hocn 'soms in3"s of eholorn, ami twelve,) deal lis by tl.t disease were reported in the hill of moriitlity for the last week. The Board of Health have, in order to put a stop to the "virion ctxagernted reports in circulation," admitted the fact, hat deem it unnecessary to make a forma! ?!M!)oaneement of the existence of the disease in the city, until it shall '"assume tin epidemic, or in any manner a danger ous form." From Europe Ry the packet ship Napoleon, Captain Smith, we have on; tiles to the 24th of August. Although of late date, there is nothing of positive interest; the fate of Don Carlos is the only important topic discussed, and no tlnni; definitive is known of him with the exception that he appears to he closely pursued by lien, llodil, and must even tually he defeated. The Queen of Spain has laid a report before the Council of Regents, letailin the conduct of Don Carlos, and proposing to exclude him forever from the succession of the crown. It will, no doubt, he adopted. In Portugal every thing was quiet. Ibrahim Pacha is experiencing many se rious dilticulties in Syria; the whole prov ince is in revolt, doubtless set on foot through the intrigues of Russia. The Sultan is pleased at the hope of one day bringing Mehemet Ali to terms, recover ing his authority in Egypt, and destroy ing rebellion among his subjects, and on no account will he break with Russia. The plan is a clear one Nicholas will restore Syria and Egypt, and place the Asiatic provinces of the Sultan under his subjection, and either obtain posses sion of Turkey in Europe, or the com mand of the Dardanelles and the Black Sea, England and France, with heavy squadron?, are watching the progress of events. iX. Y. Star. CC. DIED, In this place, on Wednesday, 24th ult. Mar tha Ann, infant daughter of Mr. Kador Cherry. In this county, on Tuesday, 23d ult. i the 12ih year of her age, Henrietta, daughter of Charles Wilkinson, dee'd. Also, On Friday, 2Gth alt. of a lingering ill ness, Mr. Kenneth Hyman, aged 40 years. prices Current, 1t Tot borough, Norfolk, and New York. OCT. 6. , per Tarboro 'XorJAk. .Y.York. Bacon, - lb. 8 10 1 10 11 9 10 Beeswax, - lb. 18 20! 18 19 20 22 lirandv, apple, gallon. 40 5.i! 37 40 28 51 Coffee', - lb. 13 17 12 13 i 10 13 Corn, - bushel 60 65j CO 63 05 68 Cotton, - lb. 10 12! 12 13 12 16 Cotton Basins, vard. 30 3s 14 28 14 26 Flour, superfine, barrel.' 600 6.50' 575 600 500 650 Iron, - lb. 1 5 4 5 Lard, - lb. I 9 loj y 10 7 9 Molasses, - gallon. 35 40' is 32 25 50 Smr, brow::, lb 10 12 9 7 9S Salt, Turks Jjd'd bushel. 70 80 40 45 3S 40 Wheat, - ibushel. 70 80' 112 Whiskey, - gallon.! 40 50' 25 28 25 26 Henry Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, FAKES this opportunity of informing thepub lie, thai he has just received from New York A general Assortment of Goods , In his line of business, consisting in part of Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, of the most fash ionable colors, Fancy velvet and silk Vestings, A handsome assortment of fancy Stocks, llosoms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, cc. He particularly invites all those who want the above Goods to call and examine for themselves, as lie is confident he can please such, both in quality and price. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloths, can have them made anil trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at the short est notice. All orders from a distance will be punctually attended to. Tarboro', Oct. 9lh, 1S34. COTTON GINS. fTMIE Subscriber has established himself in the houses formerly occupied by the late Joseph Lackey, dee'd, near the River, and a short dis lance below Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on the Making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves with Cins of the best quality, are respectfully solicit ed to apply to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly ex touted. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Two second hand Cotton Gins for Mile low for Cash. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarborough, 20ih Sept. 1S34. PHE Subscriber wishes to inform tfo peoniel ,., i, and au uie adjoining titles, that lie is no longer ? eountie Constable of said Couity9 And all those having claims in his hands for col .ection may apply lu jmac ft Hunter and find -hem. They will please pay him the cost and ehver him my receipt and take up the papers, s I expect to start to Alabama in a lew days. JAMES HUNTER, Const 8th Oct. 1S34. 55 5 Notice. "PHE Subscriber has in possession a likely ne gro boy, calling himself JOHN TULL, Dark complexion, about 12 or 14 years of age. lie came to me and said he wanted to lean? a trade, that he is free born, was raised near New 'lern, and that his mother who was a free woman Lawrence & Lemav's NORTH CAROLINA For Sale at this Office at the Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents each, 75 cents a dozen, $4 for hall a gross, 7 a gross, &c. Oct. 1S34. meu about a fortnight since. He has no iYpp papers. j any person has a legal claim t. the services of said boy, they will come forward and make it known otherwise at November Court I will apply to have him bound to me. ISAAC B. BRADY. Tarborough, Oct. 7, 1S34. 