sir? & m & u ioff Yo. ;j33. Tarborough, (Edgecombe. County, X. C.) Friday, December 19, 1831. Vol. XXo. 05. 7i? Ttr ,rr(z'i Free 'r.v.v," mr cokuk no WARD, Is p ihlisherl weekly, at T:vo Dollars and Fifty r,;fv m.t vv iv. if paid in advance or, Three Dol-i-.srs, :it tlu t i-in of the Mib.cription year. Km vv period less t'nn a ycir, Twenty -Jive Cents pe; ,.( nth. Subscribers arc at liberty to discontinue ;u aavtimr, n uivia notice thereof and paying art'ear: ihe re'din at a distance must invariably pay in ;idv:ince.""Kive a responsible t Terence in thNvicinity Advertisements, not e;ceedint; 16 lines, will he iw Mited al.)0 cents the first insertion, and 5 cents each 0!)tiiiiiance. Longer oiu-s .tt that rate for every If lit. Advertisements must he marked the r.mnher ,,f insertions required, or they will he eor.tinned until otherwise ordered, and charaed accordingly. Letters addressed to the Ivlitor must be post paid, or tiiey may not he attended to. To the. Public. VINli et;blislinl myself in (he Town of Halifax, the object of this is to iv that 1 have jit purchased A Lare Warehouse, 9": ',u' m:,,'e V(,ry nrcesNnry nrnevrp. .i mm lor the Storage and Shippoi;; S-fi of COTTON and other Produce, to Petersburg, Norfolk, or New York. This hntw is siitiated very high and above the dinner of the rNe of water, to which some of the Warehouses are subject. Should any ol my lvlecombe acquaintances, an il of the adjoining counties be disposed to send Produce this way, their former knowledge ol me will be sufficient for them to know ilut tii"ir business will be faithfully attended to. WILL II. HILLS. Halifax, 22d Nov. 1S;3 1. (i J Tallow, Tdtloio. GOO POUNDS prime Tallow, for sale by .. IV. COTTEN. 20 til Nov. IS 3-1. Jl Jilacksmith. ) be hired out during the year 1835, apply to ucoige Howard, or 10 MSI UK BENNETT. Dec. 4, 1831. Information. MIKRR is made at the Manucdd IVatch Factory in the north-west corner house in rat boiough, N. C. all parts of the running work i watches of every description, being bounti 1 1 1 1 1 3- supplied with the best materials to render faithful every performance in gray or high pol ish as may be required, having now in complete operation a new invented engine for giving the augb' lor a free scapement of Lever Watches, which hn been a subject of much difficult7. Watches jewelled, favorite cut glass and china drilled and clamped when broken, in first fash ion. On hand, 120 dozen watch crystal, con sisting of vinos, lunet, patent, and common aud nil ueeesary articles in proportion for repairing. Tarborough, Nov. 13,1831. 60-3 Stale of North Carolina, I! IK! ECO M 15 K C 0 U N T Y. Court cf Pit as and Quarter Xexxiu?:, NOVKM1JKU TKKM, 1S34. Rxum Lewis and Susan Bandy ) Nuncupative vs. will of Ma- JlOltCC. -m'y appeal inir to the satisfaction of the Coert rpHR Subscribers are now removing from their 1 - that Olive Kdwards, one of the defendants in old stand to the Store formerly oreupied by hhe above cau-e, is a non-resident of this Slate: Me-srs. Hyman &L Lawrence, and dn eeily ' op- i Ordered, therefore, that publication be made for polite to John W. C. men's. They will in a lew! two moidhs in the Tarborough Free Press, that Uiys offer for ale, a quantity of Suit, Molasscs. said Will, will be offered for probate at our Suifar ami Coffee Bagging, Hope, and all of j next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be the heavy articles which are important to farmers J 1rd for said County, at the Court House in Tar at this season of the year. j borough, on the fourth Monday of February (ASH, and the highest price, $!l be piid for next, 'then and there to attend by herself or at- Miscellaneous baled Cotton. ). RICILWDS S? CO. Tarborough, Nov. 27lh, 1S34. 2 Hats and Caps. "VTOW OPENING, a handsome assortment of beaver and silk Hats, cloth and h nr Caps, which will be sold as chap as can be desired. J. tr. GOTTEN. 14th Oct. 1S34. il liifiW m re w w j P t&wi ;j d fat u U Land for Sale. IIIE Subsej-iber being anxious to move to the west, uiFers for ale bis Trad of Land, "Wbf-reon he now lives, (known as the Jeremiah lliili ird's L:uuN) lying on the north side of Tar Kivcr, just below the Little?F;dls, adjoining the lands of William Taylor, dee'd, Robert Sorey and others, containing between nine hundred and a thousand Acres now in good repair and well adapted to the culture of all the produc tions of this country. On said plantation is a ;irri dwelling bouse, containing 4 rooms and a passage, below, 2 rooms and a passage above, with a cellar full size of the house a kitchen, .smoke house, dairy, landry, 2 granaries con taining 4 rooms 10 feet square, good new Mil Lies a larjre Orchard of choice fruit, with all necessary con veniencies for making brandy. Also, another Tract, Adjoining the above, containing 530 Acre, some of which is low grounds, the balance piney woods. This tract has also a good dwelling house on it, nearly new, with 4 