gmww Whole Xo. 482, Tarborongh, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Friday, December 20, 1S33. Vol X Xo 14. The "Tarborowh Free Press," BY GEORGE HOWAIID, Is published weekly, at Two Dp liars and Fifty (V-wtf piT year, if paid in advance or, Three Do l h:rs, at the expiration of the subscription yrar. For any period less than a year, lventy-Jive Onf per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on sivini notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance.or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be in serted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 2.5 cents each ..litinuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 li'ies. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. Female Academy. rPHK public is respectfully informed, that at - the united request of the citizens of Warren 1oii, Mrs. II ah hi in J. Allen has consented to take a large and convenient house in that place lor the purpose of opening A Female School, Which will commence on the secdnd JSIonday in January next. The various branchns of ed ucation will he such as are usually taught in all Female Institutions. For Board and Tuition per Session, $50 00 Music, - - - 50 00 Painting on Velvet, - - 5 CO Payable in advance No extra charges will be made for Painting on Paper, or lor Plain and Ornamental Needle work. It is expected each young Lady will furnish her own bed clothing and towels. Dec. 5th 1S33. 13-S JYoticc. 4 SCHOOL for the instruction of Male and Female student, will be opened in Tarbo rongh on the 6th January next, under the di rection of Mr. Lemuel Whitehead. Spell ing, reading, writing, arithmetic, English gram mar, geography, and the rudiments of the Latin language will be taujrht. Terms of tuition will be moderate. The School Fund will enable the Committee to pay (he tuition of eight scholars. Those wishing the aid of this Fund will please apply to Mr. Lewis Bond. Masonic School Committee. Tatboro', 9th Dec. 1833. 13 To be found at the Cheap Cash Store, THE LARGEST STOCK OF XEW, Fresh and Fashionable Goods, 2TJ TAHBOHOUOH, AT SUCH EXTREME LOW PRICES AS TO Defy all Competition ahe Subscriber feels no small degree of pride in - the knowledge of the fact that the unequalled and incomparable increase of patronage which he continues to receive is a convincing proof that he still sustains Ihe enviable reputation of selling the best of goods at the lowest prices, and demands the expression of his warmest acknow ledgments, jas. WEDDELL. Pec. 4, 1S33. CONTENTNEA ASSOCIATION. Extract from the "Minutes of the Contentnea Baptist Association, held at Tyson's Meeting House, Pitt county, N. C. 26th, 27lh and 2Slh of Oc tober, 1533. SATURDAY, October 26tb, 1833. Pursuant to adjournment of Inst year, the Introductory Ser mon was delivered by Elder George VV. Wallace, from John v. 25: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live." The Association then convened for business, and beitis open ed with prayer by Elder Samuel Moore, chose Elders, Thom as Dupree, Moderator; Mark Bennett. Clerk; and George W. Wallace, Assistant Clerk. Brethren in the ministry, present, from sister Associations, were invited to sit with us; whereupon, Elders, Joshua Law rence and Lemuel Ross, from the Kehukee, Elder Henry Swinson, from the Goshen, and Elder Jesse Adams and Bro ther George W. Whitfield, from the Little River, took seats with us. Appointed Brethren John A. Atkinson and Sherrod Tison, a committee of finance; and agreed that they report on Mon day next. Letters from seventeen churches were read, their delegates' names enrolled, and their numerical slate made known, as ex hibited in the following table: XAMES OF CIIURCIILb and Counties where situated. Autrey's Creek, Edgecombe, Bear Creek, Lenoir. Beaver Dam, Lenoir. Black Creek, Wayne. Friendship, Wayne. Mtaduic, Greene. Memorial, Wayne. Xauhunty, Wayne. Oak Grove, Greene. Pleasant Hill, Edgecombe. Pleasant Plains, Wayne. Handy Bottom, Lenoir. Toisnot, Edgecombe. Town Creek, Etijecombe. Tyson's, Pitt. Union, Edgecombe. If'hile Oak, Edgecombe. ft Se 3: sift to t MINISTERS DELEGATES. ? T ? I" g 1 Si I a. ' Ll'l" ! Cl UAL HI (it I REASONS, John II. - j Moore, Stephen Woolen. 2 2 1 4(J 2 00 John Wooten, Alu Whitfield, 4 2 1 58 2 00 Mretas Jones, Lewis William, Lotion Neathercut, 2 3i 1 00 James Barne, William Bass, Ru i fus Dauiel, . 