J5s i Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.J Tuesday, November 20, 1833 Vol. IX. No. 13. The "North Carolina Free Press," Bi GEORGE HOWARD, Is published weekly, at Two Dollars and Fifty !' tits per year, if paid in advance or, Three Do l 'am, at the expiration of the subscription year. For any period less than a year, Twentij-fve Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance nmst invariably pay in advance,orgive a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding IS lines, will be in verted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each t outinuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 jines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. I have Received 2 Consignment of 1)4 Crates of Earthenware, By the late arrivals of ship Mailison, Capt. Wood, and Anacreon, Capt. Lenox, from Li verpool, viz; 20 Crates assorted white ware, 20 colored 15 blue and green edge plates, 10 white chambers, 3 painted ditto, 2 ,, printed ewers and basons, 1 white ewers, U ,, white hand basons, colored bowls, t. i, pitchers, 2 ,, painted tea cups and saucers. 1 ,, soup tureens, assorted. The above are entitled to debenture, and will (be sold as low as any Importer can sell them in the U. States. dlso, in Stove, Dinner setts complete, light blue, black, brown, green and pink, "First quality China tea setts, white & gold, Second io. do. in great variety. And an assortment of Glassware. W. K. MACKINDER. Norfolk, Va. 2Gth June, 1832. Millinery, fyc. rWHE Subscriber informs her friends and the A public, that she has just received her Sprin Supply of articles in her line of business, viz: Pattern Silk and Satinstraw bonnets, Leghorn, Dunstable, and Navarino do. An assortment of wreaths and flowers, Head dresses, ornaments, &c. Watered and plain silks, Klegant hair puffs and curls, Tuck and side combs, turn back do Gauze and crape shawls and handk'fs, A great variety of ribbons, &c. &c The Subscriber still carries on the Millinery & Mantua-making business, in all its variety. A. C. tin WARD. May 5, 1S32. rpHE Subscriber is under the disagreeeable ne cessily of requesting those who owe him, to owe him if possible no longer than May Court. This he requests not from choice, but necessity compels him to require either cash or note for "the debts due him in this vicinity by that time. C. WINDIIOM. May 20lh, 1S32. 39 FBOPOSiliS, For publishing weekly in the City of Raleigh an Agricultural Newspaper, under the name and style of the Farmer's and Planter's Half Sheet. Our motto is, "Agriculture is the great art which cverr proprietor of land ought to practise; every statesman to patronise, and every individual of the human family to consider as the chief employment of hisspieces." Dr. Johnson. ''PHIS Agricultural paper, will be modelled af- ter one conducted in t ranee with eminent success, by the Count Lasteyrie, (Lafayette's son-in-law) and another in England by an asso ciation of gentlemen, styled "The Farmer's Weekly Visitor." They are both Half Sheets. The object of so curtailing the dimensions, is to prevent that ennui and fatigue, always produced by too great a bulk of intellectual matter. We will not say a word in regard to the great ne cessity of improving our agriculture, that is ad mitted; but it is of great importance, that im provements now confined to particular neighbor hoods, should be more generally known, and we propose, as it were through a speaking trump, to proclaim them through all the land. In addition we hope to publish a paper into the columns of which, the agricultural citizen, heated and vex ed in the dust and whirlwind of the great high road of "general politics," may turn as to a par terre, gay with flowers and adorned with refresh ing fountains. , Not one word of politics shall enter the columns of our exclusively agricul tural Journal. There are a few other papers of an Agricultural type, published in the United States, but they are too local in their nature and do not sufficient ly discuss those "matters and things," which ap pertain to our farming and planting interests The Editor himself, has been a practical cultiva tor of all the staples of the South, and he has the promised co-operation of many of the most weal thy and extensive Planters and Farmers of the South. From them he will receive communica tions of great value, detailing the "modus ope randi" of their management; The "Half Sheet" will be issued as soon as a specified number of subscribers are obtained. Postmasters and others to whom suubscription lists are, and will be sent, will be allowed the usual commissions upon collections. The terms of the "Half Sheet" will be ONE DOLLAR ALWAYS in advance. 'I be Editor at present resides in an adjacent State, but will be in Raleigh about the first of January proximo. OLIVER RICHARDS. Sept. 1333. Gins and Fanning Mills. t K A lie, that he continues to manufacture at his shop in larborough. near the bridge, Gins and Fanning Mills, Of the latest and most approved construction, lie will make his work, as heretofore, in the best manner and as expeditiously as possible Persons will please apply to Mr. Benj. M. Jackson, in my absence. JOHN IVILSON. Tarboro', Nov. 2S, 1S31. 