fiof) tht St. Lswrcncc fapMeah. j1 General Putnam Rivalled. On the I9th day of March, tnst. while travelling through the woods oa Ihc 3. platen tract, town of Pitcairo, 3L Lawrence county,; 1 came a crow the track of t panther, from the appsaranee of . which I jMgzd hs had pass ed recently." I i immediately returned 'homie, procured my dog and rifle, and star- leu in pursull. iiariuaj immifcu iiuu m a ticzag direction about 6 miles, I unexpect edly came to a ledge, into a fissure of which he had entered. Believing 1 was shout, to has a little sport, and not prefer ring child a play, .1 dropped a second bill Intol my rifle, preparatory to the conflict. Scarcely had 1 effected this last act when, casting a searching clanee upon the cavern, I beheld two shining balls, apparently said to this, it cerUtalv does not lie in th.. emitting sparks ot fire. These , I knew to mouths Of those who contributed to swell so 1 1 " eyes oi ipc pamner, ana jmracuiaieiy enormously the amount of State bank capi- wi ''"bi"b j w .y it -fwwv uuwu me aura i nisi ration opdos-d ii pnu, j sent iu my o,og. ; . i noc wno nave i u ii, as tne author ol the policy embraced 11 heard the occasional low sullen growls of by itsWeraips. - ; i I ', when lighting, can form aomt idea of But how can those who have witnessed crowin ox inepaniner ai wis time, (ah line over-bankingy over-tradings and bank : . 'm- iimi uu win weitrn iruuicies. ox aoia ana ot u.-k iu xitfvA or lea founds, whereas thepan- Banklof j the United States was the irxeat J&'J bu two haadred) v ; machinejthat managed the currency,iand y v vn panther entered, commerce, ana corporations of the Union jeot was nearly rrjtul to that of the with hd help of the lYeawrveoaeili! tnw a i . m a. ' - i,. p .uuj ior iweive or ;si7!cen i, tneir present assumptions with th;ir former jcAwiuing aownward under the floor experience ofthe action of the Bank? How elfln? l(? lhe PIacc whfrR .ey reconcile it with tfce presem con X8t00d-at which n1a ihw .nmLr lit!Mnf PnJ, i.r i . . . r,rv-r:- l . 1 r " -..... I I r"j"6a"."M a nauoiui Dank in tv" "6 ui corerea wiin snow two or I me menitudu of t imo..r n,i tpKvtjft tep. I reloaded m rifle, and by .-.r . V l.uo8,"!a l"e pintherj menif The compbiut in EnfilJua is, that SSS?' 'n ''c'" "mmaion h,d deUe baok, the lender, and LkiVtr SS ,i.t ' " - -6- ic cuu- mio -expansions and contractions, test was an unequal one, T threw aside my which makes a sAcrihce of the-many, the SSSJl jdiiy cupidity bfa lew. As a lender, it fs the i. . wm. iud udiiiiirr iripn amen. Lerutrnr in, hinb ded to the ioli of the lower cavern. mw5 t JSSW fa poible,: upon the fnendj. Urho have irrr.. , rt,ift; .. r iy uc ' wire in jiwiiii wi capital, , Hi strongest in regard to privilege and tK most anomalous as it respects its connection with roads, canals, schools, &e. tic. even heard oi j0 any country a baik which has endeavored to exempt itself from legislative repeal or control, by havinz that clauV- voted down which recognises this rizhta iu wwicr piaic iiisuiuuonsr j uos this gutl ty confession, that it was established agains: the will of the people and that it does not wish a subsequent Legislature -lo pass upo.i it as Upon other Sute iiistitutions. authnrir.. the svyeeping condemnatibii of those cstab- iishments which are based upon the consent mi? communuvr wht(vM u.. JO aix or seven r.L... ' .Jimill..t U,. V.w . . u ifn.i,.! r" " KT-'r 'MUU" ,w acil,JI specie capital tfc JT.k . - C"' Up0n ,00k,nK ieraPlehy avidity, the Ban of