mm of tl rr, rro.-n which ilioy were Iter we had parted with the caravan rrccied witli a dilute in l he shapt; ot two hrnib hIii-II. ",Hr,, k,,lt'(I urteen, und disputed ih remainder." from Jamaica. -toy our papers to n-ust 5th, we Itsnrn that the act of Ap- ".tidhip went into effect August 1st, 1 . .!., l;isl if iin 111 o( i mi . Wl It was tMl oiY a holiday acid the negroes seemed to enjoy themselves much. from Trinidad. The schooner Joshua Brecrwood, from Trinidad brings ilaics l Aupus1 slalii Hie reslora tioii of quiet anioug the slave population throughout die island, with the exception ol'n few gMos 011 ortatu estates who are gull absent. Letter received at Trinidad from Co loiu li tuU; lnnt the ,mvn (,f Santa Mar tha (province of Terra Kirma) has been totally sunk by an earthquake. Latent from the West Indies. By private advices from Barbailoes to Aug. 'jOtlif w0 hrn, to quote the letter of our correspondent, 'hat "there have been se rious disturbances in Dcmarnrn, Triui duJ, anh 1 may say, in every other is lam!. G arrived yesterday; and when he left, on the 14th, the negroes on the west const were almost in a state of open rebellion, insomuch that the Governor had Imen obliged 10 go down with a gren adier company of 60 men." and vero returning, we met the Pawnees. We had prepared for battle. Cut the ludians ran up and offered their lunula we had a council, and smoked the pipe of peace with them. Subsequently we met the Kansas, and the little Osages, whom we knew to be friendly, for xve hud with us one of the latter tribe as a guide. In their company we marched several days, our encampments at night not being more than 400 yards apart We were absent 63 days, our last hui having been issued the day before we got here; sugar had given out long before. Our horses on reaching here were quiii broke do wn. The rest of our regimen is absent in a different direction, on very hard service. So you will perceive that we 'bold dragoons' have not an easy time of it." prices Current, At Tat borough, Norfolk, and New York. SEPT. 22. Bacon, Beeswax, Brandy, apple, Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Cotton Bagging, per lb. lb. gallon, lb. bushel lb. yard Flour, bupci fine barrel Iron, - j lb bard, - lb. violasses, - gallon. ugar, brown, lb Salt, Turks Isl'd'bushel Wheat, Whiskey, - Tarboro 8 10 18 40 13 60 10 30 bushel.j gallon, i 600 650 4J 5 9 10! 35 40; 10 12, 70 80j 70 80; 40 50! Korfolk: 10 11 18 19 37 40 12 13i 60 63 12 13 14 28 575 600 4 5 9 10 28 32 7i 9 40 45 25 28 JV. York. 9 10 20 28 10 65 12 14 22 31 13 68 16 26 500 650 7 25 7 38 112 25 9 30 n 40 26 At Tarborough and Washington. Staves, W. O. pipe (long m) do. do. hhd. do. Tar, blil. -Turpentine, dip, do. Taro 23 00 12 00 1 00 1 50 11 ash' n. $32 00 16 00 1 25 1 90 From the Raleigh Register. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Nash Colwty. Superior Court of Laic, Fall Term, 1834. The Grand Jurors for the County n foresaid, having finished the business for which they were assembled, before re turning 10 their respective homes, beg leave respectfully to express their entire confidence in the integrity, patriotism and wisdom of the present distinguished Chief Magistrate of the Nation, AN DREW JACKSON. That they deei- a I dedly approve his Administration of the General Government, particularly, his having cheeked the pernicious and unjust system of extravagant and extensive ap propriations of public money for purpos es of Internal Improvements his oppo sition to the U. States Bank, and his re moval of the Government Deposites from said Bank. Jos. Arrington, E. Mecom, Irvin Eatman, Joho Dering, Exum L. Curl, Win. Cooper, Win. B. Bryant, George Cooper, Hartley Deans, Jesse Battle, Willie Bunting, B. Butcllelor, Fred. Battle, Upon re-assembling the Jury, there were several who did not attend; but up on the question being taken with a full body, there were but two dissenting vo ices WM. DRAKE, Foreman. The Dragoons. Extract from a let ter written by a captain of Dragoons to his friend in Philadelphia, dated Fort Gibson, 4th August, 1834. "I have recently relumed to this place after a very long, fatiguing and perilous march with my company to and from the boundary line between this country and the Republic of Mexico. It was not the trip I contemplated when 1 last wrote you, but one on which I was very unex pectedly sent with my company only, the duty consisted in escorting the caravan of traders from the frontiers of Missouri to ihc extreme boundary of our country on their journey to Santa Fe, in Mexico. I have not time to state all our privations, fatigues &c. in detail I will therefore simply say that we met the two dreaded enemies of the traders, the Camanches and the Pawnee Mahaws. With the first we were on the very eve of a fight, both narties having formed the line, and the word of command "charge," being on Just Received and for Sale, ( Hhds. Uorto Rico SUGAR, very good qua XXJ liiy 4 dn. St. Croix, 25 bugs Laguria COFFEE, (j bbls Loaf Sugar, 2 boxes white Havanna, A large