15 It ANA WAY from the Subscriber, on Monday night last, my boy CRAW FORD about IS years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, swarthy com plexion nearly white, broad face and down look, no beard, straight hair not very black, very full breast took with him a sdit of new white cotton clothes, and black fur hat. This boy can read and will probably attempt to pass as a free man. A reward of Ten Dollars will be given, if taken with in this county, to any person who will deliver said boy to the Subscriber, residing eight and a half miles from Tarborough, on the lialeigh road, near Cokey bridge; or, if taken out of the county, Twenty Dollars will be given for his delivery to me. or if secured in any jail so that I get him again. All persons are hereby harboring, employing, or carrying off said boy, under penalty of the law. SAMUEL P. JENKINS. May 29, 1S32. 41 TN order that I may pay my creditors, as xvell as to receive pay from my debtors, I will now give lair notice that all persons indebted to me either by note or account, will please to make settlement by the 1st of January next. Baled or seeded Cotton will be taken in payment at the cash prices Until that time, after which nothing will be received but cash, and it must come a" soon as a legal process will bring it. And I hope those wfco will not avail themselves of this notice, will not attach any blame to me for the consequences, as a hint to the wise is enough. Ar. H. ROUNTRE&. Tarboro', 29th Oct. 1S32. Booksellers, Stationers And Blank Book Manufacturers, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. May 1, 1S32. 30 Commission Merchants, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. tl KSPKCTFULLY offer their services to their friends and the public generally, and hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of patronage. Mayl,lS32. William 11. Redivood, 1 GAIN tenders his services to the citizens of X North Carolina, as an AGEiNT for the dis posal of such of their Produce as they may be disposed to send to the Norfolk Market, And for the purchase of any commodities which this market affords. After several vcars experience as a Coin-mis sion Merchant, (during which time he has had considerable intercourse with the citizens ot North Carolina, and has reason to believe he has given general satisfaction,) he flatters himself he is well prepared, to do entire justice, to the inte rest of those who may confide their produce to his disposal. I he most satisfactory references can be given in Virginia and North Carolina. Norfolk, IS October, 1S32. 10 9 Cash for Cotton. J WILL GIVP: Cash for Cotton, delivered at Ilill'.s Ferry. o 7 n arrj?r 29lh Oct. I 832. S. J. BAKER. 1H3 f jMIE STORE and warehouse, directly oppo site the Court House, and recently occupied by Wm. II. Dehnam. Possession can be had immediately. Apply to ELY PORTER. Tarboro', Nov. 5, 1S32. 11-4 0 LAND AND NEGROES FOR SALE. N THURSDAY, the 13th day of December next, that well known establishment, the re-i sidence of the late Gen. William Williams, in Warren county, within two miles of Shocco Springs, will be offered for sale, on the premises. A liberal credit will be given, the terms more particularly made known on the day of sale. The tract contains between sixteen and seven teen hundred acres, not inferior to any in the neighborhood. Those disposed to purchase can view the land by applying to Dr. John Brodie, William D. Jones, William K. Kearney, or Al fred Alston, who will take pleasure in showing it. At the same time and place will be sold on a credit of twelve months, Two Negro Men, One a Blacksmith and the other a first rate House Servant. Also, all the crop of Corn, Wheat, Fodder and Oats, Stock of all kinds, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. AND, ON MONDAY, the 16th of Decem ber, w shall offer for sale, on the premises, the Plantation known by the name of Gunter Creek Adjoining the lands of John Burgess, Samuel T. Alston and others. This is an excellent tract of land and contains about fifteen hundred acres. Any person wishing to purchase cata have the land shewn to them by either of the above named gentlemen, or Joseph J. Williams. A liberal credit will be given. At the same time and place we shall sell on a credit of twelve months, all the crop of Corn, Wheat, Oats, and Stock of all kinds. ALFRED ALSTON, ? JOS. J. WILLIAMS, S Warren county, N. C. Oct. 26, 1832. 11-6 rpHE Subscriber wishes to hire 40 or 50 negro men and women, for the purpose of working in the gold mines the ensuing year. The most liberal prices will be given. PETER R. HINES. Oct. 26, 1S32. 