Whole No. 278. Tarborotigh.Edgetomde County, N . . Friday, January I, 1830. Pol. JYb. 18. THE "FREE PRESS," 2ty Geo. Howard t Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at TWO DOLLARS per year, (6r52 num bers,) if paid in advance Two Dollars ksf fifty Cents, if paid within the subscription year or, Three Dollars at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. fo subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, WU1 be inserted at 50 cents the .first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. King !jr Gatlin, CENSII5LY grateful for the very lib- eral encouragement heretofore mani fested by the citizens of this and the ad jacent counties, have the pleasure? to an nounce tho arrival (direct from NEW YORK) of an elegant and extensive as sortment of every article pertaining to GENTLEMEN'S jfas!)ional)ie Clothing, Selected by a first-rate judge, and at the most reduced prices among which splendid assortment may be found: Black, blue, olive, steel and mixed Cloths, Plain black silk Velvet, Figured and striped do. Plain black Florentine, Valencia vesting, of various colors, White quilting, of a superior quality, ALSO, Patent Suspenders, and a general and well selected assortment of i :ash iona b ie Trim m ins, All of which will be sold at reduced prices for cah,or to punctual customers. Tarboro', 25th Sept. 1829. N olice. II A N A W AY from the Sub scriber, the 3d iiist. negro .2ND BR SON, 41 i r P. . 1. : I I . p -U'oui o icei nign, oeiween ;iu J ta. an,i 35 years of age, middling j daii; complexion, and a large scar on 5 one of his arms, extending nearly from the i.dhoiv to the wrist. Said negro be- longs to the estate of James May, dee'd, j and was hired by me for the present j year; he was brought from the lower I parts of Virginia about twelve vears iii.ee by Mr. Abner Askew, and I ex- pm lie will try to get there again. A j reasonable reward will bo given for the I apprehension and delivery of said negro j to me at Hickory Grove, Pitt county, f N. C. or to Mr. Will iam May, of said county, Guardian for the heirs of said estate, or for his confinement in any jail I so that he can be recovered. All per- I sons arc hereby forbid har boring, em it i . "7 . ploying, or carrying off said negro, un- j tier penalty of the law. BENJAMIN JOINER. Aug. 24, 1S2.9. 2 j $50 Reward. 1 JJAN A WAY mm the lGth September ' last, a negro man belonging to the Subscriber, by the name of ALTI M()RE, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, has i vitli him a permit to look him a master .jfVom under my hand. It is believed ! that said negro is iurking about the plan tations of John and Turner Bass, hav ing been seen there repeatedly in open Jay. I vvill give the above reward for jibe sale delivery of said negro to me or deposited in any jail so 1 get him again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring, employing or carrying off said negro, purler the penally of the law. ( BLAKE T. SESSUMS. Sth Oct. 1S29. 10 TIenrv Johnston, f7TSIIES to inform his friends and customers, that hp hn inct rf urn- eel From New-York, with his Fall Supply of Goods, In his line of business, which he is hap py to say he can sell on better terms than is usual in this market anion" them are Superfine blue and black Cloths, Brown, olive, and steel mixture, do. Bottle green and drab do. Superfine Cassimeres, of different colors, Plain and fancy Velvets for vestings, Plain and fancy Silks for vestings, . Dark and light Valencias, new patterns, White and buff quiltings, Pocket handkerchiefs, gloves, White and fancy cravats, patent suspenders, F. A. Hart's patent braces, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above goods vvill be sold low for cash, or to punctual customers on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their mvn cloth, can have it made and trimmed in .1 . n i it me most iasmonauie manner and at the shortest notice. Tarboro', Oct. 1, 1S29. 4s. A. C. Howard. cS just received her fall supplj' of GOODS, in her line of business. comprising a handsome assortment, suit able to the season among which are Pattern Gros ties Ind. hats of the latest nor thern fashions. Leghorn and Straw bonnets. Superb head dresses, ornaments, &c. vviute and black ostrich feathers, Elegant ribbons, feathered flowers. fVr. With a number of fancy articles, well wor thy the attention ot the Ladies. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, pelisses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets cleaned or dyed, at the shortest notice. larhorongh, Nov. 5, 1S29. For Sale. i-late of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, November Court, 1S29. IT is ordered by the Court, that in fu- Hire no witness in any civil suit liv- ;ing in this Count)-, shall be allowed pav lor attendance on Monday and Tuesday of any Term, and that the Clerk be re quired to note in such subpoena issued by him, that said witness is to attend on Wednesdays of the Term to which he is summoned and that the Clerk give no tice of this Order by advertisement at the Court-house door and in the Tarbo rougb Free Press for three months. A copy from tbe Minutes, Test, MICHAEL IIEXRN, C. C. Price adv S4:37. 