THE TWILIGHT HOUR. " I'is now the balmy evening hour The swcrtcM of our summer eves: The summer sun has lost its power Amid the western forest leaves. And weary man has sunk to rest. His d ty's toil o'er; and visions blest Springing lVm fancy's roseate bed, Price lightly round his pillowed head. How beauteous now the western skies, Their erimson robes unfurlt d, Thai seem to veil Imm mortal eyes The vistas to a brighter world. AmI a tbe tinted lustie fade-, Am. I ll.ek'rrng light gives plapr to shades The hour brings rest to thoughts'oi earth, And gives the loftier, holier, birth. Tins is the hour when angels rye, With softened smile, pure earthly love; And hail with j y each h ilfbteathed sigh, The z phyrs waft to realms above; And be.ii them with the wing of thought, To altars in the diamond wrought, Fnvo wh cli they rise an incense dear To Hint whitlows his creatures here. The mother views Iter lovely child, I'atig'.ed with all Ins sports of day, Sink in slumbers calm ami mild. Hut turns not from hi couch away. Sir. gazes on his faint sweet smile, H ,-ii'mi n curls, ami polihd brow, A."i pravs. ;o thought of ear thly guile IU n fide those cheeks, v roseate now. AY ere now is proud ambition's frown? Where the flame of angered breast? 13 e fore the fv auleous evening flown, They've left the troubled mind to re!. Ob. when mv day of life is o'er, And passion's fin: is felt no more, May I behold this hallowed scene, In my own heart pass Yr again. STANZAS. My days among the dead are past; Around me I behold Where'er these casual eves are cast, The mighty minds of old IWy never tailing friends are they, Willi whom 1 converse day by day. With them I take delight in weal, And seek relief in woe; And while I understand and feel How much to them 1 owe, My cheeks have often been bedew'd With tears of thoughtful gratitude. My thoughts are with the dead, with them I live in long past year; Their virtues love, their faults condemn, Partake their hopes and fears; And from their lessons seek and find Instruction with a humble mind. My hopes are with the dead; anon My place with them will be. And with them I shall travel on Through all futurity; Ye' leaving here a name, I trust That will not perish in the. dust. Cotton Yarn. fr'lK Subscribers having purchased of Mr. - .'ohn Parker, all his interest m the COTTON FACTORY n the Falls of Tar River, the firm of Battle 4" Parker is therefore dissolved. The Subscribers have now. arid exnect lo keen constantly on hand, a full supply of the Very best Cotton lam. Of all numbers, from 4 to IS inclusive; and are prepared to supply all demands, for the above ar tide on the most liberal tcim5?. They ate will ing to deliver the Yarn to Merchant in all parts ol the Slate (as far as their means will permit) making the usual charges for conveyance; or dp Iiv r it nt the Factory, on terms as good as can be obtained cIm where. RATTLE St BROTHERS. Falls of Tar River, Dec. 10. 20 N H. The Machinery is entirely new, and of the latest and most imptoved kind. Just received and now opening, At the Cheapest Stove in this place, A large and handsome assortment of seasonable STAPHS AM) FANCY Cloaks, Hlankets, Hats, Caps, Hoots, Pumps and Shoes, Saddles, Rridles and Harness, Hardware and Cutlery, Iron anil Steel, Ploughs and Points, Cotton lagging, Rope and Twine, and every other article usually kept in si. milar establishments; all ol which may he bought at price as cheap as at any Store in this State. J. IV. GOTTEN. Tarboro', 13ih Oct. 183 I. deceived this Day, At the Cheap Cash Store, Ladies satin, kid, and Prunella French SHOES, an imported arti cle, finished in the most lecent and jshionahie style alo, dents, best calfkin HOOTS, SHOES and PUMPS, ol an excellent nuality. ..7.V. IV EI) I) ELL. April 2 1, 1S:M. m-:ak iiii: nuuxa:, on main stri:i:t, May be found a new Mipply of Goods, Wares and .Merchandize, Strictly applicable to the present and approach ing season consisting of Staple ami Fancy Lorillard's best SnulV, Fancy and common Soap, White Le ad c window (il.isN Castor Oil Lemon Syrup, Mack Inkcv Copal Varnish, in bottles, Powder & Shot Pearlash, Malaga Wine c l'orter. Northern Flax, Loaf, lumpcC bro Sugars, I'n ktd Cotton, to retail, Coffee, Teas & Chocolate, Ladies baskets, New clean Rice, Churns and Tubs, Molasses Nor'n Butter, j.GOU lb excellent Uac.on, And many minor articles, all of which are re speclfully offered upon the most accommodating terms to purchasers. Tai borough, June 10, I S3 1. Just lleeeired and for Sale, Ilhds. Rorto Kic SUC AR, very good qua lily 1 do. St. Croix, '25 bags Laguria COFFEE, t bids Loaf Sugar, 2 boxes white Havanna, A large stock of Soal & Upper Leather, 300 lbs Shoe Thread, 12 reams Wrapping Paper, 1 2 do. Writing do. 50 boxes Segars, Allspice, Pepper, (linger. Axes, Cotton Hagging, Hale Rope, Tallow and Sperm Candles, Cotton Yarns, C fi'ee Mills, &e. And am constant!) supplied with Shoes of best and common quality, made by a faithful workman in this town l warrant them to oe just what I say they are, well made. (.Senile- men wishing to purchase would do well to ex an.'ue them. 1 am determined to sell my goods at small proli's when the cash is paid. In every instance I diall sell produce for the regular customers lo my Grocery free of commission charges. JOHN D IV ILL Li MS. Petersburg, Vi. Sept. fi. 4m Dry ' loods 1 Iats, Slucs and Hoots, Saddlery Hardware, Gl iss and i' rockery, Hi net 's best l it), Apple l'randy, Hum and Whiskey, Land for Sale. REINO anxious lo move lo tl r,..t I nlT.