isccUixncotts FOR THE Fit EE TRESS. THK TORV. Come all ye t hat have the lime to spare, Young, old, lame, halt, blind and fair; Let me sing you a song, a song of glory, And teil you all what is a modern Tory. 'Ti he, they say, who fought on Monmouth's plains, Who spurned in days of yore the tyrant's chains; Who fell upon the battle field all gory, And fighting for his country won the name of Tory. ?Tis he who made the British lion cower, When o'er our country battle's front did lower; Who amid the deadly fight and wild foray, Did bleed for freedom ah, he's the Tory. 'Tis he who on Camden's heights and banks of Pee Dee, Most gallantly did spill his blood to make us free, Whose veteran head by age has become quite hoary, Methinks, he must look most devilish like a Tory. ?Tis he who fought to save our "beauty and booty," Who saved our cotton bags, and gals both snowy wiiite and sooty ; Who fought to save his country, not for glory, Surely this is he, they say, that mut be a Tory. JTis he who chose to save the countrv, rather than the Hank, Who'd rather die that hear on him a slave's chains clank; Who lost both blood and treasure, if you'll be- lifVe my story, And fighting for his country, won the name of Tory. crl v to use his hands'; and to walk on the bed of the river under ony depth of water; having n free supply of air by means ol tubes, the person can remain under wa ter six hours at a time." ib. A BRIDE. Young Beauty at the altar! Ye may go And rifle earth of all its loveliness, And of all things created hither bring The rosiest and richest but alas! The world is all too poor to rival this! Ye summon nothing from the place of dreams, The orient realm of fancy that can cope, In all its passionate devotedncs, "With this chaste, silent picture of the heart! Youth, bud-encircled youth, and purity, Yielding its bloom and fragrance up in tears! D. C. B. A new project. General Green, of the "Washington Telegraph, has announced his intention to open an institution at the seat of government for the education of apprentices to the printing business. Ilis plan is to take 200 students, who are to be divided in classes, one to comnosn on the Telegraph a certain number of Jiours in the day, and on several literary and scientific works; the remaining hours to study. Their education is to be per fecr, and they are to be first rate compos rV and proof readers; to be fed and iliv yrJ the surplus of wages laid by for them at the'un -of their apprentice ship. The Typographical Society have protested in strong language ugainsl what they conceive is a monopoly, which may finally seriously injure their inter ests, by affording labor on cheap terms. There can be no doubt that for a time it may injure uV interests of journeymen, bu it is like all improvements that cheap en labor; they cannot be prevented, and in a free country a man has a right to car ry any legal project into execution. Gen. Green certainly aims at being- considered a useful citizen he is so; the plan is a beneficial one, although he may derive a pecuniary benefit from it. It promises to turn out printers of talent, education, character and integrity: editors of enlar ged views; candidates for the honors of the country; sober, moral, high minded men Franklins and Rittenhouses. Surely such a project merits encourag inent and approbation. iV. Y. Star. tfTA city correspondent of the Boston Atlas describes an India rubber dress from the Roxbury manufactory, by which a person is enabled to descend in water for the search of property. It was tried bv a Mr. N v .w,IVioo wui;ij, hi j imh;i vuri UJ to recover some of the coal which sunk 411 l,vur iu lioston in consequence of the wharf giving way beneath it. "From the perfect construction of the dress, the person is Kept completely dry is at lib- Flying Machine. The Cincinnati i Republican, says, "Mr. Masson, an in genious mechanic, has been engaged some months in constructing a machine or vehicle of this description, in which he expects to be able to navigate the air by the force of steam. J here is nothing I the balloon principle connected with the apparatus. It is to be elevated and pro oelled bv machinery, in (he siianc of wings. We have looked at the machine, which is now nearly finished, and wheth er it prove successful or unsuccessful, it is a beautiful and ingenious piece of mechanism.' New Mechanical Power. An ingen ious mechanic at Brussels has just appli ed a new power to mechanics, fiom which great results appear to be expected. This new power is galvanism. Across a fly-wheel which is to give motion to the machine he has placed a metallic bar, previously magnetised by a galvanic pile, and within the attraction of two verv powerful magnets. The moment that the bar arrives in a rotatory course at the limit of the attractive power, and where it would necessarily standstill, the inven tor, by the application of galvanism sud denly converts the attractive into a repul sive power, which contiuues.lhn motion in the same direction, and by the alterna tions, well managed, the wheel acquires a rapid rotation. The experiment is said to have been completely successful, and the machine worked for a whole hour. A Paris paper mentions that for some; days past a