SffJSSSH ESIIZZtx tS-ZZiIl 1.A Ha ih-UU U U u u O )1 cLSVb Tarborongh, Edgecombe County, JV. ft Friday, Jlugnst 28, 1839. 6 'ft THE -FREE PRESS," Zty Ccg. Howard, Is published weekly, (everv Friday,) at I WO DOLLARS per year," (or i2 num bers,) if paid in advance T:vo Dollars b Fifty Cents, if paid within the subscription year or, Three Dollars at the. expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Tiventy-fivs Cents per month, Subscribers t liberty to discontinue at any time on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or jive a responsible reference in this vicinity. Ko subscription discontinued unices a noti iication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding IS lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, aTid 2.J cuts each continuance. Long ei ones at that rate for every K lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of i:sertinis required, or they will be. cen 'dr.ued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be p jt paid, or they w!l' not be attended to. R. & j. Dunn & Co. NFORM their friends and the public, generally, that they have now on hand their supply of Spring 0oot Which embrace a complete and very ex tensive assortment of every desirable article of STAPLE AND FANCY BUY GOODS 5 Apple Brandy. fplIE nbspr'bfr Ins a few barrels of rxcileut APPLE BRANDY v. hi 'h lie is disposed to bcli on reasona ble te rms. exum juris. Mount Prospect, June, 1829. TH)R SALE, by the Subscribers, 100 cksTiomaslon Lime, which will jc sold low lor cash. ). RICHARDS CO. April, 1S20. Notice. LL those indebted to the Subscriber either by n u.j or account, are re- nu"sted to come forward and .settle Jiieni, or they may expect to settle with 3u Officer, as no longer indulgence can 111 Le triveii. Frances camp del L. Tarboro', 1 2th 1S29. o'-'-o O hav iity of m&ni,f.iPM:,;ng i;ritlv increased. The Subscriber tiiTefoiv, has been in duced to make proportionable reduc tion in the prices which, from the 1st wf April, have been as stated in the an-rexr-d list. The character of the Type made at this Foundry is well known to the Trad", who are assured that in regard to the quality of the metal, finish, and durability, no deviation has been made. ffe has on hand a complete assortment, and can supply any quantity on a short .'.lice; he will be happy to receive the Millers of his customers, which will have immediate attention. Merchants who nnve orders from abroad, can have ofH :es complete with Presses, and every thing necessary for a Printing Establish ment, put up in the most perfect manner. Publishers arc requested to give this ;u!vet tisemeul a place in their papers a few times, to receive payment jS'J. in Type, or in the ef lenient of their ac counts. RICHARD R OXA L 7) SON. Prices ... At six months credit, for approved paper, or a Discount, of 5 per cent for cash. Pearl, per lb. $1 40 English, $0 30 N .i. pared, 0 90 firc.it Primer, 0 31 Minion, o 70 Double Pica, 0 32 0 56 Do. Gr. Primer, 0 32 0 AG Jare letter, 7 r, n 0 40 ' plain, $ 0 38 Scabbards and Q 0 0 3(5 Quotations. S The prices of other descriptions of iypes are proportionally reduced. Did Type received in payment at 9 -ems per lb. Philadelphia, July 8, 50 .3 Amongst which arc: A splendid assortment of Silks, Several pieces 4-4 Satin Levanteen and Wa tered (Iriij de lU'i lin, quite a new aiticle, A beautiful assortment of line Thread Laeeb and Edy;inj;s, A mo.st splendid ."isortment of fancy Calicoes, A large stock oi GlUH'TJilKS, A general assortment of Medicine?, Drugs, Oils ami Taints, Hats, Shoes and Hardware, in great variety: Which, with every other article usu ally kept in an extensive assorted Store, they oiler for sale on the must favorable terms, liein confident that they can i"ive i;enral satisfaction as to price and quality, they respectfully invite their friends in town ami country to call and examine their assortment. We have just received a consignment of Cut Herrings and Shad, Put up this season, at one of the most celebrated fihcries on Koanoke. We have also on hand a few hundred barrels of CORN, neatly cleaned and fanned; ali of which we will sell low for