England, 1 Vu i ? c,Kni eel " f1 af -me ojnk ot the United States, SL Sf i .HllMI?C !as, dartinS their has again( and again exteed its issues udl ra? Th pirft of Um times mar alter. nmA Mk.Wfv wULocr raleiaytoo distant I.v beenm- comrpt, tad oux 'peaplihy tegOg-we aol Ual- ieauon ""f igwwant cf their sSairs; wfeile a rlaa of sWochs may V diligent tt wsrk, aantv .acmn2 yoke, forcer necks. It seems to be law tahereat ta (be tuiuro of man vita a few iajj- TMoai excepuoas, and hutorj and experieoee de- uatmea are toe oaly animals that will feroor their own species to taxLj their aobiUo and promote their grandeur. It can neTerbetoo often repeated that the tin: for fixing ererr es sential right oa a legal basis, i, while we are honest aad united. cpeithoc. AboU fee iJOih of !Jitaary, he had teapeadc ctmgh becoaje? troubleLtne, tritb ZnJrt yQ ? ornig of Jaoua. 7 ii ' -l ?ioCk, bii cough was f rc. giving dllfertdt sound irom that of any Ume ureviour It rU k, aher, sharper .nd resembied thV barking of 1:05 1 !?.to a cadle,but be- Vv-ir wu,a ?.r,f nd retorn to thebtd " saysj ra, i uave couihed the nail . . H , Cppcfi to me Dcd with my light, and .pa .tre4 of phlegm sid bjood lay6 thi nail, directly, before hi, mouth, 6u the oil- mc head rom him. I cold dlAr. , r iP"9 put aaw none. M . ' lucuuy visited the boy, and thit he is well :efbC?ufK8tlrtly sub. 4 " jiioi oeueved that a similar case of o formidable a substioee having been rernivpil ion riu i i o - v r i UMK nu inrown up. r. ", nai enr pxcvjo We have seen the following Conicuaicciion from Dr. Hall. . , . Thursday morning, May 11 1837. i Mr: Iward: snce my name has been placed before the district as a candidate I find that many respectable members of our pirty ' would have prefred some other, there would not therefore ho ,...:... of feeline which With a koowledjre of this tact I mn.i in. alst ;-o? : withdrawing my name ijrm" before the diatnet, to the end that ihoU irK k,.;- Other preferences may be gratiaed; and hone iney win select some person agreeable to the party generally. . . P2P?tlar, Government to bt overthrown by Federal Vtolencc.--Wehd hn .k. alter the sad rebuke given to the Hartford convention attemnt and that r -..ic ,erf " that the opposition would give up the hope of dragooning the American people into submission to a partv whom th., a thousand times nut rlmvn it k n. leom,, however, that panic, dreal, "fl J"""1 Uu. l" mon" " relreil. iXiw York Courie . 7A Pfo CoiuMiViiUfe. This terrible scourge, according to late accounts from that hveiy capital, had gtiatiy abated. Hie number of persons who hall fallen vie Pe nce it first broke out, wasf4f 303. including the environs of Cool stamoplj to tne mouth of the Black Sea. The following Ssingular. story ii related. of the plairue, whiclcertainlo (t1.a. ' i.l.. ...u.,iuua, reurea 10 the counts, n... i J nan0ple,rorlhC purpb of be fig removed to a distance from ih ?r Norflqet & l!iawrcncel tijciu ti atrarethat h tsaet C2ea it rrdt M i. .- thrtef&lr ' J Cpftsisting of I Cloth CasstaWrei, DttlHagt, Vcsdatfi, lec. 4t lc tfalty totldl patrofpVotrd S tTrryexmioa to merit h. j oor.ofe.rpcd thssks are MswaJtT Vl Notice. fTniiE 5uVscnVrs hsrlnsr A - U miotloo ta close their bttslaess Is piaet, wUi offer at'PubUe Actba May Cen,iU They hare oa .hand, cocatococie? oa aloadav Coououmc throotfh the Week ' (D-Ve oece more is rile osr (Heads - wbo'aarJ opeo sceouau, to call sad settle them, or. w shall eertainly phico theta U the haoda of sa oficer, Lnhwithj h JCXG 4- EDMOXbSOX-tt