4 I- Tarlorough, Edgecomhe County, jY. 0. FrM?, 15, 1829. FoZ. r. JVb. 39, THE "FREE PRESS, " B?j Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at TWO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if p iid in advance Two Dollars if J' jiy Cents, u paui witnm the subscription yeav or, Three Dollars at the expiration uf the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers r.'t liberty to discontinue at any time on pay lag arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. lio subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. Notice. A LL persons indebted to the Subset i bers either by note or account, arc respectfully invited to call and settle the same as soon as possible, as the subscri bers are under the necessity of making collections between this time and Feb iiiary Couit. KIXG Sf GAT UN. Tarboro', Jan. 20, 1S29. FOR SALS, At the Fosl-Ojjicz in the town of HALIFAX, The following; Articles to wit: Bacon, Lime, 11 wrings, Shad, Flour, Stained curtain Bedsteads, Windsor Chairs, Leather, wagon Collars, Tobacco, (twist and bundle,) wholesale and retail, ALSO the following Articles: Brittle Corks, Fly Stone, Termerick, Liquid Blacking, Ginger, Spice, Nutmegs, Venitian Red, Red Lead, White Lead, Verdigris, Uaitman's Drops, Opodeldoc, Allum, Letheridge, Ink Powder, Pearl Ash, Ground Paint Brushes, assorted, Shaving Boxes and Soap, Spanish Whiting, Turkey I Jmbcr,Crom.Ycllov, Prussian blue, Tooth Brushes, Mace, Snuff Boxes, Spinning Wheels, Shaving Brushes, Razors, Blank VVarrants, do. Notes, do. Bonds, Spanish Annatto. do. Blueing, do. Indigo, Wagons ironed, do. not Ironed, Almanacs, Durable Ink, Staughton's Bitters, &c. All of the above articles will be sold very low, for Cash only. JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax, Feb. G, 1S29. forcings RECEIVED this day, fifty barrels of : NEW HERRINGS, which will be sold low for Cash. D. RICHARDS CO. Tarboro', April 16, 1S29.' Nolice. RAN A WAY from the Sub scriber on the 20th of March, 1829, a negro man named SAM, Between 30 and 35 years of age, 5 fee iO or 11 inches high, stout built, very sensible, and of a yellow complexion. Sim was raised in Franklin county, tforth-CaroIina, by Benjamin Brickie, 'lecsascd, and was purchased at his sale my father, Shadrick Collins his vifc was carried away by the Hatton lamily, and it is probable he is making n;s way on to Alabama, or lurking in the jghbourhood of Tarborough or Ra kigh. A liberal reward will be given 4jr the apprehension of said negro, if nfmed in any jail so that I get hjrh a5n. WM. R. COLLW& Edgecombe County, N. C. ' April Gth, 1S29. 5 -iP xc deigh Star will please insert the Tjvefour timcs, and forward the account l-'so trice for collection. Notice. Y virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed to me by BENJAMIN BELL, I shall offer for sale, on Monday the 25tli day of May next, before the Court-House door in Tarborough, for cash, Five likely young Negroes, Among them is a pair of good sawyers to satisfy three notes of hand given to Lucy Iiatts. BENJAMIN BATTS, Trustee. April 2Sth, 1S29. - 33-3 For Sale, M the Store of R. & S. ). Gotten, IN TARBOROUGH, Turks Island and ? C 4 T Liverpool sack 5 A-lj JLy Molasses, sugar, coffee, tea, and chocolate, Iron and steel of every description & quality, Black smiths bellows, and every other arti cle to make a complete sett of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail. Jamaica rum, 5 years old, Otard's cogniac brandy, 10 years eld, Pure Holland gin, old rye whiskey, Madeira wine, N. E. rum & common brandy, Together with an extensive assortment of Staple and Farcy Goods, Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces for cash, as can be bought at any store in the place. A constant supply of Swaim's Pana cea, Dr. Chambers' remedy for In temperance, Judkms's celebrated Oint ment, &c. &c. jThe highest price paid in Cash, for good clean baled Cotton. January 1, 1S29. 