ivlan J, to be Secretary of Lega tion of the U. S. to France. T. II. Smith, of New-York, to be Register of the Treasury, vice Joseph Nourse, removed. Dr. JVatkins. The Court, be fore whom this case is pending, have sustained the demurrer filed against the two first bills of indict ment. This effort on tho part of the late Fourth Auditor, to stifle enquiry, and prevent an exami nation into the facts of his case, does not speak very loud in favor of his innocence; but, on the con trary, is pretty direct evidence, that he is afraid to meet investi gation, and is an implied admis sion of his guilt. Another bill of indictment has been found by the Grand Jury, which has also been demurred to. Fay. Jour. Congressional. Gen. Edward B. Dudley, of Wilmin crton. has been nominated, by a meeting of tne citizens ot Unslow couiitv, as a candidate for Congress in that District, in opposition to Gover nor Holmes, the late Representa tive. We believe it is understood that Gen. Dudley will serve if eiecieu. raycueciuc Uos. State Bank. We to-day pre sent our readers with the Report made by Peter Browne, Esq. at the late meeting of the Stock holders of the State Bank, in be half of the Committee appointed in December last, for the purpose of giving a detailed account of the situation of the affairs of t he whole institution, with the documents therein referred to. This Re port, as has been already stated, would have been made by Judge Ruflfm, the President of l he Batik, had he not been called away by the dangerous sickness of his mo ther. The Judge, however, re turned in time to be present at the meeting of the Stockholders, and to express an opinion on the Re port, lie said, he had no doubt that all the facts stated therein were correct; but he did not think that all the inferences drawn from those facts were warranted, lie had reference principally to the commencement of the Report, where the losses sustained by the Dank are brought into view. These losses, as appears from the exhibit A, have arisen from bills of exchange, notes discounted, and from depreciated real estate. To tal estimated amount 8415,531 89. In order to ascertain" what the half-yearly loss of the Institution would probably be in future, the Committee divides the whole loss already sustained, by the number cf the half-years which the Bank has existed, and thus concludes that the future losses of the Bank, as long as it shall continue in op eration, will be $13,000 every six months, so that the Bank cannot ui iiuiu ucieiuiur uu expected to make a dividend of more than three per cent, ner annum. The Judge objected to the justness of uie calculation. About 50 per cent, he remarked, had already taen deducted from the original cost of the real estate, so that no additional loss could be expected 1n l,iat ite which amounted to p4,780, and that the heaviest 4sse.s under the other two heads, had been sustained at two of the Branches many years ago, and he trusted similar instances would never again occur. These cir cumstances beinr considered, he must think that the estimate of the half-yearly losses in future, had been greatly overrated. The Judge also observed, that he did not agree with the opinion expressed by the Committee, that the closing of the business of the Bank would have no injurious ef fect on the circulation of our bank notes. On the contrary, he appre hended, if an assignment of the concerns of the Institution were to take place, that a material de preciation of the value of its pa per would be a certain conse quence. Raleigh Reg. Norfolk and Ncicbcrn Packets. The Norfolk Herald announces that a line of Packets is about to be established, by some enterpri sing citizens of that place, between Norfolk and Newborn. We wish them success in their undertaking. Norfolk is perhaps as advantage ous a vort for foreign commerce J. - - - - - "O " as any in North-America; and if . i ii t ' t i sou couiu maKe ner marKet equal to that of New-York, she would certainly draw to herself the com merce, not only of the Roanoke and the Albemarle, but also that of Tar, Ncuse, and Pamtico. Ncicbcrn Spec. Raleigh, June 11. On Tues day afternoon last, Jonathan Way nex, of Guilford county, was shot, in this city, by Richard Powers, of this place, and expired a few minutes after receiving the wound. forts which their friends may re-i quire. Pauper patients will be received at 8100 per annum. The above charges include every ex pense, even medical attendance.. Shocco Springs. It will be seen by an advertisement in to-day's Register, that this agreeable place for summer retreat, is in complete order for the accommodation of visitors. The salubrity of the wa ter is well known, and the conti guity of the Springs to the Board ing House, is a very favorable cir cumstance for invalids, who can in a few moments be conveyed there, Or have water brought to them, without losing any of its medicinal qualities. Those per sons who annually leave home for the purpose of seeking health or pleasure, cannot choose a more desirable place for the fulfillment of their wishes, than Shocco. Raleigh Register. Tl io circumstances attending this unfortunate affair, as far as they have come to our knowledge, arc these: An altercation took place between the parties, when Way nex threatened to strike Powers with a stick; upon which Powers went off, procured a gun, and re turned. The quarrel was then resumed. Waynex advanced up on his antagonist, who warned him that if he approached him, he would shoot him. He, however, continued to advance, and Powers at length fired, and lodged the contents of his gun in W.'s abdo men. Powers was immediately arrested and committed to pri son. Star, The Gray Racers. On the 2d inst. Betsey Ransom and Ariel contended for a purse of S500, four mile heats over the Dutchess county course, N. Y. The first heat was won with great ease by Betsey, who