mmmm. Whole JVo. 271. Tarborough, Edgecombe County; JV C. Friday r November 6, IS29. rS p3 r;J THE "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at TU'0 DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid in advance Tvjo Dollars & f ifty Cents, if paid within the subscription ve:iror, Three Dollars at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, cr frive a responsible reference in this vicinity. fo subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number f insertions required, or thy will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they willnotbe attended to. Notice. i RAN AWAY from the Sub-! 'scriber, on the 3d inst. negro ANDERSON, About ( feet high, between 30 and 35 years of age, middling dirk complexion, and a large scar on one of his arms, extending nearly from the elbow to the wrist. Said negro be longs to the estate May, dee'd, and was hired by me for the present year; he was brought from the lower parts of Virginia about twelve years since by .Mr. Aimer Askew, and I ex pert lie will try to get there again. A reason tide reward will be given for the arptehen;.ion ami delivery of said negro u mo at Hickory drove, Pitt county, N. C. or to Mr. William May, of said county, Guardian for the heirs of said estate, or for his confinement in any jail i 1 1 c that lie can be recovered. All per sons are hereby fnbid harboring, em ploying, or carrying oil' said negro, un Jer penalty ;f the law. BENJAMIN JOINER. Aug. 2 1, Ib'jy. 2 For Sale, Al ike Store of B. & S. I). Collen, IN TARBOROUGH, Turks Island and 7 Q 4 T m Liverpool sack O l. 1 J I. Molasses, sugar, coffee, tea, and chocolate, Iron and steel of every description inequality, Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti cle to make a complete sect of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, Jamaica rum, 5 years old, Otard's cogniac brandy, 10 years eld, Pure Holland gin, old rye whiskey, Madeira wine.N.E. :um & common brandy, Together with an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces for cash, as can bo bought at any store in the place. A constant supply of Swaim's Fan a- cca, Dr. Chambers'' remedy for In temperance, J ud 7ci ?is' s celebrated Oint ment, &c. &.c. QThe highest price paid in Cash, for u;ood clean baled Cotton. jBcta mom. rpiIE Subscribers are now opening at A their old land in Tarboroujrh, Afresh and varied assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE iOODS, Hardware, Crockery, &c, Which they offer at their usual low prices. Also, 3000 bushels Turks Island SALT. D. RICHARDS CO, Oct. 22, 1S29. 0R SALE, by the Subscribers, 100 casks ho niacin n Lime, which wii be sold low for cash. I). RICHARDS $; CO. A;v j29. II. & J. Dunn & Co. JNF0RM their friends and the public, generally, that they have now on hand their supply of Which embrace a complete and very ex tensive assortment of every desirable icicle of STAPLE AND FANCY 1U5Y goods, Amongst which are: A splendid assortment of Silks, Several pieces 41 Satin Levanteens ar.d Wa- tcrcd(iro: tie Berlin, quite a new article, A beautiful assortment of tine Thread Laces and Ldgings, A most splendid assortment of fancy Calicoes, A large tock of OKOCEUIES, A general assortment of Medicines, Drugs, Oils and Paints, Hats, Shoes and I lard ware, in great y'iriety: Which, with everv other article usu ally kept in an extensive assorted Store, tley offer for sale on the mosft favorable terms. Ueing confident thJt they can K'vre general satisfaction asto price and 4ality, they respectfully invite their inends in town and coumvry to call and famine their assortment TUST RECEIVED and now opening, a splendid assortment of fancy staple Seasonable Goods, At unprecedented low prices 100 bar rels superior Cut HERRINGS, &c. &c. R. cS- .V. I) COTl'EiY. May 23, 1S29. nment of We have just received fjconsignme Cut iltrrings ami Shad, llt "1 tins season, a iVne of the most celebrated fisheries h cllRoanoke. We have also on hand ajf prtmndred barrels ofTORN, neatly c!.r and fanned; all oi which we will rl ,Lr for Cash. Halifax May ?f 8ent?). Hcnrv Johnston, T17"I'I ES to inform his friends and customers, that he has just return ed From New-York, with his Fall Supply of Goods, In his line of business, which he is hap py to say he can sell on better lernis than is usual in this market among them are Superfine blue and black Cloths, Brown, olive, and steel mixture, do. Bottle green and drab do. Superfine Casshnrres of different colors, Plain and fancy Velvets for vestures, Plain and fancy Silks for vestings, Dark and light Valencias, new patterns, White and buffquiltings, Pocket handkerchiefs, gloves, White and fancy cravats, pa:cnt suspenders, F. A. Hart's patent braces, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above goods will be sold low for cash, or to punctual customers on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at the shortcut notice. Tarboro', Oct. 1, S20. Printing' Tyjies9 Presses, &c. 1VM HAG bit & CO. rFTER for sale, at their Type and " Stereotype Foundry, No. 20, G old Street, New-York, a complete assort ment of Printing Types, from 14 lines Pica to . Diamond, at the following price, G months credit, or 5 per cent, discount for cash. They cast their book fonts, from English to Diamond, on metal which they will warrant superior to any other used in this countrv. Six Line Pica, and all larger, per lb $0 30 Double Pica 32 Great Primer, 34 English 36 Pica 36 And all others in Small Pica Long Primer Bourgeois, Brevier Minion Nonpareil proportion. 