1G-13 Original Attachment. Slate of No rth- Ca rolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, 1829. William Taylor vs. James Taylor. Stephen Taylor summoned as gar nishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that James Taylor, defend ant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordered. That publication be made in the Tarborougb Free Press for six weeks, that unless he appear at our next Court, to be held for the County of Edgecombe, at the Court house in Tarborougb, on the fourth Monday in February next, and replevy property and plead to issue, judgment final will be taken against him,and exe cution issue accordingly. Witness, Michael Hearn, Clerk of our said Court, at Tarborough, the fourth Monday of November, A. D. 1829. MICHAEL HEARN Price adv 3:5Q. 1G-6 M the Store of tl. &S B. Collen, IN .TARBOROUGH, Turks Island and") Q A X m Liverpool sack 5 XJL JLi A j Molasses, sugar, coffee, tea, and chocolate, Iron and steel of everydescription & quality, Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti cle to make a complete sett of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, Jamaica rum, 5 years old, Otard's cogniac brandy, 10 years eld, Pure Holland gin, old rye whiskey, Madeira wine.N.E. rum & common brandy, Togetherwith an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces for cash, as can be bought at any store in the place. A constant supply otSwaim's Pana cea, Dr. Chambers1 remedy for In temperance, Judkins's celebratedOint ment, &c. &c. (0The highest price paid in Cash, for good clean baled Cotton. TUST RECEIVED and now opening, a splendid assortment of fancy & staple Seasonable Goods, At unprecedented low prices 100 bar rels superior Cut HERRINGS, &c. &c. R. 4- S. D. GOTTEN. May 23, 1S29. Slate of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, 1S29. James Simms, . vs. Benjamin Mi Her. Original At-tachments. Benjamin Simms, vs. ' . Same. Blake Little, vs. Same. Washington L. Bell, vs. Same. Richard Bradley, Patrick S. Cromwell, Josiah K. Horn, Mary i nomas, Exum B. Cobb, Crischany D. Berry, Asa rate, Adm'r oi James Woodard, Mor rison Thomas, Thcophilus T. Simms, bomtort rope, h,phraim Daniel, Wil lie Brownrigg, Henry T. Stanton, Kobert. Lang, Jesse Speight, Seth Speight, Roderick A mason, Larry Dew, Lemeul D. Berry, Benjamin W hite,barah Jernican, Edwin Barnes Dempsey Barnes, Jonathan Thomas, Purdy Pemberton. Nathan Amason. Cofield Ellis, Neeham Ward, Thomas Amason, Guardian to W. Barnes, Benjamin T. Stanton, Washington Stanton, Harris Horn, Delany Ama son, Jonathan Davis, Newman Meeks, John K. Barnes, James Barnes, (Creek,) Jacob Barnes &. James B. Woodard, Guardians to E. & A. Woodard- summoned as garnishees. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the M- I '"! I V-i (hot l.-T-r . I T J vuuii, mat, XJm.JAlllSX 1 1 I L. t. li , Uti- fendant in these cases, is not an inhabit ant of this State: is therefore order ed, That publication be made in the Tarborougb Free Press for six weeks, that unless he appear at our next Court, to be held for the County of Edsre- combe, at the Court-house in Tarbo rougb, on the fourth Monday in Febru ary next, and replevy property and plead to issue, judgment final will be taken against him, and execution issue accordingly. Witness, Michael Heabn, Clerk of our said Court, alTarborough, the fourth: Monday of November, A.D. 129. MICHAEL HEARN. Price adv ?7; 00 1G-6 ' iBeto (Boobs. HpHE Subscribers are now opening at their old stand in Tarborough, Afresh and varied assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, llardivare, Crockery, &c. Which they offer at their usual low prices. Also, 3000 bushels Turks Island SALT. I). RICHARDS 4- CO. Oct. 22, 1S29. Salt at 60 Cents, JOR SALE, by the Subscribers, ten thousand bushels TURKS ISLAND SALT, Of the best quality, which they offer at the above price for Cash, or in exchange for seed Cotton,, at the highest market Plce- D. RICHARDS $ CO. Tarboro-", Dec. 8, 1829. oofo at Xfjis. ALL thSe indcbted t0 lavid Barnes, by note or account, are requested to make immediate payment to the Sub scriber, as he is fully authorised to re ceive the same. Those failing to com ply with the above, may expect to pay cost with the principal. LEVI WILKINSON. Tarboro', Dec. 1, 1S29. 15.4 Near Fishing Creek. f ARY & E. JENKINS respectfully XVii inform the Public, that the exercir ses of their SCHOOL will commence on the first Monday in January next. Terms, $6 per session for spelling, read- ling, writing and arithmetic; and $2 ex tra tor the additional studies of gram mar, geography, (or needle work, plain and ornamental.) Board, $24 per ses sion. One-half the amount of the first session will be required on entrance, and the balance on the pupils leaving school. Those sending children to the above institution, may rest assured that every possible attention will be paid tp their comfort, morals and improvement. P. S. The first session ends the 19th June, the second commences 5th July and ends the 17th December, making the scholastic year eleven months. 8th December, 1829. 16-3 25 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sijb? scriber, about the Sth inst. ne gro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with large freckles, between thiny and thirty-five years of age, near. six feet high, and weighs about one hun dred and seventy pounds; he is a good ditcher and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attemnt to do; he is well known in this county, pai in.uimiy in uiis ana me neignnorr hood of the late Lemmon RufHn. Esq. where he has a wife. The above re ward will be paid on the delivery of the said Harry to me near Snarta, Edse- combe county, No. Ca. if taken within tnis State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fiftv Dollars vvill be paid for evidence to convict anv white person of harboring said negro on conviction. RICHD. HINES. 16th Nov. 1S29. 13 it?The Editors of the Raleidi Star. Nor folk Herald, and Petersburg Intellieencei- are requested to insert the above advertise ment in tneir respective papers tor four weeks, and forward their accounts to. the Postmaster at Sparta, No. Ca. for payir.ert