Whole JW478. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Friday, November 22, 1833. Vol. X JVo K) tikis The "Tarbnrou'jh Free Press" BY GEORGE HOWARD- 7 Is published weekly, at Tivo Dollars and Fifty Ccnlx per year, if paid in advance or, Three Dol lars, at the expiration of the subscription year. For any period less than a year, Tiveutij-five Cents per muiith. Subscribers are at liberty to di-cmitinue at any tiine,m giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably pay in u.l vance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity.' Advertisements, not exceeding iG lines, will be in serted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. Gig and Gin Jffanii factory. THE Subscriber takes ihi melhoil to inform his customers and the public in general, that sfeaeSLfa!r-' n;,m .! 1 H.ihh nt ROBERT SOREY'S. His w.rk shall be done well and in a neat manner, and hall.be dispatched at short notice warranttii. JOSEPH JOHN GOOD. Aug. 09, 1S33. 1 THE Subscriber, who for several years past, has been engaged in the Gin Making business, In Kinslon, has established himself IN GREENVILLE, Where he carries on the above business in all its va rious branches. All those who wish to supply them selves with Gins cf the best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber peisonally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will he promptly execu ted. From the Subscriber's loii experience in his business; and from the approbation which his wci k ftas hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who mav see fit to extend to him their uatronaee. Gins out of order will he ex peditiously repaired: The Stibscriber takes the lib erty of calling the attention of those who wish to pro cure new bins, or to have old Utns repaired, to the expediency of applying to him in time. When all wait us is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pressure cf business, that many are obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay than they wish. In connexion with this establishment, carries on The Lock ami Gunsmith business, He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill, In I-, and Gudgeon, of h composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Grist Mill Sfiindlen, with Steel Collars, turned.) These articles equal to any manufactured in th: United States. All letter and orders must be directed to the Sub set iber, at Greenville. HENRY CI Mi MB E R LJi IX. July 12, 833. 46 - ' - KEHUKEG ASSOCIATION. Extract from the "Minules of the Kehukee li.ipiist Association, h 1 mi at th Falls TV Kiver, Nash county, N. C. the 5ih, 6lb, and 7lh dys of October, 1833." SATURDAY, Ociober 5th, 1333. 1. Tho Introductory Sermon '(nsreeubly t Appointment,) was delivered by Elder William nymnn,frotn Acts, xxii. chnp. 1st verse: "Men, brethren anil fathers?, hear yu my defence, which I make now unto you." 2. The Association then convening and being opened with prnyer by Elder Joseph Bi th?n proceeded t choose El der William ilynian Moderator, and Elder Joseph Biggs Clerk, who called to his assistances Brother Joseph I). Biggs. 3. Brethren in the ministry (present) from Mtcr Associa tions (of the same faith anil order v -1 1 Ii us) were invited to seats, when EldtTs Philemon Bennett, Mark Bennett, Thomas Du pree, Benjamin Bynum, Burrcl Temple, and Eli Holland, seal ed themselves. 4. Letters from thirty-three Churches were read, and their representation stated in the table of Churches. The table of churches states lhat doting the past year the total num her of members added to the .churches by hapiism was 34 received by letter, 25 dismissed by letter, 34 excommunicated, iS deceased, 3G restored, 15 whole uumbcr, 174S. 5. Letters of correspondence from sister Associations were called for, when Elder Thomas Dupree, from the Contenlnea Association, handed in sundry copies of their I n st i Minutes, setting foith his appointment, mid Elder Benjamin By n urn's, as messengers to this Association the Minutes were thankful ly received. Elder Eli Holland, from the Little River Association, also handed in sundry copies of their Minutes, which set forth his if pointment to ihis Association, which were also thankfully re ceived. G. A petitionary letter, from a church lately constituted on Cednr Island, in Carteret cutiniy, fur membership in this body, was handed in by their messengers, and -upon information of their faith and order satisfactory, they were received a member of this body and manifested in due lorm. 7. The following committees were appointed, (viz:) Elders Thomas Dupree, Joshua Lawrence, Joseph. Biggs, and the writer to examine the Circular Letter. Brethren James S. Battle and Joseph J. Pippen, on finance. Brother Joseph D. Biggs to prepare a letter to the Contentne t Association. Bro. Riehard M. G. Moore, to write to the Little River Association. All to report on Monday next. 8. Elders Joshua Lawrence, Burrel Temple, and Thomas Dupree, were requested, (by private ballot,) to occupy the stage in preaching o:i the morrow Divine service lo com mence at 101 o'clock," A. M. f). Such queries as were now ready, and such resolutions as were drawn up, were rend, ami referred until Monday. 