Tsrboro May II, 1837. .g i imP ortant j Sale. TptmsUAlneto thVovWoas rfiDeetief wm w a i . . ! ... ui.jjrevaiw. JO me CltV. IHft hail W which the presumptuous among us will linue to employ upon the paiient derm cy. 7 In the black immediate! v baekt mlr IDankmir nownr i n hutli ftin uri-ia I iL 1 J i I . i rji " wuiiii uuimm ill I k Ti 9 tor another tuc aioanKs tne great commercial disas J Should occasion demand. I teri whirh snrlrt.r ia-. r m.. i - r ' i aiuiic iiuiii 1 1 1 n i nrprmm each tlme.fendiog Aiy dbg forward as a feel- nouX exerts the most direct influence feload Onset and the' United States. foarthJtrn? I sent in my dog, he exchanges and commerce of England Javero, the dog backing out, the paither , , . M,"'u-,ne now and bis clawskran- leil into kt. I .1 i - e r r . auuuiuers, me aog or course SfSf thnderw of panther in his mou h. The object of the dog being evi dently to t out of the cavern, bringing the ""r ..""J " ne pan- ; rr r1 ,n B,5nr 1 cd a ball into ura iGrenead .2iri i - .vi v KiiuiujLcu mv con- mocra- COckfldf timno ,u i" j.jj li:;.m . Tz "r law uc-u ana oioouy-oones ofthe French revo lution was daily used by the federal party to frighten the people into the! belief that mcaN,le of sell-government, and that they ought not to trust themselves! 1 he war panic, and all the lederal eflbrts of the times, were made to teach the country, through a succession of disasters,! that a con. federate republic was aft inadequate eov ernment for national defence.' pThe nc Of 1834 Was deSlViilerl tn fmnW.L Barnia and Sale beuin dale th t?t)i ) executed to the andersiffW b ii Co. foe certaia porpoeea therein mtotUJ rCI same being of keeerd in the JWsur's OlSee ts the Cooaty of Kdjeeocahe: f . .Tj . We sjliall jifbcaic :toiho. biat J bidder, at the store noate offtic said Orcif i On p nAnil wyday iherter ontU all is selji mlu 0Pny boA nal aad .ieroa4 Whereon D. UichaTCa noxx re inmates havinz died I. ' V ! also; One other LOT oc which then U l the crow WhLt1 ltSM K P!?.H- Two CbSoqSi r.i i .r . e , c ut ine nocks w rseiifscffonaaod oaracss. oca lierr aei i r ""vt iiu icu uDon crow II ! passing avot k:- j of h" -1 - iK 1 The oc tPhree of; his children were successively seized with he plague, and in the space of ciirht .hc house was entirely deserted, all iu had beei -7 ,1rsa Pl 50me peasants who had ncr y . .1 4Ifv3v aua who abandoned mj thej fields, to. Learning Earning a JVacVl There sre miner ion, that the country was in "the midst n? tplc V011 the name of mechanic artvoiutionr which" would not long be ! ;i;U.. lhan Pt their children to bloodless: and that with, a9 honest trade, tue hard at ik.;, .- wwii a .uaiiK. if (jv. i i i. .ri 1 . " " - uuaiue ernment, we could have no Government fo'Jheake giving the ....cuuwuoft mey think mesnl: I I . f V w w VI I til all; and the press of the oppdsiiion ness m would! ire- Thev thinlr h , i ! ' . ! J ... . uivauiv ui up inj onery and aliow. This we reason Why there arc soma. "port i r elm,nin5 'He head of the panther, I found that every ball, six in number, had men effect One eyedeslroyed, the roots vt ins (untrue cut ah. iMih ir'nu.iri if S.. I B ' X?On onr first paffe will h t-.. i address of President Van Bareo; we expect most of ; ' rcrc may fta een it before this Ume; but for want of matter we hare published it. I I otwitnstanding it may hare been seen by the dust." ! ??P?"rgef:s an.d va8abond? the world. shine' :L""' I "ec? o coiWe with uio rl r cpawons oi his parents hiehlv ekci. "I7-! ted, but I ke ihn ftwj !r .u. " 5n,y.ex5! ii i , .