1121612 GO "George llening, "Be.iajah Her- I rinir, ...,- 2 17 1 00 BENJAMIN BYMJM, Richard At- If n, John .toy tier, - - 3 3 28 1 50 Tobias Jones, Wright Bas, 8 1 00 Josi.ih Gardner, Mark Hratb, John 1 ' Smith, - - - 3 12 59 2 00 BenjHmin Briley, Hnry Nichols, 1 1 12; 1 00 "Jacob Proctor, Frederic Proctor, j Willie Brake, - 21 1 00 Alfred Ellis, Wright Smith, "Den nis Glissen, - . -t 2 1 J 3 25 1 65 GEORGE W. WALLACE, Win. I Croom, Wm. H. Whitfield, 1 35,' 1 50 Ejthraim Daniel, Moses Farmer, J ! Larry Dew. . 4 68 2 00 THOMAS DUPREE, J. A. AT- j KINSON, MRK BENNETT, i 1 1 1 1 97! 2 00 SAMUEL MOORE, John Jones, Slierrod Tioii, - . 1 I 1 19 1 50 Matthew Whitehead, Augnstin Whitehead. Jonathan Bailey, 3 3 1 67 1 60 ICH AHOD MOORE, James Wood ward, Solomon Dai nci, - 2 15 1 00 Total, ', 5 1 25 15 8 680' 25 65 freshed, and sinners edified; and that the divine blessin" ac companied, and will, in its effects, follow many precious souls through a happy eternity. MONDAY, October 28th. Met pursuant to adjournment: prayer by the Moderator. On motion, the Rules of Decorum were read. The Brethren appointed to write the corresponding letters, were requested to present them. Elder Wallace reported that he had failed to write. On motion, agreed that Elder Wallace write, and that the letter be left to the inspection of Elders By num and I. Moore, together with himself. Elder Bynum, who was appointed to write to the Kehukee Association, presented the letter; which was read and approved. The committee appointed to examine the Circular Letter asked leave to report, that, They had examined it, and that they felt some objections to its reception: that the writer, with permission from the Association, would withdraw it; and they recommended that he have liberty to withdraw it, which was granted. Also, they asked leave to recommend, that the Asso ciation appoint a committee to prepare a Circular to be ap pended to these Minutes. The report was agreed to. Appointed Brethren Dupree, Atkinson, Joyner and Bennett, a committee to prepare the Circular for the present' Minti'es. Appointed Elder Bennett to prepare a Circular for our next year's Minutes. The committee of finance report that they find now in the Treasury, S30 90 Received by contributions this year, - - - 25 65 NOt E. l'.isiori oi Churches, and other ordained Ministers, arc in small CAPITALS; un ordained Ministers in italics; those marked thus, w ere not present: the last column shows the contributions from the Churches to the Association fund. Paul KIder Dupree for attending the Kehukee Association, S4 00 Paid Elder Reasons, by order of the Association, the account due Elders Bynum and Wallace for attending the Little River Association, - - - . 10 00 Paid Clerk for services, - - - - 10 00 $56 55 24 00 2Slh Oct. 1S33. $32 55 Com. Fin. JYoic Receiving, Two doors above Mrs. Gregory's Hotel.) A VERY" EXTENSIVE SUPPLY OP Fancy and staple American, French, English German, Swiss 6f Irish ortocsnics, Ilardrvare, Cutlery, &c. &c. Which with his present Stock will be by far the most extensive in Tarborouph, Being upwards of $35,000, And as the above Goods were bought for Cash and by a first rate judge, I think it more than probable they were purchased as cheap as any Goods in ihfs market; but whether they were or not, ihey shall bo sold as cheap, or to punctual customers a little cheaper, for Cash than they can be bought at any other store in this place, (I mean goods of the same quality.) I have no fear or hesitation in saying this, because I am determined to do what 1 say I will not tell one tale here and when a person comes into my store tell another. 13 n t do not take my word for it, call and examine for yourselves, I do not charge any thing for looking. All kinds of produce ta ken at the market prices. J. TV. GOTTEN. Tarboro', Slh Nov. 1833. Petitionary letters were called for, if any, when one from the church at Memorial, was? handed in by Brother Tobias Joues, and read; and upon enquiry, she was considered sound in the faith, and was received by the Moderator's giving her delegate the right hand of fellowship. Letters of correspondence from sister Associations were called for: One from the Kehukee was handed in by Elder Joshua Lawrence, and read; and verbal information was recei ved from the Little River, by Elder Jesse Adams. Resolved: that we revoke the resolution passed at the ses sion of 1831, respecting our mode of corresponding with sister Associations; and that we resume the made of corresponding by Utter and messengers, as formerly. The Circular Letter was called for, and On motion, agreed that Elders Dupree, Lawrence and Ben nett, be appointed a committee to examine it; and that they re port to the Association on Monday