ilp2f$ Sp feMpI klpi pin iCf i'Cry si IP ' pP pp 8v tCWSJW SS9 Tarhoronglu Edgecombe County, JV. 0. FrMa?, December 19, 1828. FoZ. F. JVo. 18. it. ill 1 .4 t 1 TH "FREE PREESS," By Geo. Howard, Is published wcvkly, (every Friday,) at VIVO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid in advance Tzvo Dollars Fifty Cent!, if paid within the subscription year or, Three Dollara at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at anytime on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or jrivc a responsible reference in this vicinitv. No subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at .50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. Notice. ' ( rpiIE Trustees of the Tarboroujjh A- A cademy are desirous of employing a Teacher iti this Seminary for the ensu ing year, to commence on the first Mon day in January next. A gentleman well qualified for tint purpose, woild meet with encouragement University of this State would be pre ferred. By order of the Board, li U Li l '. , u 1 A hHi, 11 inn"' HTUIE Subscribers have taken those large and commodious warehouses in Notice. LL those indebted to the Subscriber bv T - i."iiiiiiuuiuuj ici: i.iiuiioi..; lit j ... , nun v,an l.u j n iu aui- WVhinton, ;nown as the nronertv of ! de the same between this and the first of v:n: ' i i.i i . : .. -i ... jiu,i;n jyoss, ivsq. wnere mey mienu carrying on the Storage & Commission BUSINESS. To those who place business in their hands, they flatter themselves that am ple satisfaction will be given. R. IV. TA NNA II IL L. Washington, Dec. 1S2S. 1G-4 Mrs. A. C. Howard, TN?0R.MS the ladies of Kdgecombc and vicinity, that she has opened, in the house immadiatcly opposite the Bank in Tarhorouh, a handsome as sortment of FANCY" GOODS, suitable for fall and winter wear, which they are respectfully invited to call and examine among mem are Tarboro', Oct. 31, 1S28. Roanoke Cut Herrings, WARRANTED to be good, foraIe at Si cash per barrel, near the Bridge in Tarborough, by GEORGE JV. WOODMAN. July IS, 1S2S. 49 Notice. LL those indebted to the Subscriber! by note or account, are requested to ... inane payment by the 1st ot January A Pattern sill;, satin ar1. velvet Bonnets, of the latest Northern fashions, Leghorn Flats assorted munhcis, Fine straw Bonnets. ' A graduate of the! Silks and satins, plnin and fijrnrcd, ros (ic maples, chlterent coinIf-,, Black modr, velvet, ;md era;..-, Florences, licc.r, i;av.;'.e ;nd si u.hcws, Lutestring, satin and gauze ribands, Curls, caps, and turhrvis, Beaded and sprinkled wreaths flowers and sprigs, new and el- mt articles, Black and white O-tnr.h feathers, Bunches and wn-atlis of dowers, Straw, silk and fancy curd, jrinips, Sec. The above articles were purchased this fall in the Northern cities, and will be sold ou favorable terms. L'tdies' dresNes, cloaks, prises, &c. made fo order, in l;c latest and mosl approved fashions. Leghorn and straw Honncts bleached; dyed, or tiimmcd, at a short notice. 30, !2ct. January next, or they will be placed in tne nancis o a constable lor collection. FRANCES CAMPBELL. Dec. 10, 1S2S. 17-3 Stolen, or Strayed, FROM the Subscriber, liv- i&SiSli in-x in the town of Halifax, a eCJe SORREL HORSE. 7 With a bald face, blind of the left eye, about four feet ten or eleven inches high, about 11 or 12 years of age. He was taken awav the 13th inst. JAMES DAVIS. IfaliAix, Nov. 25, IS2S 1G 4 Qiianky Academy. THE RACES Over Wiggins's Course, Al CvozvclVs H .Roads,-' Y7ILL commence cn Thursday, the kolh inst. and continue two days. First Daythe .Tockev Club nnrs will be run for, 3 mile heats, $10 en trance, purse worth S100. becond Day the PronrietoHs nnn will, be run for, 2 mile heats; entrance $5, purse worth SlOO. ' j i here will be a MULE RACE, on rpUt EXAMLNATIOX of the pre-! me