Si ii Wt $ Whole Xo. 49S. Tarborough, (Mgecombe County, X. U.J Friday, April tl, 1834. Vol. XJfo 30. 0 2d$y 3J s6 Tt, Ttr!nrintzh Free Press." by ;kuuk howaud, Ts p;i!);.-hel weekly, at Two Dollars ard Fifty Cents ikt, if iA in advance nr, 7'j;vr Dol lars, ut tlic- expiration of the subscription year. For any period less dun a year, Tzvmly-Jive Cents per nn mil. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, r give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be in serted at 30 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each . i-ntinuancc. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines Advertisements must be marked the number t insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the F.ditor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. constituted authorities. 5. The Slate to subscribe for one half of the slock. ib. The Legislature has ulreadv decided the mutter us regards the erection of a State Hank, with the above capital. A petition for such a Bank had been recei ved a few days since, from Philadelphia. It was referred to the committee on banks, in the House of Representatives. The committee on the following day re ported against the project, and their re port was immediately adopted by the House. J CTIt will be recollected that it was stated in our last week's paper, that the American brig Encomium, bound from Charleston tu New Orleans, had been wrecked on one ut the Bahama Keys; from whence the officers and passengers, with a portion of their property, made their escape to Nassau, N. P. where they were grossly insulted by the British au thorities uf the Island, were forcibly de prived of their property, and were throat ed with the halter by the Lieut. Gover nor, in case they attempted to preserve it. W e observe that a public meeting on tin subject was held by the citizens of Wil mington on bridavlast, which is said to have been the largest and most respecta ble assemblage ever witnessed in that pi ee. Col. Gabriel Holmes officiated as Chairman, and Alexander Anderson, Esq. as Secretary. A series of sprinted resolutions, submitted by William B. Meares, Esq. strongly expressing their indignation at the insults and injuries of fered to our fellow citizens, nnd calling upon the Government of the U. States to take "prompt, decisive and efficient inoa i sures io inquire into, and to redress this outrage," were unanimously adopt ed. Kalctgh btar. in the Mobile Register of the 16th inst. a bank." The Cashier, however, deeming very exaggerated aecount of a distur- it an unsuitable hour for tho surrendry, banee, which look place at the University 'elevated his voice to such atone of re- on Saturday evening, a few weeks since. monstrance, that the professed a'tent of 'the government" made off. He took "the responsibility" of carrying with him the pocket book of the Cashier, contain ing $226, together with a gold watch, and mounting a high mettled charger that he Pennsylvania State Loan. The State Loan of $729,000 has been awarded to Mr. John Moss, of Philadelphia, said by the HarrisburL' Intelligencer tn ho no o o -. agent of the Messrs. Rothschild, of Lon- lon. The loan bears an interest of 5 per cent, and the premium is one fourth of one percent. not one mill, as slated yesterday. The loss on this loan, upon the rescinded contract for it by Dr. Bur den, last year, is $96,554. It is said, that the Messrs. Aliens, who purchased the loan of Dr. Burden, will pay the dif ference to the Mate. It is not true, as there slated, that "the dwelling of the President was attacked, or that the windows of the Professors were broken in." The editor, doubtless, made the statement as he received it. Will he have the goodness to insert this had procured from a neighboring stable. correction in his next paper! That fire he made the best of his way for Crans- arms were discharged on the premises, tout, where he turned his horse loose, and tnai uie anair was a disgraceful one, and trusted for the residue of his peregri- eannoi, we ncneve, ne denied. And we nations, to the SDeed of Shank's mare. ... i - i trust tnose who were engaged in it may meet with the punishment they deserve. ft? A strip of gum elaslie applied to any joint nltecled with the rheumatism. Texas. The Mobile Register states has been found in all cases an infallible that not less than 1500 families from the remedy. 1 J ' -J ..w M-m w . u j u united Mates nave gone into 1 lie neigh- 1 he nresenr enough to prescription is simple .i oonng Mexican province or l exas, dur- warrant an experiment. mg the late winter, with the intention of settling there. E'OSXEXG? r,.,.jj.i o.-. 'Pi x nuiu is ui nreseni. Vegetable Si;.