SfcccIlancoH 15. FOR TIIK KKKK l'KKSS. llm-anl: Inclosed you will find a piece of beautiful poetry, which was found some time since set up at Clark's mill, in Martin county. The occasion on which it was written was this the miller h:ul had some pigs stolen from him and the author of the piece by some means found out where they were and took this method of giving him notice of it. You will please insert it and oblige An old Subscriber, GOO LOOK YOUR PIGS. Titer's pigs and bacon yet behind If you quckly look perhaps you find They wen conceal in a pen Soo doth say my werthey friend The pen is clost around the fence And can be fond, if seaked with common sense JVrhaps they may be turn'd out Of a night they are about. THE in SIL Say, what would be thy first wish, If a fairy said to thee, ''Now, ask a boon; I'll grant it, Whatever it may be. The first wish of thy heart, I think May easily be told Confide in me deny it not Thy wish would be for gold." 4,Oh, no thou art mistaken That should not be the boon My thirst for this world's lucre is ever sated soon: The only gold I prize, is such As industry has bought; And gold like that from fairy's hands Would fruitlessly be sought." "Say, what then would thy first wish be Ambition's laurelled name The pride of popularity The pinnacle of fame Tlii pampered board of luxury Where crowd of menials wait Thy second wish would still be gold To furnish forth thy state." ''Ah! no the days have lone gone by, When such had been my choice; I ask not fame far more I prize Tiie self-approving voice. My first wish should not be for fame My second not for gold But listen to me patiently, My wishes shall be told. 'Oh give m hut a happy home, To share with her I love Oh, let me from her path of life, Eacli anxious care remove And like the sweet days of the past, May we have days in store." Oh, give me this and only this I'll never ask for more. " Sheep killed by Cats. The last Lan caster (Pa.) Examiner say.: Incredible is this may sound, we have good author ity for saying the deed has actually been perpetrated in this county. Several cats, of the common species, with their progeny, have for three or fours past made an old stone quarry in Martie town ship their abiding place, and in that time it would seem have relapsed to the wild state, and acquired the ferocious and pre datory habits natural to their tribe. A short time ago some of them were seen in pursuit of a full grown sheep belong ing to the flock of Mr. Martin lerr, of that vicinity. They soon overtook it, dragged it to the ground, and before the person who witnessed the scene could reach the spot, 'they succeeded in so la cerating the poor animal's- throat that it bled to death in a short lime. It re quired considerable exertion to drive them oft. A dog, subsequently sent in pursuit of them, caught one, but would probably have been himself worsted in the conflict that ensued, had not the ow ner come to his rescue. It is said they also pursued a small boy some lime ago, and followed him a considerable distance, as is now supposed with deudly intent. tt?A number of scientific gentlemen ot Charleston, fe. O. Have tried a series of experiments to decide the question whe ther the American Vulture (turkey buz zard) is guided by the eye or the faculty of smell in the pursuit of food! and have come to the conclusions that it is altoge ther destitute of the latter, and is direct ed solely by the euse of sight. They have also discovered that the carrion crow and vulture- devour frosh as well as nutrid meat. The same gentlemen test ed the story lately published, that if the eye of a turkey buzzard were put out by perforation, it would be restored and the siht renewed by putting the head under the wing, iho down of which is said to perform the miracle. They found that the eye is refilled, but the sight is not re stored. They found, also, that a blind bird cannot perceive the most offensive . mi niiMMnl snhstancc. however near. 1 ue above facts arc derived from an article in the Baltimore American, the editors ol which have perused a pamphlet detail ing the experiments. (Jasper llauscr. Most of our readers will probably remember that a lad, pale and thin, and a perfect child of nature, appeared about four years since, in the streets of Nuremberg, in Germany he was named Casper llauscr. He had been imprisoned in a dark and gloomy cell, from the period of helpless infancy. He was thirteen years old but might be said to be just born. He knew nothing of the works of nature had no speech no apparent sensibility. I5y degrees, he was taught to speak, and to express his ideas. He wept when he saw the stars for the first time, that he had been kept by his cruel and unknown master, shut up in ihe dark, away from such beautiful ob jects. It finally transpired pretty clearly, that he was the illegitimate son of a priest who had kept him in confinement, to hide his own and Caspar's mother's sin and shame. This appears evident from the attempts which have been made to assas sinate him the last of which was suc cessful, as appears by the late London papers. , -The poor youth was enticed in to the garden of his protector at Nurem berg'by a stranger muflled in a cloak, and stabbed to the heart. The horned Man. Some years since there lived at Naples a man, named Ala resin, whose head