1 I?0R SALE, by the Subscribers, 100 - casks Thomasion Lime, which will be sold low for cash. D. RICHARDS $ CO. April, 1529. 3&emotaL 'TTIE Subscriber has removed next 1 door to Messrs. R. & S. D. Cotton's store, where the Post-Office is kept, and where he offers for sale cheap, for cash only, the following articles, all of which have just arrived from New-York, and are fresh and of superior quality, viz: Loaf and brown sugars, coffee and teas, Pepper and spice,' ginger, mustard, Cinnamon, mace, cloves, nutmegs, Sec. Alum, salt pctre, powder and shot, Copperas, maccabau snuff, Raisins by the box or pound, Almonds, Brazil nuts, prunes, figs, cc. Water and butter crackers, starch, lemons, Cheese, northern butter, Currants, Ink powder, camphor, Windsor soap, Albany beer, best northern cider, Best Holland gin, by the gallon, 4th proof Jamaica rum, do. do. cogniac brandy, do. Apple Brandy, northern Whiskey, Old Irish Whiskey, Cordials, Lime Juice, London and American Porter, Tamarinds, Bed Cords, plough lines, trace chains, Cut nails assorted, wrought' 6 penny do. Sperm candle3, tallow do. moulded, Window glass; white lead, putty, Castile soap, fine cut tobacco in papers, Testaments, spelling books, lead pencils, Murray's key, English reader, &c. Stoughten's bitters, Spanish segars, Best chewing tobacco, common do. Foolscap and letter paper, garden seeds, Wafers by the ounce, candy, (assorted) Dried peaches, apples, &c. fee. The Subscriber intends lokeep a con stant supply of all the above articles, to gether with many others, all of ivhich he flatters himself, he will be able to sell as low as they can be procured at' this market; and he invites all persons who wish to purchase any article in his line, to call and judge or the quality and pn ces. Orders from the country, enclos tngthe cash, will be thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. N. II. ROUNTREE. Tarboro,, Dec. 29, 1S28. NEW AND FASHIONABLE Millinery, &c. jVTRS. A. C. HOWARD has just re t ceived a handsome assortment of b ANCY GOODS, for spring and sum mer wear, which she will with exhibit to the inspection of those Ladies who may please favor her with a call among them will be found' Pattern Silk Hats, the latest New-York and rnuaaeipiiia tashions, Battese and Cam! Leghorn fiats, assorted numbers, cio. do. for children and misses, Plain and onen straw do. do. Black, white and yellow Navarinos, Bobbinett veils, caps, capes, and collars, Plain Bobbinett, fancy Handkerchiefs, Bobbinett and blond laces, v hue and straw col'd blond gauzes, Tortoise shell side combs'. Brazilian tuck, turn back, and side combs, kCurls and puffs, mowhair do. Swiss muslins, for Ladies' dresses, I lain and figured Grosde Naples do. Metal buttons, for do. Watered and figured Silks, Black mode, Satins, Crapes, &c. Brown Cambric, straw col'd Battese, A superb assortment of ribbons and flowers, eai i ana coral ear drops, necklaces, $;c. Jurlin, 'floss, wire taste. Dolls, glass beads, and a variety of other articles. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, nelisses. &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw Bonnets bleached. dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. 1 arborough, April 10,1829. H. Johnston, WflSHES to inform his friends, and customers that he has just received from New-York, afewGOODS in his line of business, such as Superfine blue, black and olive Cloths, Fine black bombazeen, of superior quality, Merino cassimere, a handsome article for gentlemen's wear, Dark drab French drills, White and fancy Marseilles vestings, hand some Datterns. Black and fancy silk do. niacic ana white cravats, Cravat stiifeners, suspenders, &c. He also has on hand a few black lea ver HATS all of which he is disnosed to sell verv low. Tarboro', April 28, 1829. U. 8g J. Dunn (Jr Co. INFO KM their friends and