FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1828. Presidential. We have received a pamphlet copy of the "Address of the Central Jackson Committee to the Free men of North-Carolina." We regret that our limits will not permit the inser tion entire of this interesting publica tion, in which the Central Committee have addressed the people '-with that plainness of speech in which facts and arguments are more easily apprehended by those plain men who constitute the large majority of our fellow-citizens." We will endeavor soon to give some ex tracts from this pamphlet in the mean time those who feel a desire to peruse it, can do so by applying at this office. Newborn, Sept. 20. Cotton new crop. On Tues-i day last, ten bales of Cotton of j the new crop, were brought to j this market from the plantation of Gen. Durant Hatch of this coun ty, which were sold at 9 cents. Since that time, several small parcels have been brought in and sold at the above price. Judging from what we have seen of the article, it appears to be of supe rior quality; and should the sea son prove favorable, we have the prospect of an abundant pro duct. Spectator. of the State Bank, and the wid owed father of two helpless chil dren, committed an act of suicide, on Monday 15th inst. by shooting himself through the head, just above the ear, with a loaded pis tol, and expired between two and three in the afternoon. We learn that for several days previous to the shocking act committed, he had given strong evidence of men tal aberration. He left a letter in which he stated that all his affairs with the Bank were perfectly straight and from our knowledge of the man, says theEdenton Ga zette, We have no doubt of its being the fact. Freeman's Echo. Faycttctillc, Sept. 18. New Cotton. We learn that 12 bales of new Cotton have been! brought to this market within a few days past, and sold readily at 9i to 10 cents. The quality is very good. Observer. Cotton. The new crop of Cot ton is arriving in greater quantity than it ever did, as early in the season. As many as five loads were taken in one day this week at one warehouse. It readily commands 10 cents. We believe it is a common opinion among our merchants, that, owing to the de ficiency of last year's crop, and the improbability of an exuberant one this year, that the planter will receive a better price for his Cot ton than he has done for one or two years r&sl... Augusta Geo. Co. English Markets. letter da ted Liverpool, Aug. 1, 1328, says: "Our Cotton market remains in the same inanimate state, and a decline of l-3d per lb. has taken place, which can only be account ed for by the eagerness on the part of the holders to effect sales." The New-York Journal of Com merce says, "Tho funds are high and lands arc low, (in England;) the latter it is thought too much so in proportion. The French fnnd.s are not so high as the Brit ish by 15 per cent, and yet the debt of the latter nation is as a nver to a rivulet compared with the hrench national debt. Mo ney can be borrowed in London, on hrst-rate security, at two per '.ent. a,uI pays three and a half per cent." n cWc Samuel II. Pullen, -wincr of the Edenton Branch Wine and Silk. There is per haps no country in the world where the Vine grows more luxu riantly and abundantly than in N. Carolina and mulberry trees of the largest and finest growth are to be found every where in our State. It is a matter of as tonishment that all our farmers do not make wine, at least, if not silk. A farmer in South-Carolina last year, from four acres of land sold wine to the amount of $2,400. A few of our farmers have small vineyards, but we would like to see it become generalfor if cheap wine could be substituted for the miserable whiskey that is now doing so much injury in our country, it would have a most hap py eflect. Not only would its ex tensive culture give a greater scope to agricultural industry, but it would a greater revenue to plan ters by far than our present crops. Ono of our most respectable far mers in the vicinity of Newborn last year, succeeded perfectly well in raising silk worms, and has on his estate a grove of 300 mulber ry trees. rNcwbern Sent. The Banks. The excitement about the Banks, which was first raised by Robert Potter in Gran ville, has not spread so far and fiercely as he doubtless contem plated. In comparatively but few counties has the excitement been made a handle of, for electioneer ing purposes, &e. Of all that has been said and done about the mismanagement of the Banks, we have hitherto seen j no specific plan proposed for re medying what is confessed on all hands to be a vexatious evil in the land. In politics as in medicine, every despicable empiric can tell when the body is ailing, and they are never backward in recommen ding this, that, and the other thing as infallible specifics; but the great object is to cure the disease, which none of them can do. Now in re gasd to the "Bank fever," with which it is said our body-politic is afllicted, wo fear those who are most officious in prescribing rem edies, are not the most likely to cure the complaint. They dis course flippantly, and, as many of our honest but deceived citizens believe, learnedly about the cause and nature of the evils under which the community are suffer ing from the bad conduct of the Bank managers; and thus hood wink the unsuspecting people in to an employment of them, (as members of the Legislature,) un der an erroneous opinion that they can and will set every thing right, and bring about better; times! The plain truth is, that the people of North-Carolina have suffered most grievously from quackery; they have been doc tored to death, by hundreds, by villanous empirics in medicine; and political degradation and bankruptcy have , been brought upon them, by no less villanous pretenders in politics. Salisbury Car. ':- Elder P. W. DO WD will preach at Upper Town Creek, on Friday; the 3d of October- Saturday the 4th, and Sun day the 5th, in Tarhoro Com. JA CAMP-MEETING will com mence on Friday, 3d October next, at Yelverton's Chapel, in Wayne county, 7 miles south of Stantonsburg. Com. 