55 3 N WEDNESDAY, the 14th insf. the Sub scriber will sell at Public Sale, at his resi dence on Cokey, Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Farm ins; Utensils, Household and Kitchen Furni ture, Sfv. As I am going to remove westward, the sale will be positive. Terms six months credit with interest from the date. IF. K. BULLUCK. Oct 4. 1S34. Twenty Hollars Reward. STOLEN from the Subscri ber's plantation, on the north side of Tar River, near Teat's Bridge, on Sunday night the 2Sth of Sept. A GRAY HORSE, Four or five years old, about 5 feet high, with a shoit switch tail trots and paces, and when pa cing carries his head very high; has a soft knot or lump on the inside of his right hock, some thing like unto a windgall. I will give Ten Dollars reward for the delivery of the horse alone with all necessary expences, or Twenty Dollars for the horse ami thief on his conviction. SPENCER L. HART. Oct. 1S34. 55 List of Letters, Rejiiuiniwr in the Post Office at Tarborough. on the Is day if Oct. 1S31, which if not called far and taken out before the 1st day of Jan. nc.vt, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters. Alexander R II Adams Henry Andrews Nancy or Gray or William Austin Henry Esq Hell Margaret H Den net Mark H Bradley David Braddy S T Maker Manly Battle Jos S Duiluck Edwin Blow Robt Battle Amos Rev Dryan Dempscy Draswell IJenj Cameron Mr Campbell Frances Camp Thos Calhoun Phereba Clark William Cherry I, R Curl Kinchen Jones Alfred Jones William Johnston Zadok Killebrew George Liwrence Peter P 3 Land Charles Moore Elijah Morgan Sam Manning MichI JE Nash John Owens Elijah Owens Elijah S Pare Martha Miss Parker Thos Pitt Joab P 2 Palmer Will II Just Received and for Sale, Iff Hhds. Rorto Rico SUGAR, very good qua IV lity-4 dn. St. Croix, ' 1 25 bags Laguria COFFEE, 6 bhls Loat Sugar, 2 boxes while Havanna, A large slock of Soal & Upper Leather, 300 lbs Shoe Thread, 12 reams Wrapping Paper, 12 do. Writing do. 50 boxes Segars, Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Axes, Cotton Ragging, Bale Rope, Tallow and Sp rm Candles, Cotton Yarns, Ceffee Mills, &c. And am constantly supplied with Shoes of best and common quality, made by a faithful woikman in this town I warrant them to be just what I say they are, well made. Gentle men wishing to purchase would do well to ex amine them. I am determined to sell my goods at small profits when the cash is paid. In every instance I shall sell produce for the regular customers to' my Grocery Iree of commission charges. JOHN D. WILLIAMS. Petersburg, Va. Sept. G. Notice. M P Qm isrn ..it ... v. ... , v.-Miilij, III J (.CffOllfg, r LA offer their services to the public as Commission Merchants. In the sale of all and every description of Pro duce and in the purchase of any articles which may he wanted. Thev are connected in busi ness with RODERICK B. GARY CO. of Blakely, (at the Southern extremity of the Rail Road,) who will take charge of all produce con signed to them, and attend to its forwarding free of any charge to the owner. They keep CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Which will be furnished on good terms and for warded thiough their Agent at Blakely, or oth erwise, so that those sending servants with their wagons, may not fear any confusion either in the forwarding their Produce or the reception of their Goods. WHITE BLUME. Petersburg, 27th Aug. 1834. 50-4 (jDRcfrrence rnay be made to Joseph R. Lloyd, or Louis I). Wilson, by those wishing to know our ability to do what we promise. WHITE $ BLUME. Notice. THE Subscriber earnestly re quests all those indebted to him to call and settle, or he will be com pelled to place their accounts in the hands of an officer for collection. He has on hand, and intends constantly keeping a good stock of Leather, which he will manufacture in to HOOTS AND SHOES, on very moderate terms for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. W. C. R. SUMMERRELL. Tarboro' Sept 25th, 1S34. Cotton Bagging, fyc. 50 Pieces Cotton BAGGING: 80 Coils Dale ROPE, 4 Bales TWINE, 24 Boxes Nn 1 Gnshrn CU n - - "-w.v.cv, Oogsheads Brown Sugar, 3 Boxes Loaf Do. Just received and for sale ch&p for cash by J. W. GOTTEN. 26th Sept. 1834. JYcw Firm. rpHE Subscribers, having purchased the inte--1- rest of Mr. A. S. Jones, in the late firm of Martin, Jones $ Bragg, will continue the Gi 'ocery & Commission Business At the old Stand, under the firm of i MARTIN 4 bRAGG," Who solicit a continuance of the patronage be stowed on the former firm.. Their Agent at Halifax, Mr. Warren Harris, will receive and forward free of charge to the Planters, all the produce which may be sent to them for sale. The Steamboat will run regularly between Halifax and Blakely, which will prevent the delay of produce at Halifax. a: m. martin, D W. BRAGG. Petersburg, Aug. 1st, 1S34. 