Miscellaneous HOME. O, Home! ihou art in every place, O'er all the boundless earth The centre of eternal space, Where'er thou hast thy birth. They sav, "a thousand miles Irom home," A" from the dearest thin; That links our souls, the more we roam, The more to it we elir.g. What though ten thousand miles we run, And add ten thousand more, There is a Home 'tis like the sun That travels still before. Though not for tis though all be strange; Vet fondest hearts there he. In all the world's unmeasured range, No home elsewhere can see. O'er peopled realms, or deserts vast, There still One Voice is heard 'Tis Ilomt Home there her lot hath cast Of m;ui, of beat, or bird. Within the forest's deepest shade, Ten thousainl depths around Home for each living thing is made That creepeih on the ground. Where life hath neither bed nor lair, In silence, and in gloom. Home finds theionely fl nveret there, The worm within the tomb. Home, Home it is eternal love His presence and His praise O'er all, around, below, above Creation's boundless w tys E'en in the poor, defiled heart, The present Home of sin, God said. Let wickedness depart, And We will dwell therein. Blest Spirit, thou that Home prepare, D thou make clean, secure, Lest Love should seek his dwelling there, His Home, nor find it pure. Thou, when this oarthly Home shall fall, As built on erring sands IVIe to that heavrnlv -Mansion call. Prepared, not made with hands. That Home of love, and jov, and peace, No sorrow in the breast From troubling, where the wicked cease, And when; the weary rest. SORROW AND HOPE. By sorrow revvded, as the stars are by night, F ir off a bright vision appeal s. And Hope, like the rainbow, a creature of light, Is h-rn, liki ihe rainbow, in tears Fanaticism. A Hntish Al isiunarv, by (he name of Thompson, lists just nr rivnd on our shores. His intotnions were announced beforehand. lie comes to preach up Abolition and to sow, if he cjhi, the seeds of discord and disunion. "We ujjain warn the Fanatics of the North, the Tappans, the Garrisons, the Coxes, and their fellows, to beware?. The groat majority of our Fellow Citizens of the North will scout llieir proceedings if we judge by the spirit they have already displayed and well will it be for our country, lh:it they have taken this stand for, if lliev once undertake to interfere with these delicate relations, the conse quences must be fatal beyond calculation. The inestimable Union of these States might split upon this very rock. Richmond Enq. 01 Wo learn by the Augusta (Maine) paper, that the Anti-Slave Convention, which was held there last week, was ad dressed by the itinerant foreign mission ary, Thompson, who lately arrived in this country, in language so indecent and vituperative of our institutions, that a meeting of the citizens was convoked, and tins impertinent intruder requested to ehange his quarters and leave the town, which he accordingly did.. Jfat. Int. An Escape. A colored girl, says Ihe Hartford Tims, who had been in this city for three or four years past was re claimed by her master on Tuesday last. Sh' was taken into the fourth story of the United States Hotel, and in a moment of desperation leaped from the window to the ground, a dilanre of 30 let. Al th"Uirh the distance was so great, she was but sliihdy injured, and a purse was im mediately "raised for purchasing her Iree- dom. Important Medical Discovery. Two physicians, at Gottingen, have, it is de clared, lately discovered that oxydrat of iron is an infallible antidote against ar senical poison. As the oxydrat of iron is perfectly innocuous, this discovery is pe culiarly interesting. C7Tho candle factory of Mr. Wilcox, in Harrison street, Baltimore, was lately destroyed by fire, together with the ad joining dying establishment ofTowns end & Bandell. The fire was caused by the spontaneous combustion of cau dle wicks thrown together, from which the tallow had been melted. N. Y. Star. 1 COFFIELJ) KING, Mi:ilCllANT TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers that he has returned from New York, where he purchased his Supply of Fall Goods, In his line of business, viz: Superfine blue & black Cloths, mulberry mixt do. Clarence brown, sage and lavender Cassimeres, Drab, black, and Oi lcans do. Drab Petersham Goats hair Camblet, Striped and figured velvet N estings plain black do. Plain black and figured silk Yestings, Figured Marseilles and Valencia do. Linen Uosoms and Collars black satin Stocks, Gentlemen's, buck Gloves Umbrellas, is.c. All of which he will sell low for cah or an a short credit to punctual customers. Those wish ing to purchase will please to call and examine for themselves. Gentlemen's clothing made and trimmed in the most fashionable style and at the shortest notice. All orders from a distance will be thankfully received & punctually attended to. Tai borough, Oct. 2;J, 1831. Hats and Caps. VOW OPENING, a handsome assortment of heaver and silk Hats, cloth ami hair Caps, which will be sold as cheap as can be desired. J. JV COTTEX 1 1th