-r for s:ln the TrdCl uj 1 , t-r-i , - . Land whereon I now live, containiu- ibont One Thousand Acres It is a healthy situation, in Nash county, on Sn ny ("reek, about three miles above the great Fall of Tar River, with a commodious two stor dwelling house (new,) and other out houses; jI pie and peach orchards sufiicient to make 15 fi 20 barrels brandv, besides other fruit trees. Tl land is of tolerable good quality and well water ed. On the said Stony Creek (a cousta stream) there is an excellent grist and saw mil' cotton machine, &e. (on sonu rocK luunuai ,; all in good order. Long credit can be given i! it best suits the purchaser, or negroes will be ta ken in part naymant. TIMO. T Ell It ELL. 2d September, 1S33. - Acid Eirm. (H)TT0.X VLY8. rHK Subscriber has i-TiHIMumI himself in the houses formerly occupiod by u. ;,, J0sPph Lackey, dre'd, near trV liiver, and a short dis tance below Jienjamin M. Jackson's store, wiiere he carries on the Making and repairing Cotton dins All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins ofihe best quality, are respectfully solicit ed to apply to the Subscriber personally, or )y letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly cx ccutfd. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. rWr. second hand Cotton Gins for .Sale low for Cast, KJMUEL I) PROCTER. Tat borough, 3Qth Sep,. lbH rgMIR Subscribers, naving purchased the inte- ri st of Mr A. S. Jones, in the Lu- firm of Martin, Jones & Hragg. will continue the Grocery & Commission Hnsiness, At the old Stand, under the firm of "AM It TIN $ B1UGG: Who solicit a continuance of the patronage be stowed oii the former firm. Their Agent at llali'ax, Mr. Warren Harris, will receive and forward free of charge to the r" Planteis, all the produce which may be sent to them for sale. The Steamboat will run regularly In tween Halifax and Hlakely, which will prevent the delay ot pioduce at Halifax. N. M. AMR TIN, I). IV. II IMG U. Petersburg, Aug. 1st, 1S34. 50-10 HISTORY OF THE RvJtuhcc Association. UST PUHLISHEI), and lor sale at the Olfice of the Tarborough Free Press, "A concise History of the Kehukee Haptist Asso ciation, from its original to the present time Hy Elder Joseph Higgs under the super vision of a committee (consisting of Elders Josh ua Lawrence, William Hyman, and Luke Ward, and brethren Thomas Higgs Joseph D. Higgs, and Cushion H. Hassell,) appointed hy the As relation." Price 51 each, or $10 per dozen. Distant Subscribers will please send hy their brethren' or neighbors to the next Association! for their books, as they will then be enabled to get Ihcm conveniently. GEO. HOWARD. Stpt. 18, 1831. L&MB & MI1XS, FOIL SILK. AVING determined to remove lo the West, I oiler for sale all my Lands in the COUrJTTZ1 Ol XSL&S2I, (viz:) THE TKACT whereon I now live, lvinn on the north side of Swift Creek, and within one and a half miles of 1 1 illiardston, immediately on the road from Meanis's meetinjr house to War reiiton. This Tract contains OOO or 1,000 ACKSS, And is not inferior to any in this neighborhood, in mint ot quality of land and improvements, it having thereon a very commodious DWELL AY HOUSE, (2 feet long, 32 feet wide, with 5 roms below and a passage running across the house 10 feet wide, and two pair of stairs the inside vork of a part of this house is inferior to none in this se ction 1 chimnies, with an excel lent cellar, Cr2 by Ijs, the balance of the house closely bricked underneath, with all other neces sary out houses, amongst which is an excellent KITC II EN, 28 by li, built of brick, with two chimnies. There is attached to this building an excellent well of pure water within 20 steps of the door, and a never failing spring within 150 yards of the house. As to health I believe this is one of the most healthy settlements in this county. In addition to the improvements already na med, there is attached to this plantation, A never-failing .MILL, On Swift Creek, within i of a mileof the dwell ing house, with 3 pair of runners, bolting cloths, cotton (Jin, all in good order and nearly new, with an excellent constant custom. As 1 presume no person will purchase without viewing the premises, I deem it unnecessary to mention all the advantages attending this desire able situation. It will be sold in a body, or mny be divided so as to suit purchasers. Persons living in a sickly country would do well to pur chase this place. . I ALSO OFFER FOR SALE, That valuable Tract of LAJ D, Lying on Peachtree Creek, 1 miles from Nash ville, (Nash county.) This Tract contains 50 ACHBS, And is inferior to none in that neighborhood for larming. It has thereon a small framed Dwell ing House, Cribs, negro lionses, &e. with an excellent Saw and Grist MILL, and bolting cloths. Tins place is well watered and healthy. Persons wishing to purchase will please view the premises. JOSEPH Q It RING TON, Jr. Nash July, 183-1. 