Whole Xo. 2138. Tarboroug'h, Edgecombe County, N. C. Friday, October 9, 1829. FoZ. VI No. 8. TIIL "FREE PRESS," Gt'o. Howard, Is published weeklv, (every Fiidav,) at 7'ra DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers.) if paid in advance Tvjo Dollar I'lty Cent?, if paid within the subscription year or, Three Dollars at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Tivoity-Jive Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Ko subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is j;iven. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at .50 cents the first inser tion, and '2.5 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every lf lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con tinue 1 until othervic ordered.. Sale, '?0R SALE, by the Subscribers, 100 e islis Thomiston Lime, which will be bold low for cash. i). niciunnsb co. April, 1S2D. Notice. RAN A WAY from the Sub '.'ib'.i, on the 3d insf. nerro ANDERSON, iboul (j feel high, beiween GO Mud 35 vens of aire, middling don. '.nplex'im, ami a largo scar on otu- of hi anih, extending nearly from tbe elbow to (be writ. Said negro be long to (bo csta'e of .lames May, dce'd, and was hired by me for tbe present year; he was brought from tbe lower parts ol irinm.i about twelve years' si i we by Mr. Abner A. skew, ami 1 ex- neri he will try to ret there airain Ai the Store of R. & S. 1). Gotten, IN TARHORQUGII, Turks Island and ? O 4 I ril Liverpool sack Molasses, suar, coffee, tea, and chocolate, Iron and steel of every description & quality, Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti cle to make a complete nctt of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, Jamaica rum, 5 years old, Otard's cogniac brandy, 10 years eld, Pure Holland gin, old rye whiskey, Madeira wine, N.L. rum & common brandy, Together with an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, Of c store in tbe place. constant supply of S'u:aimms Vann NEW AND FASHIONABLE KS. A. C. HOWARD has fust re ceived a handsome assortment of iAJNCy GOODS, for spring and sum mer wear, which she will with pleasure exhibit to the inspection of those Ladies who may please favor her with a caPl among them will be found Pattern Silk Hats, the latest New-York and Philadelphia fashions, Batteae and Cambric do. do. Leghorn Hats, assorted numbers, do. do. for children and misses, Plain and open straw do. do. Black, white and yellow Navarinos, Hobhinett veils, caps, capes, and collars, rmpero turbans and head dresses, )f almost every variety, at as low pri-! Jj1""' Hobbinctt, fancy Handkerchiefs, s for cash a Yin be" hornet at an v 1 ,'a'f,1,an, tuc' Unn ck, and side combs, . biui lasn, .iu can uo uou0..i at an j Curls and pulls, mowhair do. Poi toise shell side combs. Mrs. CantehVs patent Coretts, ecu, Dr. Clmmhe'rs remedy for In-1 Swiss rauslis Ladies' dresses, iemticmnce, Jud kins' s celebrated Oint- p,s"!,cr! so,1lmcJ of bbons and flowers, ,.,,-, carl an 1 Lorul c:lr b-ops, necklaces, ike. 7 , , Do,ls' Slaseads, and a variety of other Ihehignesf price paid m Cash, articles. for good clean baled Cotton. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, pelisses, &c. made to order, in (he latest and most TUST RECEIVED and now opening, approved fashions, a splendid assortment of fancy & staple Tarborough, April Seasonable Goods, on: At unprecedented low prices 100 bar rels superior Cut HERRINGS, &c. &c. A'. $ S. J) COTTI2X. May 23, IS J 'J. Iienrj: Johnston, yiHES to inform his friends and customer, that lie has just return- j ed From New- York, with his Fall Supply of Goods. reasonable reward will be -;iven for the fn Jjis line o,' busints, which he is hap appreheusi(.n and delivery of said nesrojpy t0 sav- 1C can ell on better terms to me at Hickory Lrovc, LMt county, j than is usua! i:i this market an N. C. or to Mr William .Iay , of sail! L-m are county, Guardian for the heirs of said Superfine blue and hhick Chub,, fstat-', or l.)