next. Appointed Elder George V. VVallace to write to the Little River Association, and Elders, VVallace, Bynum, and I. Moore, to bear the letter; and agreed that we send by them 20 copies of our Minutes:, also appointed Elder Bynum to write to the Kehukee, and Elders Dupree and Atkinson to bear the letter; and agreed thai they carry with them 40 copies of our Minutes. Resolved, that our next Association be held at Union meet ing house, Edgecombe county, commencing Saturday before the fourth Lord's day in October, 1834; and that the Introduc tory Sermon bo delivered by Elder John A. Atkinson, and in case he fail, by Elder 1. Moore, beginning at 11 o'clock, A. M. Elected Elders Lawrence and Ross to preach on the Lord's day; and agreed that worship commence at half past 10 o' clock, A. M. Adjourned till 9 o'clock on Monday, with prayer by the Mo derator. LORD'S DAY, October 27th. Elder Lemuel Ross, introduced the service, and preached from Prov. xiv. 12, ar;d from John, xiv. 6: "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death. I am the way, and the truth, and the life." Elder Lawrence preached from Acts, xvi. 17: "These are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation." From the good order that prevailed, and the ear nest attention paid, we hope that the children of God were re- Balance remaining in the Treasury, SHERROD TISON, JOHN A ATKINSON, Agreed, that Elder Bennett be requested to transcribe and prepare these Minutes for the press; to have 400 copies struck and distributed as usual; and to record one copy on the Asso ciation book: and that he continue to act as our Treasurer. Called over the list of delegates, and noted the absentees. The Minutes were read and assigned by the Moderator and Clerk. Adjourned with prayer by the Moderator. THOMAS DUPREE, Moderator. MARK BENNETT, Clerk. The Contentnea Association, assembled at Tyson's Meeting House, Pitt county, Octobtr 22th, 1833, to all the Churches composing her body. Beloved Brethren in Christ: The long forbearance and grace of God have permitted us to assemble once more in Association, where the sight of our brethren from almost everv church in our bounds has gladden ed our.hearts, and where the pleasing ind brotherly manner of our sitting together we trust has tended to strengthen the cords of our love and of our union. With an earnest and longing desire for your prosperity, we feel unwilling to part and return to our homes without sending some token of our remembrance, and some word of admonition and encouragement to assist you while passing along on your pilgrimage. There is, we believe, dear Brethren, but otte state in which the miseries of the pre sent life can be softened, and the dismal gloom of the future can be removed; namely, that in which "the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts," causing our affections to warm to heaven, and our hearts to embrace our brethren. Love is the essence and quintessence of all true religion; and never are the saints of God so happy as when they feel its warmest exercise. Be lieving, brethren, that "the love of many," nay, the love of all is waxing cold, and that our happiness is thereby diminished and diminishing; to the intent that we may seek to regain our "first love," we will call your attention to this as the subject of our present Circular. Is not our situation similar to that of the church at Ephcsus, described by John the divine, Rev. ii. 1 5, and may not the Holy Ghost have the same charge against us? "Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: anil thou hast tried them which say they are Apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars; and hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name' sake, hast labored, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless, 1 have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember, therefore, from whence thou art fallen; and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto then quickly, and will re move thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." Soon after the churches in Asia were planted certain teach ers came amongst them, saying, We are apostles. The church of Ephesus, unwilling to be led away from the truth, felt it i" be their duty to try them. The result of the trial was, they "found them liars." The testimony,' together with the com mendations bestowed upon this church by th Holy Ghsf, shows them to have been true and stead fast in almost , every (continued on the last page.)

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