Vol V.Xd. 16. THE "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Frkb v,) at i ill O DOLLARS per year, (or 5Z num bers,) if paid in advance Tzvo Dollars Isf fifth' Cents, if paid within the subscription vear or, Three Dollars atnhe expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers iit liberty to discontinue at anytime on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or y ive a responsible reference in this vicinity. "Nro subscription discontinued unless a noti fi cat ion to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, -.v ill be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad- Mrs. A. C. Howard, TN FORMS the ladies of Edgecombe and vicinity, that she has opened, in the house immediately opposite the Bank in Tarhorough, a handsome as sortmcntof FANCY GOODS, suitable for fall and winter wear, which they are respectfully invited to call and examine amon" them are Pattern silk, satin and velvet Bonnets, of the latest Northern fashions, Leghorn Flats, assorted numbers, Fine straw Bonnets, Silks and satins, plain and figured, Grosde Naples, different colors. Black mode, velvet, and crape, Florences, liece, gauze and sinchews. CIUM rillVlllS IIIUSl Ut Ulill IVtll lilt: 11UIIII I J ,,.,,...,. ,. ,. i M l. f insertions required, or thev will be con- r,,,.,t. i i , -i i i j Curls, caps, and turbans, turned until otherwise ordered. ni , i i i ,fi,t n ....... n a otters addressed to the Lditor must be i .. i , nn, new aim i u i;iuii .ULH. JV.M, post paid, or they will not be attended to. Notice. HPIIE Trustees of the Tarborou-h A A cade my are desirous of employ ing a Teacher in this Seminary lor the ensu ins; vear, to commence on the first Mou- Black and white Ostrich feathers, Bunches and wreaths of flowers, Straw, silk and fancy cord, pur.ps, &c. The above articles were purchased this fall in the Northern cities, and will be sold on favorable terms. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, pelisses, &c. made to order, in the latest and iiios Cape-Fear, the State lias not been inattentive. The sums already expended, it is believed, have pro duced the most salutary effects; and if any additional appropriation is wanting, such' is the great im portance of the work, that I am satisfied the Legislature will cheerfully grant it. Through this channel the produce of ail our western counties, which will 'pass at all through our ports, must vent itself. Fayetteville, the highest point of Steam Boat navigation, will be the principal is but just that they should pay the greater part of what we may ex pend in its permanent improve ment. Another object of internal im provement, perhaps in its conse quences little inferior to the oth ers, or rather offering resources for the others, is the drainage of your swamp lands. The politic al and pecuniary advantages to flow from the adoption of proper measures for this object, have been fully developed by my pred ecessor; and nothing is left for me town, and Wilmington the ship-! but to invite your attention to ping port for all this produce, if, what has been before communica- wc only improve our natural ad-j ted from the Executive Depart- reeeivinir C 7 day in January next. A gentleman well j approved fashion qualitied lor that purpose, would meet j Leghorn and straw Bonnets hicached, vantages, and thus prevent the di version ol the trade to adjoining States. The Cape-Fear is alrea dy navigable, for Steam Boats, for J tat loa&i nine months in the year, nd is susceptible of being made with encouragement. A graduate of the University of this State would be pre ferred. y order of the Board, JiOBT. JQYNER, Secy. Tarhoro', Oct. 31, 1S2S. U - Roanoke Cut Herrings, WARRANTED to be good, for alc at $ 1 cash per barrel, near the Bridge in Tarborough, by GEORGE li'. WOODMAN. July IS, 1S2S. AD Notice. i LL those indebted to the Subscriber by note or account, are requested to make payment by the 1st of January next, as longer indulgence cannot be " JOHN tVlLLLSMS. Tarboro', Gel. 31, IS2S. 119 dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. Tarborough, Oct. 31, 1SJS. (General 3tsscmMp GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. continued from our last.) At the last session of the Ee- j gislature, an act was passed for mcnt. On the subiea of rail j . -roads, which has excited much interest in this State, 1 can add little or nothing to the luminous views, which have been spread before the public, and extensive- lit for Ratteau navigation many; ly circulated, in the publications miles higher. The shoals below of an able and enlightened popu- Whmington, if net entirely re- iar writer. It may be remarked, moved, are much improved, and however, that even in England, will soon form no obstacle to the where the density of population, commerce of that port. It has the highly improved and produc ing been my opinion that the first tive state of agriculture, and the efforts of the State should be di- number and extent of manufacto- rected to the outlets to the ocean,; ries, would render a favorable re- Notice. TPIIR SubsirihJr very respectfully lakes the liberty of returning his thanks lo his friends and customers in ; that work, and it isardcnlly hoped Edgecombe and the adjiccnt counties, i h;ir exertions niny be successful, for the liberal support he has met vit! jThe improvement of this channel in the tine of his nvnention since he has is looked to with deep interest, as been a resident of Tarborough; and he j it affects a luriro portion of our nauers nimscu with the hope, that by paying every attention to his business that patronage will not