person has been riding through parts of the city in a car with sails, acted upon by the wind, with entire success. lie stopped at several places at pleasure, and appeared to have com plete control of the machine. He even mounted a hilly street, with the wind al most "a-hcad." If things go on thus, steam power will soon be at a discount. Embroidering Machine. A very sur prising machine constructed in the estab lishment of M. Koehin, is an embroid ering machine, which, with great rapidity and the most unerring accuracy, covers the texture of the silk, cotton, or wool, submitted to its operation, with flowers and designs of every possible variety and hue. That a mere inanimate machine could be capable of carrying on so com plicated and delicate a work as embroid ery, appears on first consideration, almost an impossibility, and even after seeing some of its beautifully embroidered pro ducts, a doubt still lurks in the mind, and one would wish to see it at its handy-work, to be pcrfectly'convinced of the fact. Battle with the Pawnee Indians. A report is going the rounds of the newspa pers, that the U. S. Dragoons under the command of Col. Dodge, have had an engagement with the Pawnee Indians, in which the latter were defeated with con siderable loss. It may be proper to state, that the War Department has received no official or other credible account of any such engagement. P?"The Philadelphia Inquirer states that the Emperor of Russia has, through the medium of the Baron de Krudener, Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington, presented Joshua Shaw, Esq. artist of the former city, with five hundred dollars, for an improved percussion cannon lock, invented by Mr. Shaw. C7It is said that Dr. Hannah, of Wash ington, has invented an apparatus for re moving the stone from the bladder with out cutting, or scarcely paining the pa tient. (T?The crowd of pilgrims, each with toreh in hand, at the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, was so great on Holy Satur day in May last, that the air became op pressive, and many in attempting to gain the door were crushed to death. Ibrahim Pacha was present, and lost his sabre and diamonds. , rpUIE Subscriber, who for several years past, ha: JL been engaged in the Gin Making business, In Kinston, has established himself IX GIIELNVILLE, Where he carries on the above business in all its va nous branches. All those who wish to supply thorn selves with Gins of the best quality, arc i espeetfiill) solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, or b letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly execu ted. From the Subscriber's long experience in his business; and troui the approbation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promist entire satisfaction to all who may see. fit to extend to him their patronage. Gins out of order will be ex peditiously repaired. The Subscriber takes the lib ci ty of calling the attention of those who wish to pro cure new Gins, or to have old Gins repaired, to the expediency of applying to him in time. When all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pressure of business, that many ate obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay than thev wish. In connexion with this establishment, carries on The Loch and Gunsmith business, lie also makes Sato Mill Tloxes, and Mill Inks, and dudgeons, of a composition invented by Daniel Feck, of Raleigh Crist Mill Siindlcs, with Steel Collars, (turned. ) These articles equal to any manufactured in the United States. All letters and orders must be directed to the Sub scriber, at Greenville. HENRY CHAMBERLAIN. July 12, 1833. 46 Flour Jffolasscs. r"MIIS dav received, 30 barrels superfine Fami 1 ly FLOUR, 10 hogsheads prime MOLLIS-.S'AW-aKo, 3 hogsheads SUGAR. J. lt GOTTEN Sth Juno, 1S34. . , Gents. Fashionable Hats. .1111 I ! ? .i 4 cases assoneu macK, ugni anu dark drab heaver HATS, of every shape and quality al-o, hoys black Hals and fancy CAPS, just to hand, al the Cheap Cash Store. JAS. WEB DELL. April 22, 1S31. m:ak tiu: hkidgi-:, on main street, May be found a new supply of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, Strictly applicable to the present and approach ins: season consisting of Staple and Fane? Dry Goods Hats, Lorillard's best Snuff, Shoes aid Hoots, Fancy and common Soap, Saddlery Hardware, White Lead c window Glass, Castor Oil Lemon Syrup, Black Ink c Copal Varnish, in bottles, Powder cc Shot Pearlash. Malaga me c rorter, Northern Max, Loaf, lump c bro Sugars, Picked Cotton, to retail, CofTec.Tcas c Chocolate, Ladies Baskets, New clean Hire, Churns and Tubs, MoUsscs Nor'n Butter, 5,0u0 lbs excellent Bacon, And many minor articles, all of which arc re spectfully offeied upon the most accommodating terms to purchasers. Tarborough, June 10, 1S34. MERCHANT TAILOR, ' OESPKCTFULLY informs his frienc3, customers, that he has received from ft"' York his supply of er Spring Goods....such as..., ')rab and rnixt Cassimeres, for summer wear reen summer Camblet linen and crape D -in ancy Canton figured Vesting, Gentlemen's black buckskin Gloves. Black patent bombazine and satin Stocks, &c &c All of which he will sell low for cash, or short credit to punctual custonr