'Spot W$m tifkM 0 ;ie are. Tuvhorough, (Edgecombe County, X. C) Friday, Jlarch 28, 1831. Vol. XJfo 28. V'.ii' "Titrbtirmi'i Free Press," V.Y (IKUKiii; HOWAUI), 1 . ;i:'!Muil weekly, ;it 7';:-v Dollars and Fifty ..-.. ;.r t-.ir, ii punt in :ulv;mr.r ir, Three l) A .rs, :it ill-.- i x;)ir.iti -n of the subscription year. For iy iicr. iil Lm t'.iiin ;i year, Tiventu-five Cents per i.lli. Su!)srr!;i i an- at liberty to discontinue at , on trivia;; notice thereof and paying arrears -those i-i' s'niin. at a list.ince must invariably pay in ..nce.or e a tvspuiiMMe reference in this vicinity. Ad ei tieuK-nt, n..-t exceeding I c lines, w ill be in- itevl at SJ cents t!u- first insertion, and 'J5 cents each .rJnuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 Advertisements must be marked the number insertions re(;uireil, or they will be continued until herwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the lalitor must be post paid, The Presidency. It. M. John r.n has indirectly given his consent to bo i candidate tor the Presidency. In re- Life of David Crockett. Here we have it "on a large scale," a roarer from the Salt Licks, chock full of fun and fighr, fishing and feeling, frolic and friend less all united in one man, and set forth at length in a work just issued by ihe brothers Harper, entitled "Sketches and Eccentricities of Col. David Crockett, of West Tennessee." lie is a leftclcst the sava gist cr iter you ever did see! Orson, the wild man of the woods, is nothing to him; not a cir cumstance not a huckleberry; and Mun chausen, who shot a bear when all the ammunition he possessed was two spare jlints, can't hold a candle to the Colonel. lie's got the fattest horse and the prettiest sister, the surest rifle and the ugliest dog in the district and tin, ugh his father can whip any man in all Kcntuck, he can lid: t iv to the letter informing him of his no- his father! lie can run faster, dive dcep- miuatioii to that ofiico by a portion of: or, stay longer under and come out drier, the members of the Kentucky Legisla-1 than any other chap this side the big lure, he says: "To any thing beyond my! swamp; and can grin the bark off a tree; present situation 1 have never aspired. I look a panther to death; tote a steamboat So far as my humble ability may be use-1 on his back; stand three streaks of light in!, 1 am at the service of my country, j ning without dodging besides playing at Beyond the public good, of which others j "rough and tumble" with the lion, with .re more competent than mysdf to judge, j an occasional kick from a zebra! To L have no doiru ever to be named; forjsum up all in one word lies a horse. public employment has always been to j The Colonel is u cn'jf varmint; but me a burthen, and where responsibilit v is ! he's a screamer! Goliad was a pretty iucrea:ed ami enlarged, that burthen ! bard eolt, but the Colonel goes ahead .i)'jt be proportion ably increased. 1 j ho takes the rag off! he frightens the old have uniformly thought that tin? office ofj folks astonishes the natives and beats i'nident was neither to bo flight, de-;the Dutch all to smash! lie makes no- :!ined nor desired." I'd. Int. thing of keeping under a blanket of snow, land no more minds being frozen than a The Sccrttarif of W ar. The annex-; rotten apple. Me lives, moves, rides, .:d anecdote of a distinguUhed American j walks, runs, swims, fights, hunts, mar 's related in a recent letter of the corres-! rics, and has children on a great scale! 1 j . ; nude tit of liit: New York American from The sumo on his farm the land is so Monroe, the site of the French town of; rich, he will tell you, that if you plant the late war, in Michigan Territory: uf ; tcupcuny nails at night, they will sprout the 700 young men murdered here, the crowbars by morning! His neighbors greater part wore students at law, young j are half horse, half alligator, and a touch physicians, and merchants, and the sons j of the steamboat, besides being of the of opulent farmers, and in short t he real meat ax disposition, and always wolf-il-.iwers of the youth of Kentucky. The- ish about the head. event threw the whole of (he State into; I So liquors on a glass of "thunder and mourning. Speaking of the troops who j lightning," that's hotter than Tophet, and were concerned in the early operations ofj biU'S like a rattlesnake; or for bitters, these regions, I have heard a number ofj sucks away at a noggin of aqua fortis, interesting accounts from different per-! sweetened with brimstone, stirred with a sons of the formation of the several corps, i lightning rod, and skimmed by a hurri One of these I will venture; to repeal: jeaue! He walks like an ox, runs like a A graduate of Williams' College, who j horse, swims like an eel, yells like an had been recently admitted to the bar, j Indian, lights like a devil, spouts like an was t iding through