devastation in some places is represen ted lo liiivii Ijlmmi terrible: not only were? houses nrnl fence swept n way like chaff before i lie mighty hurricane, but the stoutest trees of the forest, some of which had probably withstood the fury of the elements for half it century were either in -i.t..l I... In f 117'llfl I 'i ' steins. Norfolk Ihr. iiue pipe C?Vo learn with sincere regret, that the operations at t lie Swash have met with ;t serious iujpediment by the filling up of Wallace's Channel. As this is tin; principal outlet, its obstruction renders unavailing the labors of the bout which is at present employed on the Flounder Slue. We are informed that the T.ent, Select, Timothy Pickering, and several vessels trom Washington, went aground in the channel during the last week. It is earnestly hoped that this circumstance may not oppose a permanent bar to the success of a work in which our citizens have always felt such sanguine inter est. Newbem Sent. Cumberland, Md. Jane 3. A stran ger, calling himself Jesse Moore, who represented himself to be a native of ler quimons county, North C arolina, put nn end to his existence, in this town, a lew lays since, by taking a large portion of arsenic. Alter taking the poison, he drank water very freely, and lingered 3 or 4 days in great apparent pain, during which time, wo learn, every attention was paid to him by those in whose hands he fell. Ho saiil he left three pons and a brother and sister, residing near Hert ford, 1'enjuimoiis county, North Caroli na. Ho was about 3'3 years of age; was evidently' laboring under mental aliena lion. He also slated that he had left the infirmary at Baltimore about two weeks ago. winch they are applied, will become an important item in the exports of tiC Southern and South-Western States. A good Patron. A subscriber to the Western Magazine, published at Nash ville, (Tenn.) has paid 8100 for forty years subscription, in advance! The Race. The great contest be tween the North ami the South, over the T -t I t I I'll" Aew xoi'K course, Has oeen oeciueu in favor of the latter. The race was won, it is said, almost without effort, by Col. William K. Johnson?s Trifle. Fifty Thousand persons were estimated to have been present. Fatal Salute by an American Frigate. A correspondent of the London True Sun, under date of Paris, May 7th, says: "A disastrous catastrophe has occurred at Toulon. On firing her salve dirlillt ric with the French ships, in honor of Louis Philip's fete, the United Stales A merican frigate fired with ball into the French frigate Le SulFren, by which un pardonable neglect one man belonging to tin; latter vessel was cut in twain, two mortally, and four grievously wounded. This unfortunate mishap had excited great irritation on the part of the French sailors against the Americans." Tennessee. An net was passed by the Legislature of this State?, at its last ses sion, calling a Convention, "for the pur pose of revising, amending, altering the present, or forming a new Constitution." This body, composed of GO members, met in Nashville, on the 3d Monday in May, and are actively at work. It is not a lit tle remarkable, that there is scarcely an article or section of the existing Consti tution, of the simplest kind, that has not been objected to by some member of the Convention, and substitutes proposed. Several propositions are before the Con vention for an elective judiciary, limiting the term of service to four years for the Supreme Circuit Court Judges. FOREIGN. Latest from Europe. I3y the arrival at New Vork, of the packet ship Sylva nus Jenkins, London ami Liverpool pa pers to the lhh May inclusive, have been received. The news contained in these papers is interesting ami impor tant. The long continued contest in Portugal would seem to have nearly ter minated. The flight of Don Carl os into Fngland is an event that will probably close the insurrectionary troubles in Spain, and leave the Queen Regent in quiet possession of the government. The Liverpool Journal of May 10th, says. We have great pleasure in an nouncing the probable cessation of hos tilities in the peninsula. The Lord Nel son, in five days from Lisbon, has ar rived at Dartmouth, with the news that the Pedroites had taken Figuera, that Loimbra had declared for Donna Maria, that the whole of the road from Oporto to Lisbon was open to the Pedroites and that Don Miguel and Don Pedro had come to a settlement, an armistice hav ing beim agreed to. Nor is this all, a telegraphic despatch was received at Paris on the 6th iust, stating that Don Carlos had embarked for Fngland; it al so corroborates what we have above mentioned respecting Portugal, for the despatch says, "The affairs of Portugal hive been arunged between Don Miguel and Don Pedro." These letters by the Lord Nelson confirm the fact respecting Don Carlos, and say that he had placed himself under the protection of the Eng lish. The news reached Paris from Bayonne, wliither it had been brought by the French Secretary of Legation, who had left Ma rinl on 3d inst. Coming to us, from two soirees, besides its extreme probability, we are inclined lo give it every credence. We understand that