4S ' Henry John do iU MKKCHAMT TAII.Oit, 'JWKES this opportunity of informing Le ru; ', lie, that he has just received from New V,r- A general Assortment of Goods, In his line of business, consisting in pnrt nf superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, of the niost f i ' ionable colors, Fancy velvet and silk Vestrngs, V handsome assortment of fancy Stocks, I',,Srv. Collars, Gloves, Suspenders,, c( . ' He particularly invites all those who ujo.ttl.r. no"e Goods to call and examine for them lv is he. is confident he can please such, both i quality and price. Gentlemen furnishing tj;c:r wn cloths, can have them made and turning o the most fashionable manner and at the mrt. .st notice. All orders from a distance wii . punctually attended to. Tarboro', Oct. 9lh, 1S34. Cloths Cassimeres. rBMIIS day opened, a very handsome merit of blue, black, steel mix and fancy Cloths and Catsimeres, Sattinetts, Vestings, Stocks, Collars and Kcisom1 which will be sold very cheap for Cash, or on the usual credit to customers. J. W. COTTKX 15th Oct. 1S3-1. Gents, Fashionable Hats. l Lil-fJ rtVUIICU Ol.UK, Olli dark drab beaver HATS, of tviry shape and quality aLo, hoys Uack Hats and fancy CAPS, just to hand, at the Cheap Cash Store. JAS. WEDDELL. April 22, 1S31. riHIE Subscriber, who for several years past, has .1- been engaged in the Gin .Malcing hnsincss. In Kinston, has established himself IN tiKKKNVILLE, Where lie carries on the abov e business in all its va rious branches. All those who wish to supply them- I selves with (iins of the best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Mihscnoer personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will he promptly execu ted. From the Subscriber's long experience in his. business; and from the approbation which his wevk. has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their patronage. Gins out of order will be ex peditiously repaired. The Subscriber takes the lib erty of calling the attention of those who wish to pro cure new (iins, or to have old (iins repaired, to the expediency of applying to hint in time. W hen all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pressure of business, that many are obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay tluui they wish. In connexion with this establishment, carries on The Lock and Gunsmith business, He also makes Scnv Mill Iloxcs, and Mill Inks, and Gudgeons, of a composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Maleigh Grist Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned.) These articles equal to any manufactured in the United States. All letters and orders must be directed to the Sub scriber, at Greenville. HENRY CHAMBERLAIN. July J 2, JS33. 46 JYotiec. rplIE Subscriber has in possession a likely ne gro boy, calling himself JOHN TULL. Dork complexion, about 12 or 14 years of age. He came lo me and said he wanted to learn a trade, that ho is free born, was raised near New hern, and that his mother who was a free wooan died about a fortnight since. He has no Iree papers. If any person has a legal claim t" he services of said boy, they will come forward and make it known otherwise at November Court I will apply lo have him bound to me. ISAAC B. BRADY. Tarborough, Oct. 7, 1834. 55 3 Edgeeo m b e Ca va hy! J0J will muster at your usual parade ground ' 75 Dollars Reward. ESCAPED from the Subscriber, while encamped at the house of Col. A Watt, in Rockingham county, (N. C.) on the night of the 10th of May JSegro .1rtJf, named John. He is about 30 years old, about 5 feet 11 inches high; no marks recollected; had on a home-spun jeans long coat, and common thread and cotton ' l Lin im2 .... . U f.., A ,rh '. ' III I '11'hniniif.h -- tt I ttti 4 I. - c - I L P I ' i , " "".y. "c -." -y ,)ad JVbes, in l'ill counly, near Greenville an Oe obtr ufxt, ormcil ami equ.p,,! for a general L .Me he will endeavor to set back loth muster. Hy order, Aug. 2), 1S3 1 C. C. KNIGII1 UtSergU. Published and for Sale at this Offcce. 4 PATRIOTIC I)ISCOURSE....tho North Carolina Whig's Apology for the Kehukee Association.. ..and, A Rasket of Fragments, by the Rev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Review of Clark's defence and justification to the Kehu kee Association, written hy a lay member of the Association. ...and, Occurrences "in the life of El der Joseph Riggs, wrote by himself. Tarborough, August 9. and e pro bah same neighborhood. The above reward of Seventy-Five Dollars will be paid to any one who will apprehend and lodge the said Negro in any jail, so that the Sub scriber can get him again. Letters addressed to the undersigned, at Buckingham Court House, (Va.) will receive immediate attention. JOHN I. MORRIS. July 5, 1S34. 43-3m Printing press for sale. 4 SUPER IiOVAL Printing Press, on ths old mode of construction, can be procuret. on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office. Jaiiucry, IS 34.

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