IMP Ip m Bt.Ti.-r - it.- i i.... r.:&i a Fts-im :S:Jtu HVioe JY. 298. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, JV. 0. Friday May 21, J 830. FoZ- VI. No. 38. THE "FREE PRESS," Gt-o. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at 7'JF0 DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers.) if paid in advance Two Dollars isf yifi.y Cents, if paid within the subscription vC;ir or, Three Dollars at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on pay r arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or ir'ive a responsible reference in this vicinity, js'o subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long t.r ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. For Sale: M the Store of R. &S. 1). Collen, IN TARBOROUGH, Turks Island and 1 O 4 T rri Liverpool sack 5 VJL4 L Molasses, sugar, coffee, tea, and chocolate, Iron and steel of everydescription & quality, Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti cle to make a complete sett of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, Jamaica rum, 5 years old, Orard's cogniac brandy, 10 years eld, Pure Holland gin, old rye whiskey, Madeira wine.X.E. rum c common brandy, Togctherwith an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces for cash, as can be bought at any store in the place. A constant supply of Swaim's Pana cea, Dr. Chambers'' remedy for In- iemperance, Judkins's celebratedOint- mcnt, &c. &c. (Jjf0 The highest price paid in Cash, for 'jrood clean baled Cotton. JUST RECEIVED and now opening, a splendid assortment of fancy &. staple Seasonable Goods, At unprecedented low prices 100 bar rels superior Cut HERRINGS, &c. &c. R. S. D. COT TEN. May 12, 1S30. Salt at ()0 Cents. pOR SALE, by the Subscribers, ten thousand bushels TURKS ISLAND SALT, OF the best quality, which they offer at -io above price for Cash, or in exchange hr seed Colton, at the highest market l)licc- D. RICHARDS CO. Tarbonr, Dec. 8, 1S29. King Gatlin, EXSIHLY grateful for the very lib eral encouragement heretofore mani jtetl by the citizens of this and the ad jacent counties, have the pleasure to an nounce the arrival (direct from NEW OHK) of an elegant and extensive as tttment of every article pertaining to GENTLEMEN'S fashionable ftfotfmtg, Selected by a first-rate judge, and at "e most reduced prices among which endid assortment may be found: ; ack, blue, olive, steel and mixed Cloths, jjan Mack silk Velvet, :''':u"C(l and striped do. ''Mack Florentine, Lancia vesting, of various colors, .We quilting, of a superior quality, p Patent Suspenders, and a general ul well selected assortment of Fashionable Trimmings, Ml of which will be sold at reduced : "ces for cash, or to punctual customers, iboro', 25lh Sept. lbao. iScto (Boons. npiIE Subscribers arc now opening at A their old stand in Tarborough. Afresh and varied assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE Hardware, Crockery, &c. Which they offer at their usual low prices. J. RICHARDS CO. May 2, 1S30. Hcnrv Johnston, VIISIIES to inform his friends and customers, that he has just return ed From New-York, with his Fall Snpphi of Goods, In his line of business, which he is hap py to say he can sell on better terms than is usual in this market among them are Superfine blue and black Cloths, Brown, olive, and steel mixture, do. Bottle green and drab do. Superfine Cassimcrcs, of different colors, Plain and fancy Velvets for vestings, Plain and fancy Silks for vestings, Dark and light Valencias, new patterns, White and buff quiltings, Pocket handkerchiefs, gloves; White and fancy cravats, patent suspenders, r . A. Hart s patent braces, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above goods will be sold low for cash, or to punctual customers on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at the shortest notice. Tarboro', Oct. 1, 1S29. Notice. HTMIE EXAMINATION of the Stu- dents of the Tarborough Female Academy, will commence on Tuesday, the 1st da' of June next. The friends of the Institution and all interested, are invited to attend. By order of the Trustees. May d,lS30. 3G-4 $25 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, about the Slh inst. ne gro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with larse freckles, between thirty and thirty-five years of age, near six feet hizh.and weighs about one hun dred and seventy pounds; he is a good ditpher and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious iehow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attempt to do; he is well known in this county, particularly in this and the neighbor hood of the late Lemmon Ruffin, Esq. where he has a wife. The above re ward will be paid on the delivery of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Edge combe county, No. Ca. if taken within this State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviction. RICHD. JUNES. lGthNov. 1S29. 13 ;lyThe Editors of the Kaleigh Star, Nor folk Herald, and Petersburg Intelligencer are requested to insert the above advertise ment in their respective papers for four weeks, and forward tiieir accounts io me Postmaster at Sparta, No.Ca. for payment. Notice. ITiOR SALE, by the Subscribers, an - elegant light CARRIAGE, suitable for a small family and calculated for one or two horses it will be sold low for Cash, or on a short credit. D. RICHARDS 4- CO. 29th April, 1S30. M ale & Female Academy. WM. A. WALKER respectfully in forms the inhabitants of Edge combe and adjacent counties, that his first session commenced on the 4th inst. at his residence seven miles from Tar borough, in the immediate neighbor hood of Sparta. 