'iiu tq iiw MARRIED, On Thursday, the 11th inst. Mr. Alex. H. Falconer to Miss Mary H. Eaton, both of Warren county. In Franklin county, a short time past, Mr. John Allen, aged about 60 years, to Miss Browning, aged 20. Price Current. SEPT. 19. per Peters'g. jY. York. Bacon, - lb 6 fc 8 9 Brandy, - - gal. 34 35 Corn, - - bu'h 35 40 44 Cotton, - - - lb 9 10 II 12 Coffee, - - 16 17 13 16 Flour, family, - bbl 600 475 Iron, - - ton 110 120 $91 93 Molasses, - - gal 40 45 32 41 Rum, New-Eng. - 42 45 38 46 Sugar, brown, - lb 8 12 J 8 15 loaf, - - 18 25 17 11 Tea, Young Hyson, - 100 125 91 99 Imperial, - - 125 150 120 148 Wheat, - bu'l 85 90 90 94 Whiskey, - - gal. 30 33 27 34 NO BLANKS In the Three first Schemes of THE NEXT LOTTERY. COHEN'S OFFICE-Baltimore, September 17, 1828. (Bxant tate omvy Of Md; No. 6, for 1828, To be drawn by Sub-schemes, under an Improved mode secured by Letters Pat ent, and by which the Adventurer Can not draw a BlAnk, until the whole of the Sub-schemes are completed in the mean time he has the chance of every Prize in the entire Lottery, Without any risk whatever, till the comple tion of the last Sub-scheme. HIGHEST PRIZE, Ten Thousand dollars. SCHEME: 1 prize of $10,000 is 10,000 Dollars. 1 prize of 3,000 is 3,000 Dollars. 4 prizes of 2,000 is 8.000 Dollars. 4 prizes of 1.000 is 4,000 Dollars. 5 prizes of 500 is 2,500 Dollars. 20 prizes of 100 is 2,000 Dollars. 37 prizes of 50 is 1.850 Dollars. 100 prizes of 20 is 2300 Dollars. 202 prizes of 10 is 2,020 Dollars. 105 prizes of 6 is 630 Dollars. 4000 prizes of 5 is 20,000 Dolls. 6000 prizes of 4 is 24,000 Dolls. JYorti-Caroli?ia Bank A'otcs. At Petersburg, 5$ to 6$ per cent, discount. At Mew-York, 7 to 7 J do. Notice. A L.U persons are hereby notified that Garret Wiggins holds a note signed 10479 Prizes am'nting to 80,000 Dolls. (JpThe Sub-schemes are as follow: the first one of which will be drawn on Wednesday, 22d of October, The others will follow without unne-r cessary delay. first sub-scheme. 1 prize of $2000 is $2000 1 - 1000 - 1000 1 - - 500 - 500 5 - - 100 - 500 9 - 50 - 450 20 - - 20 - 400 34 - - 10 - 340 35 - - 6-210 2000 - - 4 - 8000 by Benjamin Wilkinson for the sum of I r i it i. in une nunurea ana iweniy-seven dollars i and some cents, on demand the 1st Jan uary, 1S29, and payable in notes. All persons are cautioned against trading for said note, as the consideration for which it was given has entirely failed. ; BENJ. TVILKLS(m, 25th Sept. 182S. 6 V Cabinet FURNITURE. PJlHE Subscriber has now oi) hand for sale, mahogany Sideboards, Secreta ries, Secretary and Book-case, Bureaus, Bedsteads carved and plain. Also, ma ple Bedsteads, and walnut Furniture al of which will be sold cheap for Cash. LEWIS BOND. Tarboro', Sept. 24, 1828. G-4 10 Reward. RAN AWAY on the even ing of the 13th inst. a negro woman, named TABITHA, And her child Albert Tabitha is about 5 feet 2 or 3 inches high, dark yellow complexion, stout made, common head of hair, and about 20 years of age. Her child is black, 9 or 10 months of age and very likely. Tabitha had on when she eloped, a white cambric dress, her other clothes not recollected. I purchased her of John Crowell, of Halifax, N. C. six miles south of Halifax town. The above reward of Ten Dollars, and all necessary expences, will be paid by the Subscriber for the delivery of said negroes, or if se cured in any jail so that I get them again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring, canying off, or employing said negroes,under the penalty of the law. HIRAM B. DOLLERHIDE. Person County, N. C. Sept. 15, 182S. G-4 2106 prizes, am'ting to $13,400 The second and third Sub-schemes are similar to the first. fourth; sub-scheme. 1 prize of $10,000 is $10,000 1 3000 - 3000 1 2000 - 2000 1 - - 1000 - 1000 2 - - 500 - 1000 5 - - 100 - 500 10 . - - 50 - 500 40 - - 20 - 800 100 10 - 1000 4000 - 5 - 20000 4161 prizes, amting to $39,800 The whole of the Prizes are pay able in CASH, which can be had the moment they are drawn. Full schemes explaining the mode of drawing will be forwarded with Tick ets to distant adventurers; and to whom, after the drawing, the Register contain ing the official lists will be sent,if desired. IFholeTickels,$5.00 I Quarters, $1.25 Halves, - - 2.50 Eighths, 62lcis. To be had in a variety of Numbers, (Odd and Even,) at Cohen's Office, 114, Market-street, Baltimore, Where the Capital Prizes in all the pre vious Classes were sold, and where both the Great Prizes of One Hundred Thousand Dollars each were sold in former Lotteries, and where more Canital Prizes have been sold than at any other office in America. (ppORDERS from any part of the United States, either bv mail fnostnaid ' 4 1 t or private conveyance, enclosing the Cash or Prize Tickets, will meet the same prompt and punctual attention as C 1 A J J - ii uu peisuuai application. aare J. I. COHEN, Jr. $ BE OTHERS, Sept. 17, 1828. Baltimore. Blank Bills of Sale for Slaves, Sold under Execution, for Sale, at this ofjtjce.