Cash. 7i DUXXfy CO. Halifax, May Tib. 18125. For Sale, At the Store of . r S. ). Collcn, IN TARHOROUGII, Turks Island and 1 U AT FJ1 Liveipool sack 5 JL f Molasses, suirar, coffee, tea, and chocolate. j Iron and steel of e ery di serijition & quality, r.lackn.iths bellows, and eery other arti cle to make a complete sett of Jilack siniths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, Janiaica njTii, 5 years old, Otard's coniac brandy, 10 years eld, hiskev, common brandv, TO THE Printers of the U. Stales. F iale the nrics of all the materials osed in making- Printing Types, j Vxuc Hell and n, old rye v. e been 'really reduced, and thefaci. Madeira wine, :um & Together with an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, ij!-e icr, iloureois, 1.4oni Primer, Small Pica, Pica, Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces for cash, as can be bought at any store in the place. A constant supply of Swaim's Pana cea, Dr. Chambers' remedy fur In temperance, Jadiino's celebrated Oint ment, &c. &.c. (j3The highest price paid in Cash, for good clear, baled Cotton. TUST RECEIVED and now opening, a splendid assortment of fancy &. staple Seasonable Goods, At unprecedented low prices 100 bar rels superior Cut HERRINGS, &c. &c. Ji. cS- S. I). COT TEX. May 23, 1S29 11. Johnston, TISIIES to inform his friends, and customers that he has just received from New-York, a few GOODS in his line of business, such as Superfine blue, black and olive Cloths, Fine black bombazcen, of superior quality, Merino cassimere, a handsome article for gentlemen's wear, Dark drab French drills, White and fancy Marseilles vestings, hand some patterns, Black a.ud fancy silk do. Mack ami white cravats, Cravat stilfeners, suspenders, &c. lie also has on hand a few black Lea ver HATS all of which he is disposed to sell vcrv low. Tarboro April 28, 1829. NEW AND FASHIONABLE Millinery, fyc fylRS. A. C. HOWARD has just re ceived a handsome assortment of FANCY GOODS, for spring and: sum mer wear, which she will with pleasure exhibit to the inspection of Ihose Ladies who may please favor her with a call among them will be found Pattern Silk Hats, the latest New-York and Philadelphia fashions, Battese and Cambric do. do. Leghorn flats, assorted numbers, do. do. for children and misses, Plain and open straw do. do. Black, white and yellow Navarinos, Bobbinett veils, caps, capes, and collars, Superb turbans and head dresses, Plain Bobbinett, fancy Handkerchiefs, Bobbinett and blond laces, White and .straw col'd blond gauzes, Toitoise shell bide combs, Brazilian tuck, turn back, and side combs, Curls and puif:, mowhairdo. Mrs. Cantelo's patent Corsetts, Swiss muslins, for Ladies dresses, Plain and loured Grosde Naples do. Metal buttons, for do. Watered and figured Silks, Plain silks, llorences, fee. Biack mode. Satins, Crapes, fee. Brown Cambric, straw col'd Battese, A superb assortment of ribbons and flowers, Pearl and coral ear drops, necklaces, &c. Purl , floss, wire taste, Dolls, e;lass beads, and a variety of other articles. Ladies' drcsjes, cloahs, pelisses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw Bonnets bleached, dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. Tarborough, April 10, IS'2'J. Groceries, &c. nPHE Subscriber olfers for sale cheap, for cash only, at the Post-Office in Tarborough, next door to Messrs. R. & S. D. Cotten's store, the following arti cles, all of which have just arrived from New-York, and are f:es!) and of supe rior quality, viz: Cogniac and apple brur.dy, whiskey, Cordials, London and American porter, Albany beer, best northern cider, Loaf and brown sugars, molasses, Colfee and teas, pepper and spice, mustard, Nutmegs, cinnamon, mace; cloves, ginger, Raisins by the box or pound, Currants, f;gs, almonds, Brazil nuts, Tamarinds, water and butter crackers, Bologna sausages, preserved ginger, Candy, assorted dried peaches, apples, &c. A few pieces fancy calicoes, ginghams and London plaids, vestings, Cotton shirting, bandanna handkerchiefs, Gentlemen's gloves, socks, cravats, &c. Alum, salt petre, spirits turpentine, i Castor oil, glauber salts, sulphur, pearl