where lie made several utiunwtM to throw himself over it steep and dimerous precipice, in all of which he failed, and then wander ed, he knew nut where, until he futiiul himself in York, Pa. where he has ever since remained under the assumed name of Robert Coincujf. You will naturally inquire, what could have induced such conduct, every step of which bears the im press of folly? No sympathy for the individual himself, but that which is always felt for innocent and injured friends, at present pi events a development ot the from the long continued rains of August. Recorder. Salisbury, Sept. 24.. ..At the re cent term of the Surry Superior Court, Wm. C. Bird was convict ed of manslaughter, for shooting and killing a man by the name oT McCollum and was fined $20. The peculiarly aggravating cir cumstances under which the de fendant in this case was incited to the commission of the act for which he was tried and convicted, were well calculated to enlist the sympathies of every honorable mind not dead to i hi- i nor tnol 1 i t whole matter; which, however, in) of the heart. The wife of his bo- all probability will ere long b made. A Subscriber. Edenton, 12th Sept. 1829. som had been seduced and torn from his affections and his home by the deceased and the des- poiler of his dearest enjoyments Friday evening, the 2d October, at eai-j ly canctte light. MARRIED, In this place, on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. P. W. Dowd, Mr. Duke William Home, of Marian na Florida, to Miss Mary Amelia Ann Lawrence., daughter of Mr. Peter P. Lawrence. Qn the 15lh ult. by the Rev.Thos. P. Hunt, Mr. John R. Ridley, of Gran ville county, to Miss Amelia M. Toole. daughter of Gerajdus Toole, Esq. of tins county. In Halifax county, on the 17lh ult. bv .Jesse N. Faulcon, Esq. Mr. Wade iVcit to Miss Elizabeth II. Gee. Tarboroiigii Academy. riMIE Male Department of this. Acad A emy will be re-opened on Monday, the 5th October, inst. under the imme diate tuition and superintendence of the Rev. John Warnock, as heretofore. 1st Oct. 1S29. ' List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Ojjice at Tar . borough ,N. C. the 1st day of Qct'r 1829, ivhich if not called for and ' taken out by the 1st day of January next, will be sent to the General Post-Ojfi.ce as dead letters. Alien Darius C Rev Lawrence John Anderson Win Sea Land Littleberrv Bradley Bennet Lceper Thos N Dr Rattle W m II Mooring John T DIED, Baits Wm McDowell Pat'k 2 In this county, on Sunday last, 2gcd! "ockerry 1 nomas Mayo Livingston about G7 years, Mr. Lewis Lodge, a! CJ! J J CaPl Owens Elijah soldier of the Revolution. Bel1 Lhza 13 Mls3 Fender Sally Mrs e On MPf rxr r.f ilr .yjwM?' tLMI iuuujuii uaillCS Also. Sc,nWrnoara,,e..AVo. ' Cotton MBMC Mrs IteberUon E.ijlh .x i 1 v..v...v-viw iiiv., uui tuuitui I Ai , v.i. ... Until Kinrhrn Stmvirt V in of Mr C r. Pitimnn ' i Clerk C C of Edg'e Sutrs Reading fi. i ?. c rv o i i;aiv ma Mi;M.;ilUUl Willi U1C 1 1 1 1 tlllS. ICOVV fN Miniir t in nr.Mmoi. .. . ' , . SO ri'VT . "avocvcrseunioi U.o victim ot lus base arts, At his residence in Scotland Neck,; ot,on.lK f S D Shurley Henry ot tins delicious grape. It was with the vic-w, as was said, of do-! Halifax county, a few days since, very Counci,c Lciel Sheriff of Edg'e 2 r raised in a vineyard reared iv.nl y. riving him of life as well as of suddenly, at an advanced'ae, Mr. Da- Janes Daniel Scoggins Samuel . ; fuhivated by ('apt. Henry Gar-jlns ncacuof iniml. With his feel-1 r Cl"r a wealthy and extensive Ro-: WncsB Savage Eli A Mis. v,M a il,-,o ti J i , , anoke nlintnr Delany B d Miss Simpson Mourn n- ICU, ot v.cimty. l l.o raj.e,,,s Imrrowo.J up by those nggra- fom.x n ,hc ,c,h u, i EvanNancy Mrs ShaUrastton R Mrs" . ?,,,!U " us n OS rra..i:.; vat:nS oircuiurtnqccs, the unhnp-UC Andrews Tysan Wm I)Lli belli': atheretl the d;.V nrc-'nv liml nmt rlu (!p,.