i ..Va. 41)7- Tarborough, (Edgecombe County,. X. V.) Friday, April 4, 1834 rof. X Xo 29 7c "Tarhorough Free Press,1 15 Y UKORGE HOWARD, -Is imMishe.l weekly, at T?vo hilars and Fifty Cent p.T year, it pul in advance or, 7'vre )o .ir.sat the expiration ot" the subscription year. For any period less than a year, Tivmty-fve Cents per mcnth. Subscribers arc at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be in serted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 2J cents each continuance. Longer oucs at that rate for every 16 Advertisements must be marked the number ot insertions required, or the) will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged according''. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. Outrage. -In tlic late Southern pa pcrs, we find a statement, signed by the passengers rind officers of the brig LOneo miuin, wrecked lately on her passage from Charleston to New Orleans, giving an account of the inhuman treatment they experienced at Nassau, N. P. Among the passengers were Haynes and John Waddcll,. Esqrs. of Wilmington, N. C. It appears that besides every indignity that could be offered, 45 slaves, the prop erty of the passengers, were seized by the Governor, and declared free, and when some of them, tired of their liberty, relumed to their masters, and begged to be brought back to the United States, their owners were threatened that if they presumed to remove the negroes they would be hanged." The authorities of the place also threatened to fire into the vessel in which they were conveyed to Nassau. The passengers call loudly up on the government to resent the indigni ty and wrong which they have suffered. The friends of the Messrs. Waddell will fiad the full account at this office. We have not room to publish it entire. Fatettcvillc Obs. seription, on one side, "Let love abide forever;'1 and this will doubtless cause her to be known. The Cholera. We regret to learn from a letter received in this city, from a gentleman residing in La Grange, Ten nessee, as well as from some of our ex change paper?, that this dreadful disease has again commenced its ravages on the -Mississippi river. The steamer Hudson, on her late passage from New-Orleans to Louisville, lost several, of her passen gers by it. Raltigh Star. (tTAt the lnte Term of Surry Superior Court, Benton C. Stoncstreel was sen tenced by Judge Strange to six months imprisonment, for the crime of man slaughter upon the body of Cornel Jones. i ne extreme youtn or me prisoner is supposed to have influenced the Court in fixing so light a punishment. The Sal isbury Watchman says: "we have seldom heard a finer specimen of eloquence, than the address of the Court to the prisoner in pronouncing sentence. lb. (t?"Thomas W. Harris, charged with he murder pf Junius V. Fenner, in Lex ington, Ky. has been tried & acquitted. .ib. Despatch of Business. A Mr. Gore, of Bellville, N. Y. complains that a pub lic print in that region, in announcing his marriage, did him injustice by slating that it took place "after a long and te dious courtship of three days." He says: "I consider it derogatory to my character, and an insult to my dignity, to have spent so much time in. the vain and frivolous business of courting. Why, in fact, sir, it was but three hours.11 ib" 0C?F1ouf sold in Alexandria, D. C, on the 14th inst. from the wagons, at $3 75 per barrel; which is said to be lower than it was ever before known to sell in that place. Riot A Mobile paper of the Gth inst. says: We lourn that on Saturday night last, a disturbance, which resulted in a serious riot, broke. out among the Stu dents of the University. The dwelling of the President was attacked, the win dows of the Professors broken in, and several fire arms discharged. We did not learn that personal injury was sus tained by any of the parlies, nor does our informant know tlx; particular cause of the disturbance, or in what manner it was quelled. We wait with anxiety for the particulars of this disgraceful affair, which will doubtless be furnished by our next advices from Tuscaloosa. CTThe Philadelphia papers slate that the chains, locks, and rivets, of the mail b;io;s containing the southern and the en tire south-western mail, were taken from the wreck of the steamboat William Pent), and brought to the Post Office in that ciiy. This mail is supposed to have been valuable. During the nnxieiy to escape from the steamboat, a lady presented herself at the hows with a very young child, and a gen tleman ottered to assist her. He took the infant, wrapped it carefully in his large cloak, and called to a person stand ing in the mud to catch it. The person addressed did not probably attend to the call. The little child was thrown into the marsh. The