- C7We understand that the two religi ous and literary periodicals, conducted by the Rev. Thomas Meredith, of Eden ton, are to be hereafter published in Ra leigh. The weekly paper is called the "Biblical Recorder," and the semi monthly the "North Carolina Baptist In terpreter." They will still continue un der the editorship of the Rev. Mr. M. Chapil Hill Harbinger. Ncio York. We have received a spe cial message of Governor Marcy, to the Legislature of New York, upon the sub ject of the oppressions of the U. S. Bank, and advising means to protect the inte rests of the people against that institu tion. The paper is one of great ability, and lays open the conduct of the Bank in a clear and masterly manner. It recom mends the issue of ii State Stock to the amount of four or five millions, and by loans of the said stock to increase the ability of the State Banks in the city of IMcw York, in such a manner as would be perfectly safe to the State, and enable them to extend their accommodations so as to supply the amount to be withdrawn by the Branch in that city. Pennsylv'n. Missouri. We are glad to learn, from Missouri, that the Governor of that State has refused to convene the Legislature, for the purpose of creating a State Bank, and has given some very good reasons for his refusal. lie says, for example, that executive agency, in assembling a Legislature, is a power which should be exercised only on extraordinary occa sions, and when the exigencies of affair? call for immediate legislation; that the idea of the necessity for creating a State Bank for the Government deposites is truly absurd, for the General Govern ment should not be dependent on State legislation to carry on her fiscal con cerns; and that the decision ol the last Legislature, refusing to charter a Bank, together with no new expression on the part of the people, arc sufficient reasons to justify the course which he has adopt ed. If reasons were as nlcntv as hlaek- j berries in their season, he need not have aiven Jinnlhpr ISJnf Inf C LT I he body ot a man was picked up considerable activity in a new branch of olt Sewell s 1 oitit, on rririnv. bv the re- industry at Paris. Wi allude tn the inn- venue cutter Jefferson, Capt. Webster nufaciure of carpets, nnd various other winch appeared to have been in the wa- articles of general use, from a substance ter 5 or G days, and is thus described by first imported into France by M. Capt. W.: Height about 5 feel 5or6in- which has been given the name of vege- ches; dark complexion, large black whis- table silk. This substance has, in fact, iers dress, a blue picket, yellow oil an appearance very similar to silk, and oth trowsers, a red shirt over a white can be employed as its substitute in a one, the latter marked .. Perry; the fig- variety of cases. It is white, and can re- ure of a ship ol war. the word Liberty ceive dvn nf anv color. This veaetsihln and the initials T. C. marked on one of is gathered in shoots of from 15 to 20 the arms in India ink. There was a hole feet in length, and is of such strength in the forehead of the deceased between that four of these shoots plaited togeth- thc eyes, apparently made by a pistol ball, er will bear a weight of 40 pounds. and two smaller ones on the side of the nose, supposed to have been caused by OA letter from Berlin states that a shot, also, a severe bruise on the temple, new kind of musket is about to be intro- I he body was interred by Capt. Web duced into the Prussian army, by which ster on Sewelfs point. Norfolk Her. the ramrod will be rendered unnecessary. I he invention, the writer asserts, will Horrible Catastrophe! We learn from banish the present musket from all the Gloucester, that about 10 or 12 days ago, armies of Europe. a laboring man of the name of Walker, a Pennsylvania. We understand that active exertions are making to procure from the Legislature a charter for a State Bank, with a capital of 810,000,000. The following provisions will be engraft ed unon the charter: 1. Th Rank shall furnish the State sufficient himU to com plete the improvements, at 5 per cent, in terest per annum. 2. The Bank not to issue any note under $10, after the year 1340 under 15, after the year 1845 under 820, after the year 1350. 3. The capital of the Bank to be gradually redu ced, (commencing in the year 1845,) un til it is brought down to 5,000,000. 