10 NEW BINDERY. W7ITH a view to the more efficient prosecu- tion of their business, the Subscribers have Established a Bookbindery. Having procured ihe best materials from the Northj and employed a Workman who comes well recommended they are prepared to execute on moderate terms, all orders in this line. Account l3ooks, Records, &c. ruled and made to order: and every kind of Binding promptly executed in the best and neatest manner, on rea sonable terms. j GALES SON. ' JBeing Publishers of the Reports of the Supreme Court, such of the Subscribers to that Work as chuse to send their Nos. to him to bind, will have them carefully attended to, and the Indexes and all deficient numbers supplied. Raleigh, August 2, 1S32. Warrenton Academy. npHE Trustees of this Institution, and many of the citizens of the Town and vicinity, sensi ble of the importance of again placing it on the high eminence it maintained so many years: have by subscription and voluntary donation been enabled to raise a large salary, and the Committee appointed to procure a Teacher for the ensuing year, now inform the public, and all those who may be disposed to patronise this School, that they have engaged the services of Doctor Ino3iAsJ. v aiden, as Principal. He has been educated mainly ot the University of Virginia, is a Virginian by birth, and comes highly recommended, not ouly as a scholar him self, but as having a happy and peculiar talent of imparting instruction to his scholars, and of ex ercising a mild yet efficient government. All the branches of Education taught in other popular institutions, will be taught here, and on the same term. Joard can readily be procured in respectable families, and on terms as moderate as elsewhere. The first session will commence on the 1st Monday in January next. WM. W, HILL, ) Com ROBT. T. CHEEK, mit STEP HEN DAVIS, S tee. Warrenton, Oct. 25th. 1832. 10-3 Constables Blanks for Sale, UNCOMMON LAW CASE. P. versus P. The defendant war ar rested in the city of New York, at the suit of the plaintiff. Hoth parties vvero Uritish subjects, and the seduction took place in England; the defendant came tr this State and continued his intercourse with the daughter of the plaintiff here The defendant was held to bail in 850,000. and now moved to the discharge from the arrest, on the ground that the courts of this btate could not take cognizance of actions for torts committed without its jurisdiction, and between aliens. The court denied the motion, without deter mining the principle, on the ground that the offence was continued after the defen dant came within this State They also refused to mitigate the bail, on account of the peculiar circumstances of the case. 1 ho plaintiff is an English nobleman. The defendant, his only son and heir at law, upon whom is entailed an estate of thirteen thousaud pounds per annum, and the miserable deluded victim his own sister. Albany (N. F.) Daily Adv. The suit above mentioned is that of Price versus Price, with which many of our citizens are already acquainted. The plaintiff is hir lloland Price, an English baronet. There are two sides to the sto ry, and until a full investigation shall have taken place, we feel justified in pre suming that the one is as liable to bo true as the other, notwithstanding this decision of the court, which, it must bd remembered, has been predicated upom cx parte evidence merely. The other version of the story is, that this prosecu tion is a means resorted to by the plain tiff to annul the marriage of his son with a female beneath the rank of his family1; and that the defendant married her un der a full belief by both a belief which still continues that no such relationship as the one charged existed between them. What gives probability to the statement is, that in the edition of Debret's Peer age, published since the defendant's ar rest, this lady is named as one of the daughters of the plaintiff, whereas, intho edition previous, her name is not inclu ded among them. A painful mystery hangs over the transaction, which the) truly amiable gentleman who is the sub ject of the prosecutions-incarcerated asi he is, among strangers, and held to bail in an enormous sum at the suit of a pow erful adversary -has not the means ot elucidating. At all events, until the guilt of the defendant shall have been proved. we can do no less than deprecate the in jurious impressions liable to be produced on the public mind by the terms in which the above report is couched. N. Y. Cote Indian Treaty. The Memphis (Ten nessee) Times of the 17th ult5lay$: We suppose that nothing in the ranire of the Times will afford more gratification to our readers, than the information that has recently reached this place from the Chickasaw nation. When our informant left, the Commissioner on the part of the United fctates had succeeded in adiustinir all the essential heads of a Treaty with that nation; and it only waited the ar rangement of a few unimportant points for its complete ratification on both sides So far as we have heard of the details af the Treaty, they are these: The Indiana are to offer all their lands for sale, to the whites, with the exception of a million and a halt ot acres, which they will hold possession of as a home until they make satisfactory arrangements for settling oil the other side of the Mississippi. The expense of surveying and selling their lands will be incurred by themselves, while they will receive the nett proceeds of the sales. We hope that ere long we shall have the pleasing task to perform, of giving the full treaty to our reader. Q?Two:.persons have beemapprehen dfd in Philadelphia, as robbers of the Whcelink Bank, Virginia.