we have asked for bread, and .they have given us a stone. The manufacturers have again, as you know, and must soon feci, laid their leaden yoke on a com munity gasping for existence. What will be the result Heaven only knows. That the liberties of this people may be perpetual: that the Union of these States, on which those liberties depend, may be as lasting as time, is my most ardent desire. But that the pre sent condition of our people may be ameliorated, is my fervent prayer. It is idle however to ex pect that these things will be ac- i i ii c . i .1 : compusnea oy ioiumg our arms al tax of 50 or SC0.000. I know, gentlemen, that most of those to whom I am responsi ble, understand the reason that influenced my votes, and not on ly my votes, but that of almost ev ery Southern Senator, and prop erly appreciate them. Lest, how ever, there should be a single in dividual who may be misled by the sophistry, by the Yankee tricc ot this distinguished xan kee, 1 will briefly say what I frankly said in the Senate of the U. States that I was as much averse, on principle, to the duty on molasses, as I was to any other item in the Tariff bill; and while 1 voted against striking it out, my reasons were avowed; which were to distribute the burdens equally, to make the gentleman feel for his constituents what he seemed to be incapable of feeling for mine: and thus to induce him to go with us in rejecting the whole bill; every item of which I consi dered onerous and ruinous to the Southern country. The result proved that I was right; for by re taining the five cents on the gal lon of molasses, many of those who would otherwise have vo tedor the bill, were constrained to vote against it: and even Mr. UllOllS IllipUM-l UU UIO JJ hivii w"j TT 1 ! .v.j i.ji. iuw uuiiivv uuviiiu iu UC lllUOl m- ibcral confidence, in advance of; and calling upon Hercules to aid! Webster himself declared after-1 terested in the contemplated im- been vigilant of your rights and interests, and faithful to the trust you have reposed in me. Permit me further to avail my self of this opportunity to call your attention to another subject of deep national concern. 1 mean, gentlemen, the commercial, the navigating improvement of our State. My conduct on this sub ject has been misapprehended by nuuiu. it iius ueen said mat while I was ostensibly the patron of the act passed by the Legislature of North-Carolina, incorporating the Occacock Navigation Company, that I was in fact opposed to the assent of Congress being given This is not so. When I present ed the act to the Senate of the U. States, I moved its reference to the appropriate committee the committee of Finance, of which I was a member, and before that committee supported it with zeal and success; and was myself in structed to report a bill yielding the assent of Congress. When called tip in the Senate, I again advocated its passage, although opposed by the gentleman above mentioned, (Mr. Webster.) Sub sequently, however, in a confer ence with the representative from the district deemed to be most in-