10. Resolved, that our next Association be held at Cross CottOll GinS, I Roads Medina House, Edgecombe county to commence Sat- 'rillE Subscriber respectfully informs hi friend? j unlay before the first Sunday in October, 1834, at 11 o'clock, JL and ihe public, that he continues to Manufacture & repair Cotton Gins, Jit his old Stand in Tarboro near the bridge. Having carried on the above business for .several years in this place, and his work being generally ap proved, he deems it unnecessary to give any particu lar reference. He will continue to execute his work in the most expeditious manner, and Ht hisuMiat mo derate charges. JOHN fVILSON. Tarborough, Jan. 1S33. JYoticc. "ITfHEREAS my wife, Nancy Glasgow, has voluntarily left my bed and board, this is to notify all persons not to credit her on my ac count, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. EDWARD GLASGOW. Martin County, Oct. SO, 1833. S3 State of JYorth Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AUGUST TEUM. 1S33. .Henry Drake & Wife, J pMion for division DrewrForehand, $ of Negroes. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tnat the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State: is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Tarborough Free Fress, for six weeks, that the said defendant appear at our next County Court, to he held for said county, at the Court Hnue in Tarborough, on the fourth Mon day of November next, then and there to plead to issue, otherwise the said petition will be taken pro confesso, and set for hearing accordingly. Witness, Michael Hearn. Clerk of onr "said Court, at office, the fourth Monday of August, A. J). 1S33. MICHL. HEARN, C. C. Price adv S3: 50. , 5 fi Printing neatly executed, at mi? OFFICr.. A. M. mill that Elder George V. Carrowan be requested to deliver an Introductory Sermon to that Association "ltd in case of failure, Elder Joseph Biijgs is requested to do the same. The Assoeiatton was then ndjonrned, until Monday next 9 o'clock, A. M. with prayer, by Elder Mark Bennett. SUNDAY, October 6th, 1833. The brethren appointed to the stage, met a large assembly of people, and proceeded in the following manner: Elder Bur well Temple preached from 2 Corinthian, 2d chapter and part of the 1 lib verse: "For we are not ignorant of his devices." Elder Joshua Lawrence preached from Isaiah, 54th chnp. and 5th verse: "For thy muker is thy husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy redeemer the Holy One of Israel; the God of the whole earth shall he be called." Elder Thomas? Dupree closed by rehearsing his text: "How shall wo escape if we ne glect so great salvation" and dismissed the assembly. We hope the labors of the day will not be lost;, but after many days be gathered in. MONDAY, 7ih October, 1833. The Association having met, was opened with prayer by the Moderator, and proceeded to business. 11. The Rules of ihis Association was read. 12. Bro. Joseph S. Battle was appointed on the committee of finance, in the place of Bro. Joseph J. Pippen, (who was in disposed.) 13. Tho committees appointed on Saturday Inst, were called on to report; the one to examine the Circular Letter, reported lhat no such letter had come to hand, and as they had not time to prepare one, recommend the one attached to these Minutes in lieu thereof; the same was read, and accepted as our letter with some small omissions. The letter prepared to the Contentnna Association was han in, read and approved, and signed by the Moderator and Clerk, ami Elders Joshua Lawrence ami Joseph Biggs appointed mes sengers to bear the same. The letter prepared to the Little River Association was han ded in, read and approved, and signed by the Moderator and Clerk, and Elders Luke Ward and Micajah Perry and. Bro. William Thigpen appointed messengers to bear the some. The Committee on Finance reported, that they find in the hands of the Treasurer, at the che of laM Association, the sum id $50 2 Received in contributions from the churches at this Association, 43 5 Making, g 103 67 Paid KlderJueph Biggs for transcribing the Minutes fit' last year, superintending the printing, copying one on our rec ord, and dilrihuiiii ihem as heretofore, - $10 00 Paying the Printer for 500 copies, - 30 00 40 00 Leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of 63 67 The Association concurred with the report. 14. Whereas the churches at Grindle Creek, Pitt county, ami Tranter's Creek, Beaufort county, have neglected to repre sent themselves in this Association by letters and delegates for some time, ami as we are informed have discarded the Articles' of Faith on which the Association was founded, and in which they were constituted and joined this body therefore, Resol ved, lhat the aforesaid churches be stricken from the bst of this Association, for their violation of their agreement to rep resent themselves in this body, and for adopting and continu ing to advocate errors derogatory to the Christian faith. Resolved, that we disapprobate the conduct of a part 'hat were members of the church at the Old Fo.nl, in Beaufort county, and also part that were members of the chiin h at JMuithwiek's Creek, in Martin county, in departing from tho Articles that those churches adopted at their Constitution, on which they were received members of this body, and setting up ami establishing new churches at said places, of another order, under their former Constitution. 