- . uuii Ut,, I , iui w. ..ucowajioinave Dcen cflccted bv rTao' community: Tet it is wk . .r tne truth I . . I 1 CI the axiom ' tht iiik-i ! -wi. L j . ' j i " ;w BBBBK -inn ! km iiiiu w w n n i u iiivi zxnrw. a aa-h "I T l8 evn death?" I have dres- rwj, little rocent news of tha day, I as Cd thft Sllrn ami hin.tUmt .. .... lk-..L. ... . . iuf M W thal.n::: "Tu?: fi!!l.u"e? ni 50 irrr 4 5W wi,eiatimeforthethird I Weocei in Ed wards. Length ten feet. ' ; M ELIJAH HAINES. d wards. March 16. 1837: persuade us we are: aain in thJ dlPampnt i i X Wear the Albany Advertiser: . . We are intleed "ground to the rt"" w? wee a hoDv flouri pewpu;. a nen Jackson imrtoti, f form the I liwilllutre I i .. !. ana successor has; been stradrllinr, .k-l"V proauceda mouse. old man's stens J a.i ol our colleire mourns in sackcloth and ashes over iu ul-i0106 ,10 lhm Pper; but we are ter, appalling ruin. But this cannot-LmUW ,P?eaM individuals, mind shou Id not kst. The people will no longer rfgh "Urreot- Thc rS consent to endure ajGovmeAhieh ul' ,reds f who would have mal curs lnteadi oi a blessing. They will re- f ?fn?-m5c.l,lPod have obtained a more t 1 . v-fk. rm ia v 1 i'iiiiii ww e i- i k I - R . . " wness, two Boikeys sad baroasa, i i i I . TUB STOCK OJP Wsrea, aad Metthsadlle, the dweJW fioafii aM Kitchea Fnraitare. i ! j , lj Twelv6 likely Negroes; Consutina: of Mea Women, end Children; ! th Interest of aad firm la two hired slaves: -Also at the Conetoe Farm, the stock cf Hogs, Cattle, aad 1 Mtiniiig uieosus, esc. etc i 111 . TVu terms eftak wiUUCii "n j 100; and all tuh$9ir, UnStaUk eppmd temrfJ number. fument taking the place of rant. - . w L j pe able paper whclh we. extract from the . V? f hal' Journal of Commerce cannot fa?t i Non-ub mVe learn from the Washington Whijj ofthe h instant tht v.a,-j n . . i a 1 " -'-iu. okuiij esq. nas been elected as the whirr nji.u r . . n o ur law a i strict. 1 1 Itandingof etrery intelligent Pons wish to become Sabscribers, they Witution,."- the Treasu;yf the T Iiftln it m .i:.r.. I Will Pire UnflliM . 1 . minnln I ii . i- J ' wf pruuueca our airaciu- v ' , . - rujjicu ana universal ruin ' ommerce cannot fail to rnn. vincetiieundersti rtaderj however Passions which hs t, r mosc ai work to, increas them, by iv "6i excesses a new ditection. The author of the article is evidently a calm observer and careful calculator, who caii rxciuue an party bus from a question of ft 5,D' n,s Il'lc that he is man of letters; by his clear perception of -iviuii He uassiuaica human nature; Jd. properly sppreUtea th contagious vv.i..5 nnjcn aomeumes eclipses the sound sense df a whole community. He had read tne history or the Smth Sea bubble; the Rlis5usippi bubbles; the bank paper and land bubbles of 1819-20: the , . , ' w i. WUUUIC ot 134 and very justly applies the p.ihci fles of action which ha ?e operated, to eive- 5 eraoiextrafagan! pecuIaUoo, on vision M.aciQ! i;?:a,;ou, asa lands, to the ptcrent time. N .;, ; f- '.', . . ; . : Vejaro -twhat aurprbtd that those no attribute the embarrassment f tK rcseniday to the Ycto of the Bank of the (vmica states snd the consequent measures, ,ouId .forget that the BanlTof the United r w, aim exats. and. a Mr n:u 1,1. .1-- ! 1 . . . - "lUUIb ll9 : ""S la "Pminished power. It is as- . i i i i -i a & - . V. .::ir"; ,ai5 ould not have soc iatcs h.i k! V1 "iddleand as sociitcs hsd been rtchartcrcd. The fact, however, n. that . ... 