Tarborongli, Edgecombe Courtly, X. C. Friday, September f5, J 829. Fo. VI. No. G. TiiE tuee puess," By Ceo. llovjard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at Tiro DOLLARS per year, (or .53 num fjers,) if paid in advance lv.i Dallam if l:ifrj Cfz.v, it paid within the subscription year or, Three I)j!arx at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, T. vent u -five Cats per month. Subscribers :tt liberty to discontinue at any lime on pay Imv; arrears. Subscribers residing at a ds t iw: p.v.ibt invariably pay in advance, or a responsible reference in this vicinity. ," ibscripii ia discontinued unless a v.oti-iica-:i to that effect is iivcn. Advertisement, not exceeding liner., will :e inserted at oO cen.s the first inser tion, an 1 J ) ci each continuance. Lom vc o v's at tha' rate ferevcrv lolir.es. Ad vert eincnts noi.-r !,. n?arked tin- mmibrr cf i.im'!'; i-'Us re mired, 01 they will be ceu tiaacd uatil et'.io; wise ou'.ered. Notice. apprentice wanting, to the Tav- -1 - lorinu; buiness none need apply, uole they i an come well recommend-.-d a to their good character and steady liUiis. rAY; CATLIN." Sept. 2, IS J!). LIME. fOR SALE, by the Subscribers 100 i d;s Thjr.ia:;tti,t, Lime, which will I,.. ,.1 ' i.nv I-." i--k.Ii I ) RPJ iLlRDS $ CO. April. 1SJI'. :4 Lust or Mhlaid, NOTE 01 MAM), executed by TL.im.n 1). f'i itlin to the Subscriber , pivahio t!ie 1st d.uy of January, IS'JO, for the -urn of N;7 o'J, (us well as my re collection selves inc.) Tin: said note v.:i ivt'i; for th.i' hire of my ncpo man Eiv, twelve months. I hereby forwarn ill persons :i;;;iot trading in anywise loi said Nolo, as I ;diall proceed as the !,iiv diiects in such a case. DREW RISC Sept. S, S20. -1-3 II. J dims ton j SI IKS to inform his friends, and customers that lie iias just received from New-York, a few GOODS in his line of business, such as Superfine Mue, bbek and olive Cloths, Fine black bombazeen, of superior quality, Merino cassiincre, a handsome article for gentlemen's wear, Dark drab French drills, White and fancy Marseilles vest'm::, hand some patterns, Black and fancy silk do. Black and white cravats, Cravat still'eners, suspenders, :c. He also has on ham! a few black l ea ver HATS all of which lie is disposed to sell very low. T;u!)oro April e. !S2f. or ni At lUe Store, of h & S. D. Coiicn, IX TARHOROUGII, Aim NEW AND FASHIONABLE Millinery j i$fc RS. A. C. HOWARD has just re- ceived a handsome assortment of FANCY GOODS, for sprin-and sum- Turk:; I.sland and I Q A Liverpool sack S J'V Molasses, savrar, cnjlee, te;, and cliocolate, Iron and stved of e cry description 5c;uality, Blacksrnitlis hcliows, and every other arti cle to make a complete sett of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barred or retail, Jamaica rum, Z years old, Otard's cor uiac brandy, 10 vcars eld, Fate Holland rin. old rye whiskey, Madeira wir.e, X. '.. :mn c'v common brandy, Together wit!: an extensive assortment of SUifite and Fancy (loads, Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces For cash, a ; can be bought at any j store in the plaev. A constant, supply of ic::his Pana cea, Dr. Cha'tuttm,-1 n:?:irf Jr.r In cttjjsrtncc, JiiiA'hi.s's celebrated Oint ment is.ii. CTTIifc iiighest prico jaid in Cash, for need clean baled Cotton. mer wear, which she wUl with pleasure exhibit to the inspection of those Ladies who may please favor her with a caM among them will be found Pattern Silk Hats, the latest Xew-York and Fhiladclphia fashions, Battese and Cambric do. do. Leghorn llats, assorted numbers, do. do. for children and misses, Flain and open straw do. do. Black, white and yellow Xavarinos, Fn.bbinett veils, caps, capes, and collar Superb turbans and head dresses, Flain Bobbiaett, fancy Handkerchiefs, Brazilian tuck, turn back, and side combs, Curls and puffs, mov. hair do. Tortoise shell side combs, Mrs. Car.telo's patent Corsetts, Swiss muslins, for Ladies' dresses, A super"-' assortment of ! ibbons and flowers, Fearl and coral ear drops, necklaces, ifec. D.iHs, glass beads, and a variety of other articles- . Ladies dresses, cloaks, pelisses, &c, made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Tarboroh, April 