Oct. 1S3L fSJNcto Uoods. Just received and now opening, Al the Cheapest Store in this place, A large and handsome assortment of seasonable STAPLE AND FANCY Cloaks, Blankets, Hats, Caps, Hoots, Pumps and Shoes, Saddles, Uridles and Harness, Hardware and Cutlery, Iron ami Steel, Ploughs and Points, Cotton Having, Hope and Twine, and every other article usually kept in si milar establishment; all of which may be bought at price as cheap as at any Store in this Sute. J. jv. COTTEX. Tarboro', 13ih Oct. 1S3-I. NEW ANT) FASHIONABLE Millinery, Sfc. US. HOWARD informs her customers and the public, that she has just received her Fall Supply f Goods, Which she will with pleasure submit to their in spection among her assortment will be fougd: Elegant patten silk and silk velvet Bonnets, Polk, Kemble. Tuscan and open straw do. Misses do. Chinchillas Tuscan Braid and Gimp, Watered, figured, ;uid plain Silks and Satins, Royal purple, claret colored, and black silk Yelvets, Superb Caps and Capes Puffs and Cutis, White and black ostrich Feathers, Feathered and velvet Flowers, Kibbons, in great variety Blond Footing c Edging, Fringes, Laces, Inserting, fluted Footing, c. &c. All of which she will dispose of on her usual moderate ami accommodating terms. Tarhorough, Oct. 22, 1S31. jVotiee. STKAYKD from the Subscriber. JSfejpwhih- at the Camp Meeting near Wil-Tf-OrhAt-liamston, on the 13th ult. .11 dark hay Marc, Rather inclined to be stockey built, with black mane and tail, right eye not good. Any person who will secure or deliver her to me, will be satisfactorily rewarded and receive the thanks of JAMES DUG IX. Greenwood, Scotland Neck, ) pm . 22d Oct. 1S34. J J 3 $'20 Rcwprd. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about four weeks ago, a mulatto fellow by the name of XV1I&&S, He is lolerahle well built, full round face, when interrogated generally frowns and looks down his father belongs to Major Whitmcl K. Uul !uck, and he has some relation at Charles Wil kinson, Esq's. He is about 21 or 22 years old. It is probable he may attempt to pass as a free fellow, being quite intelligent. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver him to me, or secure him in jail so that I can get him again, and pay all reasonable expences. IV. D. PETIVAY. Town Creek, Edgecombe County, N.C. Sept. 12. 1S31. Printing press for sale. 4 SUPER 10 YAL Priming Press, on the old mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office. J am: cry, IS 34. INLAK TIIH millHJi:, ON MAIN STUFF!', May be found a new supply of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, Strictly applicable to the present and approach ing season consisting of Staple and Fancy Drv Goods Hats, Lorillard's hist Snuff, Shoes and Hoots, Fancy and common Soap, Saddlerv Hardware, White Lead c window Glass, Castor Oil Lemon Syrup, Black Ink & Copal Varnish, in bottles, Powder & Shot Pearlash, Malaga Wine fc Porter, Northern Flax, Loaf, lump tC bro Sugars, Picked Cotton, to retail, CoffeeTeas c Chocolate, Ladies Baskets, New clean Rice, Churns and Tubs, Molasses Nor'n Butter, 5,000 lb excellent Bacon, And many minor articles, all of which are re spectfully oirered upon the most accommodating terms to purchasers. Tai borough, June 10, 1 S3-. Glass and Crockery, Bruce's best 1 in, Annie Brandv, Rum and Whiskev, Henry Johnston, IMF It CHANT TAILOR, r BW K ES this opportunity of informing the pub- lie, that he has jut received from New Yoik .1 general Assortment of Goniis, In his line of business, consisting in p.-rl of Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, of the most fash ionable colors, Fancy velvet and silk Ycstings. A handsome assortment 1 fancv Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, cc. He particularly invites all those who want the above Goods to call and examine for themselves, as he is confident he can please such, both in quality and price. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloths, can have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at the short est notice. All orders from a distance will be punctually attended to. Tarboro', Oct. 9th, 1834. JYcw Firm. nHE Subscribers, having purchased ihe intc--- rest of Mr. A. S. Jones, in the late firm of Martin, Jones tS- Eragg, will continue the Grocery (J Commission Business, At the old Stand, under the firm of "MARTIX $ BRAGG," Who solicit a continuance of the patronage be stowed on the former firm. Their Agent at Hali'ax, Mr. IVarrcn Harris, will receive and forward free of charge to the Planters all the produce which may be sent to them for sale. 'The Steamboat will run regularly between Halifax and Hlakely, which will prevent the delay of produce at Halifax X. M. MA It TIN, D. IV. BRAGG. Petersburg, Aug. 1st, IS3I. 50-10 Cotton Yam. fPHE Subscribers having purchased of Mr. A John Parker, all his interest in the COTTOX FACTORY K the Falls of Tar River, the firm of Battle Parker is therefore dissolved. The Subcribers have now, and expect lo keep constantly on hand, a full supply of the Very hest Cotton Varn, Of all numbers, from 4 to IS inclusive; and are prepared lo supply all demands for the above ar ticle on the most liberal terms. They are will ing to deliver the Yarn to Merchants in all parts o( the Sljie (as far as their means will permit) making the usual charges for conveyance; or de liver it at the Factory, on terms as good as can be obtained elsewhere. BATTLE Sr BROTHERS. Falls of Tar River, Dec. 10. 