gentleman, however, supposing the infant safe, helped the mother to get on shore. Thai being ac complished, the child was not to be found; but as it had been directed to somebody, there was no doubt but it would soon appear, and the mother was removed. Afterwards a person discov ering the cloak, thought to rescue it from the tide, when, to his utter astonishment, he perceived that it contained a living child. He conveyed it to careful hands; find the next morning it was restored to the anxious mother. It is stated that the lady whose dead body was found near that of the Rev. Mr. Moore, was not his wife, and that she is not known to his friends here, tho' they believe she was travelling under his care. On one of the fingers of her right hand was found a gold ring, with the in- Divorce. A bill has passed the Sen ale of Ohio, authorizing the Supreme Court of that Stale to grant a divorce in case of "fraud in the contract, habitual drunkenness for two years; or tolul gross neglect of duty. Good! We heard yesterday of a cou ple of singular marriages which took place not long since in O amden. A gen tleman not arrived at his grand clim'acter- ick, but old enough to have a -son grtwn" dp to man's-estate, fell in love witha beautiful young girl of 17, to whom he told a soft and tender tale, which moved her to become his bride. H is son resen ted at first an action so incongruous, and made the nuptial tie a jest among his companions. Shortly afterwards, how ever, he learnt the fact that his step-mother was the only daughter of a hand some rich widow, when he immediately paid them a visit. Strange to tell, he was . captivated with his mother-in-law's mother, (a pretty looking woman of 32.) She consented to the match, and they were married a week afterwards! Sun. A Retreat. On Monday afternoon, as a carman was harnessing his horse in the rear of 365 Monroe street, the animal evinced a disposition to refuse the ad mission of the bits between his teeth. The carman struck him a blow over the head which caused him to "back up" against the door of the house, which not being fastened, immediately opened, and Bucephalus immediately wheeled and walked in. The carman followed, and the horse retreated up' stairs.. The car man followed on, again, and the fright ened. animal retreated up second pair of atairs,and entered the chamber, to the no small fright of five or six clever old ladies, who were standing around the bed discussing the merits of a new bonnet which had just been brought in from I he milliner's. "Murderation! what's thai!" said one of them, as the animal poked his head round the corner of the hih bed post and smash went the new bon net on to the floor, while the Indies! sprang to the farthest corner of the room. I By this "time the carman entered the room, and explained the whole affair. liy the assistance of the neighbors, with ropes, &c. the animal was safely conduc ted down stairs, where he stood for some time, with a most solemn look at the car manas much as to say, "I guess, if you dont want I should go up stairs asainV you'd better treat me rrtore gently." ib. I Robbery. A young Englishman, who had been but a short time in this country, and had converted all his effects and mo ney into gold, which was carefully placed in his trunk, in the American Hotel, in the room in which he lodged, and the key of which he had; discovered! to his surprise, yesterday morning, that his trunk had been opened, and his money taken out. It consisted of 77 gold sove: reigns, 4 doubloons, - 1 eagle and 1 half eagle, besides some other coin, in all, nearly $500. He lias no suspicion of any one except th; chambermaid, who had a key of her own, got in, in his ab sence, and made up his bed; -and as she left the house forthwith without any no tice of her previous intention to do so, it creates a well grounded suspicion that she may be the perpetrator. A7. 0.Bce. Singular Circumstance. A young la dy at Bristol was struck in the face (some years since) by a snow ball, which bruis ed her face much, but it soon got well; ever since, in snowy weather, a redness appears, and clear water runs down her face in large drops, so as to wet a napkin very soon; medical advice is to no pur pose; yet in fine 'weather it dries up, and her dace appears as if nothing had been the matter. Recipe for Scarlet Fever. Tho New York Commercial Advertiser says that a " mixture of Cayenne Pepper, Salt and Vinegar, as a gargle, has been used with good effect in that city.