stock of Soal & Upper Leather, 300 lbs Shoe Thread, 12 reams Wrapping Paper, 12 do. Writing do. 50 boxes Segars, Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Axes, Cotton Havering, Rle Rope, Tallow and Sperm Candles, Cotton Yarns, Coffee Mills, &c. And am contantly supplied with Shoes of best and common quality, made by a laithful workman in this town I warrant them to be just what I say they are, well made. Gentle men wishing to purchase would do well to ex amine (hern. I am determined to sell my goods at small profits when the cash is paid. In every instance I shall sell produce for the regular customers to my Grocery free of commission charges. JOHN D. WILLIAMS. Petersburg, Va. Sept. C JYcw Firm. HPHE Subscribers, having purchased the inle--- rest of Mr A. S. Jones, in the late firm of Martin, Jones Sf Bragg, will continue the Grocery & Commission Business, At the old Stand, under the firm of Notice. unriN brjioo," illh Subscriber earnestly re-1 . r 1 0 J I I llin ,m mar firm iucm hii muse inueuuMi 10 mm 10 The Cotton Crop. Hut a short time since, and from every section of the coun try, the most cheering accounts reached us in relation to the cotton crops. With in the last two or three weeks, however, things to the South of us, have assumed a different aspect: Alabama in particu lar, (we learn from private letters) is suf- iermg severely from various causes. An unprecedented drought in some pans, and the worm and catterpillar in others, are making, and have already made, an almost total destruction. In our own neighborhood, we are happy to state, that in very few instances bave such misfortunes befallen us, on the contrary, the crops are generally good. Camden Journal. fTTIicv. Burwell Tunple will Preach at the Falls of Tar River, on Thursday, the 2d day of October next. At I arborough, on Friday 3d. At Old Town Creek, on Tuesday, the 7th. At Upper Town Creek, on Wednesday, Slh, and at Tosnot, on Thursday, the 9th. QJA Camp Meeting w ill beheld at Pierce's Camp Ground, to commence on Friday the 3d of October next, 4 miles west of Halifax town, S3 miles north-east of Wanenton, G miles from Pride's Ferry, and 9 miles from Moore's Ferrv. call and srtlle, or he will be com polled to place their accounts in the hands of an officer for collection. He has on hand, and intends constantly keeping a good stock of Leather, which he will manufacture in to HOOTS AM) SHOES, on very moderate terms for cash, or on a short credit to punctual cutomeis. W. C. II. SUMMERRELL. Tarboro' Sept 25th, lS'M. $20 Rew arci. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about four weeks ago, a mulatto fellow y the name of XVU&SS, Hi- i tolerable well built, full round face, when interrogated generally frowns and looks down his father belongs to Major Whitmel K. Hul luck, and he has some relation at Charles Wil kinson, Esq's. He is about 21 or 22 years old. It is probable he may attempt to pa as a free fellow, being quite intelligent. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver him to me, or secure him in jail so that I can et him again, and pay all reasonable expences. W. D. PETIVAY. Town Creek, Edgecombe County, N.C. Sept. 12, 1S34. 53 tny very tongue s . end, when the Indians fired their guns in the air, some dismoun ted from their horses, and others threw their bows and arrows on the ground; while they begged for pence, and assur ed us of their friendship. This was while we were with the traders who had about 100 wagons of merchandize along. Af- 3 3 Just 26th Cotton Bagging, fyc 50 Pieces Cotton BAGGING, SO Coils Hale ROPE, 4 Bales TWINE, 24 Hoxes No. 1 Goshen Cheese Hogsheads Hrown Sugar, Hoxes Loaf Do. received arid for sale cheap for cash by J. W. GOTTEN. Sept. 1S34. II 5&2SW STORES IN HALIFAX. WiUiamH Wills, AVING retired from the situation which he has occupied for a few years past, has deter mined on locating himself In the Toivn of Halifua Where he has made arrangements for entering into the Mercantile business, and for this pur pose has obtained the house formerly occupied by Mr. A. A. H. Stith.on the square of Messrs. Ferralls, and the first house on Main street, to gether with the House adjoining. His Store will be opened early the ensuing Fall wilh A General and well selected If several years acquaintance with the business in one of the most extensive mercantile houses in the State could ensure his success, he feels confident he should meet it, but he is perfectly aware that nothing but attention to the concern, will obtain the patronage of the public, and this attention he is determined to render. He hopes therefore that all persons who may favor him with ell or any part of their custom, will never become dissatisfied or disappointed. He ex pects to make arrangements so that all Commis sion Ruiness may be done by him with facility. A further communication will be given to the public immediately upon his return from the iNorth, whither he is upon the eve of going to purchase Goods. August 23, 1834. 