4. To establish Branches through the State, (not exceeding three in number,) and to have the privilege of placing Branches in other Stales, with the consent of their The Mormon difficulties. A late num ber tjf the Enquirer, a paper just started at Liberty, Missouri, contains a military order from Gov. Dunklin, to the captain of the "Liberty Blues," commanding him to hold himself and his men in "readiness to assist the civil authorities in aoore- bending and bringing to trial the persons offending against the laws, in November last, in Jackson county, in conflicts be tween the Mormons and a portion of the other citizens of that county." He is commanded to attend the court in that county, during the trial of the causes, and execute such orders as may be given him by the Judge or Circuit Attorney. Under these orders, and at the request of Judge Ryland, who stated thai a number of Mormons wished to testify before the Grand Jury, Capt. Achison marched his company into Independence, on the day appointed for holding court, having a number of Mormons under his protection. After a stay of about three hours, it was concluded by Judge Ryland, the Circuit Attorney and Attorney General Wells, that "it was entirely unnecessary to in vestigate tho subject on the part of the State, as the jury teem equally concerned in the outrages committed, and it was, therefore, not likely that any bills would be found." The Captain was therefore, directed to return to Liberty, and to dis charge his men. "To see a civil court the Governor says surrounded by a mi litary force, is well calculated to awaken ihe sensibilities of any community;" and the Governor charges his subordinate of ficer to perform his duties in the mildest manner possible. St. Louis Rep. Alabama University. The Tuscaloo sa Intelligencer says: We regret to see widower with four children, living in the GCaptain Ross describes the new lower part of that county, went out to race of people whom he discovered in the spend the evening at a neighbor's, a few polar regions as mild and inoffensive, and miles oft, previous to which he put the going about entirely naked! a circum children to bed and locked up the house, stance almost incredible, considering the before his return, the house took fire, (in intense cold of the climate. Both Capt. what manner is not known,) and dreadful Ross & his nephew vouched for this fact. to relate! all lour of the children perished in the flames, before assistance could Buried Alive. A voung girl at Cog- reach the spot. A family living about n nac was recently buried alive, when mile distant, seeing the blaze, hastened moans being heard from the coffin, she to it, and reached the burning pile just in was taken out, and although partially re time to catch a glimpse, through one of suscitated, died a few hours after. the windows, of the eldest bov, (about 12 A Monk thought to be dead was en- years of age,) in the act of bearing his tombed in the vault of the convent of El- liltle sister towards the window. and in I chingen in Switzerland. On the 6th of the same moment to witness the horrify- January, when about to deposit, in tho ing spectacle of the; falling in ot the roof, same vault the corpse of another, the first and the overwhelming of all the dear lit- was found" at the foot of the steps, having; tie innocents in the common mass of "burst his cerements." and dead from blazing ruins! But the tale of wo ends starvation. He had gnawed a piece of not here! the father on hearing of the fate flesh out of his left arm. of his little ones, became frantic, and in a delirium of grief, rushed forth, through Pilgrimage to Mecca. A Spanish brig the gloom at night, in the wild accents arrived at Gibraltar, February 7, from of despair exclaiming "I will find my Mogadore, bound to Alexandria, having children! They shall not be seoarateil on board 122 Moorish pilgrims. On the from me!" Several days had elapsed, following day, an English brig arrived and no linings were heard ot him. At irom tne same place, on uie same voyage. the date of our information it was gene- with 184 of the same kind of passengers. rally believed that the unfortunate man had terminated his existence probably Capt. Symmcs come again. A Leip- by drowning himself in York river, near zig professor has published a work, in the margin of which the tragical scene which he proves that the earth is hollow, occurred. ib. the entrance to it in Poland, (Captain Symmes stated it to be at the Poles,) and CT I he Providence (R. I.) Journal of that within, there are fire, water, air, am- Saturday, stales, that on the preceding phibious animals, fish, insects, birds, night, the wife of the Cashier ol the Sci tuate Bank was alarmed by the noise made by a person who had entered the apartment where she and her husband lodged. She inquired what he wanted? He replied "Andrew Jackson wants the keys of the bank; keep still, anil you shall not be hurt." She immediately awoke her husband, who inquired what he wan ud! The answer was the same: "An drew Jackson wants the kevs of the quadrupeds, and men; and he even de scribes the details of the subterranean life thev lead! Religious Liberty. The Christians of Crete, 105,000 in number, have again made strong efforts with the Pachas, and with the ambassadors of Russia, France, and England, to obtain from the Porte a restoration of their rights of worship and libertvof action. 1'

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