was remarkable for a horny excrescence occupying the part be tween the superior and posterior angles of the right parietal bone. This horn was of a pale yellow, six inches long, and had two twists in a spiral shape, the point of it pressing against the nape of the nape. Maresia was 75 years old when he resolved to have his horn cut oil; iti had at this time all the consistency of a ram's horn. Its extirpation was with great difficulty accomplished by Dr. Pcn sa; but six weeks after two small horns, about half an inch long each, and quite like the former one, presented themselves near the cicatrice, but disappeared after a short suppuration. Letters from Sydney, New South Wales, state the arrival there of the first vessel with free female settlers, 215 in number, and the result of the experiment is highly satisfactory. In three days no less than 130 of them were engaged, and there was no doubt that the whole of them would in a few days be provided for. The letters dwell with much gratification on the comparison between these women and the wretched outcasts heretofore sent out to the colony. London pajicr. Melancholy. A young lady, of a weal thy family at Bologna, Italy," was execu ted on the Gth of February last, for mur der. Impelled by jealousy, she succeed ed in poisoning two very lovely youti" women, one of whom was her own cou sin. She was married, and suspected her husband of committing infidelities with her two victims. The proceedings against her had continued for two years, and her husband finding that her fate was inevitable, as there was no hope of pardon from the Pope, on account of the enormity of her crime, died of despair a short time before her execution. AC?" A little boy just returned from a long visit, was asked by his mother how he had enjoyed himself while absent from home; he answered with a boyish simpli city, he liked his visit very well but he would'nt that's what he wouhf nt nev er ride home between Cousin George and Sarah again, for they kept hugging and kissing each other, squeezing liim all the time and almost spoilt his new hat. Earthenicare China Glass. THOMAS J. BAR ROW & CO. Importers, S8 Water -st. VillW YOItlv. 1 RE now receiving their Spring patterns of : Earthenware, China and Fancy (Juods, m evcry variety. Their stock is very extensive, embracing eve ry article sohl in the line, and from their facili ties in England, they are enabled to offer every inducement to their customers in patterns, qua- liiv a nil mice. Merchants dealing in the line, will find it greatly to their interest to call, as the selections which have been mane, are wim a view to the North Carolina and Virginia mar kets; and every article will be put down to the lowest price which it can possibly he sold at. Kmm ihn rfloris hitherto made to give our cus tomers satisfaction, we hope Cora continuance of patronage from North Carolina. thomas J. barrow co. Importers SS WaUrst. N. Y. New York, Febmary, 1 831. 82-9 jYoticr. rPHE Subscribers arc desirous of closing their business in this place, and will now sell the balance of their Stock at LOW Prices. Their Stock consists of a general assortment of DHY goods, Crockery, Hardware and Groceries, 1.500 bushels Turks Island SALT, 50 sacks Liverpool do. 5 tons assorted Swedes I RUN, 10h:tSs COFl'KK, 10 boxes best quality nianufac.'d TOBACCO, Together with Shoes, fur and wool Hats, &c. &c. Will be received in payment for any part of their Stock, the different kinds of Produce which we generally receive at this season also will be received for debts due the concern, the produce of the country. Those indebted will please settle tneir accounts as soon as possible, and all holding notes or hav ing unsettled accounts with the Subscribers will please present them for adjustment. J). RICHARDS 4 CO. Tarhorough, Oct. 31st, 1S33. Gig and Gin Jllanufacton,, 1HL. subscriber takes method to inform hisciMon.. and the public in general, tj, he still carries on the Giz and Gin .Makhio Business at ROBERT SOREY'S. Hjs w sh3ll be done well and in a neai manner, . I 11 I .IT . 1 I. - -yntlr.n. ... snail ue uispaieucu uimiuu nunu airatn(i. JOSEPH JOHN GOOD Aug. 29, 1833. l mil; Grays invaluable Ointment. lOIl the cureol white swellings, scrofula and other tumors, sore legs anil ulcers, old and fresh wounds, sprains and bruies, swellings i n . II. l I . . ? anu lniiammaiions, scaius anu ourns, women s sore breasts, scald head, rheumatic pains, chil blains, tetters, eruptions, whitlows, biles and ex ternal diseases generally. PREPARED ONLY PY William W, Gray,oJ hichmond, Ya. Sold wholesale and retail by John W. Gotten, Agent for Tarboro Who will promptly attend to all oiders for the Ointment. 'I enns single pot, one dollar: by the dozen, nine dollars but to merchants and druggists a liberal discount will be ni3de. N. B. Certificates of cures may be seen at my lre. J. Jr. COTTEN. Tarboro 5lh April, 1S34. Cotton Yarn. nMIK Subscribers having purchased of Mr. John Parker, all his interest in the COTTON FACTORY at the Falls of Tar River, the firm of Rattle Parker is therefore dissolved. The Subscribers have now, and expect to keep constantly on hand, a full supply of the Very best Cotton Yarn, Of all numbers, from -1 to IS inclusive; and arc prepared to supply all demands for the above ar ticle on the most liberal terms. They are will ing to deliver the Yarn to Merchants in all parts of the Slate (as far as their means will permit) making the usual charges for conveyance; or de liver it at Hie Factory, on terms as good as can be obtained elsewhere. Subjoined is a list of their prices: No.4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 cts. RATTLE BROTHERS. Falls of Tar River, Dec. 10. 