s.eccnd da"' immediately after the S. : :ii . ... . ... j regular race :s over. IVpa for nil unfrin.i j'jiu Miiuit win I'cni on luontiai.' J v. v he usual re- "1UiV-at""uH ipa,mue neais,oesL y in 5. the 22d inst. and or.d, with the port of th'j sciiolars' progress and con duct, at the noon of Wednesday, the 2 lib inst.; after which, on the same day, an Exercise will lake place, consitin; of single pieces and a few dialogues. All interested are respectfully solicited to at tend both the Examination and Exercise. The Tiiislees would inform the nub- !ic, that their institution will open its L. MORGAN Sec'v. Halifax county, N. C. ) 0 I a.n O 1 CMC V- 1 . Domestic Tax borough, Oct. lonrer next, as given. Tarboro'. Oct. 31, 182S. rv; T!71 p? A 4 inaul-nce ennnot be: $1 U' ;.'.( 'fJ, .!, TrrmUJ. JOHN IV ILL . QMS'. riMlX TUUSi'i'.r.S have employed -H- 119 Notiee. rpilF Subscriber very respectfully uiy noeriy oi returning Ins Mr. .I.s. 1 1. Stisaix to take chari: of t!,is insiituticn for the ensuing year, the cxcrrisifs' of wiiich will commpiipp IhauKs to his and customers in on Uc jlrsl Moway in January wxL Edgecombe and the adjacent counties, embracing a course of studies nrcparaK.- jor the liberal support he has met with ,y to the University, in the hue ot his avocation since he has The Trustees an: very much pleas.-d -vv. v-- imnii (vim nope, mat y aying every attention to his business that patronage will not be discontinued. He has just returned From the Northern Cities, With a general and well selected v-j Assortment of Goods, i Vv hich he is proud to say. he can sell as u ti,cy uii ue procured in this! oiaie. i ncy are as tollows, viz: Superfine blue and black Cloths, Olive, brown,'and steel mixtures, Cassimeres of different colors, Fancy silk Vestings, Figured and plain silk Vclyel, Fancy Valencia, new pattern, White and black Cravats, Jjlack horse-skin Gloves, "White and black beaver Hats, &c. Gentlemen wishing to purchase any Of the above articles, are respectfully in vited to come and judge for themselves. I bose gentlemen who furnish cloth can nave it made and trimmed in thenpatpsi j limner and on the shortest notice, as the 1 ihscriber put himself to some trouble I vvnde m New-York, to obtain the latest nd most approval fashions. He has I hkewise in his employ fust rate work- UENRY JOHNSTON. j 'rboro', Oct. 1, 1. 7 Strain for the past year, endir.g on I lie firt day of inst. at which time the students were puhlickly examined on their various studies, and their profi c.iency much to ihe satisfaction of both Trusiees and those present. It is generally known that Farmwell is a healthy situation, entirely remote from scenes of dissipation. Good board quite convenient by Mr. Robt. Airin ton and Mr. Richard Bailey, at $5 per month. Tuition as follows: English, - - SS per Latin and Greek, - 10 session. A. IV. MOORE, Secy bee. G, 1S2S. Fayctttville, Dec. 4. Our mar ket WG llflVf Splflnm m-' nnrm. third scholastic year on the first Mun : witnessed a norind nf orpntnr nni day in January next , undrr il.o mi(,io!) than the last two months, rmcd caruol tlic Re-. Si ).NEV VVKL- p.,,,i . . " LER, A. M. of whose qualifications it ' odtice JS coming m, in large is unnecessary now to sp- k particular- j quantities, and though one article, ly; seeing that wc have before .stated, j w",5at Mas declined a little, it yet that he came recommended as an able j commands what ever farmer Will :i;id experienced instructor, by the trus-icall a good ''price, $1 to 81 05 tees of ihe academies over which he had j Flour is 86. Cotton sells freelvr n i-Muru, in me Maies ni ievv-1 oi k anu ; nt 00 r.n OQ - " Virginia, and by Dr. Nott, De Witt 6 l S O. Observer. of the T Raleigh, Dec. 5. North-C! ami in 11. Rihle Stni, ,T I " 7 . - W mm, was iuny nui me ixpeciaucu