rooms below and 2 upstairs, and other out houses. Persons desirous of buying Lands low, are requested to call and examine for themselves, as the Subscriber rn ly at all times be found at home, and is determined to sell if he can get any tiling over half the value. CII. HARRISON. Oct. 2Sth, 1 S3 1. CO Lawrence 8c Lemav's And GALES 'S, NOIM'H CAROLINA FOR &335, For Sale at this Office at the Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents each, 7" cents a dozen. $4 for hall ;jrross, S7 a g''oss? Oct. 1S34. torney and show cause, &e. Witness, Michael I learn, Clerk of our said Court, ;it Tarborough, the fourth Mondav of No vember, 1S:M. jMICHL. IIEJRX C. C. Price adv S3:75. (M- State of North Carolina, i: i ( ; k c o m r, i: cor s r v. Court ',' PL us and Quarter SessLms, NOVEMBER TERM, 1834. (ieorge A. Sucrir. to t'-e use" Original Attach of J. din C. Goiii . n, mcnt Janus IV. vs. Clark summoned John R. Scarborough, J as garnishee. JIT appeariu'j: to the satisfaction of the Court, t'n it the defendant resides beyond the limits of this Stale: It is therefore ordered, that publi cation be made in the Tarborough Free Press, notifying the said defendant to appear before the .justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, at tbe next Court to be held for said Coun ty, at the Court House in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday in February next, then and there to replevy and plead to issue, otherwise judg ment final will be entered against him, and tbe property in the hands of the garnishee condemn ed, subject to the plaintiff's recovery. Witness, Michael ilearn, Clerk of our said Court, at Tioboiough, the fourth Monday of No vember, li34. mciiL. IIEARN a c. Prive adv S2:75. r- State of North Carolina, KJHJECOMBB COUNTY. Court of Tie as and Quarter Sessions NOVEMBER TERM, 1S34. Purl &. Horn, Original Attachment v- , . i" Levied, 'C. Joshua P. Lnnts, ) Willie Prownrigg, William Stewart, William Pratt, Moses' Westbrook, Doctr. William Parnes and Elias Harness, summoned as gar nishees. iT appearing to tbe satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant resides beyond the limits of this State: .It is therefore ordered, that publi cation be made for six weeks in the Tarborough Free Press, that the said defendant appear be fore the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, at the Court to beheld for tbe Coun ty aforesaid, on the fourth Monday of February next, then and there to replevy and plead to is sue, otherwise judgment final will be rendered against him, and the property levied on and in the hands of the garnishees condemned subjectjto the plaintiff's recovery. Witness, Michael Horn, Clerk of our saio Court, at Tarborough, the fourth Monday o' November, 1834. MIC II L. HEARN C. C. Price adv S3: 50. 64-6 The neat Presidency. The New York Eve ning SUr, in a long article on this subject, can vasses tie claims aud prospects of Messrs. Web ster, Clay, and Calhoun, with regard to uniting the Opposition, in tbe ensuing contest, and close's with the following remarks relative to Mr. Manguu. On reltrring to the proceedings of our General Assembly it will be clearly seen, that the past "history" nor present "polit nal course" of Mr. Mangum, will ensure him even utfiuent "popularity al home" to get the vote ol ttiis Stale, should he be a candidate for that office '1 he Evening Star remarks: "Amoig those lo whom wo should be glail to s-ee attention directed, we would mention the name of Mr. Mangum, a Senator from North Carolina. On dif ferent occasions, we have read his t-jjeteh-cs with more limn ordinary pleasure; there is a nanly dignity about them, a dis play ot poetical good sense and deep in vestigaltoi, which denote no ordinary man. Wt would be very glad that some one who isacquainted with history would write and publish it. Let us know what has been lis political course; what his iMiiploymett; what is his popularity at home; wha are his business habits; and what his address. North Carolina has never prestnKd a candidate she has a large and shady-minded population she is a Cjouihein State, yet is intimately con nected with the North in all the relations of commune. The opinions of ht:r statesmen, or these anil other causes, are likely to present medium views, which, no doubt, will prove satisfactory to every sec ion of the country." (JA Raleigh correspondent of the Fayelte ville Ob?erver writes as follows: "We learn that much dissatisfaction exists because of the amount ($130,000) expended in rebuilding the Capitol. It is estimated, we understand, that $150,000 or $200,000 more will be necessary to complete it; and it is seriously feared that a further appropriation will not be made. We should deeply regret this, for though we think the building has been commen ced upon quite too grand n scale, it would never do to Uave it in its present state. It would present one of the most remark able monuments of folly