7er??is, per Sessioii of 5 months. Greek, Latin, and the subordinate 7 . . rn branches, - - bl4G0 Geography, English Grammar,His- " tory, Composition, 8cc. &c. $ 00 Spelling, Heading, and Writing, 6 00 Boarding, Washing, and Mending, 25 00 Boarding mav be had in manv hri- vate families in the neighborhood, if preierrcd. Such as did not enter at the corri mencement of the session, will only be chargeable from the time of their en trance. Jan. 23, 1S0O. Millinery , c. HnilE Subscriber resnprf fill t inviloc It . I J the Ladies of Tarborough and vici nity to call and examine her Spring sun ply of NEW GOODS, iust received di rect from Petersburg and New-York in this assortment are Pattern Satin Straw, Gros dc Zan, and Bat- tese bonnets, latest Northern fashions, Leghorn and Straw bonnets, of a superior quality ana at reduced prices, White, yellow, and black Navarinos, Children's Leghorns and open Straws, Caps, turbans, and head ornaments, An elegant assortment of Puffs and Curls, Plain and fig'd Silks and Satins, Brown and straw col'd Battese, Corsetts and corset rings, belt ribbons, Gauze handkerchiefs and scarfs, White, yellow, and black Silk Fringe, White and black Crapes, worsted braid, Tortoise shell side combs, turn back do. A superb variety of ribbons and flowers, Wax beads, dolls, fee. Sec. Leghorn and straw bonnets cleaned or dyed, at the shortest notice. A. C. HOWARD. Tarborough, April 29, 1S50. Notice. riOMMITTED to the Jail of Edge- combe county. N. C. on Sunday, the 2Sth ult. a negro fellow who says his name is BEN. that he was sold at Mr Thos. Gray's sale, in Virginia, and thai he was bought by Jesse Little for Mr. Wythe, a negro trader. Ben was for merit the properly of James Grayy of Edgecombe county he is about 22 years old, 5 feet G inches high, stout built, very black complexion, and has a very pleasant countenance. The owner of the above negro is hereby no tified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. JV. P. IIADLY, Jailor. April 13, 1S30. 33 HERRINGS JUST RECEIVED, and for Sale, 300 barrels very superior Cut Herrings. Also, 20,000 wt. of bacon. EVANS & ANDREWS. Sparta, 13 May, 1830. 37 Notice. T HAVE it in contemplation to leave A Tarborough about the middle of June, to be absent from three to four months any person having business with me will please make it known be fore lhat time, likewise if there should be any unsettled claims against me, I wish them presented for payment be fore I go those who neglect to avail themselves, of this notice, it shall be plead in bar of their recovery. Under the supervision of a friend or two, I shall leave in my shop a young man ca pable to attend to any business that may occur among my friends and customers during my absence also, a quantity of good made up work, consisting of men's and women's SADDLES, Plated and trass Gig Harness With a general assortment of shop work, all of which shall be sold on fair terms. Those gentlemen indebted to me on an open account, raised prior to the first of January, 1S30, will please call and set tle the same at or before May Court, either with cash or by note. WM. CROCKAT. April 28, 1S30. , 35-4 State of North- Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY". SUPERIOR COURT OP LAW, March Term, 1S30. Petition for Divorce. Rhoda Shollington vs. William Shollington IT appearing to the satisfaction of the -- Court, that the Defendant is not a re sident of this State: 7 ordered, lhat publication be made in the Tarborough Free Press, for six weeks, for the De fendant to appear at our next Superior Court of Law, to be held for said Coun ty, on the second Monday of Septem ber next, and plead to and answer said petition, otherwise it will be heard ex parte. Witness, Nathan Matiiewson, Clerk of the said Court, at office, the second Monday of March, A. D. 1830. Test, N. MATIIEWSON, Clk. Price adv 23; 50. 35-6 State of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. 7o the Sheriff or any Lawful Officer. WHEREAS Sharp & Morgan hath complained on oath before P. Sugg, one of the Justices of the county afore said, that John Dunn is justly indebted to them to the amount of seventy-four dollars eighty-three cents, and oath hav ing also been made that the said John Dunn hath removed, or is about to re move himself out of your county, or so absconds or conceals himself that the or dinary process of law cannot be served on him, or is an inhabitant of another government if the case is so, and the said Sharp & Morgan having given bond and security according to the directions of the act of General Assembly in such case made and provided We therefore command you, that you attach the es tate of the said John Dunn, if to be found in your county, or so much there of repleviable on security as shall be of value sufficient to satisfy the said debt and costs, according to the complaint, and such estate so attached in 3our hands to secure, or so to provide that the same to further proceedings there upon to be. had at the house of Col. Ben jamin Sharp, on the seventh May, 1830, so as to compel me saiu jonn uunn to appear and answer the above complaint of the said Sharp & Morgan, when and where you shall make known to the said Justice how vou have executed this Writ. p. SUGG, J. P. (Seal.) To J. W. Barnes, Constable for the County of Edgecombe, N.C. You are herebv commanded to sum mon as garnishees John Garrett, Wiley Canady, and William Dunn, under the above attachment. P SUGG. Summons n witnesses for plaintiffs Harmon Stallings and Nicholas Dunn. J " - -V. Vf Wanted to Hire, IOR the remainder of the present year, a nero girl 12 years of age or up wards who has been accustomed to house 'service. For such an one a libe ral price will be given. Apply ai mis Office. way-i, iojv. If to ri i i'l m ! If . I j: 1 1 I , i