87" We arc authorized to statojtheir appointment, is collected jtnerablc whirlwinds. So sudden-( his brother and himself he would that Daniel Turner declines be- irom the records ot the Executive ina Candidate for Congress in this District. Warrenton Rep. Faicticvillc, April 9. Co it n fx rjeils.. . . W c u n d e rs ta n d that within a few days several counterfeit and altered notes have been detected at the Ofiice of the United States J3ank in this town. The counterfeits are $10s upon the Savannah Office, which have been heretofore mentioned in this paper. The altered notes are from 10s to 20s, Norfolk Ofiice, payable to T. L. Robertson, sign ed" Geo. Ncicton, Pres't, Jos. L. Roberts, Cash'r, dated 4th Augt. 1827. It is sufficient to state, that no $20 notes have the above signatures. Too much caution cannot be used in receiving the notes of distant banks by persons not familiar with the hand writing of the signers.- Obs. Raleigh, April 7. Our Supe rior Court adjourned on Saturday. The charge of Forgery, which we mentioned in our last, was not substantiated. There was anoth er case, which, at the time, exci ted considerable interest. It was a prosecution for breaking open a grave, in our public grave yard, and doing violence to the corpse of a Stranger, who had just been interred, for the purpose of obtai ning his teeth! Two persons were concerned in this scandalous affair: one of them only was brought to trial, lie was convic ted and fined 825.-Register. Encouraging. The Jail of Rowan county is at this lime, and has been for some weeks, entire ly free from tenants! except the Sheriff and his family. And we arc informed that not a single writ has been returned to the pre sent term of the Superior Court! This is grateful intelligence to the philanthropist and the Christian: 'Moral persecution is more effec tive than legal exaction,' in pre venting crime. Salisbury Car. Ofiice; and for which we are in debted to the politeness of Mr. Muse, the Governor's Private Sec retary..... During the Colonial Government. Charles Eden, - - - - 1715 William Reed, President, - 1722 Sir Richard Everard, - - 1727 Gabriel Johnston, - - - 1734 Mathev Rowan, President, 1753 Arthur Dobbs, ... - 1754 William Tryon, - - - - 1166 Josiah Martin, - - - - 1771 Subsequent to the Revolution. Richard Caswell, - - - - 1777 Abner Nash, - ,- - - - 1780 Thomas Burke, - - - - 17S1 Alexander Maglin, - . - 17S2 Richard Caswell, - - - - 17S5 SamuelJohnston, - - - 17SS Alexander Martin, - - - 1790 Richard Dobbs SpSight - - 1793 Samuel Ashe. 17f)f5 Benjamin Williams, - - - 17.99 James 1 urner, 1S02 Nathaniel Alexander, - - 1S05 Benjamin Williams, - - - 1S07 David Stone, ----- 1S0S Benjamin Smith, - - - Will iam Hawkins, - - William Miller, - - - John Branch, - - - - Jesse Franklin, - - - Gabriel Holmes, - - - Ilutchins G. Burton, - - James Iredell,- - - - John Owen, - - - 1S10 1S11 1814 1S17 1S20 1S21 1824 1S27 1S28 William Rccd and Mathcw Rowan were Presidents of the Council at Ihe pe riods slated above, and acted as Govern or during vacancies in that office. Lmus Naturcc. We learn from a correspondent in Franklin county, that there is a pig in that county with two heads, mouths, tongues and noses, and but two eyes and cars. All other parts of the animal as usual. ..ib. Appropriation for the Cope Fear. A letter has been receiv ed from the War Department, bv Governor Owen, proposing to place under the direction of the agents of the State the 80,000, appropriated by an act of Con gress, passed at the last session, for improving the navigation of the Lape-vcar river between the town of Wilmington and the mouth of said river; but, inconse quence of there being no Engi neer in the serv ice of the State, and bciii unwilling to take the responsibility upon himself, the Governor has determined to call a meeting of the Board of Inter nal Improvements, to advise with them on the subject. ...Hal. Star. Distressing Accident ....Wo arc informed by a friend in Jlobeson comity, tlnft Mr. Barton BaggctL j that county, was killed by light 'iiiiif on the night of tho'lstn- Knrernnrs of North-Carolina... Uio following list, of the Govern of this State from the organi 'uion of its government to the tTcscxit time, with the dates of Virginia Slate Convention. Ex-President Madison and Chief Justice Marshall have consented to be candidates for scats in the Convention, which is to be held at Richmond, in October next, for the purpose of amending the Constitution of Virginia. The subject seems to excite much in terest throughout the State; and, from the character of the delegates placed in nomination, there is no doubt the Convention will be com posed of the first talents of the "Old Dominion."