10, 1829. Apple Brandt. rJHHE Subscriber has a few barrels of J- excellent AFPLF: 13RAXDY which be is disposed to sell on reasona ble terms. KXl'M L nil' IS. Mount Prospect, Juno, 1S2!. RECEIVUI) this day, fifty barrels of NEW HERRINGS, which will be sold low lor Cash. D. lilCIMnDS CO, Tarboro, April 16,1829. Trust Sale. p Y virtue of a Deed in Trust, execu ted to me hy Lewis Ellis, for purpo ses therein expressed, I shall proceed to sell at PUBLIC SALE, at the dwelling-house of said Ellis, on Thursday, Slit October next, to the highest bidder, the following property, viz: Two Negroes, Three or four Tracts of Land, And all his Stock, HORSES, CATTLE & HOGS. I shall convey all the righl and titta vested in me by said deed, to the abovy property, and no more. Terms of sale made known- on the day of sale. JO. P. PITT, Trustee. Ldecombe County, N. C. 1 ,, 2Gth August, 1S29. ' UST IH 'CEP,' ED and now opening asplemlid assoi tmei.t oi lajjey staple Hc'Wiirtl. wtiwitnhic (loads, R N OFF in llu: ii':wtssi(!n i 11 u'!!': 'cf.i.intc.l l.nv pne-cs 10.) b;ii- AJaod from the jremise.i of WiF fC? li i-n IF Dickon on the 2flh of August hist, a uero man he lu:i'j;;ni; ,( the Sul).c:!her, by 'k: o ime of AL T! MORE, ab.;nt 2i U'.ii'. of -;.', htfe and stout, oi rather a I jwii luol; and smiling co'inlenatice .'v ' feit 10 inches i.ih or upwaids. ;. i-, hidieved scid iero is lurking about 'lie j)!antatijo of said Dieken. I xvill viv(.' the above reward for t'nc sife deli ery of saiil ne;.;ro to me, or deposited .n any jail so tnat I i;et him aj;ain. A.7A': T. SEZSCMS. jsii Sept. LSJ1. l-C Notice. w o RANAWAY from tl.o Sub- - KXr scrioei, on me ou im:i. uiu ..QtsDMlSON, a tf&JH About G feet between 30 -cm. ;im 35 years of ae, middling dark completion, and a larpjo year on mi; of ids .'rms exlerjdin; nearly from lae .-lb w tt) lho writ. Said nero be : .,,-5to theeslalo of James May, decVi, and was hired by " me for the present yen-; in; was brought from the lower puts of Virginia about twelve years in .-.' by Mr. Abner Askew, and I ex-'-"cfh-. will try to t;cl there ajjahi. A - '-iiidde toward will (jo iven for the ''prehension and delivery of said nepjro me ;iJ Hickory Grove, Pitt county, r'. C. tu- t.) Mr. William May, of said Ovinte, Guardian for the heirs of said '-:Ote, or lor his coufmeirient in any j:u! t'ud he can be recovered. All pcr- :is are hereby forbid haiborinr, em ;i!o -i;w, C3rryim; off saiti negro, un- r penalty of t!ie law. HJ'VJ iMLY JOINER. rels superior Cut HERRINGS, e. &c. H. Sr S. D. COTTF.N. May LM, iYu. it. tSc J. Dunn & Co. I'NFOftM their it iends and the public, generally, that tiiey have now on h.iod their s:ij)ply of spring c5ooDS, Whicli emiuace a complete and very ex tensive assortment of every desirable article cf STAPLE AM) FANCY DRY GOODS, Amont wiicfi are: A splendid assortment of Silks, Several pieces !- i Satin Lcvantecnc and Wa tered Ore:: de Ferlin, quite a new article, A beautiful assortment of fine Thread Laces and Fdins;s, A most splendid assortment of fancy Calicoes, A lare stock of GKOCF RIF.S, A general assortatenL of Medicines, Drugs, Oils and Faints, Hats, Shoes ai.d Hard ware, in great variety: Winch, with every other article usu ally kept in an extensive asserted Store, '.hey offer for sale on the most favorable terms. 13ein confident that they cm t;ive general satisfaction as to price and quality, they respectfully invite their friends in town and country to call and examine their assortment. Groceries, &c f3MIH Subscriber offers for sale cheap, for cash only, at the Post-Office in Tarborough, next door to Messrs. R. &. S. D. Cotfems store, the following arti cles, all of which have jus arrived from New-York, and are fresh and of supe rior quality, viz: Cotrniac and apple brandy, whiskey, Cordials, London and American porter, Albany beer, best northern cider, Loaf and brown sugars, molasses, Coffee and leas, pepper and spice, mustard, Nutmegs, cinnamon, mace, cloves, ginger, Kiisin.s by the box or pound, Currants, figs, Amends, liruzil nuts, Tamarinds, water and butter crackers, Bologna sausages, preserved ginger, Candy, assorted dried peaches, apples, &c. A