rais- ine Anniversary discourse for ed of h.s worth, as an intellectual and, the benefit of this Institution, was moral guide of youth. " 1 r 1 r 1 . ' Price of tuifion, for the scholastic ! on Sunday last, in the. year of 10 months, S25 in the languages;1 rSJy!cnail Church of this City, !nd advanced mathematical studies; $20 by the Itev. Mr." Dowd, Pastor m ue nurner. am 115 in lift lowor;ei uie ijanrist tneiotv. His tnvf y " - - - ' " I wwmwv A .A. I t 7 LI. s. I . Clint rm and other individual first standing in our country; end see ing his superintendence, in our institu- 17 Tarborough Academy. rpHE EXAMINATION of the Fe " male Department of this Institution, will commence on Monday, the 22d inst. Tiie public arc invited to attend. The Trustees of this Acadomy take pleasure in announcing to the public, iuai they nave engaged for the ensuing year in the Female Department, those young Ladies who have so successfully and satisfactorily presided over this de partment for several years past. The School wil! re-commence on the Jst Monday in January next. 13y order of the lioarri, ROBT. JOYNER, Sec'y. IVboro', lOihDec. 1S2S. 17-3 i branches of English education. Hoarding, with lodging and washing, may be; had in the neighborhood of the academy as low as So a month. Payment, or settlement, in all cases, to be punctually made at the close of each session; the first of which will ex tend to th,e vacation, to take place in the months of August and September; and l lie second will terminate at Christmas. No scholar to be received or continu ed for a period short of a session, nor oi a year, unless by special agreement be fore entrance, or atterwards good reason and timely notice be given; or unless entiance is unavoidably delayed until a month or more of a session be transpir ed ,in which case deduction maybe made. The most approved school hooks and stationary supplied when necessary, at moderate prices, by the Principal. Mr. Weller has a juvenile library, maps, and the like-, which are gratuitous ly lent to the pupils. The government of the institution is mild but firm. No youth need be sent to the Quanky Academy unles he be ex pected to conform strictly to the whole some regulations of a public seminary. Mr. Weller will be assisted in the in stitution by his lady, who, in on apart ment of the academy, vyill teach sowing, working on musljn, and marking, with spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, and otherusetul and ornamen tal branches of female education. JAMES BISHOP, RICE B. PIERCE, JOHN PUR NELL: Quanky Academy, 4 miles west of 17 Halifax town. Pec. 1S23. S was the tourth verse of the fif teenth chapter of Romans. We have rarely heard a sermon more appropriate to the occasion, The benefits which flow from the extensive diffusion of the Scrip tures, and the strong claims which Bible Societies have for support on the community, were forcibly delineated. The style of the Preacher was nervous and his language chaste. The collection amounted to about 3G dollars. ' The annual meeting of the So ciety will be held in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol, on Wed nesday evening, at seven o'clock. Post Office Department.- Vom the" Post Master General's Re port, which accompanied the Pre sident's Message to Congress, it appears that the number of per sons employed by the Depart ment, including Post Masters, Clerks, Contractors, and persons engaged in transporting the mail, is about twenty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-six. There are about seventeen thousand five hundred and eighty-four horses employed, and two thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine car riages, including two hundred and forty-three sulkies and waggon.1?'.

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