1 c ' ., ' , uiuituuae. a cTcat rrf, k r j P aialc banks were freateq before or durin. u. . . Unitert 5,i Tt t. 1 6 tuu lcn" oi tne 41"y operating btate bank nriviW PerH hich L. grown op h ml diubt thit Jlr. Biddjf wicldi ,Ue :V:'?cn, of liu icenli it Hirri4., end MTeral Dumber, of th. ScKrnl. bicribers ti Sample; therefore if ur ry, At-flTiiujr intaist fnmt ink ptyfuL'$ SUunUU aUrdatfi . ; a .- j; ;g " ; - . .yj j All Arsons indebted to the said firm, by botvlJ note; or piherwise, are requested to snake famae& .c" w 4uuHiKaco cxn om tnrca. i i C.G.MNTVn.LjMibfuast m KORFLEET: f TT OF THE I',- r '.,5- . 4 ..uai so ruinous a sacrific. mcir oppressors dare turn onger to their cries, and the a deaf ear moment is at comfortable livelihood. I doubt, and when the vm Af .k-!- ' i blessed with a liberal i,l,,..:. ' ft rr"'; wi "is uunnur win. . i . i -iiuu, w And there are manv mrk: i . woujd stand nkriat th 1, J .'vno Ti iL- I , ' ' oeca utifa - i remain s- .'. i edited ir u-Sr :'. M. fiDWARD MANNIKO. And printed by A JfC Manning.- IS tile PDnrlili'nn if l ny, with tight miliionM a( s Jii J conducted journals were mechanic. ,Xi d of thetr ' tt the .ubsequent elec- m t lm a n em - - - w e W . Ve ra efl. 11 i r. tiaictmiy inaebtnrf t nn tteuSnaou, exenion. in obtaining bscribers to the hTarboro' Scroia;" and rt'm holding Subscri ption lists with namea on them j w ' .In' " We haT ,truck 6ff ufficieacy aad ha ve retained naxnbers for thera. ' r u speeca, ana the freedom f F". " m o pprowum u Kings and Tyrants: One ofthe greatest of men, whoha. contributed as much as any of our ancestors, in the orgaais Hon and permanency of our republican institntions, now, numbered amoag the UJustrious dead, has 4,--;Tho light which has been shed oa man kind byj the .art of p rtnung. has eminently changed the condition of the world." To the press alone, vuuccu as u is wiui abuses,! the world U in- oeoMw iw toe tnumpha which hare been gained . crB a namanity, over error and opprea- -. wy reoe Mai w me same beneficent source. ' "Tr ow mucaof the UgbU which coodacted them to the rank of a free, and inde pendent Ration, into a shape so auspicious to their x. rery man, woman, ahd child, ahould itcnbert to some- republican Gazette, and take ah interest in, tha poliiicka of their ne ngnuui way to produce, and nerDtaai- . wrnony among a free people, aad pre vent irregular interpositions, is to in tW fi,n Ma 0o,?tf:l latarmaiioii of their affkirs through the medium of fpubUc papers;and it U eaaeatiaily "-i weaaaotti4be derisadi triTd,thoae papers to peae txate the whole mass oi people. The baas, of the goranuaen, of uiuiea atates, being the opinion of thA rnU their prinury; object ahould. be to beo that liirht. preserve it, and esteem it as conseatzated as time tueii: i Oaly a few years has passed away, sicca an si- tempt was made at Nullification, bv f- .i. , amftuaerua, political disappouitd aspena. legitimately expressed, or the JL f lar mdjgnation exasperaled to frenzyrwil ,no hat his trade or profe hur them in their turn to the dust: twon '?ithey ill sooner or later buf near Mr. Webster, of:. "War renown -ereare man)r individuals in the Htera-1 Soi?t 52 mi- UmM? through the Boston Atlas: f renfwn',ry wor d,-Whof were bred to UWH.t ' . ltiHo af.U r i v iwriiHuiKWUB. ua flw him mi me conni inn r l: . .- i iuauv ui m friitAM r . 