the ratification of iheconvention between the four powers would be immediately and finally execu ted. The effects of the insurrectisn at Lyons have been felt at a great distance in France. At Calais and Cologne the n. t manufactories have suffered severely. The goods sent to Lyons have remained unsold, and the bills drawn in conse quence have not been accepted. The manufacturers, overloaded with goods, have ceased to employ their men, ex ceptiig only one tor each machine, as necessary for keeping it in order. Tvo grand camps are to be formed, one f 80,000 men, for manoeuvring in the environs of Lyons, and the other for the sime purpose, near Paris and St. Omei. Caididules fur this County. We are au thorise! ;to announce IIakdy Flowers tor the Senate,and John W. Potts and Turner Iir Nini fo: the House of Commons, of the next (it neral Assembly of this State. And, Solomon T. Brddf and William D. Petway as candi dates IV the office of Sheriff of this county. MARRIED, i In thf county, on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev Wm. Hyman, Mr. Luke Ward, of Pitt county, to Miss Muhala Liggett, daughter of Mr. Le'iti Lcggelt. prices Current, At Ta) borough, Norfolk, and New York. JUNE 16. Bacon, u Beeswax, Brandy, apple, Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Cotton Bagging, per lb. lb. gallon, lb. bushel lb. yard. Flour, superfine,! barrel. Iron, - lb. Lard, - lb. Molasses, - gallon. Sugar, brown, lb. Salt, Turks Isl'd bushel. Wheat, - bushel. Whisk ev, - 'gallon. Tcrboro 8 9 18 2u 40 5.5 13 17 60 65 10 10 J 15 20 600 6.50 4 5 8 ? 3 40 10 12 70 80 70 80 40 50 Norfolk. a 10 18 19 37 40 12 134 ;5 bu 10 12 A 14 20 500 550 4 5 9 10 40 45 25 28 ,V. York. 9 10 21 o OO 15 05 14 20 20 32 12 60 11 1 1 500 650 9 11 35 38 50 51 112 31 33 An amicable Request. r jMiK Subscriber having been appointed by the - Sheriff of Edgecombe, collector of the taxes for District No. 1, (Tarboro') from thc inhabit ants due for the year 1833: requests all those in debted for taxes to come forward and make a fi nal settlement between this and August Court, as he expects to absent himself from Tarboro' a lew months after that time. A compliance with the above request will be amicably received, and the like will be reciprocated whenever it is es sentially necessary. M. E. MANNING, Collector. June 20th, 1834. Dissolution. Vyi. S. P. DILLON & CO. have this day dissolved Copartnership in the practice of Denial Surgery, by mutual consent. June 13th, 1834. (fcrJust in Time.$ THIS DAY RECEIVED' AT THE Cheapest Store in this place, A large, handsome aiid fashionable assort ment of Spring and Summer STAPLE AND FANCY JVotice. STRAYED from the Subscriber, in the county of Edgecombe, on the 2Sth of April last, A light Bay Horse, About -1 feet 11 inches high, between S and 10 years old, his right eye out, and a blazed face said horse was raked by Mr. Paschall, near Ox ford, and has probably taken that direction any iniorma'ion respecting him will be thankfully received, and a liberal compensation given to any person who will lake the horse up, or return him to me. JAMES GEORGE. June 5, 1S34. 38-3 17The Oxford Examiner and Warrenton Repor ter will insert the above three times, and forward account to this office for collection. NOTIC2. N Wednesday, the 25th of June next, will be sold for cash, before the Court House door in Tarborough, the following TOWN LOTo, to satisfy the town and county taxes, and all cost and contingent expences. due for the years 1S32 and 1S33, to wit: $ lot No. 14, i lot "No. 1 18, 1 lot No. 99, and i lot No. 59 by or der of the Hoard of Commissioners for the town of Tarborough. Michael Edward Manning, Collector. Mav 1 3ih. 1334. 39 ilil !lM Is" t? ST OMr. Jabnz Smith, of Petersburg, V:t. lias brought to perfection the man ufacture of Cotton Seed Oil for the use of Lamps. The Editor of the Peters burg Intelligencer snys, after a full trial, lie gives it the preference over Sperm Oil. It burns with a beautiful and clear light, without smoke, and entirely free from any offensive smell. VVe congrat ulate the Southern country on the suc cessful effort which has thus been made to give increased value to one of its staple products. The time is not far distant, when the oil from cotton seed, entering as it will into competition with sperm and linseed oil ia the Yuriuua uses to Vine Hill Academy, ; (SCOTLAND NECK.) rnilE riit semi-annual EXAMINATION of the sudents of this School will commence on Thur;lay the 5th of June, at which all the friends o the institution are respectfully invited to be preent. The labors of the School will be resumed on the First day of July. Good Board wll be furnished both at, and in the neighborbod of, the Academy. The Pincipal, having established his resi dence in Scotland Neck, confidently hopes that the instituion is now placed on a permanent basis. Additioal assistance can he procured when ever the iicreased number of students shall ren der it necesary. Byrder of the Trustees, 10 BT. A. EZELL, Principal. SccllandNeck, May 28, 1334. 