0 N. IS. 'The Machinery is entirely new, and cf the latest and most improved kind. Just Received and for Sah If Hhds. Rorto Rico SUG AU, verv )T(1 . ' lt F,.y-4do.St.Croix, ' SJqu 2" bags Laguria COFFEE, f, hbl Loa! Sugar, 2 boxes white Havanna, A large stock of Soal & Lrpper Leader 300 lbs Shoe 'Thread, ' " 12 reams Wrapping Paper, 12 do. Writing do. 50 boxes Segars, Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Axes, Cotton Bagging, R:ie Rope, 'Tallow and Sperm Candle, Cotton Yarns, Coffee Mills, &c. And am constantly supplied with Sh0f -best and common quality, made by a fjuhn workman in this town I wariant tin rr, ifl!' just what I say they are, well made. Gfr.il men wishing to purchase would do well 0 ex amine them. I am determined to sell my goods at n,n profits when the cash is paid. In evei v iuai " I shall sell produce for the regular i-HMumrs ' my Grocery free of commission elmis. JO fX D. IVILLLlMs. Petersburg, Va. Sept. G. lie reived this Day, At the Cheap Cash Store, Ladies satin, kid, and Fnine''? vnnnu vnnrv : " fl cle, finished in the n:ot recent ar.i! fjshionable style also, Gm.k -.,,xt calf skin BOO TS, SHOES and PUMPS, an excellent quality. JAS. iVEDDELL. April 24, IS 34. Cloths Cassimeres. raMUS day opened, a very handsome ascrt A ment of blue, black, steel mix and fau-y Cloths and Cassimeres. Saltinetts, Yestings, Slocks, Collars and Bosoms, which will be sold wry cheap for Cash, or ou the usual credit to customers. .. JV. COTTEX. 15lh Oct. 1S34. HISTORY OF TIIE Kclnihce Association. UST PUHIJSIIEI), and for sale at the Office of the Tarboroujrh Free Press, A concise History of the Kehukee Baptist Asso ciation, from its original rise to the present time By Elder Joseph Biggsunder the super vision of a committee (consisting of Elders Josh ua Lawience, William Ilymannnd Luke Ward, and brethren I nomas Biggs, Joseph 1). Bigs, and Cushion B. Ibsse!!,) appointed by the As sociation. Price Si each, or SlO per dozn. GEO. 110 WAR I). Sept. IS, 1S34. Gents. Fashionable Hats. 27 eases assorted black, light and dark drab beaver HATS, of every shape and quality alo, boys black Hats and fancy CAPS, just to haud, at the Cheap Cash Store. JAS. IVEDDELL. April 22, 1S34. rm asm rjHIE Subscriber, who for several years past, ha? X been engaged in the Gin iMakiwr business, Iii Kinston, has estublishvd himself I.N GREENVILLE, Where he carries on the above business in all its va rious branches. All those who wish to supply them selves with Gins of the bestqualitv, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly" execu ted. F rom the Subscriber's loni experience in his business; and from the approbation which his w rk has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their patronage. Gins out "of order will be ex peditiously repaired. 'The Subscriber takes the lib erty of calling the attention of those who wish to pro cure new Gins, or to have old Gins repaired, to the expediency of applying to him in time. W hen all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pressure of business, that many are obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay ihah thev wish. In connexion with this establishment, carries on The hock and Gunsmith business, lie also makes Suxv Mill Boxes, and Mill Inks, and Gudgeons, of a composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Kaleigh C, hut Mill Swindles, with Steel Collars, (turned.) These articles equal to any manufactured in the United States. All letters and orders must be directed to the Sub scriber, at Greenville. HENRY CHAMBERLAIN. July 12, 1833. 45 COTTOX GLVS. rpilE Subscriber has established himself in the houses formerly occupied by the late Joseph Lackey, dee'd, near the Kiver, and a short dis tance below Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on the Making and repairing Cotton Gins, All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respectfully solicit ed to apply to the Subscriber personal!-, or hv letter. All orders for Gins will he promptly ex ecuted. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Two second hand Cotton Gins fur sate low for Cash. SAMUEL D. PIWCTER. Tarborough, 30th Sept. 1S34. Published and for Sale at this Office. A PATRIOTIC I)ISCOURSK....the North Carolina Whig's Apology for the Kehukee Association.... and, A Basket of Fragments, by the Iiev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Review of Clark's defence and justification to the Kehu kee Association, written by a lay member of the Association. ...and, Occurrences in the life of El der Joseph Biggs, wrote by himself. Tabcrough, August 9.