'"ST tC' SE. irfcoZc .Vo. 238. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, JV. C. Friday, March 13, 1829. FoZ. F. JVo. 80. THE "FREE PRESS," Zfy Gfo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at TWO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid in advance Tivo Dollars Fifty Cents, if paid within the subscription ye:ir-or, Three Dollars at the expiration pf the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at anytime on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. No subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. Notice. fTHE Subscriber informs the citizens - of Edgecombe and the adjacent coun ties, that he has commenced the Gig and Wagon-making BUSINESS IN TAKB0R0 Near the Bridge, And earnestly requests those friendly to humanity to give him a share of patron age. (QIIis work shall be completed equal to any in the State. TIIOS. J. BLAKE LEV. Feb. 12, 1829. 27 FOR At the Fosl-Ojjice in the town of HALIFAX, The following Articles, to wit: Bacon, Lime, Herrings, Shad, Flour, Stained curtain Bedstead?, Windsor Chairs, Leather, wagon Collars:, Tobacco, (twist and bundle,) wholesale and retail, ALSO the following Articles: Bottle Corks, Fly Stone, Ternierirk, Liquid Blacking," Ginger, Spice, Nutmegs, Venitian Red, Red Lead, VYhite Lead, Verdigris, Baitman's Drops, Opodeldoc, Allum, Lethcridge, Ink Powder, Pearl Ash, Ground Paint Brushes, assorted, Shaving Boxes and Soap, Spanish Whiting, Turkey Umber, Crom.Yellow, Prussian blue, Durable Ink, Staughton's Bitters, Tooth Brushes, Mace, SnufF Boxes, Snanish Annatto. do. Blueing, do. Indigo, Wagons ironed, do. not Ironed, Almanacs, Garden Marrowfat Cpi? A Q Karly six week ( JL JLi lLkJ Green Bunch Spinning Wheels, Shaving Brushes, Razors, Blank Warrants, do. Notes, do. Bonds, All of the above articles will "be sold very low, for Casli only JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax, Feb. C, 1S29., Notice. A LL persons indebted to the Subscri-x- bers either by note or account, are respectfully invited to call and settle I lie f ame as soon as possible, as the subscri bers are under the necessity of making collections between this time and Feb ruary Court. KING & GAT LIN. Tarboro',.fan. 20, 1S29. Mrs. A. C. Howard, TXFORMS the ladies of Edgecombe and vicinitv, thnt she has opened, in the house immediately opposite the Bank in Tarborough, a handsome as sortment of FANCY GOODS, suitable for fall and winter wear, which they are respectfully invited to call and examine. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, pelisses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw Bonnets bleached, dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. Tarborough, Oct. 30, 1828. Notice. J ANAWAY from the Subscriber, on the 22d Of DMPmliPr laet nn inrlrnt. el apprentice hoy, by the name of H1ANCIS RRDM0N1), about seven teen years of age, dark complexion. 1 wU give a reward of Ten Dollars for the delivery of said boy to me in Tar rmjrhaii persons are forbid harbor ing or employing him under the penal ty of the law. HENRY JOHNSTON. iarboro', Jan. 20, IS29.' Laws ofN. Carolina, 1858-9. CHAPTER LXV. An Act to incorporate the Edgecombe Man ufacturing Company. Be it enacted by the General As sembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au thority of the same, That Joel Battle and such other persons as may be asso ciated with him, according to the pro visions of the third section of this act. his anil their assigns and successors, be, and they are hereby incorporated into a body corporate and politic, under the! name and style of "the Edgecombe Manufacturing Company," for the pur pose of manufacturing cotton, hemp, wool and flax; and by that name and style may sue and be sued; contract and be contracted with; have perpetual suc cession and a common sea!; and hold re al and personal estate, with the power to make all necessary rules, regulations and byelaws for the management of jha concerns of the company, not inconsist ent with the laws of this State. II. And be it further enacted. That the capita stock of said company shall not be less than thirty thousand dollars, nor more than one hundred thousand dollars, to be raised by subscription in! shares of one hundred dollars each, fori which books of subscription shall be op- ened under the direction of Edmund j 1). Macuair, David Clark, David Barnes, Joel Battle, Benjiniin M. Jackson, The- ophilus Parker, Petei Evans and Will- i:m Plummer, at Tarboro', and at such! other places in the State as may by them he deemed advisable; and the said com missioners, or, any three of them, may proceed to organize the said company so soon as the first named sum of thirty thousand dollars shall have been subscri bed for, with leave to the company to extend the capital stock thereof at any time thereafter: Provided, the same shall not exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollar. III. And be it further enacted, That there shall be annual meetings of the stockholders at such lime and place as they may from time to time appoint, for managing the general concerns of said company: three persons being stockhol ders, shall be chosen directors, who may appoint a president, and in his absence a president pro tempore; and shall have power to call special meetings of the stockholders; to supply vacancies in their own body; and to do all other acts and things touching the affairs of the company noi otherwise specially provi ded for. IV. Be it further enacted, That in any election of directors, and all other meetings, each stockholder shall be en titled to one vote for every share held by him, and may vote in person or by proxy, in such manner as may be from time to time prescribed in general mee ting. V. Be it further enacted, That t.he stock of said company shall be deemed and taken as personal estate, and may be transferred in such manner as the di rectors of the company shall from time to lime direct. VI. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force fim and after the passage thereof. VII. Be it further enacted, That this act shall expire at the end of thirty year? from the ratification thereof. VIII. Be it further enacted, That the Company hereby established shall not engage in business other than that which ordinarily belongs to manufactu ring: Provided, that the Legislature shall at any time hereafter have the power to repeal, alter or modify the char ter hereby granted; on condition never theless, that no alteration or modification or repeal shall anpul or invalidate the contracts made by or with the corpora tion; and that the corporation may still continue a corporation so far as to col lect and recover and dispose of their es tate, real and personal, and pay their debts and divide the surplus. Notice. TN conformity to the provisions of the above act of incorporation, Books of Subscription for Stock will be opened, under the direction of the Commission ers therein named at Tarborough, on Tueday, lOlh inst. and also at Nash ville, under the direction of Joel Battle, William Plummer, IVilliam Battle and James Baltic, on Tuesday, 17th inst. to be continued open until 1st June, or for a longer time, if then deem ed advisable by the Commissioners. The patronage of a liberal public is solicited in this effort to give maturity and vis: to a native manufacture of such obvious utility and importance. Jt will surely be admitted that the supply, by northern manufacturers, with the ad dition of charges and the merchants' pro fit, of those fabrics which it is the object of thisCompany to produce,has increased to no inconsiderable extent the pressure so long experienced by this community. Possessing as we dp ample resources within ourselves, no unfavorable circum stance forbids on the contrary, every consideration invites to ihe attempt to render ourselves independent of the ca pital and industry of our northern friends. Certainly the application of in dustry, with a common portion of intel ligence, and economical management, can alone be necessary to insure success to the enterprize. From the pride and patriotism of our fellow-citizens we an ticipate a liberal encouragement of pur undertaking; and we indulge the expec tation, surely not too sanguine or unrea sonable, that while northern manufactu rers are enjoying a profit from capital similarly employed pf 15 to 30 percent, this Company may look forward with confidence, to a liberal remuneration for the investment of their funds. Terms of subscription will be made known on the day for opening the Books. (Signeo) PETER EVANS, THE O P II. PARKER, JOEL BATTLE, E. D MACNAIR, BENJ.M. JACKSON, c 2 March, 1S29. 29-3' Religious Denominations From the last number of the Quarterly Journal of the Ameri can Education Society, we gather the following statistical intelli gence respecting the most numer ous denominations of Christians in the United States. There are about 800 Congre gational Ministers of New-Eng land; 115,000 communicants. The number of communicants in the Presbyterian Church in the United States is about 150,000; the number ofchurches 1950; min isters 1300; licentiates 200; pres byteries 90. In the Protestant Episcopal Church there are, clergy 509; churches reported in 1817, 598; communicants reported in 1821. 25,000. Calvinistic Baptists, in the Uni ted States, Associations 600; chur ches 4027; ministers 2,749; bapti sed in 1828,28,852; communicants 282,494. There are in the Methodist Episcopal Church, travelling prea chers 1533; superanuated preach ers, 1639. Increase in 1828, 66. Members in society 421,105. In crease of 1828, 39,108. There are many local preachers, number not known. 1 Ladies1 Temperance Society. The ladies of a town in Ohio, have formed themselves into a Temperance Society, and adopt ed the following resolutions: "We, the subscribers, having witnessT ed and heard of many pases of misery and ruin, in consequence of the free use of ardent spirits; and desirous to prevent, if possible so great evils: Therefore Resolved, 1. We will whol ly abstain from the use of ardent spirits on all occasions; except when prescribed bjr a temperate physician. 2. We will discountenance all addres ses in any of the male sex, if they shall be known to drink ardent spirits, either periodically or on any public occasion. 3. We, as mothers, daughters, sisters, will uss our influence to prevent the connexion of our friends, with a man who shall habitually drink any kind of ardent spirits." We are much gratified to see that the ladies are beginning to turn their attention to this subject. It is one in which they are deep ly interested. Ladies suffer much from intemperance, though they are generally innocent sufferers.--We would recommend to the La dies of all towns and villages to follow the above example. Es pecially would we urge upon them a strict attention to the 2d section of the above resolutions. Cotton Cordage. The New- York Gazette states that the Southern growers, in order to pro fit every way, by the use of their own products, have begun to use cotton for bale ropes, leading lines, traces, &c. and several rope makers are now employed in ma king cordage of the different si zes, for the southern planters. It is said that during the insuing year, at" least 400 tons of rope will be required, and ultimately the use of hemp for the southern states will be entirely unknown. This,Jt will readily be imagined, has grown out of the late Tariff. Sugar Cane. George Pollock, Esq. has lately imported into this place, a large quantity of the su gar cane from Savannah, for the purpose of trying the capacities of our soil, for producing it pro fitably. The enterprise is deep ly interesting, and the attempt to introduce among us a more lu crative employment of capital and industry than can be otherwise fonnd in the present depressed state of our affairs, deserving of Jail praise.-Ncwbcrn Sent,