38 40 4G 56 70 J0 Old Cheaji Goods. THE Su! )scriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just received and is now opening, direct from New York, the following articles, viz: Handsome calicoes, lenoes, muslins, Fine merino cloths for ladies winter dresses, Fancy barrege and gauze handkerchiefs, Thread and bobinet laces, belt ribbon;:, Barrege and cotton shawls, Braid and cotton cord to trim dresses, Red and white flannels, cotton yarn, Bleached and brown shirting and checks, Ladies prunella, morocco & seal skin shoes, Misses do. do. do. cotton and wool cards, Fancy baskets and umbrellas, Gentlemen's fine and coarse shoes, Negroes do. negroes blankets, Cotton bagging, rope and twine, Blue, olive and steel-mix'd cloths, A general assortment of hardware & cutlery, Castings, Swedes and English iron, Plough moulds, blister'd steel, Percussion and common gunsfcand pistols, Powder and shot, looking-glasses, Window glass, white lead and putty, Oils and paints, assorted, spirits turpentine, French and apple brandy, rum, whiskey, Old Hollands Gin, tin ware assorted, Madeira, Malaga and grape wines, Loaf, lump and brown sugars, coffee & tea, Together with glass and crockery ware: With many other articles not here mentioned. All of which he oflers for ahi at the Post -Office in Tarborough, on very good terms for cash or cotton, lie also expects to receive in a few days a supply of Turks Island SALT. Those wishing to purchase any thing in his line, perhaps would do well to call and judge of the quality and prices, be fore they purchase. N. II. ROUNTREE. Tarborough, 22d Oct. ECEIVED this day, fifty barrels of NEW HERRINGS, which will be sold low for Cash. D. RICHARDS & CO. Tarboro', April 16,IS29. King 8 Gatlin, QENSIBlY grateful for the very lib- eral encouragement heretofore mani fested by the citizens of this and the ad jacent counties, have the pleasure to an nounce the arrival (direct from NEW YORK) of an elegant and extensive as sortment of every article pertaining lo GENTLEMEN'S jfasljionaljlc Cfotfnng, Selected by a first-rate judge, and at the most reduced prices among which splendid assortment may be found: Black, blue, olive, steel and mixed Cloths, Plain black silk Velvet, Figured and striped do. Plain black Florentine, Valencia vesting, of various colors, White quilting, of a superior quality, ALSO, Patent Suspenders, and a general and well selected assortment of Fashionable Trimmings, All of which will be sold at reduced prices for cash, or to punctual customers, Tarboro', 25th Sept. 1829. List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Ojfice at Tar borough N. C. the 1st day of OcVr 1S29, which if not called for and taken out by the 1st day of January ncj-t, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters. Allen Darius C Rev Lawrence John Anderson Vm Sen Land Littleberry Bradley Bennet Lceper Thos N Dr Battle Wm H Batts Wm Bockerrv Thomas BelUJ'Capt Bell Eliza B Miss Cobb Eaton Mooring; John T McDowell Pai'k 2 Mayo Livingston Owens Elijah Pender Sally Mrs 2 Redmon J n rues metal received in exchange, at S cenls per lb. JV. II. Co. are agents for the sale of the Washington Printing Press, in vented by Samuel Rnsf, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms. Proprietors of papers, who will pub lish this advertisement 3 lims, will be allowed $2, in settlemet.t of their ac counts, or in articles from the Foundry. August 24. 6-3 Notice. N apprentice wanting, to the Tay- Joring business none need apply, un! ess they can come well recommend ed as to their good character and steady habits. KING $ GAT LIN Sept. 2, 1S29. Oxford Male Academy, rpilE EXAMINATION of this In titution will begin on Monday, No vember 9th, and close with the semi annual Report on Wednesday morning. All that feel interested, are respect fully invited to attend. ROBERT D. GILL MM, Sec'y. Oxford, Oct. 9, 1S29. 10-3 $50 Reward. RAN AWAY on the 16th September last, a negro man belonging to the Subscriber bv the name of ALTIMORE, 5 feet S or 10 inches high, has with him a permit to look him a master from under my hand. It is believed that said negro is lurking about the plan tations of John and Turner Bass, having been seen there repeatedly in open day. I will give the above reward for the safe delivery of said negro to me or deposit ed in any jail so I get him again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring, em ploying or carrying off said negro, un der the penalty of the law. BLAKE T. iSESSUMS. 18th Oct. IS29. 10-4 if", " Cotton MBMC Mrs Robertson Elijah Cobb Kinchen Stewart Wm Clerk C C of Edg'e Sues Reading Cotton R & S D Shurlev Ilenrv Councile Lemuel Doanes Daniel Diiffsran James B Sheriff of Eilg'e 2 Scojrsrins Samuel Savage Eliz A Miss Delany B G Miss Simpson P.Iourninir Evans Nancy Mrs Shallington R Mrs Evans & Andrews Tysan Wm Gr$in John E 2 Warren Joshua Goff Mary Mrs Horns Elisha Harras Timothy Haywood Joseph Hadley Weeks P Hogans James Ilammons Willis Wilkinson M Mrs Watson Thomas Ward Luke & Wm Hyman Weeks Pender or Reuben Harper Wimberly Easter Hines Richard Sen Williams P E Miss Johnson Reuben Wilkinson Levi 5 61 J. R. LLOYD, P. M. Just Published, And for Sale at this Office, Lawrence d Lemtiifs NORTH-CAROLINA ALMANACK, For 1830, Containing, besides the Astronomical calculations, agricultural essays, miscel laneous articles, useful recipes, anec dotes, a list of the officers of i Gov ernment of the United States ; of North-Carolina, of the Members of Con gress from this Stale and of the General Assembly, time of holding the different Courts in ibis Stute, &c. &c. Price 10 c?v.ts each, cr 75 cent? dozen. Sept. 26, IS29.

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