- his conhnement in ativ r 1 1 ! Brown, olive, and stt-cl rai::iure, do. :-o tlial lie can be recovered. A II per-' Pot: ie screen and drab Jo. son- are hereby forbid harboring, em-I SVIKM ",u; t:;lbneres, of diffV rent color:, iiai:i anu iancy civets ii;r vesuir.rs, Piai:i ;aul fancy lilks f r vestins, D. i l; and liiht 'ahiM:ias, new pa'ctcrns, Widte ;.ncl bulf (pailtins, Pocket handkerchiefs, glove?. White and fancy ci avats, patent suspenders, V. A. Hart's patent 'races, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above ioods will be sold low for eah, or to punctual customers on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at tbe shortest notice. Tarboro', Oct. I, 1S2.9. pril 10, 1S29. Jlpjile Brandy. 'jpIIE Subscriber has a few barrels of excellent APPLE WiANDY vhiih be is disposed to sell on reasona ble terms. KXUM LEWIS. Mount Prospect, June, 1829. 'ocerics, &c sani negro, il yi,i. or carry im; oil !er penalty of the law. nnxj. 'i mix joixer. Atiir. 2 I. 1 S2'). 2 tin - i il. cc J. Dunn &'Co. 'PNPOR.M their ft i.-nds and the public 4' Dei illy, that thev .Valid tbfii uply of now on Spring CDfoolJS, a comph:le and very ex- !ii':h cm brae :ensive assort ment ot every desirable Liticie of STAPLE AND FANCY inn unom, I m a ; i g iv ft ich a re : splcndiJ assortrne:? f Silks, Several pieces 1-1 Satin Levunteens and Wa- tcredCIros tie Berlin, (pi it e a new article, Abctnt'ful assi tinciit of fine Thread Laces and Ldint;, A ,.')t splendid assortment of fanc.v Calicoes, A i o-e stock of GKOCU1ULS, ' : general assortment of Medicines, Drus, OAs and Paints, Hats, Shoes and Hardware, in great variety: Wh ich, with everv other article usu ally kept in an extensive assorted Store, tney olicr for sale on the most favorable h rms. leiii confident that they can Hive general satisfaction as to price and Ti.oiiy, they respectfully invite their hi' ;uU in town and country to call and examine their assortment. Wo have jost received a consignment of (hit Uerringa and Shad, 'U up this p."aori, at one of tbe most jHebralcd liberies on Ucanokc. We 'i ve also on band a few hundred barrels -1 PORN, ncally cleaned and fanned; all d which we will sell low for Cash. 77. &-J. DUNNfy CO. Hf.lifijr, May 7lh, 1829. 5 asottic Notice piiK Companions of Concord Cliap icr, No. 5, Ttirboroi(g7i, are re "pcct fully informed that the Quarterly stated Convocation o( said Chapter will be on Sunday, the ISth inst. at the usual hour. A punctual attendance of the members is requested, as business of im portance will belaid before the Chapter. JOHN WAR NOCK, Sec'y. 1st Oct. 1S29. 7-3 Notice. IN apprentice wanting, to the Tay-j thc quality and prices. Orders from tbe - lnrinoc business nnnn nnprl nnnlv. ' , 1 , : u . -n i jIIK Subscriber oflfers for sale cheap, for cash only, at the Post-Office in Tarhorough, next door to Messrs. IL ; S. D. CottciPs store, the following arti cles, all of which have just arrived from New-York, and are fresh and of supe rior quality, viz: Cosniac and apple brandy, whiskey, Cordials, London and American porter, Albany beer, best nortl.ern cider, Loaf and brown sugars, molasses, Coffee and teas, pepper and spice, mustard, Nutmcirs, cinnamon, mace, cloves, ginger, Raisins :,y the box or pound, Currants, f:rs, almond.,, lh azil nuts, Tamarinds, water and butter crackers, Bologna sausages, preserv ed ginger, Candy, assorted dried peaches, apples, &c. A few pieces fancy calicoes, ginghams and London plaids, vestings, Cotton shirting, bandanna handkerchiefs, Gentlemen's gloves, socks, cravats, &c. Alum, salt petre, spirits turpentine, Castor oil, glauber salts, sulphur, pearl ash. Potter's vegetable Catholicon, by the bottle, Camphor, Windsor