- ly were hundreds sunk in ruin, that the whole seemed iike a hor rid dream, whose terrors were too great to be long. All the insurance offices have lost something: About $160,000 were insured, being not one sixth of the value of the property lost." Small-Pox lndians...XVe un derstand, that there have been about 45 cases in all, of Small Pox, in Chesterfield: only one death Several have been dischar ged from the Hospital; and all danger of taking the infection is said to be dissipated. The sick Indian, who was there, has recov ered and been discharged The kind Citizens of that neighbour hood are about to put him on his way home; but as he has still the marks of the Small-Pox in his face, we are requested to announce the fact to the inhabitants of the country through which he is about to pass, to assure them there is no danger, and to bespeak their charity to the unfortunate man He will have a Certificate of Dis charge from Dr. Wooldridge, Physician to the Hospital, which we hope will serve effectually as his Passport. It is said, that one of the Indians in Prince Edward has died of the small-pox. They are Chcrokees from W. Tennes see. Rich. Enq. advise him "not to leave his office unless armed at all points." Rang ing a few of this Kentucky "Good bociety" wou pers....iW7! d cool their cop- lmportant Arrival "We are told" says the Journal of Com merce, "that in a certain steam boat which arrived here not a thousand years since, came pas sengers 36 game cocks, in four boxes, of nine compartments each, for which 8360 were paid. They are in fine condition having had their spurs cut, and ready to be steeled for battle. Their combs, wings and tails, are nicely trim med and oiled, and in a few days they will be prepared to enter the list with their fellow combatants." Well, for a religious paper like the Journal of Commerce to make known the above arrival, astounds But "a saint in crape is twice us. a saint in lawn." For the infor mation of "de jentimen vat fight de cocks," we think the Journal of Commerce should state where they, put up. ib. Greensbo rough, April 4. Small-Pox. We understand that the family of Mr. David Scott, and one other living in Rocking ham county, on Danville Road, nave tins miai aisease irom a par-icoffee, eel of Indians, who have spread orn it through Virginia; we arc in formed that they have passed through the upper part of this County, and probably through ; Jamestown. ..Pat. J Vest India Islands. Of these 33 Islands 15 belong to Britain; 2 to Spain; 3 to Denmark; 4 to the Netherlands; 5 to France; 1 to Sweden; 1 to Colombia; &c. In 1827 they contained by estimate, 106,000 square miles a white popula tion of only 450,000 and a colored population of 1,600,000. Price Current, At Tarboro', Petersburg New- York. APRIL 10. Bacon, Beeswax, -Brandy, apple, So u th- Ca rolina Gold. We have in possession, says the York ville Pioneer of the 24th inst. a rich specimen of Gold found on the surface of the ground near Chester Court House, which we have no hesitation in saying, is equal to the best specimen procu red at the miues in Meclenburg county, N. C. Great Fire. A Fire broke out at Augusta, Georgia, on the 3d instant, which destroyed a large portion of the town, 183 front buildings fell a prey to the flames; back stores, kitchens, and other buildings off the street, not esti mated. The Courier states, that "The destructive clement swept over this part of our city, (at least the third of it, and embracing the greater part of the active retailing grocery business,) in less than Uuec hours, like a raging hurri cane, whose desolating course was disturbed by a thousand coun ter currents, breaking it into innu- Shoching Violence. Mr. Tho's R. Bennington, Editor of the Ken tucky Gazette, having inserted a 1 piece in nis paper, supposed to ! reflect on the character of Charles jWickliffc, of Lexington, Wickliffe 'called upon him and demanded ! the author. The Editor said he would go out and look for him. On his return, be said he could not then find him, but promised to see him that evening; and give him an answer in the morning. Wicklifle was dissatisfied with the delay, and after some warm wards between them, shot Bennington in the boy. It being uncertain whether the wound would prove mortal, Wicklifle was held to bail in the sum of 6000. But Ben nington expiring in about24 hours, a warrant was issued against Wicklifle for murder, but he had made his escape. State of society in Kentucky. We have already published the statement of the horrid murder committed by Charles Wicklifle on the person of Thomas R. Ben nington, editor of the Kentucky Gazette. His successor states, that while passing John J. Crit tenden in the street, he threatened to "cut his throat." On the next day the editor of the Gazette met Thomas T. Crittenden, Secreta ry of State, who told him if ho Cotton, Cotton Bagging, Flour, sapf. Lard, Molasses, -Rum, New-Eng. Sugar, brown, -Salt, loose, Wheat, - -Whiskey, - - peri7fcrV lb gal lb bul ib bbl lb gal lb! bul gal 6 7 20 25 45 50 16 20 30 35 7h 8 20 25 6 7 40 50 50 601 11 13 75 80 40 50 Pet'rg.JYYo'k 6i 7 9 10 25 30 23 24 30 45 36 40 13 16, 11 15 40 45 7 9 20 25 $8 8 7 8t 35 40 35 40 9 12 75 87 90 gl gli li 0 35 50 53 8i n 19 21 $r 8$ 6 7 27 32 32 35 8 11 47 54 23 Worth-Carolina Bank Notes. At Petersburg, 2 J per cent, discount. At New-York, 3 to 3& do. published what happened between! Sparta, April 1 3th. 1S"9. RECEIVED this dav, fifty barrels of NEW HERRINGS, which will be said low for Cash. D. RICHARDS $ CO. Tarboro', April 16,1S29. Important Sale. HHHE Subscribers intending to close their business as speedily as possible, will offer for sale, at PUBLIC VEN DUE, on Tuesday, the 28 of the pre sent month, their entire gtaik of CONSISTING OF DET GOODS, Hardware Cutlery . ALSO, one first-rale BLACKSMITH, : : do. do. FLAT CAULKER, : : do. do. FLAT, : : one sett Blacksmiths Tools, : : 1000 bush's Turks Island SALT. Six Months Credit will be given for all sums over Ten Dollars, the purchaser o-iving note and good security before his purchase is delivered. The sale will continue from day to day until the whole is disposed of. E. PRICE fy CO.