that any State ever erected fur the exhibition and per petuation of its own disgrace. The Le gislature certainly has reason to complain of the deception practised upon them when first called upon lo make an appro priation. They were then told that $00,000 would be sufficient lo complete the edifice. But we trust that they will not now, in revenge for this deceplion, disgrace themselves and the State by withholding the means to prosecute the work. This is written, of course, under the supposition tiiat the seat of govern ment is to remain at Raleigh; for we have not placer) confidence in the reports which we have heard of a general deter mination to abandon that place and make Fayetteville the Capitol. We need not say how acceptable such a determination would be to us; but it is not to be expected. OCThe Hon. Win. 11. King has been re-elected Senator from Alabama, by an almost unanimous vote he received 97 out of I he 115 members who were pres ent. Resolutions have been introduced into the Legislature, requesting the Hon. Gabriel Moore, the other Senator from that State, to resign. Important Dtcision. The Raleigh Register says One of the State Courts in Tennessee has pronounced the Act, passed by the Legislature at its session in 1833, extending the jurisdiction of that State over the territory of the Che rokee Indians, unconstitutional and void. An appeal has been token in the nature of a writ of error, to the Supreme Court. South Carolina The Oath Bill has passed the House of Representatives, by an overwhelming majority and also tha Senate, by a vote of 32 to 11 There are bills before the Legislature tor defin ing the law of Treason and for regula ting the Supreme Court of the State. We learn from Columbia, (says the Churl eston Mercuiy of the 29ih ult.,) that the Hon. George MrDuffie will cer tainly be elected Governor, and that the Oath will certainly pass. Richmond En . Murder Two or three weeks since, a free negro named Taburn, wa shot dead by a white man named F.wlcr, in the western part of this county. The perpetrator of the deed bus not yet been arrested. Oxford Exam. Incendiaries- The City of Raleigh seems to be infested with a reckli s band of incendiarin. Two attempts to fire the city have lately been made, in one of which the villains ccceded in burning a stable. ib. Melancholy Accident. On Wednes day Evening Inst, as Mr. Jones Buxton,' of this town, was riding from Greenfield, about a mile distant, he was throwi. from his iinre, and so severely injured as to die in a few hours. 11' was about 21 years of age the only son of a widowed mother, who is thus suddenly depnved of her chief earthly hope and comfort. We siucerely sympathize with the bereaved on this melancholy occasion. Wilmington Press. Melancholy.- The lifeless body of Mr. James Norman, jnn., a resilient of Davidson county, was found on Sunday morning last, in the Yadkin river, about 12 or 13 miles below his residence, near Olemmonsville. Mr. Norman, we un derstand, was married about the 1st in stant, and was of industrious and temper ate habits; he left his home about three weeks ago, in delicate health, and some what deranged state of mind, and wns not heard of until discovered on the morn ing of the 23dlinstant. An inquest being held, the Coroner and Jury returned as their verdict, that the deceased came to his death by drowning himself, in a fit of mental derangement. Salem lteporrm Mississippi Convention. A gentle man in this city has received a letter from Jackson (Mississippi,) dated the 5th in stant, immediately after the close of the Convention, giving a brief account of its proceedings. It was fully attended, a bout 130 delegates being present. The letter states that "Martin Van Buren was unanimously nominated for the Presi dency, and Thomas H. Benton for Vice President," we presume subject to the confirmation of the National Convention. Robert J. Walker, Esq. was nominated for the Senate in the place of Mr. Poin dexter, and Col. Claiborne and Judge Wright for Representatives. Globe. (IT'Every body remembers the shower of meteors whieTi fell on the night of the 13th Nov. last year: several scientific gentlemen predicted that there would be a repetition of them on the same night this y'ar, and Professor Ol instead of Yale College, and a large number of the College faculty and Students sat up du ring the night to watch for them; and sure enough about 3 o'clock they commenced falling, and continued for an hour, very much aftr the manner of those seen last year. We have tio account of their hav ing been seen at any7 other place. (Specimens of the South American Cotton Tree, have been sent to Wash ington from Bogota, by R. B. McAfee. The tree bears two crops a year, one in June, the- second in D cember, yielding from four to six pounds ol cotton. Some of the seed will be distributed among the Southern members of Congress.

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