50 4 TUST PUBLISHED, 0 Office of the Tarborough HISTORY OF THE Kelinhee Association. and for sale at the Free Press, "A concise History of the Kehukee Baptist Asso ciation, from its original rise to the present time By Elder Joseph Biggs under the super vision of a committee (consisting of Elders Josh ua Lawrence, William Hyman, and Luke Ward, and brethren Thomas Biggs, Joseph D. Biggs, and Cushion H. Hassell,) appointed by the As soeiation." Price 51 each, or 10 per dozen. Distant Subscribers will please send by their brethren or neighbors to the next Association for their books, as they will then be enabled to get them conveniently. GEO. HOWARD. Srpt. 18, 1S34. Fish and Lime. 100 barrels MACKEREL, 60 barrels LIME just received and for sale by .. IV. COTTEN 8th Jnly, 1S34. Vrinting neatly executed. Their Agent at Hali:ax, Mr. Warren Harris, will receive and forward free of charge to the Planters, all the produce which may be sent to them for sale. The Steamboat will run regularly between Halifax and Hlakely, which will prevent the delay of ptoduce at Halifax. N M. MARTIN, I) W. BRAGG. Petersburg, Aug. 1st, 1834. 50 10 JYotice. THE Subscribers, residing in Petersburg, Va. ofl'er iheir services to the public as Commission Merchants, In the sale of all and every description of Pro duce and in the purchase of any articles which may he wanted. Thev are connected in btisi nes with RODERICK B. GARY $ CO. of Hlakely, (at the Southern extremity of the Rail Road,) who will take charge of all produce con signed to them, and attend to its forwarding free of any charge to the owner. They keep CONSTANTLY OI HAND A SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Which will be furnished on good terms and for warded through their Agent at Hlakely, or oth erwise, so that those sending servants with their wagons, may not fear any confusion either in the forwarding their Produce or the ieception of their Goods. WHITE BLUME. Petersburg 27th Aug. 1S34. 50-4 (jpReference may be made to Joseph R. Lloyd, or Louis D. Wilson, by those wishing to know our ability to do what we promise. WHITE & BLUME. For Sale. riMlE Subscriber offers for sale his Residence adjoining the town of Warrenton, immedi ately on the road to Shocco, containing 55 Acres of Land, Forty odd of which is well timbered. For health, society, beauty and pleasantness of situation, few places in the State excel it. It has a neat dwelling House, with comfortable out houses, well selected fruit trees, &c. For the entire sit uation, he will take S1000 less than the dwelling House (which is yet almost new) cost. Should he not dispose of it before he leaves the State, any one wishing to purchase, will call on Rich ard Davison or Robert T. Check, E'sqrs. jy. W. HILL. Aug. 28, 1S34. 51'3 Jim j 1 w w is j ik if IgJ ti U Z3 Utflfj 11 FOR SALE. AVING determined to remove to the Westj, I offer for sale all my Lands in the COUBffTlT OF FJASfZ, (viz:) THE TRACT whereon I now live, lying or the north side of Swift Creek, and within on& and a half miles of Hilliardston, immediately ori " the road from Mearns's meeting house to War renton. This Tract contains 900 or 1,000 acmiiSi And is not inferior to any in this neighborhood, in point of quality of laud and improvements, it having thereon a very commodious D If ELL ING HOUSE, 62 lert long, 32 feet wide, with 5 rooms below and a passage running across the house 10 feet wide, and two pair of stairs the inside work of a part of this house is inferior to none in this section 4 chimnies, with an excel lent nolli t 1ft llio tialanM r closely bricked underneath, with all other sary cut houses, amongst which is1 inHJ&t'k ix' KITCHEN, 28 by lSbuil'.'&r bricki chimnies. There is attached to th'ul.'fi.yrfg; an excellent well of pure-'wMd; - btn'20 steps of the door, and" . 'ver failu;; ring within 150 yards of the hou e. As to is one of the most health . county. In addition to the impn med, there is attached to t? A never -failirj On Swift Creek, within I of a mile of the dwell ing house, with 3 pair of runnersbolting cloths, cotton Gin, all in good crier and nearly new, with an excellent constant custom. As 1 presume no person will purchase without viewing the premises, I deem it unnecessary to mention all the advantages attending this desire able situation. It will be sold in a body, or may be divided so as to suit purchasers. Persons living in a sickly country would do well to pur chase this place. I ALSO OFFER FOR SALE, That valuable Tract of LAJVD, Lying on Peachtree Creek, M miles from Nash ville(Nash county.) This Tract contains 50& ACRES, And is inferior to none in that neighborhood for farming. It has thereon a small framed Dwell ing House, Cribs, negro houses, &c with an excellent Saw and Grist MILL, and bolting cloths. This place is well watered and healthy. Persons wishing to purchase will please view the premises. JOSEPH tfRRINGTON, Jr. Nash July, 1834, 48 . th 1 believe this dements in this ments already na plantation, MILL) Constables Blanks for Sale, AT THIS OFflCS. j

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