15. The subject of the priming of the History of this Associ- ation. from its close as published by Elders Burkitt and R ad, in 1803, up to this time, was taken up, and found the subscrip tions before this time not sufficient to jusiifv the work's being done; therefore, in addition to the former subscriptions, -a new subscription was taken up in this body, which with the former we think may justify the undertaking therefore, Resolved, that the same be done agreeably to former order, and it may be expected, that at next Association the work will be ready , for delivery. Resolved, that Elders Joshua Lawrence, Wil liam Hymnn, Luke Ward, and Brethren Thomas Biirgs, Jo seph D. Biggs, and C. B. Hassell, be appointed a committee, to examine llie work of the History to be collected and prepa red by Elder Joseph Biggs, or a majority of them previous to its going to the press, and they are empowered to make Mich erasures, corrections, or additions, as they in their judgment may think expedient. 1G. Resolved, that Elder Luke Ward be requested to pre pare a Circular Letter for the next Association. 1 4. Resolved, lhat Llder Joseph oiggs be requested to tran scribe and prepare these Minutes for the press, have 500 copies printed, record one copy on our records, and distribute ihttn to the churches and sister Associations with whom we corres pond, as heretofore. The Association then adjourned with an exhortation hy tho Moderator, and prayer by Elder Joseph Biggf. WILLIAM HYM AN, Moderator. JOSEPH BIGGS, Clerk. Beloved Brethren: The revolving wheels of time have rolled on thepe- riurl in which it is your right to expect our annual epistle. In consequence of the failure of the Brother appointed to w rite our Circular for this 3 ear, permit us, therefore, to present the following one, which we have boi row ed from the Warwick Baptist Association, to your prayerful consideration; in w hich you will see the absolute necessity of adhering strictly to the word of God, as the all-sufticient and only infallible rule of faith and practice. We are persuaded better things of you, brethren, than to suppose, that this, subject will be viewed as either unimportant or uninteresting; since you have as saints, and as churches, solemnly covenanted in the fear of the Lord, to adopt this ns a fundamental point in your faith. Let us rjriefly consider, first the sufficiency, and secondly, the infallibility of tin?, divine rule; third, the necessity of strictly adhering to it, as our rule of fV.ith and practice. First, the sufficiency, and on this point in general. term-g, we are aware, brethren, that you will all agree that there is no deficiency in that Holy Book, (the Bible,) but we deem it of vital importance to the welfare of2iou, the peace of Jerusalem, and to the advancement of the? interest of the churches of the saints, that we not only in general terms, "but with the most scrupulous exactness, listen to its dictates, laws, oidinances, exam ples, admonitions. Stc. in all matters of faith -and practice, in a religious point of view. The great apostle hath informed lis, that, UAII scriptuie is given by inspiration of God, is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for cor rection, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be per fect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy, 3d chap. 16th and 1 7th verses. Viewing this rule then, as emanating from, the high au thority of God, it would amount to a base reflection upon rds divine wis dom and goodness, for us who profess to be his disciples, either to add to, or depart from, the rule that God has given us in his won but we are n t only to learn from the declaration of this text, that the. scripttn-es are di vinely inspired, and consequently are infallible; buta!s,o, that they are pro fitable for all the purposes contemplated by their divi je author. Now the grand object is, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly, (ne t par tially,) furnished unto all good works; while theu from this divine reposi tory of instruction, and fulness of preparation, the man of God is thorough Iy furnished unto all good works, we. conclude (as a matter of course,) first, that none who are men of God, will furnish themselves from any oth er quarter and second, that no works can be good, in the estimation of God, unless warranted byjhat blessed book. Again: the apostle fells u that, '.'The grace of God, that bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men, teaching us (the saints) that denying all ingodlines, and worldly lusts, we should live soberty, righteously, ami godly in this present world." The sufficiency of this holy rule shines forth conspicuously, in the ample. continued on thz ivst j)agc.)

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