-. Fatal Mistake On Saturday . ven mg, the son of Ehsha Nnrcross, of this city, a fine boy, eleven years-old, took ill, and his mother wished to administer mag nesia lohim. She thought he had some in the house, and having searcheil for it, found it, as she imagined, in a bottle, from .which she look the necessary quantity and gave it to the child, immediately he complained of internal pain, which tho mothe attributed to the effects of the magnesia; but the child became so rapid ly worse, and so convulsed with torture, that she thought it necessary to call in a physician, who on being shown the sup posed magnesia, pronounced it to he' ar senic. It was then too late to attempt c!kuinv Ka.p. ." I l. .1 I.. . f o.iwuiij uicaiiiiu a nie, uuu ne snomy al ter expired. ib, - The way to Jill a store. Gmnt Thor- burn, in his Autobiography, recently pub lished in London, says, that he commen ced the hardware business once, in this eity, with about 250 capital.' The goods made no show, so he . procured blocks, square and round, wrapped them in iron-mongers paper, and tying a knife and fork, scissors, and divers other arti cles, to them as specimens, soon filled hi9 shelves, and "made, a great display. Meanwhile he kept what he could afford to buy in a glass case, on his counter, and never had occasion to disnlace iho- covered blocks, until he was able to do it with real goods, bought and paid for out of i he treasured earnings of his small re tail business. ib. d'Wo regret to learn that one of the Baltimore banks has failed. The Board of Directors of the Bank of Maryland have given notice that; being unable to proceed with the business of the institu tion, they are resolved to transfer its ef fects to a trustee for the equal benefit of the creditors of the Bank. The Board expresses a hope that the assets will be sufficient to discharge all thedebts of the Bank; and advise its creditors not to sac rifice their claims. Pet. Int. C7The Grand Lodge of Rhode Island has come to a determination to give up its charter; and likewise to recommend all subordinate Lodges throughout the State, to surrender their acts of incorpo ration also. ib. A Foundling. A female infant, about six weeks old, was yesterday found in a basket deposited on the stoop of a house in the neighborhood of the City Hall, and was taken to the. Alms House to be pro vided for. Some time previous, a lady of fortune, who 'had lost several children by death, had made application to Col. Mann, the Alms House agent, for permis sion to adopt some one of the foundlings that should be brought .to that institu tion, to which proposition he assented. Yesterday afternoon she was sent for, re ceived the little treasure, and declared, her intention of giving it such an educa tion as should in after years render it a useful member of society. Neih York Paper. Horrid Accident. A most distressing accident occurred in Wiochindnn (Mass.) Factory, on the24h ult. The following particulars we get from a letter from that place, lo a gentleman in this town: A mos Adams, a young man about J 8 years of age, one of the card strippers, in at tempting to unwind a belt which had got wound up round the main line of a shaft, (a three inch shaft, whiehwe are inform ed revolves more than a hundred times a minute,) in the card room, caught his fingers under the strap. His right arm was wound round and round the shaft, breaking it in four places, smashing tho collar bone, and. 'drawing the shoulder from its socket. In the fright and con sternation of the moment, most of the girls stopped their machinery, thereby in creasing the speed of the shaft. In this horrid situation he was carried round from 50 to 100 times, with the .haft ev ery revolution doubling his body, and threshing his legs against the floor above, and then against the cards below, break- ing one of his thighs in two places, and knocking his feet to pummice. iicg case was beyond surgical skill, aD'cl in operation was performed. He survived the accident seven hours. His nd was uninjured, and he retained his mental fa culties perfect, to tho last. He bore his misery with the most astonishing forti tude, and related all the circumstances of the case with great coolness.'" He seein- fed to take a kind of satisfaction in look ing at his mangled limbs, and every now and then his head, at his own request, was raised up for that purpose. Dunstable Teh Anecdote of Lorenzo Dow. Tr is rela ted of this departed servant of God, that being one evening at a hotel kept by one Bush, in Delhi, New York, the residenco of the celebrated Gen. Hoot, he was im portuned by the latter gentleman, in the presence of the landlord, to describe.hea ven. 'You say a great deal of that place,' said the general, 'tell us how it looks. Lorenzo turned his grave face, and long, waving beard, towards Messrs. ttoot and Bush, and replied with imperturbable gravity: 'Heaven, friends, is a vast ex tent of smooth, rich territory; there is not a root no'r a busk in it, and there ne ver will be.'