soap, Castile do. Starch, copperas, chalk, red ochre, Lime juice, foolscap and letter paper, Fine sealing wax, wafers by the ounce. Testaments, spelling books, le ad pencils, Murray's key, Knglish reader, &c. Maccabau snuff, Spanish smoking tobacco, Best chewing tobacco, common do. j Cut tobacco in papers, paste blacking, j Spanish scgars, Stoughten's bitters, hones, Powder and shot, empty bottles & ticklers, Sperm candles, tallow do. moulded, Window glass, white lead, putty, &c. Bed cords, plough lines, trace chains, Cut nails assorted, wrought 6 penny do. Stock, knob and pad locks, assorted, Pocket knives, scissors, needles, pins, Seving silks, spool cotton, Buttons, assorted, Common tuck and side combs, fine tooth do. Tooth brushes, fish hooks, &c. &c. Together with many other articles, which it is useless to insert. The Sub scriber intends to keep a general supply of Groceries, which he flatters himself he will be able to sell as low as they can be procured at ibis market. ...and he in vites all persons wishing to purchase any article in his line, to call and judge ol RECEIVED this day, fifty barrels of NEW HERRINGS, which will be sold low for Cash. IX RICHARDS CO. Tarboro', April 1G, 1829. ENSIBLY grateful for tbe very lib - eral encouragement heretofore mani fested by thc citizens of this and tbe ad jacent counties, have tbe pleasure to an nounce the arrival (direct from NEW YORK) of an elegant and extensive as sortment of every article pertaining to GENTLEMEN'S 3fm)mmW eiotfnttg, Selected by a first-rate judge, and at thc most reduced prices among which splendid assortment may be found: Black, blue, olive, steel and mixed Cloths. Plain Mack silk Velvet, Figured and striped do. Plain black Florentine, Valencia vesting, of various colors, White quilting, of a superior quality, ALSO, Patent Suspenders, and a general and well selected assortment of Fashionable Trimmms, All of which will be sold at reduced prices for cah,or to punclud customers. Tarboro', 25th Sept. 1S29. Printing Types? Presses, &e, UM HJGRR & CO, FFER for .sale, at their Type and Stereotype Foundry, No. 20, Gold- (Street, New-York, a complete assort ment, ol I'rmiing 1 ypes, from 14 lines Pica to Diamond, at the following price, o months credit, or 5 per cent, discount for cash. They cast their book fonts, from English to Diamond, on metal which they will. warrant superior to any other used in this country. Small Pica 33 Long Primer 40 Bourgeois, 46 Brevier 56 A I in ion" 70 Nonpareil Qo And all others in proportion. Old metal received in exchange, at S cents per lb. W. II. Co. are agents for tbe sale of -die TVjhington Printing Press, in vented bv Samuel Rust, which thev offer Ji'or sale r..i accommodating terms. Proprietors of papers, who will pub lish !is advertisement 3 times, will be allowed $2, in settlement of their ac counts, or. in articles from the Foundry. August 21. 6-S Six Line Pica, and all larger, per ib $0 30 Double Pica 32 j Great Primer, 34 Knglish 56 Pica 36 unless thev can come well recommend' ed ds to their good character arid steady habits KING $ GAT LIN. Sept. 2, 1S2P. country, enclosing the cash, will be thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Ar. . ROTJNTREE. June 4, 1S29. Jusi Fuhlhhed, And for Sale at this Office, Lawrence tr Lemay's NORTH-CAROLINA ALM AN AOK, For 1830, Containing, besides thc Astronomical calculations, agricultural essays, miscel laneous articles, useful recipes, anec dotes, a list of the officers -of the Gov ernment of the United States and of North-Carolina, of the Members of Con gress from this State and of the General Assembly, time of holding the different Courts in this State, &c. &c. Price 10 cents each, or 75 cents a dozen. Sept. 2G, 1S29. Constables' Blanks for sulf: AT THIS OFFICK.

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