the public, that they are receiving their SPRING SUPPLY OF GOODS, which compri ses a nandsome and very extensive as sortment of nearly every article, new, iasnionaoie, or desirable in the Dry (woods Line. A very large supply of GROCERIES, Of all descriptions, Hardxvare, Hats of every quuW ty, China, Glass and Earthen ware, Saddlery, Boots and Shoes, ami an assortment of Tin ware: Together with an assortment of Sole, Upper, Harness, Skirting and Bridle Leather, Calf, kih, morocco and sheep Skins, Soaps, Perfumery, Ladies Leghorn hats & Straw Bonnets, Work baskets, Drushes of all kinds, Books, Stationary, Tortoise-shell, ivory and horn Combs, Paints, Oils, and Drugs, ': Pocket-books, Fur, seal-skin and morocco caps, &c.&c All of which will be offered at very moderate prices many of the goods MUCH LOWER than they have been heretofore sold in this market. They have on hand a consignment of Herrings 8 Shad, Of the best qu ility, which they will sell at reduced prices. Being confident that they can give satisfaction to those: who call on ;(hem as regards the quality, style and prices of their goods, they respectfully invite all who want to purchase to examine their assortment. N. B. We will continue to buy COT TON for cash, and to take it in trade or payment. Those of our customers who wish to send their Cotton to Dunns & M'llwaine of Petersburg, to be stored or sold, will find us accommodating in our arrangements, and anxious to pro mote their interest. ti. $. J), Co. Halifax, N. C. April, 1899. MFSS M'COTTOR informs her f.:;i i.i li i - ii menus aim me puuilC, mHl Slie W1U commence A SCHOOL, in Tarborough, ior me instruction ol young ladies and misses, on Monday, Gth April. Ihe terms of tuition are as follows; For spelling and reading,' (per session,) $6 Reading, arithmetic & English grammar, 8 Geography, with' the use of the maps, " history, belles lettres, philosophy, chemistry, and composition, ; - 10 Plain & ornamental needle-work, paint ing" and drawing, added to the above, 16 French language, - - - - 16 Pianoforte, - - - - - 36 Half the price of the first session will be required in advance. The vacation will continue six weeks. March 25, 1829. 32-13 Cabinet FUIiNITUpE. npHE Subscriber continues to make - any article in'1 his line,' either of ma ll ogany or ' vval n u t a) so, pi ai n and curl -ed maple Bedsteads. Those who may please to favor him with their custom, may rely on having'' their furniture of good materials, in the modern style, and as faithfully executed as thev can e-et from any of the northern cities. He ii iii i nas now on nana ior sale: One large mahogany Sideboard, with looking-glasses in the back board, four carved paws and columns in front; One do. with a press on top of it for glass ware. : One mahogany Secretary and book case. l wo manogany Bureaus, one with carved paws and columns, the other nlain. One mahogany Dressing-table, with carved pillar and claws. A few pieces of walnut furniture. ALibU, picture ulass, assorted size, from. 10 by 12, to 25 bv 35 inches. Looking-glass plates, assorted, from 8$ by to oy 12 incnes those who have their looking-glasses broke and the frame Rood; can be furnished on moderate tprm Copal Varnish, by the gallon or smaller measure. . : Any of the above articles will be sold cheap for Cash Those indebted to the Subscriber, ei ther by note or account, are particularly requested to settle the same between this and the first of May. LEWIS BOND. March 2(3th, 1829. Notice. THE Subscriber informs fbo Ton c jL rX?A :! 'J 4i i- .ijugccuiiiue aim me aujacent coun ties, that he has commenced the Gig and Wagon-making BUSINESS IN TARBORO', - Near the Bridge, And earnestly requests those friendly to humanity to give him a share of patron age. j3His work shall be completed equal to an in the Stale. THOS. J. BLAKE LEY. Feb. 12. 1829. 2?

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