tew pieces fancy calicoes, ginghams and London plaids, vestings, Cotton skirting, banda;ina handkerchief , Gentlemen's gloves, socks, cravats, o.c. Alum, salt pctre, spirits turpentine. Castor oil, gkmber salts, sulphur, pv-ail ash, Fottcr'i vegetable Catholice.n, by the bottle, Camphor, Windsor soap, Castile, do. Starch, copperas, chalk, red ochre, Lime juice, foolscap and letter paper, Fine scaling wax, wafers by the ounce. Testaments, spelling books, lead pencils, Murray's key, English reader, tkc. Maccabau snuff, Spanish smoking tobacco, Hest chewing tobacco, common do. Cut tobacco in papers, paste blacking, Spanish scgars, otoughten's bitters, hones, Fowder and shot, empty bottles if: ticklers, Sperm candles, tallow do. moulded, Window glass, white lead, putty, ike. 1'ed cords, plough lines, trace chains, Cut nails assorted, wrought 6 penny do. Stock, knob and pad locks, assorted, Fcckc-t knives, scissors, needles, pins, Sewing silks, spool cotton, Huttons, assorted, Common tuck and side combs, fine tooth do. Tpoth brashes, ish hooks, 2cc. Ckc. Together with many other articles, which it is useless to insert. The Sub scriber intends to keep a general supply of Groceries, which he flatters himself We have jus received a consignment of Mm will be able to sell as lowas they can Cut Herrings and Shad, Put up this season, at one of the most celebrated fisheries on Roanoke. We have also on hand a few hundred barrels of CORN, neatly cleaned and fanned; all of which we will sell low for Cash. R. fyJ. DUNNfy CO. Ualifav, May 7th, 1 8.? 9. be procured at this market. ...and he in vites all persons wishing to purchase anv article in his line, to call and judge ol the quality and prices. Orders from thi country, enclosing the cash, will b( thankfully received and promptly at tended to. N. II. RO UN TP EE. Ju.ni 4, IS'iiK fUterarp 0otUt. rW'ii E next session of the :iScotlaml Neck Private Academy '," under the direction of the Revd John 11 Nox .tiL'NT and Ladv, will commence on Monday, the day of November, and terminate on Saturday, the 27th day of February next. In this Institution the following bran dies oi education are taught: m a l l: d e p A RTM ENT. Reading Rhetoric and Logic Orthography Practical Chemistry Penmanship Natural c Moral Pi.'. English Grammar losophy Commercial Arithm'c Evidences of Nat. a.. d Geography and As- revealed eligioii. tronomy Ancient and Aloder1.: Select Composition History F E . I A L 1 : D K P A RTM E N T. Reading History of the U. States Orthography Botany Penmanship Mythology English Grammar Jewish, Practical Arithmetic GrecianSc Antiquities Geography and Au- Roman J t onomy Epitomes of the Arts Epistolary Writing and Sciences Elements of Chemistry Classical Hiography 0 K N 1 E N T A L BRANCHES. Music on the Piano Forte; Drawing and Painting; Muslin, Tape and Lace Vork. The system of instruction, adopted in the above Institution, is such as Vj keep constantly in view the application o' every acquirement made by the pupil. None are allowed to progress in any study more rapidly than a perfect ccm- ifeiension of its principles will admit. The discipline is precisely that of a well ordered family. Corporeal punishment will never be resorted to; but whenever a scholar shall manifest, by his rcfracto ry conduct, that he is beyond the influ ence affectionate reproof, his expul sion will immediately ensue. It can hardly he necessary to state that every attention will be paid to the mor als ol those committed to our charge. That we will endeavor to impress, per manently upon thp minds cf our pupils, a love of religious truth, and to indue them, by faithful culture, to "grow up in the nui ture and admonition of the Lord." Board may still be had with Private Families in the neighborhood, at 5 per month; and the necessary books, station ary, &c. are kept constantly on hand by a merchant in the vicinity of the Academy Terms as formerly, payable in ac! vance, viz: Literary Tuition, per session, $10 Tax nr fire-wood j - - 50 Mumc,. - - - - 15 Drawing and Painting, - e ' Needle Work, Scotland Neck, Halifax coun- , tv, N. 0. A tiff. 25, 1S-79. J

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