the Slate of Ken-! earthquake, makes love like a mad hull, lucky, perhaps wild the design of find- j and can whip his weight -in wild cats, ing some favorable point at which to fix - swallow a niime.r without choaking, it bis abode, and commence the practice ol j you'll butter h;s head, and pm his ears his profession, when he was accosted ! back! "Go ahead" says col. D. Crodiett. We understand that a Hrooklvn carpen ter built, finished and completed, a two story house yesterday, between tunrisc and sundown, and. that a family moved in it before dark. Some dispute as to the right of possession of the property was the cause of the expedition. N. Y. Ev. Sta r. C?A novel operation has been per formed in Philadelphia, under the direc tion of Drs. Jackson and Draper, of that place, by the internal application ol leeches by means of silver tubes being passed down the throat of a gentleman who was afllicted with what is termed "throat consumption." The result was satisfactory. ib. than half the required amount of stock of ibis institution has been taken, and that strong hopes are indulged that the remainder will be obtained, and ihe Bank put into operation. Value of HJilifia. In the late Report of the Adjutant General of Massachu setts, of the existing condition of the Mi litia of the State, an anecdote is related, which, although it may provoke a smile from those who know the incmcicncv of our militia system, yet shows that abroad "the name of it is a host of strength!" "It is said, when the Russian forces, some years since, had invaded our lim its on the Pacific, and the circumstances was represented to the Emperor; the Great Autocratic, in holding up his title, significantly spoke of the power of his army, and inquired what was the number of ours. It would have been better for us to have withdrawn the claim, than to have named six thousand as the uhima ratio of its enforcement; but, the lucky thought of the last return of the Militia, enabled the American Minister to give ihe evidence of right which twelve hun dred thousand men could furnish, and saved him the necessity of another interview." other, wh himself, near a village by a mounted traveller, who mentioned that he was a planter of ihe country, ami invited the young advo cate with all the freedom of western hos pitalir lu dine at his hou.se the follow ing day. The invitation was accepted; and the eastern gentleman arriving at the mansion of his unknown host, found a large patty collected; the majority of which were well acnuaintcd with each while many were strangers like and invited apparently in the same manner. The dinner, however, was got through with sociably enough; and by I lie time the glass began to circu late freely, all felt that easy confidence m the fellowship and good feeling of each older, w hich is the soul of good so cicty. The host then rising, described briclly the state of the north western frontier, and produced a commission from his pocket to raise a corps and march at once thither. They etdisted to a man; their entertainer provided thorn mi the spot with theneccssary stores and munifione, and the band of volunteers started in a lew hours on their march to the border. The name of the noble host was not mentioned, but the eastern ad venturer, who was elected a Lieutenant on the spot, and soon became; a Captain, was said to have been better known since as Coionel, General, Governor, and last ly Mr. Secretary C.?s. Slat ma for the National Capitol. Extract from the manuscript notes of a "entlcman recently relumed from a tour on the continent of Europe. "While at Naples, we visited by invi tation, two splendid statues, nearly com pleted, the work of Mr. L. Persico, for the United States government. They represent Peace and War, and arc intend ed as ornaments to the principal portico of the Capitol at Washington. "These statues are objects of universal admiration, even it) Italy, the home of the fine arts: they are formed of blocks of the purest Carara marble, as white as snow, and without a blemish, rather ex ceeding nine feet in height, displaying a dignity and harmony of expression as admirable as they are original, and re taining the characteristic expression of the Anglo American. Tdo cannot fail to produce, a nappy effect, in a country com paratively new, as models of taste, found ed on national accuracy." We have learnt with regret that it is the intention of government to place these valuable works in a public portico, exposed to atmospheric mutations. They are admirably suited, however, to orna ment the chamber of the House of Rep resentatives. Their arrival in ihe United States may be daily expected in one of the public vessels. Nat. Oaz. GjAr. act of the last session of the Legislature, "better to promote the ad ministration of justice in the county of Macon," although its title indicates oth erwise, is said to possess