be discontinued. Me has just returned Fro n the .Yorthem Cities, With a general and well selected Assortment of Goods, Which he is proud to say, he can sell as low as they can be procured in this State They are as follow?, viz: Superfine blue and bl.ick Cloths, Olive, brown, and steel mixtures, Oassimeres of different colors, Fancy siik Ves'Jngs, Figured and plain silk Velvet, Fancy Vnleneias, new pattern. vv nite and black Uravats, iilack horse-skin Gloves, White and black beaver Hals, Sic. Cent! of the above article, arp rpnprifniiv:n t,,c neighbourhood of Raleigh at yited to come and judge for themselves. ( lo;ist for eight or nine months in Those gentlemen who furnish cloth can the year; and not only would the have it nude and trimmed in the neatest commerce of Newborn, furnishing S! !! V ShteSt notice' le ! "PPlic8 to this City and the adji 'U.jNtiilier put himselt to some troub'p I i i i liile in New-York, to obtain the latest j CGnt country l)e promoted, but the :1!jd most approved fashions. He has ,nlersts of the farmer.in acquiring ld;ewise in his employ fust rate work- !SJlcn facilities for the transmission To the im- outlet from the as far as they are capable of being1 suit most probable, the problem improved; next to the removal pf of the utility and policy of this incorporating a company to im- obstructions in the principal rivers; means of communication between prove the snoal, called the fcvasli,:and then to tlic construction or rc-, distant points, is not yet solved, the most formidable impediment.' paration of roads or canals from1 In the United States, an experi to the navigation through Ocea- the western counties to Fayette- ment has lately been commenced, cock Inlet. The provisions of ville, and from the counties whose on a large scale, by an incorpora thisactdependingupon the assent : interests connect them with the ted company, whose object is to of Congress, that body, instead of. Roanoke, the Neuse and the other connect the waters of the Ohio granting ls assent, appropriated principal rivers, to the most con- with the city of Baltimore. An twenty thousand dollars to try thejvcnieiit points qii those rivers, experiment might be made in this experiment whether the Swash It were superfluous to dwell upon. State, at a small expense, and at could be removed. Engineers ofjthe happy effects on our prosper-' a most favourable site, by the eon the United States, it is understood, ity, which would follow in the train struction of a rnil-way from Fay are now engaged in operations on iof a judicious system of improve- ettevillo to Campbellton. From ment, faithfully executed. A new, this, an opinion might be formed life would be infused into every i both of the cost end of the utility branch of industry; our agriculture of such works, would be relieved from a heavy The regulation of the currency burthen, winch now oppresses it;ior circulating medium has been our commerce would increase tenfold; the tide of emigration would be checked; and our popu-the most important branches of Iation and wealth would advance! legislation. From some provis with a rapidity equal to our most j ions in the Federal Constitution, sanguine desires. Are wc r.otj it might be inferred that it was the prepared to commence such a sys- intention of the framers of that in tern! Why should we delav Instrument to give to the General will require much time for its com- Government exclusive powers on por most valuable commerce. If, ow ing to natural and unalterable causes, this channel cannot be made to answer the purposes of navigation, it is suggested, as an interesting subject of , inquiry, whether a ship channel cfsufllcient depth cannot be constructed to unite the lower part of Neuse Ri ver with the harbour of Beaufort, perhaps the most commodious harbour in the State. In connec tion with this, 1 would call your attention to the improvement of the Aeuse River, at least as high as tiie point nearest in vicinity to jour seat of Government. There j can be no doubt that a safe bat- teaux navigation may be made to ,oi ins products 10 m 11EXRY JOILXSTO V. be greatly advanced. arl,oro' 0ct-1 2S. 7 urovement of the out esteemed, in every country, a mong the most diflicult as well as pletion, and the necssary expen-. this subject. It would be useless diturcs will be divided among sev-j now to inquire whether the estab eral years. You will discover,; iishment of Banks, by the several from the Treasurers Report, that States, within their local limits, we have a large available fund, comported with that intention or not required tor the ordinary ex-1 with the spirit of those provisions. pences ot Crovcrnmcnt, and not All the States have adopted the otherwise appropriated. What this sum cannot supply, m&y be furnished by credit. Every oth er State has resorted to loans far a similar purpose. The usual objection to loans, that it burthens posterity with a debt which we have contracted for our own ad vantage, does not here apply. The benefit will descend to our posterity with the burthen, and will be more than a compensation. We are but tenants for life; the es tate will be theirs forever; ami it same construction. The conse quence has been, that in every State, the notes of these banking corporations, have formed the lar gest portion of the circulating me dium; and in every State, from the occurrence of causes incident to such establishments, they have at some periods, to the great inju ry of the community, been depre ciated in value. To the numer ous instances which attest this truth, I deeply regret to add that which has been experience in