37-5 SFIOCCO SPRINGS, rgpllK medical virtues of which have been" at tested by the reclaimed health of hundreds who have visited thern, will be opened for the reception of Company on the 10th of June. Terms for Board, &c. as usual, viz: Grown persons, Si per day. Children and Servants, half price. Morses, 75 cents per day. A rea sonable deduction will be made for families by the month. ANN JOHNSON. ' Shocco Springs Warren Co. ? May 24, 1S31. 5 N. B. There will be A BALL at the Springs on the 9th of July next. Great pains have been taken to procure Music for the occasion, and it will be such as is rarely heard in this section of country. A. J. T WOULD give notice to all those persons who have any claims for wilnes' attendance in possession of the late Clerk of the Superior Court of this edunty, that iheir money has been aid over to Mr. James W. Clark, the present Clerk, who will settle the same whenever called upon. PASCAL P. MATHEWSON, Adm'r with the will an'd. March 18th, 1S34. 27-6m Corn, Bacon Potatoes. 200 barrels Corn, 0000 lbs. Bacon, ami 200 bushels Irish Potatoes, For sale by the Subscribers, D. RICIIAfiQS 4- CO. Tarboro', April 11, 1534. Amongst the assortment may be found Handsome Palmarines elegant black and colored iSilks some as low as 35 cems, Handsome plain, clucked and printed Muslins Splendid I'aris and London Ginghams, English, French and American Prints, from 6 cents, Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery and Gloves, of eve ry variety, Ladies elegant satin, prunella, seal and calf skin Shoes, latest style morocco do. from 12 cents prunella do. 50 cents, Gentlemen's fancy Stocks, Bosoms and Collars, Elegant plain and figurvd silk, and satin Vestings. A general assortment of Gent.'s summer wearing ap parelGentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Pumps. Fancy Fans, Belts, belt Buckles, and Ribbons cap and bonnet do. Thread Laces and Edgings bobbinet do. Greciannetts and Robbinetts fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, some very elegant, Splendid white and green blond gauze Veils, Gentlemen's white and black beaver Hats wool and palm do. With almost every other article usually kept in similar establishments, all of which were pur chased for cash and by a first rate judge, and will be sold cheaper than can be bought at any other store in this place. J. W. GOTTEN. Tarboro', 7th May, 1S34. Large, Rich Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF New Spring and Summer GOODS, Jit the Cheap Cash Store. JAS. WEDDELL, "O ESPECTFULLY announces that he has now received the whole of his recent purchases, and invites his numerous customers and the pub lic to an examination of his stock, which he has spared no pains to make in all respects the most Extensive, Rich and Varied, Ever exhibited in this place, and which Jre will sell at prices corresponding with the hardness of the times and scarcity of money. On account of the fall in the prices of Goods, he has been tempted to buy more largely this spring than he intended; and having made his purchases principally for cash and at the Auc tion Sales, he is confident he can sell for cash any article in his line at such very low prices as will make it to the advantage of economists to give him the preference. P. S. As I am determined to reduce my pre sent Very Heavy Stock, Great Bargains may be expected. May 22, 1S34. J. W. NEAR THE BRIDGE, ON MAIN STREET, May be found a new supply of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, Strictly applicable to the present and approach ing season consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Hats, Lorillard's best Snuff, Shoes and Boots, Fancy and common Soap, Saddlery Hardware, White Lead cv window Glass, Castor Oil Lemon Syrup, Black Ink fic Copal Varnish, in bottles, Powder & Shot Pearlash, Malaga Wine & Porter, Northern Flax, Loaf, lump fic bm Sugars, Picked Cotton, to retail, Coftee,Teas& Chocolate, Ladies Baskets, New clean Rice, Churns and Tubs, Molasses Nor'n Butter, 5,000 lbi excellent Bacon, And many minor articles, all of which are re specttully offered upon the most accommodating terms to purchasers. Tarborough, June 10, 1S34. Glass and Crockery, Bruce s best 1 in, Apple Brandy, Rum and Whikev, JYotice. VlfANTEP immediately, five or six good f CARPENTERS, such as can come well recommended for capability and sobriety to such liberal wages and constant employment will be iriven. D.RKJP.T. r vrcnrj Tarborough, Feb. 5, 1S34. 21 Land for Sale. JsZtfL BEING anxious to move to the West 1 oflfer for Ra'e the Tract of JAUAM Land whereon I now live, containing About One Thousand Acres It is a hfalthy situation, in Nash county, on Sto ny Creek, about three miles above the great Falls of Tar River, with a commodious two story dwelling house (new,) and other out houses; ap ple and peach orchards sufficient to make 15 or 20 barrels brandy, besides other fruit trees. The land is of tolerable good quality and well water ed. On the said Stony Creek (a constant stream) there is an excellent grist and saw mill, cotton machine, &c. (on solid rock foundation,) all in good order credit can be given if it best suits the purchaser, or negroes will be ta ken in part paymant. TIMO. TERRELL. 2d September, 1S33. 3

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