C,- "" rl I Whole Xo. 240. Tarhoroagh, Edgecombe County, JV. C. Friday, March 27, 1829. Vol V.Xo. 82, THE "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, Ts published weekly, (every Friday,) at TIVO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if P'l,d m advance jTwo Dollars & Fifty Cents, if paid within the subscription vcar or, Three Dollars at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or j;ive a responsible reference in this vicinity. o subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con Jtinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. T Notice. HE Subscriber informs the citizens of Edgecombe and the adjacent coun ties, that he lias commenced the Gij and Wagon-making BUSINESS IN TARI30RO', Near the Bridge, And earnestly requests those friendly to humanity to give hini a share of patron age. (jHis work shall be completed equal to any in the State. 2Y0.9. J. BLAKE LEY. Feb. 12, 1829. 27 FOR At the Post-Ujficc in the toxvn oj HALIFAX, The following Articles, to wit: Bacon, Lime, Herrings, Shad, Flour, Stained curtain Bedsteads, Windsor Chairs, Leather, wagon Collars, Tobacco, (twist and bundle,) wholesale and retail, ALSO the following Articles: Bottle Corks, Fly Stone, Ternie-rick, Liquid Blacking, Ginger, Spice, Nutmegs, Venitian Red, Ked Lead, White Lead, Verdigris, Haitman's Drops, Opodeldoc, Allum, Letheridge, Ink Powder, Pearl Ash, Ground Paint Brushes, as.ortcd, Shaving Boxes and Soap, Spanish Whiting, Turkey Umber, Crom.Ycllow, Prussian blue, Durable Ink, Stanhton's Bitters, Tooth Brushes Mace, Snuff Boxes, Spanish Annatto. do. Blueing, do. Indigo, Wagons ironed, do. not Ironed, Almanacs, Garden Marrowfat PR A S Early six week t J JLJXjlO Green Bunch Spinning Wheels, Shaving Brushes, Razors, Blank Warrants, do. Notes, do. Bonds, All of the above articles will be sold very low, for Cash only. JOS. I. SIMMONS. Halifax, Feb. G, 1S29. Notice. LL persons indebted to the Subscri bers either by noie or account, are respectfully invited to call and settle the same as soon as possible, as the subscri bers are under the necessity of m iking collections between this time and Feb" I'uary Court. KING $ GAT LIN. Tarboro', Jan. 20, 1829. For Sale, M the Store of R. & S. T). Colten, IN TARBOROUGH, Turks Island and AT Liverpool sack 3 A Molasses, sugar, coffee, tea, and chocolate, Iron and steel of every description & quality, Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti cle to make a complete sett of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, Jamaica rum, 5 years old, Otard's cogniac brandy, 10 years eld, Pure Holland gin, old rye whiskey, Madeira wine,NE. rum & common brandy, Together with an extensive assortment of j Staple and Fancy Goods, Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces for cash, as can be bought at any store in the place. A constant supply of Swaims Pana cea, Dr. Chambers'' remedy for In temperance, Judkins's celebrated Oint ment, &e. &c. jThe highest price paid in Cash, for good clean baled Cotton. January I, 1829. Garden Seeds, r n T T Tl n i i juiCi subscribers are now opening a "- well selected assortment of jfreSf) muvnm gtm, Which thev offer for sale thnsi who to purchase, can be supplied on be Notice. IJANAWAY fro, the Subscriber, on the 22d of December last, an indent apprentice boy, by the name of HiANCIS REDMOND, about seven teen years of ag, lark complexion. 1 jyiiiK,vca reward of Ten Dollars for Redelivery of said boy to me in Tar- "roiih all persons are forbid harbor- l'1? or employing him under the penal ly ot the lau.. 1 t I IE AT? Y JOHNSTON. A?rboro, Jan. 20. IS29, wish reasonable terms. Anions; them may found the following: Asparagus, Lettuce, Cabbage, Tamattus, Blood Heets, Large Orange Carrot, White Onion, Early Peas, Ked do. Marrowfat do. Parsnips, Charleton do. Parsley, Lima Beans, K"il, Mohawk Bush do. Cucumber, Ocra, cilery, Turnips, Uaddish, Leek. D. RICHARDS $ CO. Tarboro'. Feb. 1 829. Stemo&af. . 8C J. Dunn & Co. INFO KM their friends and the public, that they have received their FALL SUPPLY OF GOODS, which compri ses a handsome and very extensive as sortment of nearly every article, new, fashionable, or desirable in the Dry Goods Line. A very large supply of GROCERIES, Of all descriptions. Hardware, Hats of every quali ty, China, Glass and Earthen rvare, Saddlery, Hoots and Shoes, and an assortment of Tin ware: Together with an assortment of Sole, Upper, Harness, Skirting and Bridle Leather, Calf, kip, morocco and sheen Skins. Soaps, Perfumery, ' Ladies Leghorn hats & Straw Bonnets, Work baskets, Brushes of all kinds, Books, Stationary, Tortoise-shell, ivory and horn Combs, raints, Uils, and Drugs, Pocket-books, Fur, seal-skin and morocco caps, &c.&c. All of which will be offered at very moderate prices many of the goods MUCH LOWER than they have been heretofore sold in this market. Being confident that they can give satisfaction to those who call on them as regards the quality, style and prices of their goods, they respectfully invite all who want to purchase to examine their assortment. X. B. We will continue to buy COT TON for cash, and to take it in trade or payment. Those of our customers who wish to send their Cotton to Dunns & M llwaine of Petersburg, to be stored or sold, will find us accommodating in our arrangements, anil anxious to pro mote their interest. R. J. D. $ Ca. Halifax, N. C. Oct. 1828. Mrs. A. C. Howard, TNFORMS the ladies of Edgecombe and vicinity, that she has opened, in the house immediately opposite the Bank in Tarborough, a handsome as sortment of FANCY GOODS, suitable for fall and winter wear, which they are respectfully invited to call and examine. Ladies' dresses, cloaks. Delisses. &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw Bonnets bleached. dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. larborough, Oct. 30, 1828. Sports of the Pit, A MAIN OF COCKS will be fought ii iiidiupiuii uun-nouse, io. Ca. for Si. 000 to commence on Wed nesday, the Sth of April next. lUarch, 1829. 