an important public character. We understand that it virtually extends the jurisdiction of the State over ihe Cherokee Indians they being the occupants of "that portion of the county of Macon" mentioned in the Remarkable Longevity. The Mur freesboroiigh (Ten.) Monitor publishes the following extraordinary case of lon gevity: "Mrs. Detsey Tranlham, died in Mau ry county, in this state, on the 10th of January 1354, at the uncommonly ad vauced age of one hundred and fifty-four years. She was born in Germany, and emigrated to the British Colonies in America, at the time the first settlements were made in North Carolina, in ihe year 1710. It is matter of history that the proprietors of Carolina induced a num ber of Paletines from Germany to emi grate t.o their lands in that colony, in or der to give value to their possessions. For this purpose ships were prepared to convey the emigrants, and upon their ar rival Governor Snytc was directed to give to each 100 acres of land. Among the number of those who emigrated at that time, which was one hundred and twenty ! t riv , i . i " years ago, was lvirs. iraninam. ill uie ago ol 120 her eyesight became almost extinct, but during the last 20 years of her life, she possessed the power of vi sion as perfectly as at ihe age of 20. For many years previous to her deald she was unable to walk, and it is said to have required a great attention in her friends for many years to prevent the temperature of her body from falling so low as not to sustain animal life. For this purpose, she is said to have been placed betw een two feather beds for many years before her death, and by this means to have retained the natural warmtli of her body. At the time of her death, she had entirely lost the sense of taste, and hearing, b or twenty years beforcs her death she was unable to distinguish the difference between the taste of sugar and vinegar. At the age of sixty-live she bore her only child, who is now living, and promises to reach an uncommonly advanced age. We doubt whether the annals of modem history can produce an equally remarkable instance of longevity. act as "lying west of the Nantahaly ri ver," and in which the public officers arc required toexecule "all judicial process to them directed, either by a justice of the peace for said county, or any other court of record in this Slate." Ilahigh Star. Great Family. At Ithihwald, in Switzerland, the postmaster and landa inaii of the district, is a line man of about fifty, who is nearly seven feet high. His wife is above six fdet; and of seven or eight children, sons ami daughters, the former all above six feet six, and ihe girls above six feet. Military Movements. The Columbus, (Geo.) Enquirer stales, that on the 27th ul(. the companies of artillery lately from Old Point Comfort, who have been sta tioned for some lime at Fort Mitchell, took their leave in the steam boat Sanga mon; and on the 2oth, several compa nies of infantry passed through Colum bus, from the same station, on their way to Tennessee. The Legislature of New Jersey, at its late ami short Session, passed twenty-six bills of divorce and dissolution of the marriage contract ! One thousand dollars per day. The Charleston Mercury, uf the 1 lib 'instant, says that "ihe receipts of the rail road, on Saturday, from freight and passen gers, were but a fraction under 1000." Salem, March 15. We are informed that on Monday morning last, Mr. Thos. McUorie, of Lexington, (Davidson coun ty) started to the North to purchase goods, and had proceeded about twelvo miles on his way, when it was discovered that the boot of the Stage had been open ed, and his trunk containing about 2,500 dollars worth of gold, taken out. Mr. McRorie immediately took a horse and returned to Lexington, where he was join ed by the citizens, and in less than two hours, the trunk was found, close by the road, within seven or eight hundred yards of the village. It had been cut open, and the gold eased out. The trunk also eontaiued several articles of clothing; these, we understand, were nicely repack ed, as they had been found. Reporter. CTThe newspapers tell a story of an old woman who gazed at tiie meteoric shower, believing that the day of judg ment was at hand. She urged her hus band to lose no time in collecting his debts. The Belfast Journal relates a conversation in a store upon the same subject. One young man put a ques tion: "Suppose the world was to be des troyed on or before the last day of June, w hat should we busy ourselves about till that time?" This was a tough question, which no one seemed ready to answer. Turning to an idle, lounging lubber, he asked, "What would you do, Bill!" "I'll tell you," says Bill; "I'd get trusted wherever 1 could, apd agree to pay in Julv." Albemarle Bunk of Edcnton. The Edenton Gazelle states, that rather more Maxim. Successful guilt is the ruin of society. n