ash, Potter's vegetable Catholicon, by the bottle, Camphor, Windsor soap, Castile do. Starch, copperas, chalk, red ochre, Lime juice, foolscap and letter paper, F"ine sealing wax, wafers by the ounce. Testaments, spelling books, lead pencils, ! Murray's key, English reader, 6cc. Maccabau snuff, Spanish smoking tobacco. Best chewing tobacco, common do. Cut tobacco in papers, paste blacking, Spanish segars, Stoughten's bitters, hones, Powder and shot, empty bottles 6c ticklers, Sperm candles, tallow do. moulded, Window glass, white lead, putty, ike. Bed cords, plough lines, trace chains, Cut nails assorted, wrought 6 penny do. Stock, knob and pad locks, assorted, Pocket knives, scissors, needles, pins, Sewing silks, spool cotton, Buttons, assorted, Common tuck and side combs, fine tooth do. Tooth brushes, fish hooks, cc. &c. Together with many other articles, which it is useless to insert. The Sub scriber intends to keep a general supply of Groceries, which he flatters himself he will be able to sell as low as they can be procured at this market... .and he in vites all persons wishing to purchase any article in his line, to call and judge ot the quality and prices. Orders trom the country) enclosiner the cash, will be thankfully received and promptly at tended to. N. H. ROUXTREE. June 4; IQW, Trad Depository. HHRACTS from the American Tract Society also from the Union Tract Society, may be had in any quantity, at the Society's prices, by forwarding or ders, with the Cash, lb P. IV. DO WD, or TIL P. HUNT. Raleigh, 1st Aug. 1829. 52 herrings. ECEIVED this day, fifty barrels of ' NEW HERRINGS, which will fee sold low for Cash. D. RICHARDS 4- CO. Tarboro', April 1G, 1829. Br. Edwin Whitehead RESPECTFULLY tenders his ser--fc-J vices to the inhabitants of Scotland Jfeck, And its vicinity, in the practice of Medicine, Surgery, &c. IX ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES. He has located himself at NICKELS' STORE, where he can at all times be consulted, except when professionally engiged. Scotland Neck, Aug. 1. 1S29. 51-4 Cabinet FURNITURE, riMdE Subscriber continues to make any article in his line, either of ma hogany or walnut aso, plain and curl ed maple Bedsteads. Those who may please to favor him with their custom, may rely on having their furniture oi gQod materia!s,jin the modern style, and as faithfully executed as they can get from any of the northern cities. He has now on hand for sale: Cne large mahogany Sideboard, with look-ing-gkisses in the back board, four carved paws and columns in fror.t. One do. vith a press on top of it for glass ware. One mahogany Secretary and book case. Two mahogany Bureaus, one with carved paws and columns, the other plain. One mahogany Dressing-table, with carved pillar and claws. A few pieces of walnut furniture. ALSO, picture Glass, assorted sizes, from JO by 12, to 25 by 35 inches. Looking-glass plates, assorted, from 8$ by to 13 by 22 inches those "who have their looking -glasses broke and the frame good, can be furnished on moderate tcrms Copal Varnish, by the gallon or smaller measure. Any of the above articles will be sold cheap for Cash. Those indebted to the Subscriber, ei ther by note orjaccount, are particularly requested to settle the same between this and the first of May. LEJ7IS BOND. March 26th, 1S29. Blanks! Blanks! rE have at present, and intend con- y stantly keeping on hand, a general assortment of BLANKS, printed in u neat and approved manner, viz: For Clerks of Courts. Writs, Executions, Vend. Exponas, Subpoenas, Commission for Depositions, Guardian, Appeal, and Bastardy Bonds, Apprentice's Indentures and Bonds, Witness Tickets, Scire Fac.ia3, Administrators and Constables Bonds, Marriage Licenses and Bends, &c. Sec. Fo r Sheriffs. Deeds, Bills of Sale for Negroes, Appearance Bonds in civil & criminal case. Forthcoming Bonds, Tax Receipts, &c For CQiistables. Warrants, Casas, Appearance Bonds, Forthcoming Bends, Bills of Sale, fee. Ail of which will be sold at 75 cen.'s per quire, in quantities to suit purchasers APPLY AT THIS QFFlpp Tarboro', Aus;. 20,

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