29.4 rpHE Subscriber has removed next - door to Messrs. R. & S. D. Cotten's store, where the Post-Office is kept, and where he offers for sale cheup, for cash only, the following articles, all of which have just arrived from New-York, and are fresh and of superior quality, viz: Loaf and brown sugars, coffee and teas, Pepper and spice, ginger, mustard, Cinnamon, mace, cloves, nutmegs, &c. Alum, salt petre, powder and shot, Copperas, maccabau snuff, Raisins by the box or pound, Almonds, Brazil nuts, prunes, figs, &c. Water and butter crackers, starch, lemons, Cheese, northern butter, Currants, , Ink powdpr, camphor, Windsor soap, Aioany beer, best northern cider, Best Holland gin, by the gallon, 4th proof Jamaica rum, do. do. cogniac brandy, do. Annie Brandy, northern Whiskey. Old Irish Whiskey, Cordials, Lime Juice, London and American Porter, Tamarinds, Bed Cords, plough lines, trace chains, Cut nails assorted, wrought 6 penny do. Sperm candles, tallow do. moulded'. Window giass, white lead, putty, Uastile so;ip, fine cut tobacco in papers, 1 estaments, spelling books, lead pencils, Murray's key, English reader. &c. Ctn,,k.,.. u: '2 :. u i.viijiucii uiiiuis, opaniMi segars, Best chewing tobacco, common do. Foolscap and letter paper, garden seeds, Wafers bv the ounce, candv. ( assorted" Dried peaches, apples, &c. &c. The Subscriber intends to keen a con stant supply of all the above articles, to gether with many others, all of which he flatters himself, he will he able to sell as low as they can be procured at this market: and he invites all persons who wish to purchascVany article in his line, 1 11 r . t . 10 can ana judge 01 the quality ana pri ces. Orders from the country, enclos. ing the cash, will be thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. N. II. ROUNTREE. Tarboro', Dec. 29. 1S26, from the the town Union Tavern, T ?IIE Subscriber informs the Public that he has rented that large and com modious establishment so convenient ly situated in the TOWN OF TARBOROUGH, Recently occupied bv Mr. Solomon Pender to such as will favor him with their patronage he pledges himself that no pains shall be spared to render them comfortable, provided this can be effect ed by well furnished tables, pleasant rooms and attentive hostlers his char ges wil be moderate, and his attention to his guests unremitting. W. P. HADLY. January, 1S29. 25 g 25 lie ward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber in August, 1S27, a ne gro man, ISAAC, between thirty-five and forty years old, five feet 8 or 10 inches hisrh. stout built, very sensible, rather slow spoken. Isaac was raised in Edgecombe county, N. C. by Frederick Philips, and by him sold to the subscriber. I suppose that he is lurking in Edgecombe. The above reward will be given for his apprehen sion, jf secured in any of the jails of this State so that I get him. JOHN PUR CELL. Robeson County, N, C. " Jan. 26, 1829. S ' f The Celebrated Horse Sill ARCHIE, WILL STAND the ensu ing season at my stable, in; Northampton county, North- Carolina, anout three miles Court-house, nine miles from of Halifax, and t lVnltr.nni miles from Belfield, Va. He will coyer mares at SEVENTY-FIVE Qolhrs the season, payable on the 1st of Janua ry next, (with one dollar to the Groom in all cases.) Such of Sir Archie's friends that live at a distance will send their notes with the mares, payable on tlie first of January. Also, the fppdinir of the mares to be paid for when taken away. 1 he season wiJI commence on the first pf February, and terminate the first of August. Extensive fields of sipall grain and clover are sowed for the benetit ot Mares, (which may be left with the Horse,) with the addition of grain feeding at 2s. per day. Separate enclosures are provided for mares with colts No pains will be spared in taking the best possible care of mares, &c. which may be left, but no responsibility for escapes or accidents. blood, great size, performance on the turf, and ce!eT ,t.ij a a iudj gcucr, are sumcient re commendations. Feb. 17, 1829. JOHN D. AMIS. 27-8 GRAY HUNTER, A BEAUTIFUL Iron Gray, five feet two and a half inches high, now se ven years old. in hierh ... ... - . o health and spirits, and possessing great muscular strength and activity, will stand the present season at my Stables in Halifax county, ten miles west of Edwards's ferry, fifteen miles from Ha lifax town, and two miles from Dawson's Cross-Roads, and will be let to mares at ihe moderate price of FIVE DOLLARS the leap, EIGHT Dollars the season, and FIFTEEN Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal; with twenty-five cents to the Grpom in every instance. The sea son will commence the 16th day of Feb ruary and end the 1st of August. Great C3re will be taken to prevent accidents but no liability if any should occur. WAS;got by the celebrated race horse Harrod, sired by old Sir Archie his dam by old" Diomede Gray Hunter's dam by Rogers's Gray, his great grandam by Collector, his g. g. grandam vvasTharp's celebrated thorough-bred raee marie.; ; JAS. J. PITTMAPf. . Halifax county, N. C. or p. Feb. 13, 1829. S - C