(nml nt iLo'i;.,,, r m. r ... , . i GritTin John E 2 Warren Jnlinn 7 ..V...J iMI. UUJUL JJLlli . an U1U JIIU . " i Mnnr Mrs W " T HT. , viuus, and the juice or san, hav- (lead of iriijht, lurhiiiir ncar his respectable farmer. in- c.uiu;u us was euient irom : uweliuiir, aiid shot hun throurh the sou statu of the pulp) it did j the heart. The Jurv seemed n noi reach its natural weiirht hv'JO luctant in ohm-inn- t'lr. stprn ninn- ur 30 rains.--r!7;crtv:.:(iate of the lute, in convicting thci GotT Marv Mrs ; Horns Elisha ' TI:irr,ni Timnthv Price Current, I Haywood Joseph A! Tarloro Petersburg New- York. Hadley Weeks P j Hoans James Uamnuns Willis . The. Crops, The Selma (Ala-jawarded a punishment which well t !et s:l:' " " b-.ma) pajxr of the 3d uit. says: accorded with the feelings of the : ' ai? ' W- pfi;-tct !o h i:ti that the cot ton crops, in some sections of the Ct'j...rv, hao stdVered tuateriallv whole communitv.- weired two weeks au." It is j rough, Wilkes county, while stau worse where the cotton is the iding at a wash-tuh, near a sjirinj, inosi luxuriant and the gnnvtli was shot with a rille, the hall en-i lari', eonseoaeutly the finest i ti.rli,g jest helow the left breast,) prospects wiil make t!ie smallest ;;,mi eomir. out at the hack near yield. The corn crop.- an: very , the riiiht side; of which wound! abundant, even more so than they UKi died on Wednesdav tin: Oth. ! Iiave been for a number of years. ( Soon after being shot, she said jshe saw the perpetrator, and na- fJrops, .The Millcdcvillc imcd him who was her cousin, ..(Georgia) Uecorder says: Wo are I had married her sister, and was fcurry to learn that the expectation j reported to be her paramour; he fcu general a lew weeks ago, of j was accordingly taken into custo pientiful crops of coMon being j dy; but befor "her death, she ac 'inade in this r.-tale the nresent inoitttvi hlni nf tin? dr d. ih. .ye'itr, are no: litiely to be realtzec SKl'T.Sa. jptr 7'r'o' Pet l!:icon, - - 1 lb 7 U G.J lieeswax, - - j - 1?0 2.5 22 Hrnndy, apple, 46 50 30 C'AW v, - - j lb 16 CO 13 Corn, - bu 1 35 40 40 Cotton, - - ib 7 b 7 Cotton Harghis, 20 25 18 Flour, supf. - !bbl 6 l.:inl, - - j lb " f 8 " 6 Molasses, - - Ig.il 0 50 33 lam, New-Eng. - o() 6v 35 Suvjar, brown, - lb 1 1.". 7 Salt, loose, - bu 1 76 8f 70 Wheat, - - - J0 $1 90 Whiskey, - - 'gal 10 50 23 16 Wilkinson M Mrs Watson Thomas Ward Luke & Wm Hyman Weeks Pender 02 Reuben Harper Wirnberlv7 Easter i4; Hints Richard Sen Williams P E Mist, o3 56;Johnson licuben .Wilkinson Levi 5 5154 '3 10 A 1: til Yo'k ( 71 J. It. LLOYD, P. M. 61 Slate of North- Carolina, EUULCOMBE COUNTY. 22 3i ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessio?isy 3S 28 33 August Term, S29. vs. Original Attachment. Masonic Motm r'i'iiv; nuniher of pods are not in pic; -onion to the growth oi' the Iani. t.hi.s is a smali evil coin paed to the depredations of a v.-or; 11 which is verv destructive hi intiny neighborhoods, eating forits ami voting bolls, and Iperforating the l.-irge ones, so as ' ) prevent their maturing. jfyUlE Companions of Concord Chap ter. No. 5, Tarborouirfu ore re- ry. t . . 'speettully informed that the Quarterly Sickness. A correspondent ofjslalcd Convocation ot said Chapter will tile Salisbury Carolinian, Under, be on Sunday, the 16t)i inst. at the usual dale, Mecklenburg, Sept. , says: hour. A punctual attendance of the A degree ot mortality new pre Wilmington, Sept. 16 latest intelligence confirm The our vails in this section, which I be lieve is without its parallel in this or any other country, so remote from the sea-board. 