took the track and kept it to the end, coming out se veral lengths ahead. The second heat Betsey took the track, and led Ariel for three miles and a half, when Betsey being ten or fifteen yards ahead, was suddenly drawn up to wait for Ariel, with a view to make a close thing of it, down the last quarter. Betsey being thus drawn up, and Ariel coming up with a burst of speed, passed her by two lengths, and took the track. Betsey then made her run and was gaining every jump on Ariel, but was beat the heat by not more (according to the judges' decision,) than eight een inches. The third heat was beautifully contested, and was won by Ariel. Time, first heat, 7min. 54sec; second heat, 8m. 3s. third heat, 8m. 9s. Locusts. The generally recei ved opinion that locusts come ev ery seven years, seems to be a correct one, as far as our recol lection serves us. It is seven years since they visited us in anv considerable numbers; and our ears are now almost ceaselessly saluted with their grating mu sic; the trees are covered with them; they remind us of Egypt's "plagues." Salisbury Car. Lunatic Asylum. The South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, at Co lumbia, has resolved to receive patients from other States; and as there is no institution of the kind in North-Carolina, we hero state, for the information of those of our citizens who may be desirous of availing themselves of the offer from our sister state, that patients who are in good circumstances will be received at $3 per week, or upwards,, according to the com- Steam frigate Fidton. The extent of the destruction of life by the explosion of the Fulton, at New-York, has been ascertained to be 32 killed, 20 seriously woun ded, and some slightly. Foreign. English and French papers to the 9th May have been received at New-York. They are said to contain nothing particu larly interesting. Candidates We are authorised to announce Dr. T. H. Hall as a candidate to represent this district in the next Congress of the U. Stales. MARRIED, In Scotland Neck, Halifax county, on the 2Sth ult. by W. J. Hill, Esq. Mr. Brit ton Duke to Miss Mary L. Pur rington, both of that place. DIED, On Wednesday, 27th ult. Mrs. Mary Taylor, wife of Kinchen Taylor, Esq. of Nash county, after a lingering illness of better than nine months, which she bore with christian fortitude, leaving a disconsolate husband and eight children to lament their irreparable loss. the 1st day of January, IS29, for the rent of his store, warehouse and lot, op posite B. M. Jackson's and G.W. Wood man's stores in Tarborough, during the year 1828, and perhaps witnessed by David Barnes, and said note being lost or mislaid this is therefore to forewarn all persons from holding or in any way tra ding for said note, as it is paid and "fully satisfied, and a sufficient receipt given against it, in case it is ever found, that it shall not come against me. JAS. II. IIARTMZJS. Tarboro', June 11, 1S29. 44-3 Stale of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTF. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1S29. Elijah Price & Co. , . vs ( Original At- Lawrence Vanbuskerk, chment. Richard Hines, Esq. Peter Evans, Jonas J. Carr and Joseph R. Lloyd sum moned as garnishees. TT appearing to the satisfaction cf the Court, that Lawrence Vanbuskerk, the defendant in the case, is not an in habitant of this State: It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Tarborough Free Press for six weeks, mai unless ne appear at our next Couf t, to be held for said county at the CourU H ouse in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday in August next, and replevy and plead to issue, judgment final will be taken against him and execution is-, sue accordingly. Witness, Michael Hearn, Clerk of our said Court, at officeithe fourth Mon day of May, A. D. 1S29. MICHAEL HEARN, C. C. Price adv $3:50. 44-C Original Attachment. Slate of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term, 1829. Moses Jarvis, vs. Lawrence Van busker k. Elijah Price, John F. Hughes, E. Price & Co. Peter Evans, Richard Hines, Jonas J, Carr and Joseph R. Lloyd summoned as garnishees. T appearing to the satisfaction of the bourt, that .Lawrence Vanbuskerk. the defendant in this case, is not an in habitant of this State: is therefore, ordered, that publication be made in the Tarborough Free Press for six weeks, that unless he appear at our next Court, to be held for said county at the Court House in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday in August next, and replevy and plead to issue, judgment final wilt be taken against him and execution is sue accordingly. Witness, Michael Hearn. Clerk of our said Court, at office, the fourth Mon day of May, A. D. 1S29. MICHAEL HEARN, C. C. Price adv 3:50. 44-6 Notice. Ill AT whereas a certain note of hand executed by me to John G. Blount, for the sum of ninety dollars, payable on Stute of NorthCarolinu9 EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1829. Randolph & S. P. Cotten, Original vs. V Attach- Vanbokkelin & White, ) ment. Peter Evans, William J. Andrews and Patrick S. Cromwell summoned as garnishees. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the JL Court, that Vanbokkelin &; White, the defendants in this case, are not in habitants of this State: It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Tarborough Free Press for six weeks, that unless they appear at our next Court, to be held for said county at the Court House in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday in August next, and replevy and plead to issue, judgment final will be taken against them and execution is sue accordingly. Witness, Michael Hearn, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the fourth Mon day of May, A. D. 1S29. MICHAEL HEARN, C. C Price adv 3:50, 4-2

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