'riMik.i...iu . . we, wax mxaasa i'orsecma the ia Kffhae. Aecordia to easfjbi w' before the prnbik an analysis um I er Will mnmArurmA I.. Of the communi..; tore. InLrn! tmnrrZT3. ?l 7 w "inerwise with Drof. ! to toe i-oiaicwn. thm VVho exult in thYL0?1 meB JPey are oiten diiatorv, !., LiL! Mechanic, the Phraioaa. UUlB CDarr ior th.n.ii.1 i - ' i . T- w wa WOO fUAUicA bi ImM. iL' ' a difficult tWsuit wiui thepletdtodeef ooliucal .iL i mc we in-, we reaoivea to exert ererv proceed to! lay! we are at the mt, i LL :'?tc credit to the station ih - , . irr" ; erciiui in--m4h . . i 'V. no our which tbia.r iii aZJIir: ww km v.a ail ay n in a l r . . ; country is; bank And. who now arth jaLii Th V2 .'17., Maxersi most industrious They are almost out it is part ilini cv lieli aAa!k rt; v are we iul4 dy by dav in ihe i olK-- i .' 7-Ar it no .T1VJUU' !10ri becauie ihey. ,bend n,..,h , 71 r .MrI "f?, wwict4 III View.. I ! . , -.wwijywmoBBut , In these remarks ; tj ' '.J TJ . JP-. Adariaistraiiiw of in ous f - renei are we nromlanHr" inis oppressive and ruinonn roorse the Government must ultimately end rToTuVi u oufDrea- Public indigna. lion is daily becoming more inflamed, and iLrL 1? u Up0n Qovernment with a lorce which cannot be resisted. ( As lone as e pressure immediatelv aflects onlvhl rchant,, the admi nisi ration mtvil notnms: to tear. " I " oha Af I 1: 7 . d' 'T 75 cr "as i ik . K 'i8 olthe Unibn- ad Jsed the merchant,! of New York to resist tiyment of the Government bondV sTf? W ret the necet ity ot such a meassire. wfk, r If1 &m PUc semimenV Th u meFroPO ouid sustain L 1?!;? naturally consider hi; W1 lf! e ernment an unjiuttifia. Werosade against their property and their - hey have forborne as Ion . . : "o a PJ plundered beenred bi ih. r.S. rehl 7 P.vern .Hill blind, In!r!f n!Jln,o!ent ,d double political mo, defies their indiimii; l Mem unth renewed amA, j-. tressr' , - d OntheClh of February l.t ' Nl"iMhe faUier of the though lW the ineisiin in thirty hour,, and n iiicse remarks we wish it not to be un-l" tto ' Vaa Uftrea sad a. ifThMi 1 derStood that W. thinE lighty of?rofe al men generally; for we do not. V ."p1m lenrener. All iS-Mr, il! ' to addrei odrlW.. .71 iWaad iaterestiar aeeie7 .IZJr: K. g.Tf .heir thildrcn. i Tire Xi" N-S'r. "-wrtt! uI.rifT7 i pwucaiioew oa the ul Ultenul "l,roT and aaSsd by that meaaa will be able to seieei . We will BTocaxe all UBporUstaaii aL m , fau'judidi S25,i: try and bosptul cases, aad rira tiiSwTr and treatxaVaT paWkUr? 7 tr cacrola miU iJ pfy Tarero wTaOl QeT iIlSSjLi ?S cannot rive their else! Send them children thooss attention to 10U3, .1. . i r . trade. -Do they love to studv. and ' oy thmg let rotir themselves wLt i. ti . .1 - . i ' i : . w ii we or uicy w ii loiiow, snd what thev select will rn;,u.. . jj f "." prrc me most ad van tageous to the end But .ur.! . IF01 ? 100 HP0""' hini ,6 crse -with his children, anJ we are cboi fident there would be less unhappLbd misery in the Worid. You can neVeTLrce betrr?00 Upn 1 it S ?? "U0 hlf4j A disregard for a clina ion m this reTas often proved bis ruin, or at .;JTi;.. , vi c. xjorron Mechanic. I ! i -""t Mum oi fhtiirii.k:. t . vu.Wngsn asylum for pecro orpha W can read parentaga v, mt) rah Appucaooa at this 02c. stay 12,1837. 1 Notes oi Hand. AXTED aa appreatiee to the prietiaZ b. potaga wiSi meet with eaewraffemearj!v ioon at this CW aiy r . 2U'l r r tag oa tht roaeUa oflJoomrJ M ? The Seatmla wiii iu . . S Nosubscripooe wiU Wreoairad ibra I Ust ial eteeeiredtotha .Sect. i axiasrs5eaiaee4. Adrenisiax a the mz W 12 tibeeat eUaeoast wiU be ad? to tSuaaaViTadrt x rsspoarsbhf auhacRacts wifl Wtat:Cd ti ott pfr gratis. - - Ii I -1 s

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