50-10 1 Proctor Frcdk Pitt Ralph Pender Solomon Pender Josiah Ruffin J no Raincr Allen II Rawls Richard Richards Danford Sharp B W Staton W D Stubbornfield Richard C Dowd Saml H or II A Sorrell James Draughan William 2 Crisp Spires Duggan John S Danforlh Jas M Dawes Enhraim Dortch David H Dixon Henry England Will F Ell i nor Jas Edwards Will Griffin Will Grymes Thos Hoell Will H Hathaway John Hines Richard 2 Hartmus Jas II Hill Mrs Rebecca Hart S L Jenkins John 2 Jenkins Mary Eliza 95 Sl7:04i Savage Jas H Shea lor Rosa Sorey Robt Thigpen LemI Turner Thos 3 Thigpen John VTeresby Mayo Weaver Benj Warren Joshua or John Stuart Wehb William Whitaker Martha Miss Wersley Elizabeth Miss Williams Benj Sen Whitehead Lend F Wilson L D Gen 2 . J. R.LLOYD, P.M. For Sale. MIE Subscriber offers for sale his Residence adjoining the town of Warrenton, immedi ately on the road to Shocco, containing 55 Acres of Land, Forty odd of which is well timbered. For health, society, beauty and pleasantness of situation, few places in the State excel it. It has a neat dwelling House, with comfortable out. houses, well selected fruit trees, &c. For the entire sit uation, he will take S1000 le?s than the dwelling House (which is yet almost new) cost. Should he not dispose of it before he leaves the Stated any one wishing to purchase, will. call on Rich ard Davison or Robert T. Cheek, Esqrs. W. W. HILL. Aug. 2S, 1834. 51-3 $20 Reward. UAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about lour weeks 320, a mulatto fellow by the name of He is tolerable well built, full round face, when interrogated generally frowns and looks down iiis father belongs to Major Whitmel K. Bui- luck, and he has some relation at Charles Wil kinson, Esq's. He is about 21 or 22 years old. It is probable he may attempt to pass as a free fellow, being quite intelligent. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver him to me, or secure him in jail so that I can get him again, and pay all reasonable expences. W. D. PET WAY. Town Creek, Edgecombe County, N.C. Sept. 12, 1S34. 53 HISTORY OF THE ICehnkee Association. the "A Fish and Lime. 100 barrels MACKEREL, 60 barrels LIME just received and for sale by J. W. GOTTEN. Slh Jnly, 1S34. UST PUBLISHED, and for sale at Office of the Tarborough Free Press, concise History of the Kehukee Baptist Asso ciation, from its original rise to the present time By Elder Joseph Biggs under the super vision of a committee (consisting of Elders Josh ua Lawrence, William Hyman, and Luke Ward, and brethren Thomas Diggs, Joseph D. Diggs, and Cushion B. Hasell,) appointed by the As sociation." Price Si each, or SlO per dozen. Distant Subscribers will please send by their brethren or neighbors to the next Association for their books, as they will then be enabled to et them conveniently. GEO. HOWARD. Sent. I?, IS 34, FOR SALE. OAVING determined to remove to the West, I offer for sale all my Lands in the Gourjsnr of bjasis, (viz:) THE TRACT whereon I now live, lying on the north side of Swift Creek, and within one and a half miles of Hilliardston, immediately on the roa9 from Mearns's meeting house to War renton. This Tract contains 900 or And is not inferior to any in this neighborhood, in point of quality of land and improvements, it having thereon a very commodious DWELL ING HOUSE, 62 feet long, 32 feet wide, with 5 rooms below and a passage running across the house 10 feet wide, and two pair of stairs the inside work of a part of this house is inferior to none in this section 4 chimnies, with an excel lent cellar, 32 by IS, the balance of the house closely bricked underneath, with all other neces sary out houses, amongst which is an excellent KITCHEN, 23 by IS, built of brick, with two chimnies. There is attached to this building an excellent well of pure water within 20 steps of the door, and a never failing spring within 150 yards of the house. As to health I believe this is one of the most healthy settlements in this count'. In addition to the improvements already na med, there is attached to this plantation, A never failing MILL, On Swift Creek, within i of a mile of the dwell ing house, with 3 pair of runners, bolting cloths, cotton Gin, all in good oiderand nearly new7 with an excellent constant custom. As 1 presume no person will purchase without viewing the premises, I deem it unnecessary to mention all the advantages attending this desire able situation. It will be sold in a body, or may be divided so as to suit purchasers. Persons living in a sickly country would do well to pur chase this place. I ALSO OFFER FOR SALE, That valuable Tract of LAND, Lying on Peachtree Creek, H miles from Nash ville, (Nash county.) This Tract contains 5Q ACZICS, And is inferior to none in that neighborhood for farming. It has thereon a small framed Dwell- ing House, Cribs, negro houses. &c. with an excellent Saw and Grist MILLt and bolting cloths. This place is well watered and healthy. Persons wishing to purchase will please view the premises. Nash July, 1534. 43