1 am per suaded that the proportion of deaths to the number attacked, has been seldom greater in Phila delphia or Charleston, during the "apprehensions, with resj)eet to the j pi evalence of yellow fever. Jn Joses sustained by the rice plan-Meed if this is not the yellow i'e- tcrs. onie ot tiioso aoove the ;tlioroug!:f;iro, may be calculated lie lose about two-thirds; others, the whole of their crops. Those b'jhv the thoruuirhfare have also 'MHuiinod considerable losses. Tiie destruction of the corn crops on the low grounds, is sup-.pos-d more complete than at first apprehended. Black and South I'lwrs have come in for a full idiare of the calamity. On all the low grounds on these rivers,vhich jjvere covered by the ilood, there calculated a loss of two-thirds 1 the cro()s. The crops gene l dlv, have probably suffered much ver, it approaches nearer to it in character, than any type ever wit nessed by the writer, wdio has been somewhat conversant with that desolating disease to the north. members is requested, as business of im portan.ee will be laid before the Chapter. JOHN i FAR NOCK, See'y. 1st. Oct. 1S2D. 7-3 j Levied on two cotton press iron screws, in the bands ot 13. M. Jaclison. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants in this case are not inhabitants of this Stale: It is therefore ordered, That publica tion be made in the Tarborough Free Press, for six weeks, that unless they appear at our next Court, t o be held for lhe county aforesaid, at the Court House in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday of November uext, and reple vy property and plead to issue, judg ment final will be rendered against them, and execution issue accordingly. VTitncss, Micuaei. Hearx, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the fourth Mon day of August, A. D. 1S20. MICHAEL IIEARN, C. C. Price adv $3:50. 7-G Distressing. Two young men by the names of Neal and Midgett, were lost overboard from a small schooner in Pamlico Sound a few days past, and drowned under distressing circumstances. Edenton Gazette. 3The Rev. William Worrell is expected to preach in Tarborough on Henrv Johnston. "VtnSIIES to inform his friends and ' customers, that he has just return ed From New-York, v.iih his Full Supply of Goods, In his line of business, which he is hap py to say he can sell on better terms than is usual in this market among them are Superfine blue and black Cloths, Brown, olive, and slcel mixture, do. Bottle green and drab do. Superfine Cashmeres, of different colors, Plain and fancy Velvets for yestings, Plain and fancy Silks for vestings, Dark and light Valtncias, new patterns, White and buff quiltings, Pocket handkerchiefs, gloves, White and fancy cravats, patent suspenders, F. A. Hart's patent braces, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above goods will be sold low for cash, or to punctual customers on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at the shortest notice. Turboro', Oct. 1, 1S2? Original At-tach?ncnt. T appearing t Court, that Stale of North-Carolina, KPGECOLIHE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions August Term, 1S29. Malihew II. Dicken, vs. Kenneth Bembry, Levied on two negroes, Norfleet and Isaac. lo the satisfaction of this the Defendant in this ease is not aa inhabitant of this State: in therefore ordered, That publica liou be made in the Tarborough Free Press, for six weeks, that unless he appear at our next Court, to be held for the County aforesaid, at the Court House in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday of November next, and reple vy property and plead to issue, judg ment final will be rendered against him, and execution issue accordingly. Witness, Michael Iiearn, Clerk of our said Tourt, at ofiice, the fourth Mon day of August, A. D. IS29. MICHAEL IIEARN, C. C. Price adv S3: 50. 7-6 .Yorth-Caro Una Bank .Yates. At Petersburg, 2$ per cent, discoum At New-York, G to 3 d-. j

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