is !0 ,n ; with his former stock of Cloths and asntlm r' , f rimmings. Gentlemen's clothing n aile ! trimmed in the most fashionable stylo and ahl shortest notice- all orders will be thankfully eeived and punctually attended to. re Tarborough, May C, 1834. Henry Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, YlISIIES to inform his customers and i public, that he has just received from Xeiv York his Spring Supply of Fashionable Goods, Consisting of the best and most fashionable goods in his line of business among them are Fine black c white beaver Hals, of the best qualh A most splendid assortment of Cloths, Casj-imeres'f' Vestings, from the best quality to the most commcr Fine crape Camblets and Bombazines, best quality Umbrellas, Stocks, Gloves, &c. U Russian belts, for gentlemen Suspenders, Crape linens, a beautiful article for summer wear Fine linen Bosoms and Collars, Sec. ' Tho-e goods were selected by himself at rpiV ced prices, and will be sold low for cash or on a short credit to punctual customers. Gentlemen wishing io purchase the above articles, arenar. ticularly invited to call and examine for then. selves, as he is confident he can please such. All orders from a distance will be punctually attend ed io, anu on as zoot terms as it ihn nCft, were present. Tarboro'. April 24 th 1834. Received this Day, At the Cheap Cash Store, fflH Ladies satin, kid, and Prunella French SHOES, an imported arti y cle, finished in the most recent and fashionable style also. Gents, best calf-skin BOOTS, SHOES and PUMPS.rt an excellent quality. JAS. WEBBELL. April 24, 1S34. Cotton I lam. (ilass and Crockery, nruce s best 1 in, Apple hrandy, Hum and W'hi-kev, Edgecombe Cavuhy! f will muster at your usual parade ground in Tarborough, on Saturday, the 25th of October next, armed and equipped for a general muster. Uy order, C. C. KNIGHT, ut Sere't. S r a Aug. 29, 1S34 Land for Sale. BEING anxious to move In ihp West, I oiler for sale the Tract of Land whereon 1 now live, containing HpHE Subscribers having purchased of Mr. -John Parker, 3ll his interest in the COTTON FACTORY l the Falls of Tar River, the firm of Battle $ Parker is therefore dissolved. The Subscribers have now", and expect to keep constantly on hand, a full supply of the Very best Cotton Yarn, Of all numbers, from 4 to IS inclusive: and are prepared to supply all demands for the above ar ticle on the most liberal terms. They are will ing to deliver the Yarn to Merchants in all parts of the State (as far as their means will permit) making the usual charges for conveyance; or de liver it at the Factory, on terms as good as caa be obtained elsewhere. BATTLE $ BROTHERS. Falls of Tar River, Dec. 10. 20 N. 15. The Machinery is entirely new, and of the latest and most improved kind. Mrs. A. C Howard. II A S just received her Spring Supply of Goods, consisting of pattern silk and Tuscan Bonnets, French straws, (a new and splen did article,) open straws, elegant head dresses, silks, satins and gauzes, puffs and curls, ribbons. flowers, &c. all of which she will sell on her usu al accommodating terms. Mantua-making exe cuted as usual. Tarborough, May 7, 1S34. Mont Une Thousand Acres. It is a healthy situation, in Nash county, on Sto ny Creek, about three miles above the great Falls ot I'ar River, with a commodious two story dwelling house (new,) and other out houses; an- ple and peach orchards sufficient to make 15 or 20 barrels brandy, besides other fruit trees. The ! linrl ;c nf 1 IT. 1 11 . ' .c wi luiuauic iruuu t uaiuy aim wen water- ; rt , A ... n . , ed. On the said Stony Creek (a constant ! V8 abUl 3f0 Tears, ,oId' ?b?u 5 feel 11 ,ncheS stream) there is an excellent rist and 9W ! P'Sh; no marks recollected; had on a home-spun cotton machine, &c. (on solid rock foundation.) ""'6 tdllu ll . ... . " I n.intalnnn .Inhn v goou oruer. credit can be given if 75 Dollars Reward. ESCAPED from the Subscriber, while encamped at the house ol Col. A. Watt, in Rockingham county, (N. C. on the night of the 10th of May last, a JVegro Man, named John. all it best suits the purchaser, or negroes will be ta ken in part paymant. TIMO. TERRELL. 2d September, 1S33. o PAHIFHZiEITS, Published and for Sale at this Office A PATRIOTIC DISCOURSF,...the North Carolina Whig's Apology for the Kehukee Association... .and, A Basket of Fragments, by 'he Rev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Review jf Clark's defence and justification to the Kehu kee Association, wriken by a lay member of the Association.. ..and, Occurrences in the life of El der Joseph Biggs, wrote by himself. Torbgrough, August 0. common thread and cotton pantaloons. John was purchased from Archi bald Forbes, in Pitt county, near Greenville, and it is probable he will endeavor to get back to the same neighborhood. The above reward of Severity-Five Hollars will be paid to any one who will apprehend and lodge the said Negro in any jail, so that the Sub scriber can get him again. Letters addressed to the undersigned, at Buckingham Court House, (Va.) will receive immediate attention. JOHN L MORRIS. July 5, 1834. 43-3m Printing jwess for sale. A SUPER ROYAL Printing Press, on the? old mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office.