20 N. 15. The Machinery is entirely new, and of the latest and most improved kind. HIE Subscriber, who for several years p;tst i , mill-: A been engaged in the Gin Jinking business, In Kinslon, has established himself IN GREENVILLE, Where he carries on the above business in all its vr rious branches. All those who wish to supply them selves with Gins of the best quality, are respectful!-" solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, 0r . letter. AH orders for Gins will be promptly evtr,,'l ted. From the Subscriber's long experience in 1 business; and from the approbation which his vcr': has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who may see fit to extend u, him their patronage. Gins out of order will be ex peditiously repaired. The Subscriber take the lib. erty of calling the attention of those who wish tc pic cure new (tins, or to have old Gins repaired, to th expediency of applying to him in time. When all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wantet: it causes such a pressure of business, that manv arc obliged of necessity to submit to a longer ddav tlui they wish. ALLEN TZSOttJ, In connexion with this establishment, carries en The Lock and Gunsmith business, He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill Ink a, ai;t! Gudgeons, of a. composition invented by Daniel Peck of Raleigh Grist Mill Siintlles, with Steel Collars' (turned.) These articles equal to any manufactured in the United States. All letters and orders must be directed to the Sub scriber, ut Greenville. HENRY CHAMBER LA IX, July 12, 1833. 46 Cotton C5ins & SDtttc jf an& rfcMlE Subscriber informs his customers and the juuii iii cuciui, mai nc lias icujoveu nis Shop to the building near Mr. Jackson's lilack smith Shop, on Bank street near the river, and is now prepared to execute all orders in the above business, fie will manufacture and repair Cotton Gins and Dutch Fans, At the shortest notice, and will warrant their. equal if not superior to any to be had in this sec tion of the country or elsewhere. JOHN JVILSOX. Tarboro', Feb. 2S, 1S34. JVotice. N the lSlh January last, or thereabouts, I put " into the post office of Mount Prospect, in this county, two letters, (to be mailed on differ ent days,) each enclosing two halves of two S100 United States Bank Notes, and addressed to John A. Cotten, at Philadelphia. The left hand halves which were enclosed in the first sent letter arrived safely the right hand halves have never arrived. The Notes are of the fol lowing description: the one No. 515, dated 30 May, 1S2S, payable at the office of discount and deposit at Washington the other, No. 91S, da ted 7 May, 182S, and payable at Nashville. The halves which have not arrived have been cither purloined, or lost by accident; and the ob ject of this advertisement is to give notice that I shall apply at the mother Bank of the United States for the entire payment of the same. JAMES J. PHILIPS. Edgecombe County, March 12, 1834. G-3m Look at This. B' WOULD beg leave to inform my friends and the public generally, that I have commenced The Manufacturing of Soap Candles IN THE TOWN OF rETKRSHUKG, South of Poplar Spring and north of Mr. Tho mas Lee's tobacco factory, where all orders will be thankfully received & punctually attended to. N. B. I shall keep on hand Candles of the best quality also, 1st and 2d quality of hard Soap, which I will dispose of on as reasonable terms as they can be purchased for, in any part of the United Slates. (0"The highest Cash price given for Tallow or Soap fat. JOHN WALSH. Dec. 19th, 1S33. 15 13 Printing press for sale. A SUPEU UOYAL Printing Press, on the - old mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office. BTOTZCE. T WOULD give notice to all those persons who have any claims for witness' attendance in possession of the late Clerk of the Superior Court of this county, that their money has been paid over to Mr. James W. Clark, the present Clerk, who will settle the same whenever calleA upon. PASCAL P. MA THE JVSON, AdmW with theioill anfd. March 18th, 1S34. 27-6m Pamphlets for sale, AT TIIIS OFFICE, A BASKET OF FRAGMENTS, for the X1- Children. By Joshua Lawrence. A Bevtew of "Clark's Defence and Justifica tion to the Kehuky Association." Written for the churches in the Kehukee Association, by a Lay Member. Occurrences in the Life of (Elder) Josepk Biggs, wrote by himself, of a civil and a religious nature, at the request of some of his friends, ta ken from memorandums by him kept from the year 17G6 up to 1S32. The North Carolina Whig's Apology for the Kehukee Association. A Patriotic Discourse, delivered by the Rev. Joshua Lawrence, at the Old Church in Tarbo rough, N. C. on Sunday, the 4th of July, 1S30. Address of Judge Abel P. Upshur, (relative to the doctrines of the President's Proclamation,) lo the people of Northampton county, (Va ) as sembled in public meeting at Eastville, on the 14th January, i33. Nov. I.